Should Obama Send Back His Peace-Prize???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I remember the first thought that went through my mind when he won the damned thing.

:disbelief: This Is :bsflag:

Obama had just been totally humiliated when he came in dead last in the Olympics vote. He couldn't BS his way into bringing the Olympic games to Chicago. So a couple of weeks after this all of the sudden he wins a Nobel Peace Prize for what????

My.....what great timing.

Obama expressed surprise of course.

Turns out for nothing. Since he's been President he has murdered several terrorists, one an unarmed Usama Bin Laden, in cold-blood. He's gone from kill or capture to just kill them and dump their body in Davy Jone's locker.

His support for the Arab Spring started in Tunisia and has resulted in hundreds of honor killings of women in Libya who's only crime was to be rape victims of Qaddafi's soldiers.

Right now at this writing Christians are under siege in Egypt after the peace-movement gave way to a Theocracy instead of a Democracy. Radicals are currently ginning up a war against Israel instead of attempting to move on and build a better life for themselves. The Muslim Brotherhood is now firmly in control, as we have warned.

Pakistan is now our enemy because Obama continues to bomb villages inside their borders despite warning from the government that further military action would result in dire consequences.

This is one of the excuses Thorbjørn Jagland, Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee gave for justification of the award:

We couldn’t avoid giving the prize to President Obama given the will of Alfred Nobel and what he did on this point. But, there are other things also, which we looked at, for instance, the fact that he started immediately to build bridges to the Muslim world throughout the time."

Yes, building bridges.....then blowing them all to hell.

Incidentally, captured, non-uniformed enemy combatants are entitled to no rights under the Geneva Conventions or the U.S. Constitution. Every one of them could have been summarily executed on the battlefield (and have been under Obama).

Nonetheless, riding on his moral high horse with lifted chin, Obama extends American constitutional rights to foreign enemy combatants. Yet, inexplicably, the same Obama had no problem targeting U.S.-born Anwar al-Awlaki for assassination in Yemen. The question here is not whether al-Awlaki was deserving of death. The relevant question is whether Obama acted according to his own professed understanding of "the rule of law."

The unilateral power Obama is wielding makes Bush's "illegal torture" look like pat-a-cake. Articles: Nobel Peace Laureate Assassinates American Citizen

Obama also has a hit list of folks that he's targeting for assassination. Secret panel can put Americans on kill list' | Reuters

A CNN poll currently has Obama losing 22 - 77 on the question; Has Obama lived up to his Nobel Peace Prize? Debate: Has President Obama lived up to his Nobel Peace Prize? – Global Public Square - Blogs

Obama showed support for the violent protests earlier this year in Wisconsin and now supports similar protests all over the United States. We can see direct ties to Obama now through ACORN, SEIU, The Workers Family Party and other union thugs. They're deficating on police cars and pissing all over the place. Now the protesters want to invade the homes of rich Republicans. It doesn't matter that most of the people in charge on Wall Street vote Democrat. New York City is a liberal mecca. What gives them the idea that only Republicans are greedy????

Fast & Furious is contributing to violence all along the U.S. Mexico border. Yes, this Nobel Peace Prize winner made sure that over 2000 automatic weapons ended up in the hands of Mexican drug-runners, and is responsible for murders and even the death of an ICE agent.

So I think Obama needs to send that puppy back because he doesn't deserve it.


The new humane: killing terrorists instead of capturing them « Hot Air

Secret panel can put Americans on kill list' | Reuters

Will the 'Fast and Furious' Scandal Be Obama's Watergate? | The Weekly Standard
He only sends back busts of Churchill, Muddy.

Democrats keep everything else....
...well, the Clintons had to send back some of the White House silverware when they
got caught....
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Thomas was a chicken farmer; his farm was dedicated to the fertilized egg business. In his farmyard, Thomas had 450 young hens to lay the eggs. Incidentally, at this stage the female hens are called 'pullets'. Now to fertilise the eggs, which the pullets laid, Thomas had 12 male birds called roosters.

