Senate Democrats blast national security leak


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Senate Democrats blast national security leak about cyberattack against Iran

1. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), chairwoman of the Intelligence Committee, said the leak about the attack on Iran’s nuclear program could “to some extent” provide justification for copycat attacks against the United States.

2. The FBI opened its own probe Tuesday into who disclosed information on the Iranian attack, The Wall Street Journal reported. On Capitol Hill, the Senate Armed Service Committee promised hearings, while two Republican senators called for a special counsel investigation.

3. Several Democrats noted with alarm that the Iranian cyber leak is just the latest in a series of media reports that disclosed classified information about U.S. anti-terrorism activity.“

A number of those leaks, and others in the last months about drone activities and other activities, are frankly all against national-security interests,” said Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. “I think they’re dangerous, damaging, and whoever is doing that is not acting in the interest of the United States of America.”

4. McCain accused the White House of planting the story for political purposes, and on Tuesday joined with Intelligence Committee ranking member Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) in calling for a special counsel to investigate and prosecute whoever is responsible for the national-security leaks.

5. “The only conceivable motive for such damaging and compromising leaks of classified information is that it makes the president look good,” said McCain, the ranking Republican on the Armed Services Committee. “They are merely gratuitous and utterly self-serving.”
McCain said Senate Armed Services Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.) has agreed to hold congressional hearings on the leaks.

6. Republicans have accused the Obama administration of playing politics by granting two filmmakers access to CIA planners for a movie about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.
The conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch released emails last month that showed U.S. officials offering Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal access to CIA facility planners. Pentagon officials say that the filmmakers did not receive access to any officials connected with the bin Laden raid.

Senate Democrats blast national security leak about cyberattack against Iran - The Hill's DEFCON Hill

If this is an attempt of the administration to boost their appearance of a strong foreign affairs policy, it will be a major blunder in his re election efforts! To say the least!
Who ever leaked it? Why is Obama never held to account.

This Administration has repeatedly Leaked sensitive stuff for Political Gain. Obama is in a Campaign and Grasping for things to point out he has done. This leak came from the Top, I would bet on it, It's the WH trying to show how Tuff Obama is on Iran.

Even if Obama had nothing to do with this or the Multiple other leaks so far. What's it say about his Leadership Ability. He is the Boss after all, Shut your fucking people the hell up.
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Who ever leaked it? Why is Obama never held to account.

This Administration has repeatedly Leaked sensitive stuff for Political Gain. Obama is in a Campaign and Grasping for things to point out he has done. This leak came from the Top, I would bet on it, It's the WH trying to show how Tuff Obama is on Iran.

Even if Obama had nothing to do with this or the Multiple other leaks so far. What's it say about his Leadership Ability. He is the Boss after all, Shut your fucking people the hell up.

At least this time the Democrats are on board for an investigation.

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