Sen Blumenthal Recruits More IT Voters for Trump and Sanders


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
"But staying silent is difficult, especially after Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) co-sponsored legislation in January 2015 that would hike the 65,000 H-1B base cap hike to as high as 195,000. The measure, known as the I-Squared Act, left some of the former utility IT employees incredulous. They were far from alone.

"The 200,000-member engineering association, IEEE-USA, said the I-Squared bill would "help destroy" the IT workforce with a flood of lower paid foreign workers.

"Eventually, Blumenthal's staff did learn, confidentially, about the experiences of former Eversource IT workers.

"In November, Blumenthal co-sponsored new H-1B legislation by longtime program critics, Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), designed to prevent the replacement of U.S. workers by H-1B visa holders.

"Nonetheless, Blumenthal remains a co-sponsor of the I-Squared Act, which raised questions among those laid off about his intentions."
Laid-off IT workers muzzled as H-1B debate heats up

The idiots just dont get it. If they keep this up there might not be a Washington Establishment member left inside the Beltway in 2030. And I am not joking.
Are there any 'conservatives' or 'liberals' left who do not support open borders and 'free trade' that export American jobs, impoverish Americans and bring in black market labor that isnt much more than underground slavery?

I know everyone says they are against this stuff, but no one seems to be able to put a stop to it, unlike anything that comes up that threatens corporate profits like the quick laws passed to prevent high school kids from copying music off the internet or places punishment on people who buy things overseas and fail to pay the corporate lobbied tariffs.

It seems that with the Democrats fully behind Open Borders as well as the GOP, there isnot an existing political network that is defending the American people and our collected interests.

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