The farmer kept careful records, and any rooster that didn't perform went straight into the cooking pot and a replacement introduced. Thomas found this task time consuming, so he bought a dozen tiny bells and attached one to each of his roosters. Cunningly, each bell had a different ring tone so Thomas could tell from from the comfort of his porch, which rooster was performing.

So now Thomas could sit on his rocking chair and tick the boxes on his efficiency report simply by listening to the bells. The farmer's favourite rooster was Old Podgy, a very fine specimen he was, too. But on this particular morning Thomas noticed Old Podgy's bell hadn't rung at all! Thomas went to investigate.

The other roosters were chasing pullets, their bells-a-ringing. The pullets, hearing the roosters coming, would run for cover. But to Farmer Thomas's amazement, Old Podgy had his bell in his beak, so it couldn't ring. He'd sneak up on a pullet, do his job and walk on to the next one.

Thomas was so proud of Old Podgy, he entered him in the Worcester County Fair and he became an overnight sensation among the judges. The result... The judges not only awarded Old Podgy the No Bell Piece Prize, but also they awarded him the Pulletsurprise!
The Olympics has zip to do with this.

I have zero problem with the killing of known terrorists who have taken American lives.

Your assertion that Obama is responsible for honor killings of women in Libya is absurd.

Your assertion that Obama is responsible for the Muslim Brotherhood rising in Egypt is absurd.

Pakistan harbors known terrorists (like Bin Laden). I have no problems with military actions there, as long as they are targeting known terrorists and Al Queda.

Obama had no problem targeting U.S.-born Anwar al-Awlaki for assassination in Yemen, and neither do I.

I am 'iffy' on the whole 'hit list' thing. But if you're a known terrorist and have been directly responsible for taking American lives, I'm a little less 'iffy'.

All that having been said, realize I do not like or support Obama or his policies. Also, I think his getting the Nobel peace Prize for actions that had not yet occurred (and from the last 3 years, never will) was ridiculous and cheapens the prize considerably. But to blame hm for all that is disingenuous at best, and partisan hackish at worst.
He shouldn't have received it in the First place.

The man had DONE NOTHING exceptional in his life except be a Community Agitator.
He shouldn't have received it in the First place.

The man had DONE NOTHING exceptional in his life except be a Community Agitator.
Oh, come on! He SAID he was going to do something, during a campaign, no less! We all know that when a politician says they will do something during a campaign that they will.

Don't we?


*slaps self in face*

Nevermind. ;)
The Olympics has zip to do with this.

I have zero problem with the killing of known terrorists who have taken American lives.

Your assertion that Obama is responsible for honor killings of women in Libya is absurd.

Your assertion that Obama is responsible for the Muslim Brotherhood rising in Egypt is absurd.

Pakistan harbors known terrorists (like Bin Laden). I have no problems with military actions there, as long as they are targeting known terrorists and Al Queda.

Obama had no problem targeting U.S.-born Anwar al-Awlaki for assassination in Yemen, and neither do I.

I am 'iffy' on the whole 'hit list' thing. But if you're a known terrorist and have been directly responsible for taking American lives, I'm a little less 'iffy'.

All that having been said, realize I do not like or support Obama or his policies. Also, I think his getting the Nobel peace Prize for actions that had not yet occurred (and from the last 3 years, never will) was ridiculous and cheapens the prize considerably. But to blame hm for all that is disingenuous at best, and partisan hackish at worst.

Gotta agree.

I will never support Barry's policies either but he has done a good job going after the terrorists. One bright spot in an otherwise sucky performance as POTUS.

It seems the dimwits that gave him the NPP for actions they thought he was going to take are now sadly disappointed.

Silly me. I thought you actually had to do something to get that prize??

They wasted a perfectly good NPP on Barry.

I'm sure they'd like to take it back. Egg on face big time.

I remember the first thought that went through my mind when he won the damned thing.

