Seven reasons why a vaccine passport should give us pause for thought


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Did you get your 'jab' and still alive? Don't worry, the situation will change in few time. You'll became not only walking dead but also a slave of those who wanna kill you.

Vaccine passports (or passes or certificates) are being rushed through around the world, including in places where most people have not even been able to get a vaccine yet. They are being touted as a way of jump-starting the global economy by providing a means for people to prove their vaccinated status, allowing them to travel, shop, go to the gym, attend sporting and cultural events and conduct other indoor activities. Countries like Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Singapore have already introduced vaccine passports in the last couple of months.

So? I am sure you can find one online for a few bucks if not free. Isn't like Sam's Club is going to be running every customer through a database.
You know, 10 years ago the shit they're doing today would have resulted in a revolt.
50 years ago Civil war. Today...people be like....."Yawn, as long as I gots my Netflix, iphone and shiny new car I'm good"
They are so perfectly and cleverly slow boiling the frog. And no one will ever do a thing.

Those effers have this so well planned it's chilling. Every step.

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