sharia law courts in Texas


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The left still likes to pretend that all muslims are peaceful, reasonable people. Here are the "moderates" living in America. They want sharia law and to have their own courts. For now, our laws currently stop them from creating their own system of laws and justice that would trump ours, so they say their verdicts are voluntarily accepted. No mention of what happens to people in their communities who reject sharia law decisions in favor of the American system, which actually supports individual rights.

If we start allowing no-go zones and letting them have their own courts, how much longer before their religious "rights" are upheld in our courts to the point where they are allowed to have their own government? Islam is more of a dictatorship type government than a religion. They force rules on people and force them to believe in their god or face dire consequences.

In N.J., a judge allowed sharia law to overrule our own laws when he refused to hold a man responsible for abuse of his wife. The reasoning was that it's just the way muslims are and we can't hold them to our standards when they know nothing but their own archaic laws. The man considered it normal to abuse his wife since his religious book says it's okay. The woman was not granted a restraining order against the guy because he didn't understand what he did wrong. That pretty much guarantees he'll do it again and the woman remains in danger. He is doing what muslims do and that it mistreat women as they see fit. After all, that's what is says in their book, so no one can hold them liable for abuse. This is getting sick. If this judge is right and it's true that muslim men have no clue what they are doing wrong when they abuse women, then why do we want them here? How about we let them know that they can't break laws here, regardless of what their religious rag says? Maybe they'd think twice about coming if they knew they couldn't come and change things to suit themselves. That is why they come. Many have come out and admitted that their ultimate goal is a world controlled by sharia law.

" While some critics might be mollified by these "judges" claims that their "rulings" are "voluntary" now, how long will it be before this group or others like it start fighting to force American courts to acknowledge Sharia law in our own justice system?

Not as far off as you might think.

For example, a New Jersey judge recently cited Sharia Law in refusing to grant a Muslim woman a restraining order in a horrible case of sexual assault and abuse:

A New Jersey family court judge’s decision not to grant a restraining order to a woman who was sexually abused by her Moroccan husband and forced repeatedly to have sex with him is sounding the alarm for advocates of laws designed to ban Shariah in America.

Judge Joseph Charles, in denying the restraining order to the woman after her divorce, ruled that her ex-husband felt he had behaved according to his Muslim beliefs — and that he did not have "criminal desire to or intent to sexually assault" his wife.

Chilling. An American judge rubber-stamping the horrible abuse of a woman — in America — because her husband acted within the bounds of the barbaric, anti-woman Muslim "holy book." "
We are a few years behind France as far as our politically correctness concerning Muslims. The whole world is going after the terror cells in their countries, while we celebrate ours. No go zones will be established here as well.
Muslims don't integrate, they congregate, and their demands rise in accordance with their numbers. Permitting Sharia law in our courtrooms is asking for a State of Islam within our own. Sharia law is law, not suggestion. We have our own tried and true laws and there is no need to amend them to include laws based on a minority religion.
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So a wordpress free site and "" are your source. Must be extremely credible. Oh, and it's not Sharia law, it's was his religious beliefs they were talking about and not Sharia law.
So a wordpress free site and "" are your source. Must be extremely credible. Oh, and it's not Sharia law, it's was his religious beliefs they were talking about and not Sharia law.
Islam is not only a "religion', its a social, judicial and political entity. Plus a whole lot of other insane mumbo jumbo.
I just saw a video of a Muslim IMIGRANT to England said HE KNEW SHARIA LAW was needed. Really? Immigrants bring that . Wow. We need sharia law like we need cannibalism
or voodoo. Really!
Muslims for Islamic Sharia law were told to get out of Australia

Prime Minister John Howard – Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.

Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation’s mosques. Quote: ‘IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.’

‘This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom’

‘We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!’

‘Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.’

‘We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.’

‘This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,


‘If you aren’t happy here then LEAVE. We didn’t force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.’
It has been shown to be hoax on many sites.................I DON'T CARE.............

The better choice than Sharia law is our good old Lynch law for them.
Lynch law is the practice of condemning and punishing a person by mob action without a proper trial.
The practice of lynching must work I believe.
Why aren't all you 10th amendment fans supporting Sharia Law?

What? Supporters of the 10th amendment are supposed to think it's okay to deny women rights? sharia law says that women should not be taken seriously or have any rights. They are supposed to obey men.

