Senate Democrats propose $25,000 hazard-pay plan for essential workers

Oct 5, 2019
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and other Democrats are proposing to give doctors, nurses and other essential workers, such as grocery store clerks, up to $25,000 in hazard pay as part of the phase four coronavirus relief bill.

The bonus pay, which would amount to a $13-per-hour raise, would also go to truck drivers and janitors, who Democrats say are also essential to keeping the health care system and economy running during the crisis.


Those people should not be getting any more money. Aside from the doctors and real nurses, none of those people make enough to pay any taxes. We've already gave them at least $1,200 handout which they did not earn. Enough is enough. If these people didn't want to be put harms way then the doctors and nurses should have picked a different career. All the other ones should have went to school and got real jobs in which they could have worked from home. These greedy freeloaders have stolen enough tax dollars as it is. They should not get another massive handout because they failed at life and work crappy jobs. If anything, they should get a pay cut since they are getting all that extra money from the stimulus check. Cutting their pay will allow their companies to stay operational and reduce costs for goods and services during these difficult times for real Americans with real jobs.

I can support a tax cut because at least then we know it these low-income low-skill low-importance "front line" workers will not be getting another giant handout they didn't earn. Other than Doctors and Nurses very few of them make enough money to pay anything in income tax. Also, a tax cut would benefit everyone who doesn't fall into that 45% of Americans who don't pay taxes. That means even I would get something from it, and right now I am more worried about myself than some idiots whose only skills are putting canned soup on a shelf. If anything, we should be keeping this money for use in ensuring our oil industry doesn't totally collapse. If Exxon or Shell go under then we will be in deep trouble. We can put this money to much better use by helping out the job creating corporations that keep our economy moving forward. Let it trickle down naturally where it's most deserved.
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and other Democrats are proposing to give doctors, nurses and other essential workers, such as grocery store clerks, up to $25,000 in hazard pay as part of the phase four coronavirus relief bill.

The bonus pay, which would amount to a $13-per-hour raise, would also go to truck drivers and janitors, who Democrats say are also essential to keeping the health care system and economy running during the crisis.


Those people should not be getting any more money. Aside from the doctors and real nurses, none of those people make enough to pay any taxes. We've already gave them at least $1,200 handout which they did not earn. Enough is enough. If these people didn't want to be put harms way then the doctors and nurses should have picked a different career. All the other ones should have went to school and got real jobs in which they could have worked from home. These greedy freeloaders have stolen enough tax dollars as it is. They should not get another massive handout because they failed at life and work crappy jobs. If anything, they should get a pay cut since they are getting all that extra money from the stimulus check. Cutting their pay will allow their companies to stay operational and reduce costs for goods and services during these difficult times for real Americans with real jobs.

I can support a tax cut because at least then we know it these low-income low-skill low-importance "front line" workers will not be getting another giant handout they didn't earn. Other than Doctors and Nurses very few of them make enough money to pay anything in income tax. Also, a tax cut would benefit everyone who doesn't fall into that 45% of Americans who don't pay taxes. That means even I would get something from it, and right now I am more worried about myself than some idiots whose only skills are putting canned soup on a shelf. If anything, we should be keeping this money for use in ensuring our oil industry doesn't totally collapse. If Exxon or Shell go under then we will be in deep trouble. We can put this money to much better use by helping out the job creating corporations that keep our economy moving forward. Let it trickle down naturally where it's most deserved.

Asshole democrats will use any opportunity to try to buy votes. They are the most dispicable, shameless assholes on this planet.
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and other Democrats are proposing to give doctors, nurses and other essential workers, such as grocery store clerks, up to $25,000 in hazard pay as part of the phase four coronavirus relief bill.

The bonus pay, which would amount to a $13-per-hour raise, would also go to truck drivers and janitors, who Democrats say are also essential to keeping the health care system and economy running during the crisis.


