Senate Fails To Override Obama's Keystone Veto


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
WASHINGTON -- The Senate tried, but failed, to override President Barack Obama's veto of legislation authorizing the Keystone XL pipeline on Wednesday.

The measure drew 62 "yes" votes, with nine Democrats joining Senate Republicans in voting to override the veto. A two-thirds majority, or 67 votes, is needed to override a presidential veto. The Senate's original vote on the legislation in January yielded 62 "yes" votes as well.

Obama vetoed the bill last week, arguing that the bill "conflicts with established executive branch procedures and cuts short thorough consideration of issues that could bear on our national interest -- including our security, safety, and environment."

More: Senate Attempt To Override Obama's Keystone Veto Fails

Good. Give President Obama time to sort through the national security factors.
"The fact is, Keystone would create only 35 permanent jobs -- a drop in the bucket," said Schumer. "A fried chicken franchise creates about as many jobs."

Nine Democrats joined Republicans in approving the bill: Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), Bob Casey (D-Pa.), Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.), Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), Jon Tester (D-Mont.), Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Tom Carper (D-Del.).

More: Senate Approves Keystone XL Bill White House Reaffirms Veto Threat

Only 35 permanent jobs.
the Republicans are running out of issues to FAIL on that are dear to them ...
Republicans 1st order of business was creating 35 jobs :facepalm:

Now'll they'll spend MILLIONS $$$ making commercials about their failure & placing the blame elsewhere
NaziCons won't pass Obama's American Jobs Act - but they go apeshit over 35 Keystone jobs. Meanwhile, our crumbling infrastructure continues to disintegrate.

totally irrelevant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

best friends a Dem could ever have.
NaziCons won't pass Obama's American Jobs Act - but they go apeshit over 35 Keystone jobs. Meanwhile, our crumbling infrastructure continues to disintegrate.

Should have used that one trillion dollar stimulus for infrastructure instead of pissing it away
the Republicans are running out of issues to FAIL on that are dear to them ...
Well you simple partisan twit the nation overwhelming support it not just repubs,now its a national security issue,problem with that,it wasn't until it looked like he might not get his way.

the 35 permit jobs is bull shit always has been always will be,how many more time will that be tried and jobs are all liie that,with that simpleton mind set we shouldn't build any new bridges or roads.
Keep doing what got your dumb ass kicked to the curb,its working so well for you.

The Risks:

The Keystone XL tar sands pipeline would produce enormous risk for the United States, and would yield no identifiable reward. A basic analysis of this risky venture makes it clear that the pipeline is not in our national interest. The lengthy list of risks—to water, public health, and climate among others—is not worth a pipeline that facilitates exports to China and Venezuela, does nothing to reduce our dependence on Middle Eastern oil, and creates only 35 permanent jobs.

The so-called rewards that pipeline supporters continuously promote are in fact nothing but pipe dreams. The Keystone pipeline would have a limited impact on energy security, would do little to reduce our dependence on Middle Eastern oil, and would create very few permanent jobs.

Without any tangible benefit of energy independence or sustainable jobs, why shoulder the enormous risks to water, public health, and climate? The Keystone pipeline is not in our national interest, and not worth the risk.

Lack of rewards:

Doesn’t increase energy security, but rewards foreign competitors, such as China and Venezuela: The pipeline will not reduce our dependence on foreign oil because Keystone XL products will likely be exported overseas, including to China and Venezuela. The Keystone XL tar sands pipeline is designed as a pipeline through the United States, not to the United States. Because of these exports, the pipeline will not reduce our dependence on Middle Eastern oil.

35 permanent jobs: In the Environmental Impact Study, the State Department found that the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline would create only 35 permanent jobs along the 1,700 mile pipeline.

More: All Risk No Reward The Risks

I applaud President Obama's veto.
Victory for private property rights, state rights and native American rights. Defeat for the Kleptocracy.
WASHINGTON -- The Senate tried, but failed, to override President Barack Obama's veto of legislation authorizing the Keystone XL pipeline on Wednesday.

