Should Tea Party Senator Mike Lee Be Arrested For Treason??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
‘Absolutely insane’: Mike Lee rips Iran briefing as GOP unites behind Trump

Yesterday, select members of the House and Senate were briefed about the imminent threat Soleimani posed to American lives and why Trump had to act quickly to take him out -- Since Trump is an honest straight talker, there is no doubt the intelligence briefing laid out the facts and it was irrefutable that Soleimani was an imminent threat -- we expect the traitorous Dems to have complaints about the briefings, but not honorable tea-party Christian conservatives...

"Most Republican senators on Wednesday left an Iran briefing from top Trump administration officials satisfied. Not Mike Lee. 'The worst briefing I’ve seen — at least on a military issue — in my nine years” in the Senate, said the Utah Republican. 'They had to leave after 75 minutes while they’re in the process of telling us that we need to be good little boys and girls and run along and not debate this in public”

The worst briefing in 9 years?? Really? Obama was president for 6 of those 9 years -- are you saying this briefing was worse than Benghazi?? Seriously?? This terrorist sympathizer then went on to say that “I walked into the briefing undecided. I walked out decided, specifically because of what happened in that briefing,” -- what he is claiming he was undecided on was a War Powers resolution to force Trump to have to get authorization from Congress before he launches anymore attacks against Iran...WTF? Really Mike Lee? How can you claim you are a Tea-Party Patriot when you are siding with the war-mongering Dems and Iranian terrorists against Trump?? They just plotted to take down a freaking jetliner for crying out loud, now you want to collude with them against Trump and America??

Lou Dobbs said it best when he said Mike Lee was a Benedict Arnold for daring to have the audacity to try to limit President Trump’s military authority -- and Lou is right, this is absolute treason and people like Mike Lee are the worst kind of traitors because they are supposed to swear unwavering loyalty to President Donald Trump -- not side with Democrats against our country...
You bet "LOCK HIM UP!!!" Trump can't afford to have people in his party actually trying to follow what the constitution lays out. Total control is the Trump way.
Mike Lee is a dick 85% of the time. Send that boy back to the canyon. He's hurting this country. Maybe he can make sure all the illegal aliens get their drivers licenses in Utah, like his fellow statesmen promised. Effin idiots.
‘Absolutely insane’: Mike Lee rips Iran briefing as GOP unites behind Trump

Yesterday, select members of the House and Senate were briefed about the imminent threat Soleimani posed to American lives and why Trump had to act quickly to take him out -- Since Trump is an honest straight talker, there is no doubt the intelligence briefing laid out the facts and it was irrefutable that Soleimani was an imminent threat -- we expect the traitorous Dems to have complaints about the briefings, but not honorable tea-party Christian conservatives...

"Most Republican senators on Wednesday left an Iran briefing from top Trump administration officials satisfied. Not Mike Lee. 'The worst briefing I’ve seen — at least on a military issue — in my nine years” in the Senate, said the Utah Republican. 'They had to leave after 75 minutes while they’re in the process of telling us that we need to be good little boys and girls and run along and not debate this in public”

The worst briefing in 9 years?? Really? Obama was president for 6 of those 9 years -- are you saying this briefing was worse than Benghazi?? Seriously?? This terrorist sympathizer then went on to say that “I walked into the briefing undecided. I walked out decided, specifically because of what happened in that briefing,” -- what he is claiming he was undecided on was a War Powers resolution to force Trump to have to get authorization from Congress before he launches anymore attacks against Iran...WTF? Really Mike Lee? How can you claim you are a Tea-Party Patriot when you are siding with the war-mongering Dems and Iranian terrorists against Trump?? They just plotted to take down a freaking jetliner for crying out loud, now you want to collude with them against Trump and America??

Lou Dobbs said it best when he said Mike Lee was a Benedict Arnold for daring to have the audacity to try to limit President Trump’s military authority -- and Lou is right, this is absolute treason and people like Mike Lee are the worst kind of traitors because they are supposed to swear unwavering loyalty to President Donald Trump -- not side with Democrats against our country...

Normal thinking people don’t swear unwavering loyalty to a President.

