Should Trump Follow Mike Flynn's Advice & Declare Martial Law??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Recently pardoned former National Security Advisor and retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and Atlanta-based attorney L. Lin Wood joined a growing list of President Donald Trump’s devotees calling for martial law and having the military oversee a new presidential election. The movement stems from a full-page ad in the Washington Times that was taken out by a prominent Tea Party leader in Ohio who calls his group the We the People Convention (WTPC). “It is time to honor your oath, Mr. President. It is time for you to boldly act to save our nation as Lincoln did,” the group wrote. “We the People will support a national re-vote. We will also have no other choice but to take matters into our own hands, and defend our rights on our own, if you do not act within your powers to defend us.”

I will never understand how Democrats time and time again talk about using martial law to take away our God, take away our guns, take away all our votes, just to try to force Real American patriots to enact martial law for real....if there is a military backed authoritarian take over, its the Dems fault and they should be arrested if this happens...

Or....the Democrats can avoid a Pinochet like coup if they can simply admit they lost the election and allow Trump to continue with his second term and do all they can to support Trump Jr or Ivanka when their term begins in 2024....because at the end of the day, voting only works when conservatives are the ones who win.....
Sidney Powell totally agrees! :cool-45:

Nope. Insanity.

The public state and Deep State need each other.

The world is now globalized. The U.S. does not produce what it needs, and is not self-sufficient. The global financial system is already teetering on collapse. This will cause a societal wide break down if the establishment goes to war with itself.

Anyway, they have already done an evaluation as to where the power players stand, and where things line up, they will not do this, there is no advantage to be gained. Not for the folks in power, not for the average American citizen.

Slightly more folks might have voted for Trump, but an internal war between the bureaucracy and the elected government will be more catastrophic for everyone, the folks in charge at all levels have already come to this conclusion, and there is no stomach to create a conflict over this.

Enough folks voted for Biden that it is not in the interest of the nation to create the chaos that this would cause to subvert the nation's traditions.


Unless you LIKE to see masses of folks dying of disease, starvation, homelessness, exposure, mass death, and a possible global conflict, etc? Is that the sort of thing you are going for?

Is that really worth it?
Nope. Insanity.

The public state and Deep State need each other.

The world is now globalized. The U.S. does not produce what it needs, and is not self-sufficient. The global financial system is already teetering on collapse. This will cause a societal wide break down if the establishment goes to war with itself.

Anyway, they have already done an evaluation as to where the power players stand, and where things line up, they will not do this, there is no advantage to be gained. Not for the folks in power, not for the average American citizen.

Slightly more folks might have voted for Trump, but an internal war between the bureaucracy and the elected government will be more catastrophic for everyone, the folks in charge at all levels have already come to this conclusion, and there is no stomach to create a conflict over this.

Enough folks voted for Biden that it is not in the interest of the nation to create the chaos that this would cause to subvert the nation's traditions.


Unless you LIKE to see masses of folks dying of disease, starvation, homelessness, exposure, mass death, and a possible global conflict, etc? Is that the sort of thing you are going for?

Is that really worth it?
Funny how you folks have to have these conversations with a Trump loss...

But never did with a Clinton loss.....

But yea, those Dems really are for government tyranny and stuff....
Nope. Insanity.

The public state and Deep State need each other.

The world is now globalized. The U.S. does not produce what it needs, and is not self-sufficient. The global financial system is already teetering on collapse. This will cause a societal wide break down if the establishment goes to war with itself.

Anyway, they have already done an evaluation as to where the power players stand, and where things line up, they will not do this, there is no advantage to be gained. Not for the folks in power, not for the average American citizen.

Slightly more folks might have voted for Trump, but an internal war between the bureaucracy and the elected government will be more catastrophic for everyone, the folks in charge at all levels have already come to this conclusion, and there is no stomach to create a conflict over this.

Enough folks voted for Biden that it is not in the interest of the nation to create the chaos that this would cause to subvert the nation's traditions.


Unless you LIKE to see masses of folks dying of disease, starvation, homelessness, exposure, mass death, and a possible global conflict, etc? Is that the sort of thing you are going for?

Is that really worth it?
Funny how you folks have to have these conversations with a Trump loss...

But never did with a Clinton loss.....

But yea, those Dems really are for government tyranny and stuff....
Well, the worry for those who support small government, as opposed to big government, is the same as what Orwell saw as the problem between when Democratic Socialism metastasizes into oligarchical Socialism.

IMO? I just don't think the left takes the concerns of the conservatives very seriously at all.

One can't help but marvel at how closely Trump, at least for the interlocking directorate, is a mirror, or parody of Emmanuel Goldstein.
Nope. Insanity.

The public state and Deep State need each other.

The world is now globalized. The U.S. does not produce what it needs, and is not self-sufficient. The global financial system is already teetering on collapse. This will cause a societal wide break down if the establishment goes to war with itself.

