Should gov't pay for Lasik for everyone?


Feb 14, 2011
Should gov't pay for Lasik for all sight impaired people who qualify for the surgery and wish it?

Should gov't pay for hearing implants for all hearing-impaired people who qualify and wish it?
Should gov't pay for Lasik for all sight impaired people who qualify for the surgery and wish it?

Should gov't pay for hearing implants for all hearing-impaired people who qualify and wish it?

i don't know... perhaps a better question is SHOULD INSURANCE COMPANIES pay for reconstruction for women who've had mastectomies? and should government pay for them if insurance companies say they're cosmetic in nature?

what say you?

you know, so you don't focus on the trivial and actually explore questions that matter.
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Should gov't pay for Lasik for all sight impaired people who qualify for the surgery and wish it?

Should gov't pay for hearing implants for all hearing-impaired people who qualify and wish it?

When I was in the service, they did offer it for "free"...but I never could time it so I could get it done and get back to work...(this was back in the day).

If they offered it now as a civilian, I would take it in a minute. I am tired of glasses.
I'd like the VA to pay for Lasik, tooth care, penis enlargement. I don't need viagra, but they could put in a hooker sucharge for a monthly visit
You have to remember that Jillian is both a Jew and a Lawyer.

That's why she brought up Insurance Companies.

She doesn't care about people.

It's all about who can she sue and for how much money. :doubt:
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You have to remember that Jillian is both a Jew and a Lawyer.

That's why she brought up Insurance.

She doesn't care about people.

It's all about who can she sue and for how much money. :doubt:

i thought you would at least say she has a flat face cause one of the ambulances stopped all of a sudden.
You have to remember that Jillian is both a Jew and a Lawyer.

That's why she brought up Insurance.

She doesn't care about people.

It's all about who can she sue and for how much money. :doubt:

i thought you would at least say she has a flat face cause one of the ambulances stopped all of a sudden.
I would never say something like that because I am not a mean person.

But if I had to guess; It would be that her face is flatter than a pancake. :lol:
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Vision and hearing are trivial?

no. but whether one wears glasses or hearing aids instead of having vision/hearing surgically corrected is...

i asked a question... what do you think?

Should gov't pay for Lasik for all sight impaired people who qualify for the surgery and wish it?

Should gov't pay for hearing implants for all hearing-impaired people who qualify and wish it?

i don't know... perhaps a better question is SHOULD INSURANCE COMPANIES pay for reconstruction for women who've had mastectomies? and should government pay for them if insurance companies say they're cosmetic?

what say you?

you know, so you don't focus on the trivial and actually explore questions that matter.

How is a question about breast reconstruction better than one about hearing implants?

My answer is that I don't know what insurance companies "should" do about reconstruction. You want me to make up a b.s. answer when this is the first time I've thought about it?

Do I think the gov't should pay for reconstruction if insurance companies won't? No.
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Should gov't pay for Lasik for all sight impaired people who qualify for the surgery and wish it?

Should gov't pay for hearing implants for all hearing-impaired people who qualify and wish it?

Honestly, I don't know about hearing implants. I have no idea what the cost is compared to hearing aids or their effectiveness. As for Lasik, absolutely not. It is cosmetic surgery. People can pay for glasses or contacts. If they want Lasik, they can pay for it themselves. If there were any exceptions, it would have to be a case where contacts and glasses were ineffective and Lasik could prevent blindness.

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