CDZ Should these be a right for every American citizen?

Otis Mayfield

Diamond Member
Sep 17, 2021
Health and Sickness

1. subsidized doctor care mainly in county clinics

2. free public hospital treatment

3. subsidized dental care; free for children

4. subsidized prescription drugs; life-saving drugs free

5. free abortions and sterilizations

6. free maternity clinics for prenatal care

7. cash benefits to compensate for loss of most wages due to sickness; a separate benefit is available for workers injured on the job

Family Support

8. tax-free monthly payment to parents for each child; single parents receive an additional payment for each child

9. parents have a right to take a total of 12 months paid leave from work at near full wages to care for each child up to first year in school

10. subsidized child care at home or in a government day-care center

11. one year at a subsidized nursery school

12. unemployment insurance pays about 80 percent of previous income


13. most retired persons receive three different kinds of old-age pensions paid for by taxes and employer contributions

14. full or partial disability pensions; disabled child pension goes to parents until age 16 and then directly to child

15. special payment to handicapped persons who are working or in school

16. surviving spouse and orphan pensions

Should these be a right for every American citizen?
Health and Sickness

1. subsidized doctor care mainly in county clinics

2. free public hospital treatment

3. subsidized dental care; free for children

4. subsidized prescription drugs; life-saving drugs free

5. free abortions and sterilizations

6. free maternity clinics for prenatal care

7. cash benefits to compensate for loss of most wages due to sickness; a separate benefit is available for workers injured on the job

Family Support

8. tax-free monthly payment to parents for each child; single parents receive an additional payment for each child

9. parents have a right to take a total of 12 months paid leave from work at near full wages to care for each child up to first year in school

10. subsidized child care at home or in a government day-care center

11. one year at a subsidized nursery school

12. unemployment insurance pays about 80 percent of previous income


13. most retired persons receive three different kinds of old-age pensions paid for by taxes and employer contributions

14. full or partial disability pensions; disabled child pension goes to parents until age 16 and then directly to child

15. special payment to handicapped persons who are working or in school

16. surviving spouse and orphan pensions

Should these be a right for every American citizen?
I pay over 60,000 a year in taxes, why the fuck should anyone get "FREE" in this country, but work hard so they can afford them. When all the money runs out, all that "FREE" crap goes away and full blown COMMUNISM takes hold. Dont friggin doubt me.

The pure socialist society many yearn for always morphs into a communist one. By necessity it does. Because people accustomed to freedom and prosperity, even if they’re gullible enough to vote for socialism now, will fight to free themselves of it. Because right now, as many people cheer for it, they do not understand what they will forfeit.

Socialism leads to Communism. Communism kills. | American ...
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Health and Sickness

1. subsidized doctor care mainly in county clinics

2. free public hospital treatment

3. subsidized dental care; free for children

4. subsidized prescription drugs; life-saving drugs free

5. free abortions and sterilizations

6. free maternity clinics for prenatal care

7. cash benefits to compensate for loss of most wages due to sickness; a separate benefit is available for workers injured on the job

Family Support

8. tax-free monthly payment to parents for each child; single parents receive an additional payment for each child

9. parents have a right to take a total of 12 months paid leave from work at near full wages to care for each child up to first year in school

10. subsidized child care at home or in a government day-care center

11. one year at a subsidized nursery school

12. unemployment insurance pays about 80 percent of previous income


13. most retired persons receive three different kinds of old-age pensions paid for by taxes and employer contributions

14. full or partial disability pensions; disabled child pension goes to parents until age 16 and then directly to child

15. special payment to handicapped persons who are working or in school

16. surviving spouse and orphan pensions

Should these be a right for every American citizen?
As for #15 did this guy have to get special payments because of his handicap? No, you are just a lazy progressive slave who wants others to pay for your crap. Take a dive off the deepend.