:disbelief: This Is :bsflag:

Obama had just been totally humiliated when he came in dead last in the Olympics vote. He couldn't BS his way into bringing the Olympic games to Chicago. So a couple of weeks after this all of the sudden he wins a Nobel Peace Prize for what????

My.....what great timing.

Obama expressed surprise of course.

Turns out for nothing. Since he's been President he has murdered several terrorists, one an unarmed Usama Bin Laden, in cold-blood. He's gone from kill or capture to just kill them and dump their body in Davy Jone's locker.

His support for the Arab Spring started in Tunisia and has resulted in hundreds of honor killings of women in Libya who's only crime was to be rape victims of Qaddafi's soldiers.

Right now at this writing Christians are under siege in Egypt after the peace-movement gave way to a Theocracy instead of a Democracy. Radicals are currently ginning up a war against Israel instead of attempting to move on and build a better life for themselves. The Muslim Brotherhood is now firmly in control, as we have warned.

Pakistan is now our enemy because Obama continues to bomb villages inside their borders despite warning from the government that further military action would result in dire consequences.

This is one of the excuses Thorbjørn Jagland, Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee gave for justification of the award:

We couldn’t avoid giving the prize to President Obama given the will of Alfred Nobel and what he did on this point. But, there are other things also, which we looked at, for instance, the fact that he started immediately to build bridges to the Muslim world throughout the time."

Yes, building bridges.....then blowing them all to hell.

Incidentally, captured, non-uniformed enemy combatants are entitled to no rights under the Geneva Conventions or the U.S. Constitution. Every one of them could have been summarily executed on the battlefield (and have been under Obama).

Nonetheless, riding on his moral high horse with lifted chin, Obama extends American constitutional rights to foreign enemy combatants. Yet, inexplicably, the same Obama had no problem targeting U.S.-born Anwar al-Awlaki for assassination in Yemen. The question here is not whether al-Awlaki was deserving of death. The relevant question is whether Obama acted according to his own professed understanding of "the rule of law."

The unilateral power Obama is wielding makes Bush's "illegal torture" look like pat-a-cake. Articles: Nobel Peace Laureate Assassinates American Citizen

Obama also has a hit list of folks that he's targeting for assassination. Secret panel can put Americans on kill list' | Reuters

A CNN poll currently has Obama losing 22 - 77 on the question; Has Obama lived up to his Nobel Peace Prize? Debate: Has President Obama lived up to his Nobel Peace Prize? – Global Public Square - Blogs

Obama showed support for the violent protests earlier this year in Wisconsin and now supports similar protests all over the United States. We can see direct ties to Obama now through ACORN, SEIU, The Workers Family Party and other union thugs. They're deficating on police cars and pissing all over the place. Now the protesters want to invade the homes of rich Republicans. It doesn't matter that most of the people in charge on Wall Street vote Democrat. New York City is a liberal mecca. What gives them the idea that only Republicans are greedy????

Fast & Furious is contributing to violence all along the U.S. Mexico border. Yes, this Nobel Peace Prize winner made sure that over 2000 automatic weapons ended up in the hands of Mexican drug-runners, and is responsible for murders and even the death of an ICE agent.

So I think Obama needs to send that puppy back because he doesn't deserve it.


The new humane: killing terrorists instead of capturing them « Hot Air

Secret panel can put Americans on kill list' | Reuters

Will the 'Fast and Furious' Scandal Be Obama's Watergate? | The Weekly Standard

Fast and Furiouis gave guns to drug cartels and the used them to kill other drug cartels. Amiercan border patrol agent was just collateral damage or casualty of war. Obama and Holder need a medal.
Violence on the border is between drug cartels trying to make a living for their families. Now they are giving assistance to poor Mexicans as do Hamas. How much money do we give corrupt Mexico to keep the drugs flowing over the border to be distributed to Black youth. GENOCIDE at the governent level.

WE have a prison full of people who have not been read the maranda rights or given legal day in court. How many have we killed before Obama brought our troops home and plan on bringing mroe home.
Obama being elected awaken a lot of rip van winkels that slept throught 8 years of distructions by Bush.
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He shouldn't have received it in the First place.

