Senate Democrats Propose Racist Diversion of Covid Money From All, To Just Minorities


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Democrats Gone Wild. It seems like everything they do these days is crazy. First they want to defund/redirect money from police into other things. Now they want to exclude white Americans from receiving $350 Billion of money the Treasury Department has not yet spent, from an economic rescue package passed earlier this year, and redirect it to only to non-whites. Wow.

And while they propose this blatantly racist scheme, they amazingly continue to call Trump and other Republicans, "racist". Democrat hypocrisy has no boundaries.

The Democrats’ proposal would spend a total of $350 billion on a variety of programs meant to (THEY SAY) help close racial wealth gaps, and assist Black and other nonwhite Americans survive the COVID-19 recession, including more than $100 billion for health, child care, and job creation programs in communities of color. Their plans include a tax credit for renters, and one to provide up to $15,000 per family for a down payment on a home.

Does it occur for one minute to these scatterbrains that giving these benefits only to black and minority renters DISCRIMINATES AGAINST WHITE RENTERS ? DO Democrats think that there aren't white renters who need this help much more than some black renters ? Do they realize that, by setting this up according to race, they will be helping wealthy blacks with fat bank accounts, while taking money away from poor whites ? If they were going to ration out this money, have they thought about doing it based on economic class/need, rather than skin color ?

Perhaps these Senate Democrats aren't thinking about that. Maybe their motivations are more stirred by ginning up VOTES from the black community, than the social justice they're always crowing about.

Democrats Gone Wild. It seems like everything they do these days is crazy. First they want to defund/redirect money from police into other things. Now they want to exclude white Americans from receiving $350 Billion of money the Treasury Department has not yet spent, from an economic rescue package passed earlier this year, and redirect it to only to non-whites. Wow.

And while they propose this blatantly racist scheme, they amazingly continue to call Trump and other Republicans, "racist". Democrat hypocrisy has no boundaries.

The Democrats’ proposal would spend a total of $350 billion on a variety of programs meant to (THEY SAY) help close racial wealth gaps, and assist Black and other nonwhite Americans survive the COVID-19 recession, including more than $100 billion for health, child care, and job creation programs in communities of color. Their plans include a tax credit for renters, and one to provide up to $15,000 per family for a down payment on a home.

Does it occur for one minute to these scatterbrains that giving these benefits only to black and minority renters DISCRIMINATES AGAINST WHITE RENTERS ? DO Democrats think that there aren't white renters who need this help much more than some black renters ? Do they realize that, by setting this up according to race, they will be helping wealthy blacks with fat bank accounts, while taking money away from poor whites ? If they were going to ration out this money, have they thought about doing it based on economic class/need, rather than skin color ?

Perhaps these Senate Democrats aren't thinking about that. Maybe their motivations are more stirred by ginning up VOTES from the black community, than the social justice they're always crowing about.

Is anyone SURPRISED. ------be not so----the biggest SUPPPORTERS of this idiot idea will be
rich kids living off their parents. I am a child of
the 1960s We had the SAME phenomenon back
then. REALITY does not enter the Ketamine addled
mind of a kid living off mom and dad
lol they're emotionally retarded, and most don't pay taxes themselves, so it's no sacrifice for them.
Plus there is something they are addicted to. A shield to ward off any possible attempts of anybody to call them a "racist". Meanwhile, in this OP, I did just that, with 100% validity.

If only Democrats didn't have such a difficult time defining things.


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