His “poorly educated” base who views him as their Orange Messiah do, though.
More far left religious dogma being run!

It just goes to show the GOP will criticize each other and the far left media will amplify it! Then the cult will run with it!

What will be news when the far left criticizes their own, but they remained silent while Obama ran his illegal wars!
Mike Lee is a dick 85% of the time. Send that boy back to the canyon. He's hurting this country. Maybe he can make sure all the illegal aliens get their drivers licenses in Utah, like his fellow statesmen promised. Effin idiots.
So since Mike Lee doesn't suck Trump dic 24/7 like you so gleefully do (with no gag reflex) -- now you are claiming he is hurting the country??


I remember in this very group not long ago dumb asses like you were singing the praises of Mike Lee -- even wanting him to be to attorney general along with the likes of another one of your tea party heroes, Trey Gowdy…..adorable...
More far left religious dogma being run!

It just goes to show the GOP will criticize each other and the far left media will amplify it! Then the cult will run with it!

What will be news when the far left criticizes their own, but they remained silent while Obama ran his illegal wars!

Rep. Barbara Lee (CA) opposed going into Libya
Rep. Maxine Waters (CA) opposed going into Libya
Rep. Donna Andrews (MD) opposed going into Libya
Rep. Dennis Kucinich (OH) opposed going into Libya....among many others.....which is why the media ran stories saying "Democrats in an uproar over Libya"

Liberal Dems in uproar over Libya

But you dumb asses got triggered by one guy saying he didn't buy Trump's bullshit excuse about Iran being an imminent Democrat back then called Barbara Lee or Donna Andrews a traitor for not wanting to go into Libya or at the very least force Obama to get congressional approval...

But since Obama was and is a corporate establishment politician he did the bidding of what most presidents before him did -- side with the warmongerers….sorta blows that whole "Obama is a radical leftist muslim terrorist dictator" bullshit out the water doesn't it? But it doesn't stop you dic suckers from still saying it.....
More far left religious dogma being run!

It just goes to show the GOP will criticize each other and the far left media will amplify it! Then the cult will run with it!

What will be news when the far left criticizes their own, but they remained silent while Obama ran his illegal wars!

Rep. Barbara Lee (CA) opposed going into Libya
Rep. Maxine Waters (CA) opposed going into Libya
Rep. Donna Andrews (MD) opposed going into Libya
Rep. Dennis Kucinich (OH) opposed going into Libya....among many others.....which is why the media ran stories saying "Democrats in an uproar over Libya"

Liberal Dems in uproar over Libya

But you dumb asses got triggered by one guy saying he didn't buy Trump's bullshit excuse about Iran being an imminent Democrat back then called Barbara Lee or Donna Andrews a traitor for not wanting to go into Libya or at the very least force Obama to get congressional approval...

But since Obama was and is a corporate establishment politician he did the bidding of what most presidents before him did -- side with the warmongerers….sorta blows that whole "Obama is a radical leftist muslim terrorist dictator" bullshit out the water doesn't it? But it doesn't stop you dic suckers from still saying it.....

And what did they do about it? Did they call for Obama to be impeached? Did they demand endless inquires?

Like i said the far left sat silent!

Kucinich is not far left!

from your article:

With U.S. attacks already being launched, it was unclear what, if anything, Democratic opponents of the Libyan campaign could actually do to stop it. They could try to offer an amendment for under the 1973 War Powers Act, which would require a withdrawal of U.S. forces from any conflict within 60 days if the president lacks congressional approval, although it is unlikely that pas

Obama went passed the 60 days ad the far left sat silent!

"While Defense Secretary Robert Gates led administration opponents of any U.S. role in the anti-Qadhafi operation, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton backed calls from the French and British governments for a NATO-led effort to assist the Libyan rebels. The Clinton clique eventually prevailed in the debate, and Clinton then worked with U.S. allies to craft a U.N. Security Council resolution authorizing the mission."

And the far left sat silent!

Yet you see Hilary was a true warmonger! And that is who you wanted to be president!

So thank you proving who the real warmonger is and prove that Pelosi is one as well.
More far left religious dogma being run!