The man had DONE NOTHING exceptional in his life except be a Community Agitator.

Actually he did deserve it if you recognize the Peace Prize for what it actually is. The International Left Man of the Year award. Who deserved it more?
He shouldn't have received it in the First place.

The man had DONE NOTHING exceptional in his life except be a Community Agitator.
Oh, come on! He SAID he was going to do something, during a campaign, no less! We all know that when a politician says they will do something during a campaign that they will.

Don't we?


*slaps self in face*

Nevermind. ;)

'Gibb's slaps' Si.

I remember the first thought that went through my mind when he won the damned thing.

:disbelief: This Is :bsflag:

Obama had just been totally humiliated when he came in dead last in the Olympics vote. He couldn't BS his way into bringing the Olympic to Chicago. So a couple of weeks after this all of the sudden he wins a Nobel Peace Prize for what????

My.....what great timing.

Obama expressed surprise of course.

Turns out for nothing. Since he's been President he has murdered several terrorists, one an unarmed Usama Bin Laden, in cold-blood. He's gone from kill or capture to just kill them and dump their body in Davy Jone's locker.

His support for the Arab Spring started in Tunisia and has resulted in hundreds of honor killings of women in Libya who's only crime was to be rape victims of Qaddafi's soldiers.

Right now at this writing Christians are under siege in Egypt after the peace-movement gave way to a Theocracy instead of a Democracy. Radicals are currently ginning up a war against Israel instead of attempting to move on and build a better life for themselves. The Muslim Brotherhood is now firmly in control, as we have warned.

Pakistan is now our enemy because Obama continues to bomb villages inside their borders despite warning from the government that further military action would result in dire consequences.

This is one of the excuses Thorbjørn Jagland, Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee gave for justification of the award:

We couldn’t avoid giving the prize to President Obama given the will of Alfred Nobel and what he did on this point. But, there are other things also, which we looked at, for instance, the fact that he started immediately to build bridges to the Muslim world throughout the time."

Yes, building bridges.....then blowing them all to hell.

Incidentally, captured, non-uniformed enemy combatants are entitled to no rights under the Geneva Conventions or the U.S. Constitution. Every one of them could have been summarily executed on the battlefield (and have been under Obama).

Nonetheless, riding on his moral high horse with lifted chin, Obama extends American constitutional rights to foreign enemy combatants. Yet, inexplicably, the same Obama had no problem targeting U.S.-born Anwar al-Awlaki for assassination in Yemen. The question here is not whether al-Awlaki was deserving of death. The relevant question is whether Obama acted according to his own professed understanding of "the rule of law."

The unilateral power Obama is wielding makes Bush's "illegal torture" look like pat-a-cake. Articles: Nobel Peace Laureate Assassinates American Citizen

Obama also has a hit list of folks that he's targeting for assassination. Secret panel can put Americans on kill list' | Reuters

A CNN poll currently has Obama losing 22 - 77 on the question; Has Obama lived up to his Nobel Peace Prize? Debate: Has President Obama lived up to his Nobel Peace Prize? – Global Public Square - Blogs

Obama showed support for the violent protests earlier this year in Wisconsin and now supports similar protests all over the United States. We can see direct ties to Obama now through ACORN, SEIU, The Workers Family Party and other union thugs. They're deficating on police cars and pissing all over the place. Now the protesters want to invade the homes of rich Republicans. It doesn't matter that most of the people in charge on Wall Street vote Democrat. New York City is a liberal mecca. What gives them the idea that only Republicans are greedy????

Fast & Furious is contributing to violence all along the U.S. Mexico border. Yes, this Nobel Peace Prize winner made sure that over 2000 automatic weapons ended up in the hands of Mexican drug-runners, and is responsible for murders and even the death of an ICE agent.

So I think Obama needs to send that puppy back because he doesn't deserve it.


