sexual predator bill clinton and the new sex scandal......lack of media curiosity....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes.....this article looks at a piece by Buzzfeed, and how they fail to really pursue their own story...even though it doesn't take much to see how they weren't that curious.....

Buzzfeed Investigates Bill Clinton s Connection to Sex Scandal - Breitbart

Maybe there’s some way to parse this that doesn’t leave Clinton looking guilty in retrospect. But Buzzfeed doesn’t spend any time exploring it. In fact, the quote above isn’t mentioned in the piece. The suggestion is that, perhaps somehow, noted philanderer Clinton and massage enthusiast Epstein never got around to talking about anything other than AIDS research.

That’s another problem with the piece. Buzzfeed is demanding “hard evidence” Clinton was involved in the scandal but seems intent on looking for it where it is least likely to be found. In this passage, Epstein’s legally-immunized associates are offered as evidence on behalf of Clinton’s innocence.

Epstein’s longtime friend, the socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, is accused of taking part, while his personal assistant, Sarah Kellen, is described procuring young woman for him. But neither of those women has ever said a word about Clinton being involved.

You only need to keep reading to learn that Maxwell attended Chelsea Clinton’s wedding and Kellen has refused to do anything but plead the 5th. In other words, the women who were allegedly part of Epstein’s illegal behavior are still in his orbit (and Clinton’s). To switch metaphors, this is akin to taking the silence of a low-level mobster as proof that the don and his pals are all nice guys. At some point it should occur to Buzzfeed that without legal pressure to roll over on the higher ups—which doesn’t exist thanks to a 2008 agreement—these women have little motivation to speak up about anything they may have seen or done.

One woman who might be telling the truth is Virginia Roberts. She claims she became Epstein’s “sex slave” for a period of three years, flying with him on his private jet and engaging in orgies with him and his friends and assistants on his private island. Roberts is the woman who claims Epstein paid her to have sex with Alan Dershowitz and Prince Andrew. She is also the person who claims she had dinner with Epstein, Clinton, and a couple of young girls on Epstein’s private island.

Buzzfeed does point out that flight records from 2002 don’t seem to back up Roberts’ claims that Clinton visited Epstein’s island. However, attorneys for Roberts have argued that there are differences in two sets of flight records which suggest they are incomplete and may have been tampered with (something Buzzfeed doesn’t mention).

That’s not “hard proof” and it may even be reason for skepticism. As the UVA story taught everyone, even the worst stories need to be examined. Then again, Roberts has already offered a great deal more proof of her story to police and attorneys than Jackie, the woman in the UVA story, ever did.

If only he was a republican......they would be a lot more thorough in their research........
Can you imagine if Todd Palin went to his friends Lolita Island to fuck 16 year old sex slaves?
The lack of curiosity on a story of this nature by the media would be amazing if I hadn't seen them so incurious about so much the democrats do.....
You want a good read about the sex-slave industry you need to read "Trance Formation of America" by Cathy O'Brien. Pretty horrible life she led and you might be amazed to know just how many politicians participate from one degree to another.
Right because being hypocritical is so much worse than flying to private islands to screw sex slaves. OK fine. I understand now. It's just sex.

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