Should Mail-In Balloting Continue?


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
Too many irregularities and inconsistencies came about in the 2020 Elections. The Trump ship has sailed and Biden will be the next President. But, as a voter, I don’t want to see Mail In Balloting return. It raises too much uncertainty an doubt.

Vote by mail should be conducted within the Absentee Ballot guidelines; not Mail In.
Too many irregularities and inconsistencies came about in the 2020 Elections. The Trump ship has sailed and Biden will be the next President. But, as a voter, I don’t want to see Mail In Balloting return. It raises too much uncertainty an doubt. Vote by mail should be conducted within the Absentee Ballot guidelines; not Mail In.
Too many? By whose count? There's no proof of extraordinary fraud because of mail-in balloting. As a matter of fact, it lead to the biggest turn-out in American history by absolute numbers. That's a good thing in my book.
Too many irregularities and inconsistencies came about in the 2020 Elections. The Trump ship has sailed and Biden will be the next President. But, as a voter, I don’t want to see Mail In Balloting return. It raises too much uncertainty an doubt.

Vote by mail should be conducted within the Absentee Ballot guidelines; not Mail In.
Fuck no. Mail-in balloting is horrible.

In person. ID. Purple dye. No machines!!!
Too many irregularities and inconsistencies came about in the 2020 Elections. The Trump ship has sailed and Biden will be the next President. But, as a voter, I don’t want to see Mail In Balloting return. It raises too much uncertainty an doubt. Vote by mail should be conducted within the Absentee Ballot guidelines; not Mail In.
Too many? By whose count? There's no proof of extraordinary fraud because of mail-in balloting. As a matter of fact, it lead to the biggest turn-out in American history by absolute numbers. That's a good thing in my book.

There is no reason to have election boards sending out ballots without the voter requesting it. This is what we already have in Absentee Balloting.
Too many irregularities and inconsistencies came about in the 2020 Elections. The Trump ship has sailed and Biden will be the next President. But, as a voter, I don’t want to see Mail In Balloting return. It raises too much uncertainty an doubt.

Vote by mail should be conducted within the Absentee Ballot guidelines; not Mail In.

Most secure election in history. Mail in ballot should become the new standard. Standing in line for hours to cast a ballot you could do from your house is stupid.
Too many irregularities and inconsistencies came about in the 2020 Elections. The Trump ship has sailed and Biden will be the next President. But, as a voter, I don’t want to see Mail In Balloting return. It raises too much uncertainty an doubt.

Vote by mail should be conducted within the Absentee Ballot guidelines; not Mail In.

I agree. The only people who should vote by mail are those who are out of the country. Everyone else should go to the polls and vote in person.
The biggest problem this year was Trumpybear and the Banana Republicans tried to hinder the USPS not help it.

They knew they were likely going to lose. They wanted the slow counts, they knew they could stir up controversy with their Alt-Right Echo chamber and their flock would respond with suitable outrage.

Trumpybear, and his Great Rift. What a legacy.
I disagree...

In 2024, we should return to 1850s technology for elections.

Fraud is a myth and a conspiracy theory. It never happens.

Only when the CIA rigs the elections of other nations and in Mexico in 1988 when the narcoterrorists rigged the Mexican presidential election.
The question is validating voter rolls, vote manipulation, fictitious voter registration, and fraud. Until such time voter ID and validation processes are in place mail in ballots are open to fraud. How dead people remain on voter rolls is inexcusable, secretaries of each state should be constantly removing those deceased and moved from the state. We have the technology, it’s time to employ it and address the problem once and for all.
Too many irregularities and inconsistencies came about in the 2020 Elections. The Trump ship has sailed and Biden will be the next President. But, as a voter, I don’t want to see Mail In Balloting return. It raises too much uncertainty an doubt.

Vote by mail should be conducted within the Absentee Ballot guidelines; not Mail In.

Most secure election in history. Mail in ballot should become the new standard. Standing in line for hours to cast a ballot you could do from your house is stupid.
If one has the right to determine the course of the Republic they can get their pathetic ass off the couch and vote in person. How do you eliminate voter registration fraud and validate voter ID? You don’t and you know it! The polls in each state open well in advance of the general election, so what you are saying is that their too lazy and irresponsible to make the effort, so why entrust them with the right to vote?
PROGS like it because they recognize their base is stoned, lazy and misinformed. What better way to support the Demonicrat party than to entertain easy voting for those who share the lowest common denominator?

The Demonicrat party is exactly for the lowest common denominator, as they hope to normalize the least of us to achieve power. Gay marriage, turn-genders, illegals, KKK, ANTIFA, BLM, tattle-tales, snowflakes, and racism, all perfect examples.

Floyd was a GREAT example. Less than 1% believed the incident involved racism at all, but what did PROGS do? They exploited the situation and misled the public because they knew PROGS would riot, especially under COVID.

These are NOT good people.
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Too many irregularities and inconsistencies came about in the 2020 Elections. The Trump ship has sailed and Biden will be the next President. But, as a voter, I don’t want to see Mail In Balloting return. It raises too much uncertainty an doubt.

Vote by mail should be conducted within the Absentee Ballot guidelines; not Mail In.

Most secure election in history. Mail in ballot should become the new standard. Standing in line for hours to cast a ballot you could do from your house is stupid.
If one has the right to determine the course of the Republic they can get their pathetic ass off the couch and vote in person. How do you eliminate voter registration fraud and validate voter ID? You don’t and you know it! The polls in each state open well in advance of the general election, so what you are saying is that their too lazy and irresponsible to make the effort, so why entrust them with the right to vote?

Why should we entrust you with the right to vote?

We've just had the most secure election in history. Mail in ballot should become the new standard. Standing in line for hours to cast a ballot you could do from your house is stupid.
I disagree...

In 2024, we should return to 1850s technology for elections.

Fraud is a myth and a conspiracy theory. It never happens.

Only when the CIA rigs the elections of other nations and in Mexico in 1988 when the narcoterrorists rigged the Mexican presidential election.
Yes, keep mail-in voting. Eliminate crying over results we've seen after these last 2 elections.
In other words, keep cheating viable?

God....dammit you people are so fucking transparent.

  • In person only
  • ID required
  • Purple dye on left hand
  • hand counts fucking machines
  • 3 observers for every person counting
  • video of all counting
I will never trust another election until THAT is the process.
Leave it up to the states. Republican's in those swing states should follow Texas and Florida and count the early and mail in ballots as they arrive. Had they done that the old Trumpybear wouldn't have been able to fool as many of his flock as he did!

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