Should I Sue?


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2005
I'm home after an hour-long visit to the dentist (their electric went out in the middle of my filling), and another hour in Kroger with an elderly man following me around asking me how I'm doing with a huge grin on his face (I have no idea who he was). I walk in the door with 2000 bags of groceries, and husband & son are standing there. "What's for lunch?" they wonder. I'm wondering that myself.

Soooo, grabbing a chance to clear some space in the fridge (Husband has a million beers in there), I heat up leftover chicken casserole for husband, then shove a leftover bag from Arby's in the microwave for my son. I turn around to unpack groceries, but I hear a strange crackling sound under the hum of the microwave. I look back, and the food is on fire! Arby's evidently wraps their sandwiches in foil instead of just plain paper.

So how much do you think I could get from them if I sued? The microwave is smoke-blackened, and I am suffering extreme emotional trauma, and damage to my marriage (My husband was not happy). I think Arby's should pay for this. It WAS all their fault, right?
You might be able to get something out of them.
I humbly request that you do not.
The legal system is crammed with cases like this all the time and it keeps
getting worse. IMO it contributes to all the legal cases that could have been
avoided had common sense been used a wee bit more. For example, coffee is
usualy served hot. I think it silly to blame the fast food industry if you burn
yourself with it. Sorry if I offended you. Maybe there was some sarcasm I
missed in there???
My friend bought a muffin from a canteen truck that had a match in the middle of it. He didn't notice until he ate half of it.

Oh, yeah, don't sue. Tell your husband to get off his arse.

That's all.
My bad.....
I was engaged in an online town hall meeting with the local Army base
commander. You wouldn't believe the morons that were on there.
I guess I lost my place and carried this "hold your hand and explain
everything" mentality over to here.

again, sorry.
Definitely sue.. After all, approx. 20 years (give or take?) isn't nearly long enough for the entire world to know that Arby's wraps their sandwiches in foil.. I mean.. how dare they...

Biased against microwave owners.

mom4 said:
I'm home after an hour-long visit to the dentist (their electric went out in the middle of my filling), and another hour in Kroger with an elderly man following me around asking me how I'm doing with a huge grin on his face (I have no idea who he was). I walk in the door with 2000 bags of groceries, and husband & son are standing there. "What's for lunch?" they wonder. I'm wondering that myself.

Soooo, grabbing a chance to clear some space in the fridge (Husband has a million beers in there), I heat up leftover chicken casserole for husband, then shove a leftover bag from Arby's in the microwave for my son. I turn around to unpack groceries, but I hear a strange crackling sound under the hum of the microwave. I look back, and the food is on fire! Arby's evidently wraps their sandwiches in foil instead of just plain paper.

So how much do you think I could get from them if I sued? The microwave is smoke-blackened, and I am suffering extreme emotional trauma, and damage to my marriage (My husband was not happy). I think Arby's should pay for this. It WAS all their fault, right?
Bad day, I hate it when that happens.

In answer to your question:
So how much do you think I could get from them if I sued?
ZIP! You have no case. :(
no1tovote4 said:
I think you could successfully sue your husband for not making lunch for your kid.

That was my first thought, too. ;)

Mom, you are so nice. If I walked in laden with groceries, and my husband or daughter picked that moment to ask me what was for lunch, I might have thrown a bag at them.

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