It just goes to show the GOP will criticize each other and the far left media will amplify it! Then the cult will run with it!

What will be news when the far left criticizes their own, but they remained silent while Obama ran his illegal wars!

Rep. Barbara Lee (CA) opposed going into Libya
Rep. Maxine Waters (CA) opposed going into Libya
Rep. Donna Andrews (MD) opposed going into Libya
Rep. Dennis Kucinich (OH) opposed going into Libya....among many others.....which is why the media ran stories saying "Democrats in an uproar over Libya"

Liberal Dems in uproar over Libya

But you dumb asses got triggered by one guy saying he didn't buy Trump's bullshit excuse about Iran being an imminent Democrat back then called Barbara Lee or Donna Andrews a traitor for not wanting to go into Libya or at the very least force Obama to get congressional approval...

But since Obama was and is a corporate establishment politician he did the bidding of what most presidents before him did -- side with the warmongerers….sorta blows that whole "Obama is a radical leftist muslim terrorist dictator" bullshit out the water doesn't it? But it doesn't stop you dic suckers from still saying it.....

And what did they do about it? Did they call for Obama to be impeached? Did they demand endless inquires?

Like i said the far left sat silent!

Kucinich is not far left!

from your article:

With U.S. attacks already being launched, it was unclear what, if anything, Democratic opponents of the Libyan campaign could actually do to stop it. They could try to offer an amendment for under the 1973 War Powers Act, which would require a withdrawal of U.S. forces from any conflict within 60 days if the president lacks congressional approval, although it is unlikely that pas

Obama went passed the 60 days ad the far left sat silent!

"While Defense Secretary Robert Gates led administration opponents of any U.S. role in the anti-Qadhafi operation, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton backed calls from the French and British governments for a NATO-led effort to assist the Libyan rebels. The Clinton clique eventually prevailed in the debate, and Clinton then worked with U.S. allies to craft a U.N. Security Council resolution authorizing the mission."

And the far left sat silent!

Yet you see Hilary was a true warmonger! And that is who you wanted to be president!

So thank you proving who the real warmonger is and prove that Pelosi is one as well.
Nobody called for Obama to be impeached over Libya...not even your precious Republicans...

Maybe its because they believe that claiming someone is a "bad guy" is justification enough for taking them out of power...and according to you dumb asses (Democrats included) -- Gaddafi was a bad guy.....

I don't give a fuck if Gaddafi was a bad guy, we had no business getting involved in their civil war....

...which is why I can stand on principle while dic suckers like you have to say "but but but but Obama" to justify whatever your cult leader is doing now....
More far left religious dogma being run!

It just goes to show the GOP will criticize each other and the far left media will amplify it! Then the cult will run with it!

What will be news when the far left criticizes their own, but they remained silent while Obama ran his illegal wars!

Rep. Barbara Lee (CA) opposed going into Libya
Rep. Maxine Waters (CA) opposed going into Libya
Rep. Donna Andrews (MD) opposed going into Libya
Rep. Dennis Kucinich (OH) opposed going into Libya....among many others.....which is why the media ran stories saying "Democrats in an uproar over Libya"

Liberal Dems in uproar over Libya

But you dumb asses got triggered by one guy saying he didn't buy Trump's bullshit excuse about Iran being an imminent Democrat back then called Barbara Lee or Donna Andrews a traitor for not wanting to go into Libya or at the very least force Obama to get congressional approval...

But since Obama was and is a corporate establishment politician he did the bidding of what most presidents before him did -- side with the warmongerers….sorta blows that whole "Obama is a radical leftist muslim terrorist dictator" bullshit out the water doesn't it? But it doesn't stop you dic suckers from still saying it.....

And what did they do about it? Did they call for Obama to be impeached? Did they demand endless inquires?

Like i said the far left sat silent!

Kucinich is not far left!

from your article:

With U.S. attacks already being launched, it was unclear what, if anything, Democratic opponents of the Libyan campaign could actually do to stop it. They could try to offer an amendment for under the 1973 War Powers Act, which would require a withdrawal of U.S. forces from any conflict within 60 days if the president lacks congressional approval, although it is unlikely that pas

Obama went passed the 60 days ad the far left sat silent!

