Senate parliamentarian blocks Dems from including amnesty in budget-reconciliation bill


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Very good news indeed as this all but scuttles the nefarious plans for amnesty in the Senate.

The woman in charge of enforcing the Senate’s rules reportedly won’t let Democrats put an amnesty for illegal immigrants into their budget-reconciliation bill.
According to a report Sunday evening in Politico, Elizabeth MacDonough ruled that providing a pathway to legal status and citizenship for about 8 million immigrants who are in the country illegally is not a budget-related matter, making it ineligible for the reconciliation process.
Budget reconciliation requires only a simple majority to pass, which the Democrats have a hope of mustering on the massive $3.5 trillion spending bill, rather the 60-vote threshold to overcome a Republican filibuster.

Someone ought to ask Madam Pelosi what justifies rewarding 30 million people (the real number) for flouting U.S. immigration law, I won't hold my breath.
It all ties into their overall plan, otherwise to try and takeover the election system by way of adding to the vote Democrat mantra right ???
It all ties into their overall plan, otherwise to try and takeover the election system by way of adding to the vote Democrat mantra right ???
Illegals cost taxpayers $$$$$$$ trillions--------between welfare/medical/food stamps for them and their illegal anchors, the crime, prisons, and other CRISIS that the illegals cause--which makes the swamp pols happy because more spent is more money that can be stolen and funneled to them and their families.
Democrats have a deep seeded need to hate and our establishment media plays them for all they're worth. Hate is like heroin to a Democrat. It's a very strong addiction that is made worse by the pusher. The hate pusher in this case is the media who acts on behalf of the advertisers that feed them. That would be our greedy corporations. So as long as the Democrats have the media in their pocket, or vice versa, they will feel emboldened to do anything knowing our fake news will smooth everything over. This is the atmosphere that allows Democrats to blow off our constitution and our laws to achieve their totalitarian dreams. Thank God for this parliamentarian and the intelligent Democrats who care more about this country than the Democrat parties power.
And Dembot Cultist are calling for the Parliamentarian to be fired! They have such distain for the rule of law and our Constitution....this is getting close to a Congressional version of the Saturday Night Massacre

Democrats have a deep seeded need to hate and our establishment media plays them for all they're worth. Hate is like heroin to a Democrat. It's a very strong addiction that is made worse by the pusher. The hate pusher in this case is the media who acts on behalf of the advertisers that feed them. That would be our greedy corporations. So as long as the Democrats have the media in their pocket, or vice versa, they will feel emboldened to do anything knowing our fake news will smooth everything over. This is the atmosphere that allows Democrats to blow off our constitution and our laws to achieve their totalitarian dreams. Thank God for this parliamentarian and the intelligent Democrats who care more about this country than the Democrat parties power.
Great post.... Democrat's reason for hate, is that they do thing's that they know can't be justified or agreed to by most, so they have to hate those that won't go along, and they have to build a strategic network of power in order to try and crush those who won't go along with them.

It's just that simple, and hollyweird in conjunction with other strong corporate platforms is at the core of their power structure, wherefore it's all run through the idiot box for brainwash effectiveness, and now it's on the internet, in the public schools, in government, and in the colleges. It took many years, but they never gave up, and kept increasing their powerbase onward while most ignored it or discounted it because it all seemed so radical that surely it would never stand or become mainstream. Well it stood, and it became mainstream.
Ok it was blocked, but the point here that needs to be crystal clear, is that it is the Dimocrat party that wants to flood this country with illegals, and then grant them amnesty.
It's disgusting that half of this fucking country is ok with that.

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