Should stone Be Able To Vote?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
roger stone is a convicted felon. So are many of trump's cohorts.

Should they all be able to vote in November?

I've read posts for decades from the republicans that anyone who is a felon shouldn't ever be able to vote again.

Does that apply to roger stone and all of trump's criminal cohorts?
roger stone is a convicted felon. So are many of trump's cohorts.

Should they all be able to vote in November?

I've read posts for decades from the republicans that anyone who is a felon shouldn't ever be able to vote again.

Does that apply to roger stone and all of trump's criminal cohorts?
Yup, they all should and all you democrats should be located to a new address in the vicinity of camp 7, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
roger stone is a convicted felon. So are many of trump's cohorts.

Should they all be able to vote in November?

I've read posts for decades from the republicans that anyone who is a felon shouldn't ever be able to vote again.

Does that apply to roger stone and all of trump's criminal cohorts?

Stone's pardon effectively sets his felony conviction, and all related punishments, aside. He can vote, own a gun, etc...
roger stone is a convicted felon. So are many of trump's cohorts.

Should they all be able to vote in November?

I've read posts for decades from the republicans that anyone who is a felon shouldn't ever be able to vote again.

Does that apply to roger stone and all of trump's criminal cohorts?

Stone's pardon effectively sets his felony conviction, and all related punishments, aside. He can vote, own a gun, etc...

He didn't receive a pardon so far as I know. His sentence was commuted. That's it.
roger stone is a convicted felon. So are many of trump's cohorts.

Should they all be able to vote in November?

I've read posts for decades from the republicans that anyone who is a felon shouldn't ever be able to vote again.

Does that apply to roger stone and all of trump's criminal cohorts?

Stone's pardon effectively sets his felony conviction, and all related punishments, aside. He can vote, own a gun, etc...

He didn't receive a pardon so far as I know. His sentence was commuted. That's it.

Huh... I've read both, with even the Washington Post referring to it as a pardon.

In that case, any rights lost as a result of his criminal conviction would remain lost...
roger stone is a convicted felon. So are many of trump's cohorts.

Should they all be able to vote in November?

I've read posts for decades from the republicans that anyone who is a felon shouldn't ever be able to vote again.

Does that apply to roger stone and all of trump's criminal cohorts?

Stone's pardon effectively sets his felony conviction, and all related punishments, aside. He can vote, own a gun, etc...

He wasn't pardoned.

His sentence was commuted. His guilty conviction isn't gone. He's a convicted felon.

So do you believe he should be able to vote? Should all of the trump convicted felons be able to vote?
roger stone is a convicted felon. So are many of trump's cohorts.

Should they all be able to vote in November?

I've read posts for decades from the republicans that anyone who is a felon shouldn't ever be able to vote again.

Does that apply to roger stone and all of trump's criminal cohorts?

The pertinent question here is: why do you care? The number of convict Donald Trump associates is but a grain of sand in comparison to the tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of ex-con's the democrats want to release and register to vote in 2020 elections. If this OP is an example of the best "logic trap" you can devise, then your home must be teeming with mice and other vermin. My recommendation? Get yourself a cat. Scratch that. Can't subject a cat to your laughable bag of hat tricks. Mr. Puss would drink himself out of seven of nine lives.
roger stone is a convicted felon. So are many of trump's cohorts.

Should they all be able to vote in November?

I've read posts for decades from the republicans that anyone who is a felon shouldn't ever be able to vote again.

Does that apply to roger stone and all of trump's criminal cohorts?

Wow, coming from a commie, that's a hypocritical question. According to many of you commies, all should be allowed to vote, even the folks in prison. Are you changing your tune?

As I understand the law is if you are a convictied felony in prison serving your sentence you can not vote if you have served it you can. I could be wrong I have seen and heard alot of conflicting information on this the reality is it's whatever the laws says if it says they can't they can't if it says they can then they can. If you disagree with what the laws says work to get it changed.
roger stone is a convicted felon. So are many of trump's cohorts.

Should they all be able to vote in November?

I've read posts for decades from the republicans that anyone who is a felon shouldn't ever be able to vote again.

Does that apply to roger stone and all of trump's criminal cohorts?

Stone's pardon effectively sets his felony conviction, and all related punishments, aside. He can vote, own a gun, etc...

He didn't get pardoned. His sentence was commuted. You really need to get a better handler.

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