Those people should not be getting any more money. Aside from the doctors and real nurses, none of those people make enough to pay any taxes. We've already gave them at least $1,200 handout which they did not earn. Enough is enough. If these people didn't want to be put harms way then the doctors and nurses should have picked a different career. All the other ones should have went to school and got real jobs in which they could have worked from home. These greedy freeloaders have stolen enough tax dollars as it is. They should not get another massive handout because they failed at life and work crappy jobs. If anything, they should get a pay cut since they are getting all that extra money from the stimulus check. Cutting their pay will allow their companies to stay operational and reduce costs for goods and services during these difficult times for real Americans with real jobs.

I can support a tax cut because at least then we know it these low-income low-skill low-importance "front line" workers will not be getting another giant handout they didn't earn. Other than Doctors and Nurses very few of them make enough money to pay anything in income tax. Also, a tax cut would benefit everyone who doesn't fall into that 45% of Americans who don't pay taxes. That means even I would get something from it, and right now I am more worried about myself than some idiots whose only skills are putting canned soup on a shelf. If anything, we should be keeping this money for use in ensuring our oil industry doesn't totally collapse. If Exxon or Shell go under then we will be in deep trouble. We can put this money to much better use by helping out the job creating corporations that keep our economy moving forward. Let it trickle down naturally where it's most deserved.
As long as they take from the welfare pukes who do nothing...i am all for it. Why should lazy liberal fucks get money for doing nothing while these guys work overtime to save their sorry asses....
Aside from the doctors and real nurses, none of those people make enough to pay any taxes.

You should go back and rethink this. I pay a pile of taxes. The AVERAGE truck driver makes $64,000. They are paying taxes. But that's not the point. Some of these folks are taking a big risk for very little money. Especially the grocery store workers...they didn't sign up for this. Us truckers all knew we would be required to run no matter what.
Aside from the doctors and real nurses, none of those people make enough to pay any taxes.

You should go back and rethink this. I pay a pile of taxes. The AVERAGE truck driver makes $64,000. They are paying taxes. But that's not the point. Some of these folks are taking a big risk for very little money. Especially the grocery store workers...they didn't sign up for this. Us truckers all knew we would be required to run no matter what.

The people who earn enough to pay taxes are not the ones I am concerned with. I am concerned with the low income people getting money despite not contributing anything in taxes. Often they cost us money because they receive some form of welfare benefits. They should be grateful to have the opportunity to finally do something worthwhile in their lives without expecting to be rewarded for doing their patriotic duty. The people in these jobs are easily replaceable and can be trained in less than a hour. Do we really want spend our money on these people? If they get sick or die then by all means give them a much deserved memorial, but let's not waste money on people who can easily be replaced if needed.
You know, I have no problem with giving essential workers a bit of a boost. Why? Because every time I deployed into a war zone (which was 4 times), we got tax free pay, combat zone pay, and sometimes, hazard pay as well.
You know, I have no problem with giving essential workers a bit of a boost. Why? Because every time I deployed into a war zone (which was 4 times), we got tax free pay, combat zone pay, and sometimes, hazard pay as well.

Good point. No reason we can't do the same for these workers. Income tax free and hazard pay would be legit.
You know, I have no problem with giving essential workers a bit of a boost. Why? Because every time I deployed into a war zone (which was 4 times), we got tax free pay, combat zone pay, and sometimes, hazard pay as well.

Good point. No reason we can't do the same for these workers. Income tax free and hazard pay would be legit.

I think giving them a tax holiday for the time they were working under pandemic conditions is legitimate. I also think an extra 200.00 per month (approx. what I got for combat pay), would be appropriate.
Aside from the doctors and real nurses, none of those people make enough to pay any taxes.

You should go back and rethink this. I pay a pile of taxes. The AVERAGE truck driver makes $64,000. They are paying taxes. But that's not the point. Some of these folks are taking a big risk for very little money. Especially the grocery store workers...they didn't sign up for this. Us truckers all knew we would be required to run no matter what.
He'd have to have thought about it in the first place to be able to rethink it.

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