"While Defense Secretary Robert Gates led administration opponents of any U.S. role in the anti-Qadhafi operation, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton backed calls from the French and British governments for a NATO-led effort to assist the Libyan rebels. The Clinton clique eventually prevailed in the debate, and Clinton then worked with U.S. allies to craft a U.N. Security Council resolution authorizing the mission."

And the far left sat silent!

Yet you see Hilary was a true warmonger! And that is who you wanted to be president!

So thank you proving who the real warmonger is and prove that Pelosi is one as well.
Nobody called for Obama to be impeached over Libya...not even your precious Republicans...

Maybe its because they believe that claiming someone is a "bad guy" is justification enough for taking them out of power...and according to you dumb asses (Democrats included) -- Gaddafi was a bad guy.....

I don't give a fuck if Gaddafi was a bad guy, we had no business getting involved in their civil war....

...which is why I can stand on principle while dic suckers like you have to say "but but but but Obama" to justify whatever your cult leader is doing now....

So yes you wanted the warmonger Hilary instead!

And yes Kucinich raised it, but he was shot down by the far left!

So you see the far left are being hypocrites now, just like you!

They did not want do anything against Obama!
I like Lee most of the time. He's wrong on a FEW things. You're right as often as a broken clock. Guess who has my support?
‘Absolutely insane’: Mike Lee rips Iran briefing as GOP unites behind Trump

Yesterday, select members of the House and Senate were briefed about the imminent threat Soleimani posed to American lives and why Trump had to act quickly to take him out -- Since Trump is an honest straight talker, there is no doubt the intelligence briefing laid out the facts and it was irrefutable that Soleimani was an imminent threat -- we expect the traitorous Dems to have complaints about the briefings, but not honorable tea-party Christian conservatives...

"Most Republican senators on Wednesday left an Iran briefing from top Trump administration officials satisfied. Not Mike Lee. 'The worst briefing I’ve seen — at least on a military issue — in my nine years” in the Senate, said the Utah Republican. 'They had to leave after 75 minutes while they’re in the process of telling us that we need to be good little boys and girls and run along and not debate this in public”

The worst briefing in 9 years?? Really? Obama was president for 6 of those 9 years -- are you saying this briefing was worse than Benghazi?? Seriously?? This terrorist sympathizer then went on to say that “I walked into the briefing undecided. I walked out decided, specifically because of what happened in that briefing,” -- what he is claiming he was undecided on was a War Powers resolution to force Trump to have to get authorization from Congress before he launches anymore attacks against Iran...WTF? Really Mike Lee? How can you claim you are a Tea-Party Patriot when you are siding with the war-mongering Dems and Iranian terrorists against Trump?? They just plotted to take down a freaking jetliner for crying out loud, now you want to collude with them against Trump and America??

Lou Dobbs said it best when he said Mike Lee was a Benedict Arnold for daring to have the audacity to try to limit President Trump’s military authority -- and Lou is right, this is absolute treason and people like Mike Lee are the worst kind of traitors because they are supposed to swear unwavering loyalty to President Donald Trump -- not side with Democrats against our country...
Mike Lee and Mitt Romney are both never Trumpers.
More far left religious dogma being run!

It just goes to show the GOP will criticize each other and the far left media will amplify it! Then the cult will run with it!

What will be news when the far left criticizes their own, but they remained silent while Obama ran his illegal wars!

Rep. Barbara Lee (CA) opposed going into Libya
Rep. Maxine Waters (CA) opposed going into Libya
Rep. Donna Andrews (MD) opposed going into Libya
Rep. Dennis Kucinich (OH) opposed going into Libya....among many others.....which is why the media ran stories saying "Democrats in an uproar over Libya"

Liberal Dems in uproar over Libya

But you dumb asses got triggered by one guy saying he didn't buy Trump's bullshit excuse about Iran being an imminent Democrat back then called Barbara Lee or Donna Andrews a traitor for not wanting to go into Libya or at the very least force Obama to get congressional approval...

