Shaken Baby Syndrome often just a cover story for children who are brain damaged by vaccines


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Democrat war on kids continues. They support abortion and disease-ridden illegals in your schools and mass child vaccination.

Shaken Baby Syndrome often just a cover story for children who are brain damaged by vaccines -

feb 14 2015
NaturalNews) Child abuse comes in many forms, and can result in serious and permanent health conditions such as Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS), a type of brain damage that typically afflicts children younger than one-year-old. But the cause of such abuse is not always physical trauma as many experts claim -- pediatricians, doctors, and government officials routinely abuse children by injecting them with toxic vaccines, which are often the real cause of SBS and other brain damage-related conditions inappropriately blamed on physical abuse allegedly caused by parents and guardians.

Unfortunately, the SBS scam, which protects the vaccine industry from liability for vaccine-induced health damage and death, is unlikely to go anywhere anytime soon. This is due in large part to the fact that long-term safety studies for vaccines are virtually non-existent, making it extremely difficult for parents of vaccine-injured children to defend themselves against child abuse claims.

Learn more: Shaken Baby Syndrome often just a cover story for children who are brain damaged by vaccines -
The antivvaxxers won't stop until epidemics are again killing thousands. Not even if it means child killers go free.
Having lived for a time in a place where vaccination was unknown and having seen children suffer and die from diseases that shouldn't have even existed I cannot accept that risk of rejecting vaccination is worth the price. Not just to "society" but to each child.


If you're pregnant and plan to NOT vaccinate, abort. It'll be over sooner for the child.
shootspeeders and tipsy were not vaccinated, so obviously they were shaken not stirred.

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