Senate Blocks Infrastructure Bill


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
A big thank you to the Republican Senators who blocked this.

---Johnson told Breitbart News that if “Republicans” are “cooperative and complicit” with the $1 trillion bipartisan bill, the Democrat bill is “just going to be backfilled with more long-term entitlements, welfare, liberal, radical wishlist spending proposals. And, so as we inscribed in our press release, joining the Democrats in this bipartisan infrastructure bill enables the temerarious tax and spending spree on party Democrats. So, I don’t understand why any Republican would optate to be complicit in doing that.”---

A big thank you to the Republican Senators who blocked this.

---Johnson told Breitbart News that if “Republicans” are “cooperative and complicit” with the $1 trillion bipartisan bill, the Democrat bill is “just going to be backfilled with more long-term entitlements, welfare, liberal, radical wishlist spending proposals. And, so as we inscribed in our press release, joining the Democrats in this bipartisan infrastructure bill enables the temerarious tax and spending spree on party Democrats. So, I don’t understand why any Republican would optate to be complicit in doing that.”---

Cause who needs infrastructure upgrades or jobs
Because right wing nutjobs see infrastructure improvements and jobs as wasteful
"Blocked the bill" is a poor choice of words. Republicans merely engaged in the time honored political process to refine a bill that might have been faulty.
Because right wing nutjobs see infrastructure improvements and jobs as wasteful
Is that why blm baboons helped the dems by busting up the infrastructure? It does represent work that has already been acccomplished, if it’s ok to use the term ‘work.’
"Blocked the bill" is a poor choice of words. Republicans merely engaged in the time honored political process to refine a bill that might have been faulty.
Blocked the bill is spot on. That's what they've been doing for decades
A big thank you to the Republican Senators who blocked this.

---Johnson told Breitbart News that if “Republicans” are “cooperative and complicit” with the $1 trillion bipartisan bill, the Democrat bill is “just going to be backfilled with more long-term entitlements, welfare, liberal, radical wishlist spending proposals. And, so as we inscribed in our press release, joining the Democrats in this bipartisan infrastructure bill enables the temerarious tax and spending spree on party Democrats. So, I don’t understand why any Republican would optate to be complicit in doing that.”---

They could have wimped out and fled to Texas.
There is no actual bill to vote on. Why would anyone vote yes on something that isn’t complete? And then we also know the passage of this spending spree will then be added to by reconciliation by the dems for another 3.5 trillion.

Why would any sane person do that?
There is no actual bill to vote on. Why would anyone vote yes on something that isn’t complete? And then we also know the passage of this spending spree will then be added to by reconciliation by the dems for another 3.5 trillion.

Why would any sane person do that?
Democrats vote on concepts. The staff takes care of the details.

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