Anyway, they have already done an evaluation as to where the power players stand, and where things line up, they will not do this, there is no advantage to be gained. Not for the folks in power, not for the average American citizen.

Slightly more folks might have voted for Trump, but an internal war between the bureaucracy and the elected government will be more catastrophic for everyone, the folks in charge at all levels have already come to this conclusion, and there is no stomach to create a conflict over this.

Enough folks voted for Biden that it is not in the interest of the nation to create the chaos that this would cause to subvert the nation's traditions.


Unless you LIKE to see masses of folks dying of disease, starvation, homelessness, exposure, mass death, and a possible global conflict, etc? Is that the sort of thing you are going for?

Is that really worth it?
Funny how you folks have to have these conversations with a Trump loss...

But never did with a Clinton loss.....

But yea, those Dems really are for government tyranny and stuff....
Well, the worry for those who support small government, as opposed to big government, is the same as what Orwell saw as the problem between when Democratic Socialism metastasizes into oligarchical Socialism.

IMO? I just don't think the left takes the concerns of the conservatives very seriously at all.

One can't help but marvel at how closely Trump, at least for the interlocking directorate, is a mirror, or parody of Emmanuel Goldstein.

Well, since we are on 1984 references, yes, Trump is very similar to the totalitarian in the book....

Which is why its so funny when Trump sycophants keep using Orwell quotes to justify their idolatry of Trump
Nope. Insanity.

The public state and Deep State need each other.

The world is now globalized. The U.S. does not produce what it needs, and is not self-sufficient. The global financial system is already teetering on collapse. This will cause a societal wide break down if the establishment goes to war with itself.

Anyway, they have already done an evaluation as to where the power players stand, and where things line up, they will not do this, there is no advantage to be gained. Not for the folks in power, not for the average American citizen.

Slightly more folks might have voted for Trump, but an internal war between the bureaucracy and the elected government will be more catastrophic for everyone, the folks in charge at all levels have already come to this conclusion, and there is no stomach to create a conflict over this.

Enough folks voted for Biden that it is not in the interest of the nation to create the chaos that this would cause to subvert the nation's traditions.


Unless you LIKE to see masses of folks dying of disease, starvation, homelessness, exposure, mass death, and a possible global conflict, etc? Is that the sort of thing you are going for?

Is that really worth it?
Funny how you folks have to have these conversations with a Trump loss...

But never did with a Clinton loss.....

But yea, those Dems really are for government tyranny and stuff....
Well, the worry for those who support small government, as opposed to big government, is the same as what Orwell saw as the problem between when Democratic Socialism metastasizes into oligarchical Socialism.

IMO? I just don't think the left takes the concerns of the conservatives very seriously at all.

One can't help but marvel at how closely Trump, at least for the interlocking directorate, is a mirror, or parody of Emmanuel Goldstein.

Well, since we are on 1984 references, yes, Trump is very similar to the totalitarian in the book....

Which is why its so funny when Trump sycophants keep using Orwell quotes to justify their idolatry of Trump
nm- I don't think you get it.
Good question for Republicans ...

Do you — or do you not — support this shyster President whom you elected and almost re-elected, declaring martial law?

And what do you think happens to our country if Trump follows this road?
This has been coming for a long time. One way or the other there is going to be nastiness here.
Sidney Powell totally agrees! :cool-45:

That would be funny.

Only YOU would think so
You are thinking two dimensional. Life can be a lot more simple then what we made it. Unfortunately there is money and power with people to be crowned Kings in every avenue. We have seen people destroyed in the last several years. For the Religious they better recognize the purges of Buy and Sell in the final chapter of the Bible. To me, all you gotta do is pull back a bit. But you can not. It is not about equality. It is about dominance and control. When it fails people will get blamed and are at this moment.
Nope. Insanity.

The public state and Deep State need each other.

The world is now globalized. The U.S. does not produce what it needs, and is not self-sufficient. The global financial system is already teetering on collapse. This will cause a societal wide break down if the establishment goes to war with itself.

Anyway, they have already done an evaluation as to where the power players stand, and where things line up, they will not do this, there is no advantage to be gained. Not for the folks in power, not for the average American citizen.

Slightly more folks might have voted for Trump, but an internal war between the bureaucracy and the elected government will be more catastrophic for everyone, the folks in charge at all levels have already come to this conclusion, and there is no stomach to create a conflict over this.

Enough folks voted for Biden that it is not in the interest of the nation to create the chaos that this would cause to subvert the nation's traditions.


Unless you LIKE to see masses of folks dying of disease, starvation, homelessness, exposure, mass death, and a possible global conflict, etc? Is that the sort of thing you are going for?

Is that really worth it?
Funny how you folks have to have these conversations with a Trump loss...

But never did with a Clinton loss.....

But yea, those Dems really are for government tyranny and stuff....
Well, the worry for those who support small government, as opposed to big government, is the same as what Orwell saw as the problem between when Democratic Socialism metastasizes into oligarchical Socialism.