The new humane: killing terrorists instead of capturing them « Hot Air

Secret panel can put Americans on kill list' | Reuters

Will the 'Fast and Furious' Scandal Be Obama's Watergate? | The Weekly Standard

Fast and Furiouis gave guns to drug cartels and the used them to kill other drug cartels. Amiercan border patrol agent was just collateral damage or casualty of war. Obama and Holder need a medal.
Violence on the border is between drug cartels trying to make a living for their families. Now they are giving assistance to poor Mexicans as do Hamas. How much money do we give corrupt Mexico to keep the drugs flowing over the border to be distributed to Black youth. GENOCIDE at the governent level.

WE have a prison full of people who have not been read the maranda rights or given legal day in court. How many have we killed before Obama brought our troops home and plan on bringing mroe home.
Obama being elected awaken a lot of rip van winkels that slept throught 8 years of distructions by Bush.


Your assertion that Obama is responsible for the Muslim Brotherhood rising in Egypt is absurd.
That's right, the CIA was involved, not the Bamster.

Obama had no problem targeting U.S.-born Anwar al-Awlaki for assassination in Yemen, and neither do I.
Great! Then you won't have any problem when he targets one of your family members! American citizens have Constitutional rights. If they've taken up arms against the US then arrest them and give them a trial.

But no, can't have that. Too many State Secrets can come out. Or maybe we find out the "target" was innocent? (Naw, the US Gov't is never wrong!) :lol:
He shouldn't have received it in the First place.

The man had DONE NOTHING exceptional in his life except be a Community Agitator.
Oh, come on! He SAID he was going to do something, during a campaign, no less! We all know that when a politician says they will do something during a campaign that they will.

Don't we?


*slaps self in face*

Nevermind. ;)

'Gibb's slaps' Si.

The Olympics has zip to do with this.

I have zero problem with the killing of known terrorists who have taken American lives.

Your assertion that Obama is responsible for honor killings of women in Libya is absurd.

Your assertion that Obama is responsible for the Muslim Brotherhood rising in Egypt is absurd.

Pakistan harbors known terrorists (like Bin Laden). I have no problems with military actions there, as long as they are targeting known terrorists and Al Queda.

Obama had no problem targeting U.S.-born Anwar al-Awlaki for assassination in Yemen, and neither do I.

I am 'iffy' on the whole 'hit list' thing. But if you're a known terrorist and have been directly responsible for taking American lives, I'm a little less 'iffy'.

All that having been said, realize I do not like or support Obama or his policies. Also, I think his getting the Nobel peace Prize for actions that had not yet occurred (and from the last 3 years, never will) was ridiculous and cheapens the prize considerably. But to blame hm for all that is disingenuous at best, and partisan hackish at worst.

I'm merely pointing out the result of Obama's "Good Intentions".

Whether he had any prior knowledge of this is debatable.

I don't think you mentioned Obama's gun-running program or his support of violent protests, but I would forget to mention it too if I wanted to avoid talking about it.

Btw, Bush never got Nobel consideration for killing and capturing terrorists. What's peaceful about giving the order to bomb or put holes in people????
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I remember the first thought that went through my mind when he won the damned thing.

:disbelief: This Is :bsflag:

Obama had just been totally humiliated when he came in dead last in the Olympics vote. He couldn't BS his way into bringing the Olympic games to Chicago. So a couple of weeks after this all of the sudden he wins a Nobel Peace Prize for what????

My.....what great timing.

Obama expressed surprise of course.

Turns out for nothing. Since he's been President he has murdered several terrorists, one an unarmed Usama Bin Laden, in cold-blood. He's gone from kill or capture to just kill them and dump their body in Davy Jone's locker.

His support for the Arab Spring started in Tunisia and has resulted in hundreds of honor killings of women in Libya who's only crime was to be rape victims of Qaddafi's soldiers.

Right now at this writing Christians are under siege in Egypt after the peace-movement gave way to a Theocracy instead of a Democracy. Radicals are currently ginning up a war against Israel instead of attempting to move on and build a better life for themselves. The Muslim Brotherhood is now firmly in control, as we have warned.