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Health and Sickness

1. subsidized doctor care mainly in county clinics

2. free public hospital treatment

3. subsidized dental care; free for children

4. subsidized prescription drugs; life-saving drugs free

5. free abortions and sterilizations

6. free maternity clinics for prenatal care

7. cash benefits to compensate for loss of most wages due to sickness; a separate benefit is available for workers injured on the job

Family Support

8. tax-free monthly payment to parents for each child; single parents receive an additional payment for each child

9. parents have a right to take a total of 12 months paid leave from work at near full wages to care for each child up to first year in school

10. subsidized child care at home or in a government day-care center

11. one year at a subsidized nursery school

12. unemployment insurance pays about 80 percent of previous income


13. most retired persons receive three different kinds of old-age pensions paid for by taxes and employer contributions

14. full or partial disability pensions; disabled child pension goes to parents until age 16 and then directly to child

15. special payment to handicapped persons who are working or in school

16. surviving spouse and orphan pensions

Should these be a right for every American citizen?
Who's going to pay for it? lmao
Health and Sickness

1. subsidized doctor care mainly in county clinics

2. free public hospital treatment

3. subsidized dental care; free for children

4. subsidized prescription drugs; life-saving drugs free

5. free abortions and sterilizations

6. free maternity clinics for prenatal care

7. cash benefits to compensate for loss of most wages due to sickness; a separate benefit is available for workers injured on the job

Family Support

8. tax-free monthly payment to parents for each child; single parents receive an additional payment for each child

9. parents have a right to take a total of 12 months paid leave from work at near full wages to care for each child up to first year in school

10. subsidized child care at home or in a government day-care center

11. one year at a subsidized nursery school

12. unemployment insurance pays about 80 percent of previous income


13. most retired persons receive three different kinds of old-age pensions paid for by taxes and employer contributions

14. full or partial disability pensions; disabled child pension goes to parents until age 16 and then directly to child

15. special payment to handicapped persons who are working or in school

16. surviving spouse and orphan pensions

Should these be a right for every American citizen?
And for being retired, i dont rely on Social Security because i havent even started accepting it yet, i get every quarter of the year over $130,000 from qualified dividends. Mod Edit: Don't insult people in the CDZ

Qualified dividends are taxed at 0%, 15%, or 20%, depending on your income level and tax filing status. Ordinary (non-qualified) dividends and taxable distributions are taxed at your marginal income tax rate, which is determined by your taxable earnings.

Dividend Tax Rates in 2020 and 2021 | The Motley Fool…

I had to clean up my previous posts because i noticed the brainless one had put this in CDZ when it should definately be put in the flame zone. I just cant deal with these progressive slaves and their very low intelligence.

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It's a shame we work into our golden years.....the country gets our best years and takes them away from us as we work work work. Not great to think about. But it's the way it is.
Health and Sickness

1. subsidized doctor care mainly in county clinics

2. free public hospital treatment

3. subsidized dental care; free for children

4. subsidized prescription drugs; life-saving drugs free

5. free abortions and sterilizations

6. free maternity clinics for prenatal care

7. cash benefits to compensate for loss of most wages due to sickness; a separate benefit is available for workers injured on the job

Family Support

8. tax-free monthly payment to parents for each child; single parents receive an additional payment for each child

9. parents have a right to take a total of 12 months paid leave from work at near full wages to care for each child up to first year in school

10. subsidized child care at home or in a government day-care center

11. one year at a subsidized nursery school

12. unemployment insurance pays about 80 percent of previous income


13. most retired persons receive three different kinds of old-age pensions paid for by taxes and employer contributions

14. full or partial disability pensions; disabled child pension goes to parents until age 16 and then directly to child

15. special payment to handicapped persons who are working or in school

16. surviving spouse and orphan pensions

Should these be a right for every American citizen?
We don't even have the right to vote. Convince a few billionaires they can profit from some of those things if you want them written into law.
I support Positive Rights 100%. Abortion -- OK either way.