Some Muslim women have stated that they wish people would quit defending a religion that strips them of rights and makes their lives a living hell. They aren't allowed to do the things men can do and they are severely punished for even the most mild offense. If no one addresses it, they have no voice at all because they face dire consequences if they dare speak out. Nice to know that the oppressors can count on the left to protect their right to treat women like dirt.
The left still likes to pretend that all muslims are peaceful, reasonable people. Here are the "moderates" living in America. They want sharia law and to have their own courts. For now, our laws currently stop them from creating their own system of laws and justice that would trump ours, so they say their verdicts are voluntarily accepted. No mention of what happens to people in their communities who reject sharia law decisions in favor of the American system, which actually supports individual rights.

If we start allowing no-go zones and letting them have their own courts, how much longer before their religious "rights" are upheld in our courts to the point where they are allowed to have their own government? Islam is more of a dictatorship type government than a religion. They force rules on people and force them to believe in their god or face dire consequences.

In N.J., a judge allowed sharia law to overrule our own laws when he refused to hold a man responsible for abuse of his wife. The reasoning was that it's just the way muslims are and we can't hold them to our standards when they know nothing but their own archaic laws. The man considered it normal to abuse his wife since his religious book says it's okay. The woman was not granted a restraining order against the guy because he didn't understand what he did wrong. That pretty much guarantees he'll do it again and the woman remains in danger. He is doing what muslims do and that it mistreat women as they see fit. After all, that's what is says in their book, so no one can hold them liable for abuse. This is getting sick. If this judge is right and it's true that muslim men have no clue what they are doing wrong when they abuse women, then why do we want them here? How about we let them know that they can't break laws here, regardless of what their religious rag says? Maybe they'd think twice about coming if they knew they couldn't come and change things to suit themselves. That is why they come. Many have come out and admitted that their ultimate goal is a world controlled by sharia law.

" While some critics might be mollified by these "judges" claims that their "rulings" are "voluntary" now, how long will it be before this group or others like it start fighting to force American courts to acknowledge Sharia law in our own justice system?

Not as far off as you might think.

For example, a New Jersey judge recently cited Sharia Law in refusing to grant a Muslim woman a restraining order in a horrible case of sexual assault and abuse:

A New Jersey family court judge’s decision not to grant a restraining order to a woman who was sexually abused by her Moroccan husband and forced repeatedly to have sex with him is sounding the alarm for advocates of laws designed to ban Shariah in America.

Judge Joseph Charles, in denying the restraining order to the woman after her divorce, ruled that her ex-husband felt he had behaved according to his Muslim beliefs — and that he did not have "criminal desire to or intent to sexually assault" his wife.

Chilling. An American judge rubber-stamping the horrible abuse of a woman — in America — because her husband acted within the bounds of the barbaric, anti-woman Muslim "holy book." "



Nobody says that "all" muslims (or "all" of anyone else) are peaceful people. GIve some god-damned thought to your words you worthless bitch


Nobody says that "all" muslims (or "all" of anyone else) are peaceful people. GIve some god-damned thought to your words you worthless bitch

You ignorant bitch, Obama is out there saying that the terrorists and other bad people are not Muslims or doing things in the name of Islam. He has separated them and refuses to call the terrorists muslims. Therefore, by Obama's logic, all muslims are good and the bad ones are just armed insurgents who are not muslim.

I notice you didn't say anything about what many so-called moderate muslims are doing these days. But, I didn't expect any thoughtful responses, just the usual name calling and picking on one minor thing while ignoring the real topic.

So, FUCK OFF, bitch. You're not worth arguing with since you only puke up talking points on command. I haven't heard a bad word about any muslim from any of the liberals here. Like Obama, you guys won't even admit there are radical muslims. Either you are a hypocrite or your burka is on too tight.
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Sharia courts are a disaster in the UK, as are their ' faith schools ', some of which are purely hate and intolerance factories that breed Islamic terrorists.

Going down the 'agree to anything' to ' protect religious freedom' path would be as much a disaster in America as it has been in the UK.

Sharia courts allow Muslim communities to hide rapists, pedophiles, and domestic violence from the justice system. They attack women's rights, and turn communities into a second state that ignores the laws of 'non-Muslims' and only follows the Koran.
This poll was from 2006. I am sure the numbers are even higher now. This is from a CBS story, so liberals can't dismiss it. It's a poll taken to see how muslims in Britain felt about certain things.