But since Obama was and is a corporate establishment politician he did the bidding of what most presidents before him did -- side with the warmongerers….sorta blows that whole "Obama is a radical leftist muslim terrorist dictator" bullshit out the water doesn't it? But it doesn't stop you dic suckers from still saying it.....

And what did they do about it? Did they call for Obama to be impeached? Did they demand endless inquires?

Like i said the far left sat silent!

Kucinich is not far left!

from your article:

With U.S. attacks already being launched, it was unclear what, if anything, Democratic opponents of the Libyan campaign could actually do to stop it. They could try to offer an amendment for under the 1973 War Powers Act, which would require a withdrawal of U.S. forces from any conflict within 60 days if the president lacks congressional approval, although it is unlikely that pas

Obama went passed the 60 days ad the far left sat silent!

"While Defense Secretary Robert Gates led administration opponents of any U.S. role in the anti-Qadhafi operation, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton backed calls from the French and British governments for a NATO-led effort to assist the Libyan rebels. The Clinton clique eventually prevailed in the debate, and Clinton then worked with U.S. allies to craft a U.N. Security Council resolution authorizing the mission."

And the far left sat silent!

Yet you see Hilary was a true warmonger! And that is who you wanted to be president!

So thank you proving who the real warmonger is and prove that Pelosi is one as well.
Nobody called for Obama to be impeached over Libya...not even your precious Republicans...

Maybe its because they believe that claiming someone is a "bad guy" is justification enough for taking them out of power...and according to you dumb asses (Democrats included) -- Gaddafi was a bad guy.....

I don't give a fuck if Gaddafi was a bad guy, we had no business getting involved in their civil war....

...which is why I can stand on principle while dic suckers like you have to say "but but but but Obama" to justify whatever your cult leader is doing now....

So yes you wanted the warmonger Hilary instead!

And yes Kucinich raised it, but he was shot down by the far left!

So you see the far left are being hypocrites now, just like you!

They did not want do anything against Obama!
But but but Hillary!!! I am not a Hillary you need to try to new deflection...

Yes, when Kucinich and "OTHERS" raised it they were shot down by the establishment Dems and Republicans <<-- you keep leaving that "OTHERS" part out

and on a post about Mike Lee being shot down and called traitors by Trumpers -- we have your bitch ass on here whining to me about Obama??

This why I have zero respect for you partisan hacks....
Looks like Lee and former DemonRAT lSenate leader Hairy Reed have a LARGE PROBLEM pending!

The FBI and Utah state prosecutors working on a corruption investigation say they have uncovered accusations of financial wrongdoing by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and GOP Sen. Mike Lee, but the Justice Department has so far declined to act on their recommendation for a full federal investigation. Two district attorneys, one Democrat and one Republican, told The Washington Times, ABC News, and The Salt Lake Tribune this week that they have found evidence of possible financial wrongdoing by the lawmakers relating to suspect campaign contributions and other financial transactions. "There are allegations, but they are very serious allegations and they need to be looked at by somebody," Sim Gill, a Democrat and chief prosecutor in Salt Lake County, told The Washington Times. "If true, or even if asserted, they truly should be investigated and put to rest, or be confirmed."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
‘Absolutely insane’: Mike Lee rips Iran briefing as GOP unites behind Trump

Yesterday, select members of the House and Senate were briefed about the imminent threat Soleimani posed to American lives and why Trump had to act quickly to take him out -- Since Trump is an honest straight talker, there is no doubt the intelligence briefing laid out the facts and it was irrefutable that Soleimani was an imminent threat -- we expect the traitorous Dems to have complaints about the briefings, but not honorable tea-party Christian conservatives...

"Most Republican senators on Wednesday left an Iran briefing from top Trump administration officials satisfied. Not Mike Lee. 'The worst briefing I’ve seen — at least on a military issue — in my nine years” in the Senate, said the Utah Republican. 'They had to leave after 75 minutes while they’re in the process of telling us that we need to be good little boys and girls and run along and not debate this in public”

The worst briefing in 9 years?? Really? Obama was president for 6 of those 9 years -- are you saying this briefing was worse than Benghazi?? Seriously?? This terrorist sympathizer then went on to say that “I walked into the briefing undecided. I walked out decided, specifically because of what happened in that briefing,” -- what he is claiming he was undecided on was a War Powers resolution to force Trump to have to get authorization from Congress before he launches anymore attacks against Iran...WTF? Really Mike Lee? How can you claim you are a Tea-Party Patriot when you are siding with the war-mongering Dems and Iranian terrorists against Trump?? They just plotted to take down a freaking jetliner for crying out loud, now you want to collude with them against Trump and America??

