Senate votes to limit debate on Barrett nomination


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2020

I watched some, but skipped through most of it.
Does this mean the Republicans are trying to get this nomination across the goal line asap ?
If so, then were they successful ?
If this helps, the votes were,
Yea 51
Nay 48
Looks like it to me, but what in laymen terms does this mean ?

I watched some, but skipped through most of it.
Does this mean the Republicans are trying to get this nomination across the goal line asap ?
If so, then were they successful ?
If this helps, the votes were,
Yea 51
Nay 48

No it means that the demos were acting like such petulant rebellious teenagers, boycotting, and other such bullcrap that the Republicans will get it done without any further idiocy and wasting of the American peoples time. Welcome Judge Barrett to the supreme court, and God bless you and your family. Thank you for wanting to serve.

I watched some, but skipped through most of it.
Does this mean the Republicans are trying to get this nomination across the goal line asap ?
If so, then were they successful ?
If this helps, the votes were,
Yea 51
Nay 48
Looks like it to me, but what in laymen terms does this mean ?

It means the Senate Republicans are taking preventative measures to stop obstruction.

I watched some, but skipped through most of it.
Does this mean the Republicans are trying to get this nomination across the goal line asap ?
If so, then were they successful ?
If this helps, the votes were,
Yea 51
Nay 48
Looks like it to me, but what in laymen terms does this mean ?

It means the Senate Republicans are taking preventative measures to stop obstruction.

Which means tomorrow we will have a Associate Justice of the Supreme Court confirmed... Look for a final vote in the afternoon..

I watched some, but skipped through most of it.
Does this mean the Republicans are trying to get this nomination across the goal line asap ?
If so, then were they successful ?
If this helps, the votes were,
Yea 51
Nay 48
Looks like it to me, but what in laymen terms does this mean ?

It means the Senate Republicans are taking preventative measures to stop obstruction.

And they got the votes for it.
Awesome, thanks

I watched some, but skipped through most of it.
Does this mean the Republicans are trying to get this nomination across the goal line asap ?
If so, then were they successful ?
If this helps, the votes were,
Yea 51
Nay 48
Looks like it to me, but what in laymen terms does this mean ?

It means the Senate Republicans are taking preventative measures to stop obstruction.

Which means tomorrow we will have a Associate Justice of the Supreme Court confirmed... Look for a final vote in the afternoon..

Great, I wanted to make sure I was listening correctly.

I watched some, but skipped through most of it.
Does this mean the Republicans are trying to get this nomination across the goal line asap ?
If so, then were they successful ?
If this helps, the votes were,
Yea 51
Nay 48
Looks like it to me, but what in laymen terms does this mean ?

The DNC has been taking a LOT of hits as of lately. This is just another one of the hits with plenty more incoming already on the way.
What's left to debate? it's pretty obvious the Dems aren't going to come up with a last minute "whistleblower" or a scandal, like they did against Kavanaugh. She's so clean that she squeaks.

Let's get this MAGA show on the road.
Same tactic Republicans used in the Trump impeachment

They don’t want any discussion, they just want to ram through a vote
From what Ive heard prior to today, she has nothing that would deny her confirmation, so why stall ?
And now I know, thats why they held this meeting..
Same tactic Republicans used in the Trump impeachment

They don’t want any discussion, they just want to ram through a vote

What's to discuss? Is there some secret information you know about her, that everyone else doesn't? Call Schumer and let him know about it.

You might get a reward. Or a medal or something.
It means the "Because we can" rule is firmly ensconced as a senate precedent, so don't be surprised when the next Democratically run Senate puts it to use.

I watched some, but skipped through most of it.
Does this mean the Republicans are trying to get this nomination across the goal line asap ?
If so, then were they successful ?
If this helps, the votes were,
Yea 51
Nay 48
Looks like it to me, but what in laymen terms does this mean ?

The DNC has been taking a LOT of hits as of lately. This is just another one of the hits with plenty more incoming already on the way.

Well when you have a platform riddled with idiocy, then one gets what they get. Trying to force a square peg through a round hole is a major problem for the dims. As intelectual as they think they are, you would expect better out of them, but it's the opposite affect. LOL They have literally no common sense at all, and the smarts that they have are corrupt.

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