IMO? I just don't think the left takes the concerns of the conservatives very seriously at all.

One can't help but marvel at how closely Trump, at least for the interlocking directorate, is a mirror, or parody of Emmanuel Goldstein.

Well, since we are on 1984 references, yes, Trump is very similar to the totalitarian in the book....

Which is why its so funny when Trump sycophants keep using Orwell quotes to justify their idolatry of Trump
nm- I don't think you get it.
Yes, I get it......

Trump sycophants are using references from a book written by a socialist to rationalize their love for authoritarianism.....

You are the one who doesn't get it.....

Any time there is talk about coups, civil wars, martial laws, throwing out elections, it is usually a conservative pushing for it
The people and legislators are taking the court route first. It should not have to come to the president calling for Marshall law to prevent a take over by a rogue demoncrat party and corrupt republicans that have been willing to go along with them.

I am in agreement with Rod, "Don't do Marshall law as that would hurt the people; start arresting the big dogs like in media and in our own government agencies who have brought us to this point. Under Marshal law elections are suspended."

All Congress members and government appointees or employees who have or are acting against the country need to be weeded out.

Rod says, "Get the lying press out of the White House. Throw them out and let them get the News outside the gate like the rest of us. FCC can suspend their licenses. Make these start filing lawsuits. Congress can also shut down the propaganda media."

"Start pulling out the papers and show the people the truth right from the White House. Pelosi and Warren already said the elections were rigged; get that letter out to the people. All the bitching the Democrats did about rigged elections and now the president gave it to them on a silver platter and they are going to let media moguls push more bullshit and propaganda unabated because they think they want that office more than cleaning it all up? No one in their right mind would want Biden as president." Stop the propaganda from both sides and clean this shit up.

Also Rod says put Barr in jail and let him blow his bagpipe in there or light a fire under his ass. It is not Barr's job to give cover for corrupt people in our state or federal agencies as he also works for the people and gets his paycheck from them unless he's getting something on the side we are unaware of. Barr already has a history that is not so good that goes back to Mena, Arkansas and covering up shit. Ruby Ridge, Waco, etc., should let people know exactly why giving more control to the government via the military and more lock down crap isn't thinking right.

If we have rogue judges take them off the bench. If there are people that refuse to follow the constitution get them out. Flood the people with truth.
Nope. Insanity.

The public state and Deep State need each other.

The world is now globalized. The U.S. does not produce what it needs, and is not self-sufficient. The global financial system is already teetering on collapse. This will cause a societal wide break down if the establishment goes to war with itself.

Anyway, they have already done an evaluation as to where the power players stand, and where things line up, they will not do this, there is no advantage to be gained. Not for the folks in power, not for the average American citizen.

Slightly more folks might have voted for Trump, but an internal war between the bureaucracy and the elected government will be more catastrophic for everyone, the folks in charge at all levels have already come to this conclusion, and there is no stomach to create a conflict over this.

Enough folks voted for Biden that it is not in the interest of the nation to create the chaos that this would cause to subvert the nation's traditions.


Unless you LIKE to see masses of folks dying of disease, starvation, homelessness, exposure, mass death, and a possible global conflict, etc? Is that the sort of thing you are going for?

Is that really worth it?
Funny how you folks have to have these conversations with a Trump loss...

But never did with a Clinton loss.....

But yea, those Dems really are for government tyranny and stuff....
Well, the worry for those who support small government, as opposed to big government, is the same as what Orwell saw as the problem between when Democratic Socialism metastasizes into oligarchical Socialism.

IMO? I just don't think the left takes the concerns of the conservatives very seriously at all.

One can't help but marvel at how closely Trump, at least for the interlocking directorate, is a mirror, or parody of Emmanuel Goldstein.

Well, since we are on 1984 references, yes, Trump is very similar to the totalitarian in the book....

Which is why its so funny when Trump sycophants keep using Orwell quotes to justify their idolatry of Trump
nm- I don't think you get it.
Yes, I get it......

Trump sycophants are using references from a book written by a socialist to rationalize their love for authoritarianism.....

You are the one who doesn't get it.....

Any time there is talk about coups, civil wars, martial laws, throwing out elections, it is usually a conservative pushing for it
Trump isn't even important here, it is what he symbolizes to global capitalism for the folks that consume the propaganda that IS.

He is a cut out, he's NOT Big Brother, he is Goldstein. As long as you can direct your anger, hostility, and all your hate about everything wrong with the system at him, it prevents you from seeing the awful reality that. . . IS.

. . . they are all the same.


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While I agree with you, mostly,

"Any time there is talk about coups, civil wars, martial laws, throwing out elections, it is usually a conservative pushing for it,"

It's not just conservatives that talk like that, it is generally populists of all sort, mostly because they feel powerless, they do not feel that electoral politics ever lead to any significant change. . . ever.

And are they wrong?


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