Lou Dobbs said it best when he said Mike Lee was a Benedict Arnold for daring to have the audacity to try to limit President Trump’s military authority -- and Lou is right, this is absolute treason and people like Mike Lee are the worst kind of traitors because they are supposed to swear unwavering loyalty to President Donald Trump -- not side with Democrats against our country...
Mike Lee and Mitt Romney are both never Trumpers.
What is going to be your excuse for Rand Paul also being against it??

What are you going to say when you find out Rand Paul called Trump's justification "insulting" and "absurd"??

What is your new excuse gonna be when you find out that Rand Paul said he is in favor of the "DEMOCRAT" senate resolution to limit Trump's war powers??

You people are pathetic...

GOP Senators Rand Paul, Mike Lee rebuke "insulting, demeaning" Iran briefing, say they support limiting Trump's military powers
More far left religious dogma being run!

It just goes to show the GOP will criticize each other and the far left media will amplify it! Then the cult will run with it!

What will be news when the far left criticizes their own, but they remained silent while Obama ran his illegal wars!

Rep. Barbara Lee (CA) opposed going into Libya
Rep. Maxine Waters (CA) opposed going into Libya
Rep. Donna Andrews (MD) opposed going into Libya
Rep. Dennis Kucinich (OH) opposed going into Libya....among many others.....which is why the media ran stories saying "Democrats in an uproar over Libya"

Liberal Dems in uproar over Libya

But you dumb asses got triggered by one guy saying he didn't buy Trump's bullshit excuse about Iran being an imminent Democrat back then called Barbara Lee or Donna Andrews a traitor for not wanting to go into Libya or at the very least force Obama to get congressional approval...

But since Obama was and is a corporate establishment politician he did the bidding of what most presidents before him did -- side with the warmongerers….sorta blows that whole "Obama is a radical leftist muslim terrorist dictator" bullshit out the water doesn't it? But it doesn't stop you dic suckers from still saying it.....

And what did they do about it? Did they call for Obama to be impeached? Did they demand endless inquires?

Like i said the far left sat silent!

Kucinich is not far left!

from your article:

With U.S. attacks already being launched, it was unclear what, if anything, Democratic opponents of the Libyan campaign could actually do to stop it. They could try to offer an amendment for under the 1973 War Powers Act, which would require a withdrawal of U.S. forces from any conflict within 60 days if the president lacks congressional approval, although it is unlikely that pas

Obama went passed the 60 days ad the far left sat silent!

"While Defense Secretary Robert Gates led administration opponents of any U.S. role in the anti-Qadhafi operation, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton backed calls from the French and British governments for a NATO-led effort to assist the Libyan rebels. The Clinton clique eventually prevailed in the debate, and Clinton then worked with U.S. allies to craft a U.N. Security Council resolution authorizing the mission."

And the far left sat silent!

Yet you see Hilary was a true warmonger! And that is who you wanted to be president!

So thank you proving who the real warmonger is and prove that Pelosi is one as well.
Nobody called for Obama to be impeached over Libya...not even your precious Republicans...

Maybe its because they believe that claiming someone is a "bad guy" is justification enough for taking them out of power...and according to you dumb asses (Democrats included) -- Gaddafi was a bad guy.....

I don't give a fuck if Gaddafi was a bad guy, we had no business getting involved in their civil war....

...which is why I can stand on principle while dic suckers like you have to say "but but but but Obama" to justify whatever your cult leader is doing now....

So yes you wanted the warmonger Hilary instead!

And yes Kucinich raised it, but he was shot down by the far left!

So you see the far left are being hypocrites now, just like you!

They did not want do anything against Obama!
But but but Hillary!!! I am not a Hillary you need to try to new deflection...