The measure drew 62 "yes" votes, with nine Democrats joining Senate Republicans in voting to override the veto. A two-thirds majority, or 67 votes, is needed to override a presidential veto. The Senate's original vote on the legislation in January yielded 62 "yes" votes as well.

Obama vetoed the bill last week, arguing that the bill "conflicts with established executive branch procedures and cuts short thorough consideration of issues that could bear on our national interest -- including our security, safety, and environment."

More: Senate Attempt To Override Obama's Keystone Veto Fails

Good. Give President Obama time to sort through the national security factors.

What, like there was a doubt?

The Risks:

The Keystone XL tar sands pipeline would produce enormous risk for the United States, and would yield no identifiable reward. A basic analysis of this risky venture makes it clear that the pipeline is not in our national interest. The lengthy list of risks—to water, public health, and climate among others—is not worth a pipeline that facilitates exports to China and Venezuela, does nothing to reduce our dependence on Middle Eastern oil, and creates only 35 permanent jobs.

The so-called rewards that pipeline supporters continuously promote are in fact nothing but pipe dreams. The Keystone pipeline would have a limited impact on energy security, would do little to reduce our dependence on Middle Eastern oil, and would create very few permanent jobs.

Without any tangible benefit of energy independence or sustainable jobs, why shoulder the enormous risks to water, public health, and climate? The Keystone pipeline is not in our national interest, and not worth the risk.

Lack of rewards:

Doesn’t increase energy security, but rewards foreign competitors, such as China and Venezuela: The pipeline will not reduce our dependence on foreign oil because Keystone XL products will likely be exported overseas, including to China and Venezuela. The Keystone XL tar sands pipeline is designed as a pipeline through the United States, not to the United States. Because of these exports, the pipeline will not reduce our dependence on Middle Eastern oil.

35 permanent jobs: In the Environmental Impact Study, the State Department found that the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline would create only 35 permanent jobs along the 1,700 mile pipeline.

More: All Risk No Reward The Risks

I applaud President Obama's veto.

So you think rail cars exploding is cities are a lesser risk, your dear leaders own state dept said there would be virtually no environmental risk.
Yo, its takes time to get rid of you Radicals who are destroying good paying jobs in this Country! But the "Real American People" are seeing what is going on, and will give the Republicans total control of both houses, its a matter of time fools! Then with a Republican President, who cares about its citizens, will pass it! So you idiots keep talking, love it!!! You Radical Party is falling apart!


obama arrested.jpg
the Republicans are running out of issues to FAIL on that are dear to them ...
Well you simple partisan twit the nation overwhelming support it not just repubs,now its a national security issue,problem with that,it wasn't until it looked like he might not get his way.

the 35 permit jobs is bull shit always has been always will be,how many more time will that be tried and jobs are all liie that,with that simpleton mind set we shouldn't build any new bridges or roads.
Keep doing what got your dumb ass kicked to the curb,its working so well for you.


look at who is standing on the curb :asshole:

you and your RW pals. YOU put yourself there ALL by yourselves. Keep talking shit ... and wear a bib too.

Now you see that is how the government is supposed to work a bill is introduced the House votes on it if it passes it goes to the Senate if it passes there it goes to the President for him to either sign or veto then Congress can try to override the veto. I understand the lefts amazement at this process as under the leadership of Harry Reid very few bills ever came up for a vote much less made to the Presidents desk.
Now you see that is how the government is supposed to work a bill is introduced the House votes on it if it passes it goes to the Senate if it passes there it goes to the President for him to either sign or veto then Congress can try to override the veto. I understand the lefts amazement at this process as under the leadership of Harry Reid very few bills ever came up for a vote much less made to the Presidents desk.

that's exactly how I said Keystone would end, and the RW kept reminding everyone KEYSTONE WAS COMMING REGARDLESS !

hows that working out now ?

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