Only 1 in 4 say Britain is their country. 30% of British muslims prefer to live under Sharia than under British law. 28% want the U.K. to become a fundamentalist Islamic state. 1/3 of them believe that Western society is immoral and that muslims should seek to end it. 78% want punishment for those who insult their prophet. 68% want support arresting and prosecuting those who insult islam. 62% say freedom of speech should not be protected if it means people being allowed to offend them.

Only 3% of British muslims were consistently pro-freedom of speech.

There used to be a lot of concern for the attitudes of muslims toward their host countries and their desire to push their beliefs on others.

What changed? Seriously, the only difference today is that the numbers are much higher for those muslims who support the radical sharia law.

Yet, now we can't openly talk about it. Obama will never criticize any muslim for any reason. All we hear is that most are good and there is no mention of the bad ones. Terrorist attacks continue, but no mention that the terrorists are muslim. Obama seems to go out of his way to protect the muslim image and the left backs him up. He refuses to say 'muslim terrorist.' The official stance now is that al qaeda isn't even a terrorist group. Now they are just armed insurgents. ISIS isn't even islamic, according to Obama. He carefully tiptoes around the fact that the majority of terrorist attacks have been committed by muslims. He doesn't say it and he doesn't want others to say it.

" The recent homegrown plot in Britain to blow up transatlantic flights will intensify the fear that the country's 1.6 million Muslims are rejecting political tolerance and free speech for a violent, radicalized version of Islam. There is a real concern that British Muslims do pose a threat to that country and it's traditional values. So, how prevalent are such radical views among British Muslims?

Some answers are provided by the most comprehensive survey to date of Muslim opinion in Britain. The results from NOP Research, broadcast by Channel 4-TV on August 7, are startling.

The British government believes that, in recent years, 3,000 British Muslims have returned home from al Qaeda training camps. Intelligence experts estimate that 1,200 Muslim radicals (80 percent of Pakistani origin) are currently pursuing a terrorist rather than a democratic option to vent their disgust at Tony Blair's support for America's invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and opposition to Hezbollah.


" This terrorist weed that is choking the U.K. is especially hard to eradicate because it is growing in British soil. America's fastest-growing religion is Islam, but here in the States the numbers are not a security concern, as a commitment to Islam has not overwhelmed a strong attachment to America itselt- another victory for the melting pot.

By contrast, the U.K. embraced taxpayer-subsidized multiculturalism and has paid a very dear price, indeed. The result- cultural apartheid- has encouraged a significant number of Muslims to exhibit more loyalty to fellow Muslims outside of the U.K. than to their fellow Britons. "

More recent surveys:

According to the survey, majorities in Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan and Nigeria would favor changing the current laws to allow stoning as a punishment for adultery, hand amputation for theft and death for those who convert from Islam to another religion. About 85% of Pakistani Muslims said they would support a law segregating men and women in the workplace.

new poll shows that 40% of American Muslims support the creation of a separate sharia court system in the USA.

Also 46% of American Muslims believe that blasphemy of Islam should be criminalized while a shocking 1 out of every 8 think that Americans who criticize or parody Islam should face the death penalty.

Nearly half of 600 Muslim-American citizens polled who plan to vote in the 2012 presidential election believe parodies of Muhammad should be prosecuted criminally in the U.S., and one in eight say the offense is so serious violators should face the death penalty.

The results came in a groundbreaking scientific poll for WND by the public-opinion research and media consulting company Wenzel Strategies. It was taken Oct. 22-26 and carries a margin of error of plus or minus 3.98 percentage points.

The poll also found 40 percent of Muslims in America believe they should not be judged by U.S. law and the Constitution, but by Shariah standards.

I cannot figure out why liberals support muslims. I thought liberals believed in women's rights. It's impossible to support equality and sharia law at the same time. Sharia law allows abuse of women as a man's right. It allows for women to be stoned to death for infidelity. It allows other overly strict punishment for simple infractions, like women speaking to men that are not relatives. It allows genital mutilation. It allows men to divorce their wives without allowing women to keep any property or money. It prevents women from voting. It means a woman's word is not as good as a mans.

If the majority of Muslims want sharia law, then they want to suppress women's rights. Muslim women are born into oppression and escaping it must be near impossible. Yet the libs refuse to speak truthfully about the plight of muslim women because they don't want to offend muslims. I really don't get it.
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So a wordpress free site and "" are your source. Must be extremely credible. Oh, and it's not Sharia law, it's was his religious beliefs they were talking about and not Sharia law.

