Should Obama Visit Tehran?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Should Obama take a page out of Nixon's playbook and visit Iran within the next three years?

Stranger things have happened:

"A visit to Tehran by President Obama is no longer impossible, according to experts and former officials.

"While an Obama trip there in the next three years remains a long shot, neither the White House nor Iran’s new president will categorically rule it out.

"Other observers say what once seemed unimaginable is now possible.

“'Stranger things have happened,' said Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs panel. 'We’ve shown an ability to re-pivot in our relationships with bitter, violent adversaries.'

"Graffiti vowing 'Death to America' still covers Tehran, and the 34th anniversary of the 1979 takeover of the embassy last month drew the biggest anti-American rally in years..."

"'We’re at a place in our dealings with the Iranians that six months ago would have been unimaginable,' said John Limbert, a retired U.S. diplomat who was one of the 52 hostages held for 444 days by Iranian students who took over the U.S. embassy in 1979..."

"Observers say it’s largely up to Iran to convince the U.S. and its allies, including Israel, of its peaceful intentions.

“'Can I see a future where Iran and the United States have reestablished and normalized their relations in some fashion? My answer is decidedly yes,' Connolly said. 'But it requires this dynamic to take hold.'”

Obama in Tehran ? could it happen? | TheHill

Jimmy Carter was the last US president to visit Iran.
Should Obama be the next?
QUOTE=Sunni Man;8482904]Pres. Obama visiting Iran would be a master stroke of diplomacy and raise America's standing in the world. ..... :thup:[/QUOTE]
Could it lead to peace in Palestine?

"In fact, he (Obama) may be dreaming even bigger than that: Despite copious evidence to the contrary, including a raging Sunni/Shiite proxy war in Syria, Obama and Kerry have always seemed to believe that a final deal between Israel and the Palestinians is the key to regional peace.

"They may be thinking that between the U.S./Iran thaw and the de facto Israeli/Sunni alliance against Iran, there’s some minuscule chance to bring the entire region to the table on an Israeli/Palestinian accord if the U.S. and Iran can reach a deal on nukes first.

"Would Obama be willing to go to Tehran and kiss Khamenei’s ring for that?

"Probably, sure.

"Remember, before O got elected president, embraced NSA surveillance, and started droning people willy nilly, the Hopenchange foreign-policy brand was all about dialogue with foreign powers. Going to Tehran would be true to that, and he’d also likely regard it as something that (finally) earned him his Nobel Peace Prize.

"If nothing else, the mere prospect of him visiting would convey enough legitimacy on Iran as to further dissuade Israel from launching an attack of its own. Which, let’s face it, is what the current temporary nuclear deal with Iran is mainly about."

Kuwaiti paper: Obama wants to visit Tehran next year « Hot Air
No. All he'd wind up doing is apologizing for America again.
What if bringing Iran back into the community of nations leads to peace in Palestine?

"In fact, he may be dreaming even bigger than that: Despite copious evidence to the contrary, including a raging Sunni/Shiite proxy war in Syria, Obama and Kerry have always seemed to believe that a final deal between Israel and the Palestinians is the key to regional peace."

Kuwaiti paper: Obama wants to visit Tehran next year « Hot Air

It isn't likely those who control the US government will give up their Middle East war profits without being promised greater gains from peace.

If Obama follows Nixon's example with China, America will have less to apologize for.
No. All he'd wind up doing is apologizing for America again.
What if bringing Iran back into the community of nations leads to peace in Palestine?

"In fact, he may be dreaming even bigger than that: Despite copious evidence to the contrary, including a raging Sunni/Shiite proxy war in Syria, Obama and Kerry have always seemed to believe that a final deal between Israel and the Palestinians is the key to regional peace."

Kuwaiti paper: Obama wants to visit Tehran next year « Hot Air

It isn't likely those who control the US government will give up their Middle East war profits without being promised greater gains from peace.

If Obama follows Nixon's example with China, America will have less to apologize for.

After telling Israel to revert to it's Pre 1969 borders, you can kiss any prospect of a peace deal goodbye.
Should Obama Visit Tehran?

Sure. He'll probably find more supporters there than here, by now.
Maybe so.

"Even a popular president can usually expect disappointing midterm results for his party. What makes things particularly dire for Democrats is that a president’s approval rating has a significant effect on his party’s prospects. President Barack Obama’s approval rating is in the low 40s, and while things can change, few would bet it will improve all that much between now and November.

President Obama’s low poll numbers trouble Democrats -

Would a trip to Tehran improve O's numbers by November?
No. All he'd wind up doing is apologizing for America again.
What if bringing Iran back into the community of nations leads to peace in Palestine?

"In fact, he may be dreaming even bigger than that: Despite copious evidence to the contrary, including a raging Sunni/Shiite proxy war in Syria, Obama and Kerry have always seemed to believe that a final deal between Israel and the Palestinians is the key to regional peace."

Kuwaiti paper: Obama wants to visit Tehran next year « Hot Air

It isn't likely those who control the US government will give up their Middle East war profits without being promised greater gains from peace.

If Obama follows Nixon's example with China, America will have less to apologize for.

After telling Israel to revert to it's Pre 1969 borders, you can kiss any prospect of a peace deal goodbye.
There are currently nearly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River. Every Jew of voting age has the right to cast a ballot to decide who writes the laws they live under. Less than half the Arabs have that right. If Israel wants all the land between the River and the sea, the Jews will have to decide if they prefer a Jewish or democratic state.
No. All he'd wind up doing is apologizing for America again.

Are you making the argument that he should visit a country that hangs and murders gays in the streets? Why should he represent the united states in that capacity which in essence shows that is in agreement with Iran?
He doesn't need to go there. I'm sure they already know he's on their side.
Which side should he be on if not the side of peace?

"Obama said the interim deal, negotiated with Iran by the United States, China, Russia, Britain, France and Germany, would provide space for a longer-ranging agreement to curb Iran's nuclear ambitions, which Tehran says are peaceful.

"The president said he viewed the likelihood of a satisfactory 'end state' as a 50/50 proposition, and repeated that all options remained on the table if Iran did not follow through with its obligations.

"'If we cannot get the kind of comprehensive end state that satisfies us and the world community ... then the pressure that we've been applying on them and the options that I have made clear I can avail myself of, including a military option, is one that we would consider and prepare for,' he said."

Obama defends interim Iran deal, seeks to assure Israel | Reuters
He doesn't need to go there. I'm sure they already know he's on their side.
Which side should he be on if not the side of peace?

"Obama said the interim deal, negotiated with Iran by the United States, China, Russia, Britain, France and Germany, would provide space for a longer-ranging agreement to curb Iran's nuclear ambitions, which Tehran says are peaceful.

"The president said he viewed the likelihood of a satisfactory 'end state' as a 50/50 proposition, and repeated that all options remained on the table if Iran did not follow through with its obligations.

"'If we cannot get the kind of comprehensive end state that satisfies us and the world community ... then the pressure that we've been applying on them and the options that I have made clear I can avail myself of, including a military option, is one that we would consider and prepare for,' he said."

Obama defends interim Iran deal, seeks to assure Israel | Reuters
He's not on the side of peace, otherwise he would not be running interference for them while they build their nuclear weapons.
The youngest, best educated country in the ME...COULD HAPPEN in a couple years...screw the mindless GOP...
An Obama visit to Tehran seems to have the same potential for authentic Change as Nixon's trip to China. Nixon and Kissinger resented the Taiwan lobby and its disproportionate effect of US foreign policy in ways that are similar to AIPAC's influence on Middle Eastern politics today. A visit from Air Force One would certainly be better than another demonstration of shock and awe.

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