Leon Trotsky worked for Positive Rights for all people. When Communism became Totalitarian, Trotskyists were persecuted more then anyone else.
Health and Sickness

1. subsidized doctor care mainly in county clinics

2. free public hospital treatment

3. subsidized dental care; free for children

4. subsidized prescription drugs; life-saving drugs free

5. free abortions and sterilizations

6. free maternity clinics for prenatal care

7. cash benefits to compensate for loss of most wages due to sickness; a separate benefit is available for workers injured on the job

Family Support

8. tax-free monthly payment to parents for each child; single parents receive an additional payment for each child

9. parents have a right to take a total of 12 months paid leave from work at near full wages to care for each child up to first year in school

10. subsidized child care at home or in a government day-care center

11. one year at a subsidized nursery school

12. unemployment insurance pays about 80 percent of previous income


13. most retired persons receive three different kinds of old-age pensions paid for by taxes and employer contributions

14. full or partial disability pensions; disabled child pension goes to parents until age 16 and then directly to child

15. special payment to handicapped persons who are working or in school

16. surviving spouse and orphan pensions

Should these be a right for every American citizen?

No......none of that is free...the government extracts money from the people who earn it....wastes it, loses it, steals a tiny portion to the end receivers and pocket the rest for their friends and family....

Cut the taxes on the American people......that gives them the resources they need....
Both Capitalists and Stalinist Communists hated Leon Trotsky and viewed him as The Devil. Leon Trotsky worked for Human Rights and fairness for all humans.
Health and Sickness

1. subsidized doctor care mainly in county clinics

2. free public hospital treatment

3. subsidized dental care; free for children

4. subsidized prescription drugs; life-saving drugs free

5. free abortions and sterilizations

6. free maternity clinics for prenatal care

7. cash benefits to compensate for loss of most wages due to sickness; a separate benefit is available for workers injured on the job

Family Support

8. tax-free monthly payment to parents for each child; single parents receive an additional payment for each child

9. parents have a right to take a total of 12 months paid leave from work at near full wages to care for each child up to first year in school

10. subsidized child care at home or in a government day-care center

11. one year at a subsidized nursery school

12. unemployment insurance pays about 80 percent of previous income


13. most retired persons receive three different kinds of old-age pensions paid for by taxes and employer contributions

14. full or partial disability pensions; disabled child pension goes to parents until age 16 and then directly to child

15. special payment to handicapped persons who are working or in school

16. surviving spouse and orphan pensions

Should these be a right for every American citizen?
Why is it that just because a couple decides have a child, the government is suddenly responsible for "their" decision to have another drain on resources?
On to the numbered options:
1-4: Open for debate, just not free.
5,6: No.
7: L&I already covers injuries on the job. Larger companies have paid sick time. Smaller businesses can't afford it and the government isn't your nanny.
8-11: No. You chose to have kids. Your employer and the government didn't order you to, so it's not their responsibility.
12: Percentage is debatable, but nowhere near as high as 80%, then there would be no incentive to get off your lazy ass and get back to taking care of yourself.
13: The retirement pensions are earned through years on the job and the company's/agency's ability to pay. As to Social Security, if you've paid into it, you've earned the right to it, however, the amount should be determined based upon one's income (a means test).
14-16: Debatable.
Health and Sickness

1. subsidized doctor care mainly in county clinics

2. free public hospital treatment

3. subsidized dental care; free for children

4. subsidized prescription drugs; life-saving drugs free

5. free abortions and sterilizations

6. free maternity clinics for prenatal care

7. cash benefits to compensate for loss of most wages due to sickness; a separate benefit is available for workers injured on the job

Family Support

8. tax-free monthly payment to parents for each child; single parents receive an additional payment for each child

9. parents have a right to take a total of 12 months paid leave from work at near full wages to care for each child up to first year in school

10. subsidized child care at home or in a government day-care center

11. one year at a subsidized nursery school

12. unemployment insurance pays about 80 percent of previous income


13. most retired persons receive three different kinds of old-age pensions paid for by taxes and employer contributions

14. full or partial disability pensions; disabled child pension goes to parents until age 16 and then directly to child

15. special payment to handicapped persons who are working or in school

16. surviving spouse and orphan pensions

Should these be a right for every American citizen?
Most of these were employer provided prior to Reagan.

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