There is no 'Sharia law' in any state's courts, nor will there be – the notion is ignorance idiocy, a lie contrived and propagated by many on the right reflecting their unwarranted fear and hatred of Islam.

Any and all contracts made must conform to that states contract laws, those that do not are invalid.

Also correct about the cited 'sources,' they are completely devoid of credibility.
Support for Theocracy is Highest Among Conservatives and Older Americans

According to 2013 poll by YouGov, theocracy is popular in the United States. Slightly more than a third of all Americans would like to see Christianity made the official religion of their state; this is more popular among Republicans, older people, and those with just a high school education. Over half of Republicans support such a policy, with nearly half of older people and those with just a high school education following.
Everybody wants their religion to be top dog...which is why we need that wall of separation between church and state. Who wants to tear down that wall again?
The left still likes to pretend that all muslims are peaceful, reasonable people. Here are the "moderates" living in America. They want sharia law and to have their own courts. For now, our laws currently stop them from creating their own system of laws and justice that would trump ours, so they say their verdicts are voluntarily accepted. No mention of what happens to people in their communities who reject sharia law decisions in favor of the American system, which actually supports individual rights.

If we start allowing no-go zones and letting them have their own courts, how much longer before their religious "rights" are upheld in our courts to the point where they are allowed to have their own government? Islam is more of a dictatorship type government than a religion. They force rules on people and force them to believe in their god or face dire consequences.

There aren't any "no go zones" in the US. That's a hoax. The only way Sharia is used is in civil cases - marriage, divorce, finance, inheritance etc. It's no different than other voluntary civil systems such as Jewish halakhah for example.

In N.J., a judge allowed sharia law to overrule our own laws when he refused to hold a man responsible for abuse of his wife. The reasoning was that it's just the way muslims are and we can't hold them to our standards when they know nothing but their own archaic laws. The man considered it normal to abuse his wife since his religious book says it's okay. The woman was not granted a restraining order against the guy because he didn't understand what he did wrong. That pretty much guarantees he'll do it again and the woman remains in danger. He is doing what muslims do and that it mistreat women as they see fit.

You left out the part about how that particular verdict was overturned on appeal. Judges make mistakes.

After all, that's what is says in their book, so no one can hold them liable for abuse. This is getting sick. If this judge is right and it's true that muslim men have no clue what they are doing wrong when they abuse women, then why do we want them here? How about we let them know that they can't break laws here, regardless of what their religious rag says? Maybe they'd think twice about coming if they knew they couldn't come and change things to suit themselves. That is why they come. Many have come out and admitted that their ultimate goal is a world controlled by sharia law.

Islam is hardly unique among religions in sanctioning domestic violence.

Why do you think most Muslims come here (as opposed to having been here) and why do you think they want to change things to suit themselves? I'm not seeing any big move to make Sharia the law of the land.

" While some critics might be mollified by these "judges" claims that their "rulings" are "voluntary" now, how long will it be before this group or others like it start fighting to force American courts to acknowledge Sharia law in our own justice system?

Not as far off as you might think.

Really? Any proof to support this?

For example, a New Jersey judge recently cited Sharia Law in refusing to grant a Muslim woman a restraining order in a horrible case of sexual assault and abuse:

A New Jersey family court judge’s decision not to grant a restraining order to a woman who was sexually abused by her Moroccan husband and forced repeatedly to have sex with him is sounding the alarm for advocates of laws designed to ban Shariah in America.

Judge Joseph Charles, in denying the restraining order to the woman after her divorce, ruled that her ex-husband felt he had behaved according to his Muslim beliefs — and that he did not have "criminal desire to or intent to sexually assault" his wife.

Chilling. An American judge rubber-stamping the horrible abuse of a woman — in America — because her husband acted within the bounds of the barbaric, anti-woman Muslim "holy book." "

Isn't that the same case you mentioned above? Your basing all this hysteria on one case that was overturned?
The case might have been overturned, but there was a judge willing to bow to the demands of Muslims. How many others will accept the excuse that because something is allowed in the Muslim community that we should bend or break our laws to let them off the hook?

We do have some no-go zones on the southern border. Our own government put up signs warning people not to enter certain areas that are controlled by drug and human traffickers. So, that is an indication of how some things will be dealt with.

We have Muslims complaining about bacon signs and other idiotic things. Some say American flags are offensive and many landlords and neighborhood associations have banned them so as not to offend certain assholes. The fact that people are willing to bend over for them is a bad sign.

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