Zone1 Should any accusation of racism from the left have any credibility?

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Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2015
OK, This is my observation:

Liberals, when they find supposed racism, due to how unpopular old fashioned white racism is, they are then greatly empowered to them marginalize just anyone or anything thing, without actually addressing any valid points, that might have been made.

My question here, is, can liberals be trusted to be judges of whether something is or is not racist, when they have such a strong motive to decide that something indeed, is supposedly "racist".

My hypothesis, is that NO, they cannot. THe temptation is too great and that they thus abuse that power a great deal.

As a corollary, it occurs to me, in any valid accusation of racism, there has to be an additional, actual real harm being done. Otherwise, the racism has no impact to the discussion or the issues being discussed.

Thus, as a form of a TEST, the challenge is, can any think of an example of "racism" where there was no harm done, other than the ill will in the person's heart.

Thus, in EVERY example of REAL racism, there is an ACTUAL harm being done, that can be discussed without any reference to RACISM, which is mostly likely to derail the discussion, and that discussion of the actual harm, can continue and the real issue(s) can be discussed productively.

i will start with the first example of an accusation of racism.

One of my favorites, the claim that President Trump said that neo-nazis were "Very fine people", thus being racist.

This did not happen, thus there was no harm, thus no actual racism. Nearly all liberals continue to believe it, even though it has been proven completely false.

If we can have an ACTUAL or at least PLAUSIBLE accusation of racism for the second example, that might work better for the test.

Can anyone think of any PLAUSIBLE accusation that is really BIG?

To be clear, example of white racism, by NOT left leaning people, accused by left leaning people.
There are no credible accusations of racism anymore. That has been the consequence of crying wolf for too long.

Yeah, I focused on trying to meet the zone one standards, certainly no credible accusations came to mind.
Probably not. The left condemns any criticism of blacks however accurate, as racist. The left uses the the fear of being called a racist to suppress the dialogue on race President Clinton called for, and which we need to have. In this dialogue it needs to be safe to discuss low average black intelligence, and high black rates of crime and illegitimacy without blaming them on the ways blacks are treated by whites now, or were in the past. It needs to be safe to argue that blacks are responsible for their problems, and many of ours.
Probably not. The left condemns any criticism of blacks, however accurate as racist. The left uses the the fear of being called a racist to suppress the dialogue on race president Clinton called for, and which we need to have. In this dialogue it needs to be safe to discuss low average black intelligence, and high black rates of crime and illegitimacy without blaming them on the ways blacks are treated by whites now, or in the past.

Oooh, that reminds me.

EXAMPLE TWO: Criticism of too about.


Was it racist to believe that Obama might have, or was born in Kenya?

Well, saying someone was born in one place as opposed to another, is not saying anything about his genetic traits.

I'm not sure what the harm would be, here, unless...the idea is that the idea of him NOT being born here, somehow turned voters off from him. Which, did not seem to happen. Though that might have been an INTENT.

Anyone want to defend this as an example of racism? Cause in the absense of any harm, I'm leaning toward declaring it another example of how liberals have way too much motive, to be objective.
The thing is - actual liberals want a color-blind society.

It is only the Authoritarian leftists trying to divide and control us who make everything about race. It is just a tool they use as a means to an end.
The thing is - actual liberals want a color-blind society.

It is only the Authoritarian leftists trying to divide and control us who make everything about race. It is just a tool they use as a means to an end.

Well, yes, IMO.

I would like for one or two to make an attempt to justify an accusation of racism, so we can discuss whether or not there is an issue that could be discussed BETTER, without the distraction of accusations of racism.

Was it racist to believe that Obama might have, or was born in Kenya?

Well, saying someone was born in one place as opposed to another, is not saying anything about his genetic traits.
If Barack Obama was born in Kenya he was ineligible to run for president. However, the evidence that he was born in Hawaii after Hawaii became a state is overwhelming.

What end?

Come on, give us an example of right leaning white racism that you actually believe. The test will work best with an example from an actual lefty, who actually believes that it is a valid accusation of racism.
If Barack Obama was born in Kenya he was ineligible to run for president. However, the evidence that he was born in Hawaii after Hawaii became a state is overwhelming.

Is that true? He mother was an American citizen. Wouldn't that be enough to allow him to run for the office?
If Barack Obama was born in Kenya he was ineligible to run for president. However, the evidence that he was born in Hawaii after Hawaii became a state is overwhelming.
Children of citizens are also citizens, even if born in hell.

The argument was racist at the core.
Children of citizens are also citizens, even if born in hell.

The argument was racist at the core.


So, in your mind, what was the HARM caused by the accusation?
The OP is inflammatory and baiting, there is no way it is going to work in Zone 1, it invites fire fights. Closed.
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