Sen. Collins says no to ACB- political result?


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
Libs lobbied the senator extensively, and she responded with a "nay" vote last night.

Now, will libs do the right thing and get behind the broad in her tight bid for reelection?

Libs lobbied the senator extensively, and she responded with a "nay" vote last night.
Now, will libs do the right thing and get behind the broad in her tight bid for reelection?

You have no clue what really happened. Collins knew that the GOP had enough votes without her vote, so they let her appease her liberal base with a nay vote for appearances. If they actually had needed her vote she would have given it, as she did with Kavanaugh. She is in a tight race in a liberal state and the GOP let her do this.
Libs lobbied the senator extensively, and she responded with a "nay" vote last night.
Now, will libs do the right thing and get behind the broad in her tight bid for reelection?

You have no clue what really happened. Collins knew that the GOP had enough votes without her vote, so they let her appease her liberal base with a nay vote for appearances. If they actually had needed her vote she would have given it, as she did with Kavanaugh. She is in a tight race in a liberal state and the GOP let her do this.

You either have principles or you don't. She is going to lose anyway so why didn't she just do the right thing?
Libs lobbied the senator extensively, and she responded with a "nay" vote last night.
Now, will libs do the right thing and get behind the broad in her tight bid for reelection?

You have no clue what really happened. Collins knew that the GOP had enough votes without her vote, so they let her appease her liberal base with a nay vote for appearances. If they actually had needed her vote she would have given it, as she did with Kavanaugh. She is in a tight race in a liberal state and the GOP let her do this.
And how do you have these "CLUES"?
Libs lobbied the senator extensively, and she responded with a "nay" vote last night.
Now, will libs do the right thing and get behind the broad in her tight bid for reelection?

You have no clue what really happened. Collins knew that the GOP had enough votes without her vote, so they let her appease her liberal base with a nay vote for appearances. If they actually had needed her vote she would have given it, as she did with Kavanaugh. She is in a tight race in a liberal state and the GOP let her do this.

Here's the problem with your scenario......

Susan Collins just said NAY to only the 5th WOMAN ever to be on the Supreme Court. She will get no love from women going forward.
Hell hath no fury....

She cannot EVER shake off that stigma. Makes no difference WHY shed did it...only that she DID
I predict her political carrer is over. Let's see what happens.
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There are a lot of people in congress who have been there far too long. They're sick with power lust. These people aren't better because of their experience, much the opposite. We need to weed these long time incumbants out and Susan Collins is one of them. Stick with Trumpie.
You either have principles or you don't. She is going to lose anyway so why didn't she just do the right thing?

I think the right thing is making sure we keep the senate. You would throw away the senate over a single vote. Not smart

I agree, but she pissed off as many people as she may have gained. Conservatives lean towards priniciples. She lost respect from both sides.
Here's the problem with your scenario......
Susan Collins just said NAY to only the 5th WOMAN ever to be on the Supreme Court. She will get no love from women going forward.
Hell hath no fury....
She cannot EVER shake off that stigma. Makes no difference WHY shed did it...only that she DID
I predict her political carrer is over. Let's see what happens.

You may be right, but so am I.
What I said is what happened. As for the repercussions, you may well be correct too.
Show her sorry ass the highway.

Dude anyone that understands politics would not say that.
Her Vote wasn't needed - she had a pass from McConnel to vote no.
She is in a tough race in Maine to hold her seat.
Can't help Govern is you don't win.
She votes support for Trumps positions about 2/3 of the time.
She proved herself with her Kavanaugh strength.
Show her sorry ass the highway.

Sen. Collins made the political calculus that by voting "nay" she will gain a lot more liberal support to make up for the conservatives she kissed goodbye.

She didn't kiss any conservatives goodbye -
If you know that it is political calculus to further the Conservative agenda for the next 6 years -
Why would you be against it?
She’s been in the senate for 24 years. She should have been term limited to two terms. Time to go old lady.

I know
I know

Replace her with some homeless person who isn't beholding to any party
Because - well because homeless people make good choices.
Show her sorry ass the highway.

Dude anyone that understands politics would not say that.
Her Vote wasn't needed - she had a pass from McConnel to vote no.
She is in a tough race in Maine to hold her seat.
Can't help Govern is you don't win.
She votes support for Trumps positions about 2/3 of the time.
She proved herself with her Kavanaugh strength.
If so it seems to me that would be very risky because then all the dummies like me won't vote for her.
Show her sorry ass the highway.

Dude anyone that understands politics would not say that.
Her Vote wasn't needed - she had a pass from McConnel to vote no.
She is in a tough race in Maine to hold her seat.
Can't help Govern is you don't win.
She votes support for Trumps positions about 2/3 of the time.
She proved herself with her Kavanaugh strength.
If so it seems to me that would be very risky because then all the dummies like me won't vote for her.

Do you live in Maine?
You either have principles or you don't. She is going to lose anyway so why didn't she just do the right thing?

I think the right thing is making sure we keep the senate. You would throw away the senate over a single vote. Not smart
While that is the smart "Political" play, it is that kind of thinking that keeps us with very substandard people in office.
Show her sorry ass the highway.

Sen. Collins made the political calculus that by voting "nay" she will gain a lot more liberal support to make up for the conservatives she kissed goodbye.

She didn't kiss any conservatives goodbye -
If you know that it is political calculus to further the Conservative agenda for the next 6 years -
Why would you be against it?

Sure she did. I don't know how many, but a lot of people in Maine like ACB and wonder about this broad's decision.

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