Pakistan is now our enemy because Obama continues to bomb villages inside their borders despite warning from the government that further military action would result in dire consequences.

This is one of the excuses Thorbjørn Jagland, Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee gave for justification of the award:

We couldn’t avoid giving the prize to President Obama given the will of Alfred Nobel and what he did on this point. But, there are other things also, which we looked at, for instance, the fact that he started immediately to build bridges to the Muslim world throughout the time."

Yes, building bridges.....then blowing them all to hell.

Incidentally, captured, non-uniformed enemy combatants are entitled to no rights under the Geneva Conventions or the U.S. Constitution. Every one of them could have been summarily executed on the battlefield (and have been under Obama).

Nonetheless, riding on his moral high horse with lifted chin, Obama extends American constitutional rights to foreign enemy combatants. Yet, inexplicably, the same Obama had no problem targeting U.S.-born Anwar al-Awlaki for assassination in Yemen. The question here is not whether al-Awlaki was deserving of death. The relevant question is whether Obama acted according to his own professed understanding of "the rule of law."

The unilateral power Obama is wielding makes Bush's "illegal torture" look like pat-a-cake. Articles: Nobel Peace Laureate Assassinates American Citizen

Obama also has a hit list of folks that he's targeting for assassination. Secret panel can put Americans on kill list' | Reuters

A CNN poll currently has Obama losing 22 - 77 on the question; Has Obama lived up to his Nobel Peace Prize? Debate: Has President Obama lived up to his Nobel Peace Prize? – Global Public Square - Blogs

Obama showed support for the violent protests earlier this year in Wisconsin and now supports similar protests all over the United States. We can see direct ties to Obama now through ACORN, SEIU, The Workers Family Party and other union thugs. They're deficating on police cars and pissing all over the place. Now the protesters want to invade the homes of rich Republicans. It doesn't matter that most of the people in charge on Wall Street vote Democrat. New York City is a liberal mecca. What gives them the idea that only Republicans are greedy????

Fast & Furious is contributing to violence all along the U.S. Mexico border. Yes, this Nobel Peace Prize winner made sure that over 2000 automatic weapons ended up in the hands of Mexican drug-runners, and is responsible for murders and even the death of an ICE agent.

So I think Obama needs to send that puppy back because he doesn't deserve it.


The new humane: killing terrorists instead of capturing them « Hot Air

Secret panel can put Americans on kill list' | Reuters

Will the 'Fast and Furious' Scandal Be Obama's Watergate? | The Weekly Standard
Yes he should send it back, he didn't deserve it in the first place.
Thomas was a chicken farmer; his farm was dedicated to the fertilized egg business. In his farmyard, Thomas had 450 young hens to lay the eggs. Incidentally, at this stage the female hens are called 'pullets'. Now to fertilise the eggs, which the pullets laid, Thomas had 12 male birds called roosters.

The farmer kept careful records, and any rooster that didn't perform went straight into the cooking pot and a replacement introduced. Thomas found this task time consuming, so he bought a dozen tiny bells and attached one to each of his roosters. Cunningly, each bell had a different ring tone so Thomas could tell from from the comfort of his porch, which rooster was performing.

So now Thomas could sit on his rocking chair and tick the boxes on his efficiency report simply by listening to the bells. The farmer's favourite rooster was Old Podgy, a very fine specimen he was, too. But on this particular morning Thomas noticed Old Podgy's bell hadn't rung at all! Thomas went to investigate.

The other roosters were chasing pullets, their bells-a-ringing. The pullets, hearing the roosters coming, would run for cover. But to Farmer Thomas's amazement, Old Podgy had his bell in his beak, so it couldn't ring. He'd sneak up on a pullet, do his job and walk on to the next one.

Thomas was so proud of Old Podgy, he entered him in the Worcester County Fair and he became an overnight sensation among the judges. The result... The judges not only awarded Old Podgy the No Bell Piece Prize, but also they awarded him the Pulletsurprise!
Cute, loved this one:)

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