Yes, when Kucinich and "OTHERS" raised it they were shot down by the establishment Dems and Republicans <<-- you keep leaving that "OTHERS" part out

and on a post about Mike Lee being shot down and called traitors by Trumpers -- we have your bitch ass on here whining to me about Obama??

This why I have zero respect for you partisan hacks....

Oh my the far left partisan hack is calling someone a partisan hack, now that is rich!

And you see how the far left does not even understand how their own caucus works?

the far left promoted the warmonger Hilary so that was the other choice!

Yes Obama is the standard, As the far left sat silent and let him run illegal wars!

I have pointed out that the GOP will question their own!

Why would the far left care? Oh yes so they can run their debunked religious dogma! Like you are now!

I say good for him I am glad he voiced his opinion!

But the far left will see this as Trump in trouble and now he will turn on Trump and want him impeached!

Those articles are still in Pelosi's hands and have not been passed to the Senate!

But yes you wanted the warmonger Hilary!
Mike Lee is a dick 85% of the time. Send that boy back to the canyon. He's hurting this country. Maybe he can make sure all the illegal aliens get their drivers licenses in Utah, like his fellow statesmen promised. Effin idiots.
So since Mike Lee doesn't suck Trump dic 24/7 like you so gleefully do (with no gag reflex) -- now you are claiming he is hurting the country??


I remember in this very group not long ago dumb asses like you were singing the praises of Mike Lee -- even wanting him to be to attorney general along with the likes of another one of your tea party heroes, Trey Gowdy…..adorable...
Mike Lee's claim to fame was supposed to be his fiscal responsibility. That makes him pretty much a failure if you're going to judge by results.
‘Absolutely insane’: Mike Lee rips Iran briefing as GOP unites behind Trump

Yesterday, select members of the House and Senate were briefed about the imminent threat Soleimani posed to American lives and why Trump had to act quickly to take him out -- Since Trump is an honest straight talker, there is no doubt the intelligence briefing laid out the facts and it was irrefutable that Soleimani was an imminent threat -- we expect the traitorous Dems to have complaints about the briefings, but not honorable tea-party Christian conservatives...

"Most Republican senators on Wednesday left an Iran briefing from top Trump administration officials satisfied. Not Mike Lee. 'The worst briefing I’ve seen — at least on a military issue — in my nine years” in the Senate, said the Utah Republican. 'They had to leave after 75 minutes while they’re in the process of telling us that we need to be good little boys and girls and run along and not debate this in public”

The worst briefing in 9 years?? Really? Obama was president for 6 of those 9 years -- are you saying this briefing was worse than Benghazi?? Seriously?? This terrorist sympathizer then went on to say that “I walked into the briefing undecided. I walked out decided, specifically because of what happened in that briefing,” -- what he is claiming he was undecided on was a War Powers resolution to force Trump to have to get authorization from Congress before he launches anymore attacks against Iran...WTF? Really Mike Lee? How can you claim you are a Tea-Party Patriot when you are siding with the war-mongering Dems and Iranian terrorists against Trump?? They just plotted to take down a freaking jetliner for crying out loud, now you want to collude with them against Trump and America??

Lou Dobbs said it best when he said Mike Lee was a Benedict Arnold for daring to have the audacity to try to limit President Trump’s military authority -- and Lou is right, this is absolute treason and people like Mike Lee are the worst kind of traitors because they are supposed to swear unwavering loyalty to President Donald Trump -- not side with Democrats against our country...
Mike Lee and Mitt Romney are both never Trumpers.
What is going to be your excuse for Rand Paul also being against it??

What are you going to say when you find out Rand Paul called Trump's justification "insulting" and "absurd"??

What is your new excuse gonna be when you find out that Rand Paul said he is in favor of the "DEMOCRAT" senate resolution to limit Trump's war powers??

You people are pathetic...

GOP Senators Rand Paul, Mike Lee rebuke "insulting, demeaning" Iran briefing, say they support limiting Trump's military powers
Now you're quoting a guy who can't even mow his grass without getting into a fight and getting his ass kicked. You choose some real losers for role models. Maybe you should tone that smugness down a little.

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