Selective Salary Caps.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I was thinking today about the $500K ceiling that Democrats want to put on CEOs earnings.

I wonder who's idea this was?

I also wonder why it's confined to only CEOs. Why not Hollywood actors. Why not sports athletes as well.

Some CEOs do make alot of money...but for someone on the "A" List in Hollywood they demand $20 million a picture.

Some basketball players are signing $100 million contracts. It seems that each time we hear about one it's the highest in history.

Why is it that CEOs are the only people being singled out? Why not actors and athletes too?

Do you think Obama is gonna demand that Tim Duncan spread the wealth...give that money to the needy....only earn $500k? Figure the odds on that.

Personally I think it's a sneaky form of racism....but that's just me.
I was thinking today about the $500K ceiling that Democrats want to put on CEOs earnings.

I wonder who's idea this was?

I also wonder why it's confined to only CEOs. Why not Hollywood actors. Why not sports athletes as well.

Some CEOs do make alot of money...but for someone on the "A" List in Hollywood they demand $20 million a picture.

Some basketball players are signing $100 million contracts. It seems that each time we hear about one it's the highest in history.

Why is it that CEOs are the only people being singled out? Why not actors and athletes too?

Do you think Obama is gonna demand that Tim Duncan spread the wealth...give that money to the needy....only earn $500k? Figure the odds on that.

Personally I think it's a sneaky form of racism....but that's just me.

Please don't put ideas in their collective head. The borg are stupid enough without getting on yet another high horse about people who get paid more than the 'poor'.
What are you talking about? When has anyone suggested capping anyone's salary except for bailed out companies? If a company is so deep in the weeds that they will go bankrupt if not propped up, they sure as hell don't need to be paying their executives 7 figure salaries. I just don't understand how you "conservatives" reconcile that.
In the first place it shouldn't be the governments policy to bail out these business' either. I would hate to see anyone lose their hard earned money, but this should serve as a wake up call to everyone who has money invested into this banks, car companies, etc... Free Market System is survival of the fittest. And if a company pays its exec's to the point of bankruptcy then down the drain they go. Its always been that way in the US until recently when the government decided they needed to get involved and save everyone. My argument may have some faults, I admit that, but you get the gist of what I am saying.
I was thinking today about the $500K ceiling that Democrats want to put on CEOs earnings.

I wonder who's idea this was?

I also wonder why it's confined to only CEOs. Why not Hollywood actors. Why not sports athletes as well.

Some CEOs do make alot of money...but for someone on the "A" List in Hollywood they demand $20 million a picture.

Some basketball players are signing $100 million contracts. It seems that each time we hear about one it's the highest in history.

Why is it that CEOs are the only people being singled out? Why not actors and athletes too?

Do you think Obama is gonna demand that Tim Duncan spread the wealth...give that money to the needy....only earn $500k? Figure the odds on that.

Personally I think it's a sneaky form of racism....but that's just me.

I'm only in favor of capping CEOs in companies that are receiving bailouts.

Do you disagree with that?
I was thinking today about the $500K ceiling that Democrats want to put on CEOs earnings.

I wonder who's idea this was?

I also wonder why it's confined to only CEOs. Why not Hollywood actors. Why not sports athletes as well.

Some CEOs do make alot of money...but for someone on the "A" List in Hollywood they demand $20 million a picture.

Some basketball players are signing $100 million contracts. It seems that each time we hear about one it's the highest in history.

Why is it that CEOs are the only people being singled out? Why not actors and athletes too?

Do you think Obama is gonna demand that Tim Duncan spread the wealth...give that money to the needy....only earn $500k? Figure the odds on that.

Personally I think it's a sneaky form of racism....but that's just me.

You would. I suppose you think that only whites are CEO's, huh?
In the first place it shouldn't be the governments policy to bail out these business' either.

Would you rather there be a run on the banks and full scale economic collapse - a real & true depression? Almost ALL of the banks were in serious trouble. Mine was (B of A).
I think the whole idea stems not from racism, but partisanship. The celebutards generally vote D and bankers are often R's. In fact I bet some of the less intelligent libs on this board would be in favor of salary caps and 90 percent tax rates on anyone who votes Republican. Maybe rdean can start that campaign.

I was againt the bailout too, but the caps should have been initiated by the shareholders, not the govt. Just like I'd like the fans to demand reasonable compensation for a guy who can throw a fucking ball. But it aint the feds job.

Hey doesn't Citigroup own a baseball stadium? Hmmmm.
I see most of the companies found a way to pay the government back ASAP, so as to get out from under this possibility. Perhaps thats the real purpose behind the move. The government shouldn't bailout companies, particularly in exchange for ownership positions. However, if you accept that kind of help, the government acting as the board of directors is what would happen if Buffet was doing it.
What are you talking about? When has anyone suggested capping anyone's salary except for bailed out companies? If a company is so deep in the weeds that they will go bankrupt if not propped up, they sure as hell don't need to be paying their executives 7 figure salaries. I just don't understand how you "conservatives" reconcile that.

What he said. And plus, these guys are already millionaires, I"m sure they can survive a year or two making 1/2 a million dollars.
In the first place it shouldn't be the governments policy to bail out these business' either.

Would you rather there be a run on the banks and full scale economic collapse - a real & true depression? Almost ALL of the banks were in serious trouble. Mine was (B of A).

Yeah, very precarious situation when your entire financial system collapses
I think the whole idea stems not from racism, but partisanship. The celebutards generally vote D and bankers are often R's. In fact I bet some of the less intelligent libs on this board would be in favor of salary caps and 90 percent tax rates on anyone who votes Republican. Maybe rdean can start that campaign.

I was againt the bailout too, but the caps should have been initiated by the shareholders, not the govt. Just like I'd like the fans to demand reasonable compensation for a guy who can throw a fucking ball. But it aint the feds job.

Hey doesn't Citigroup own a baseball stadium? Hmmmm.

:lol: Yup, that's it. :cuckoo:Talk about partisanship, you're post couldn't be any more partisan
In the first place it shouldn't be the governments policy to bail out these business' either. I would hate to see anyone lose their hard earned money, but this should serve as a wake up call to everyone who has money invested into this banks, car companies, etc... Free Market System is survival of the fittest. And if a company pays its exec's to the point of bankruptcy then down the drain they go. Its always been that way in the US until recently when the government decided they needed to get involved and save everyone. My argument may have some faults, I admit that, but you get the gist of what I am saying.

The bank loans were not "bailouts". Bailouts are when the taxpayers pay back for white collar crime, like the S&L scam, possibly the AIG scam.
In this case the government required banks to offer loans to unqualified folks, who promptly defaulted, and that setup the financial crisis THAT THE GOVERNMENT CAUSED. Another cause was creating tax breaks (vis the American Jobs Creation Act) to mover factories & jobs overseas.
Look at the other side of this. If the government let CITI and Bank of America fail, that would have cost Trillions in lost revenue (investors get to write-off losses) and cost hundreds of thousands of good jobs. As it is the government made a loan, and got paid back with interest. The banks got a lot leaner and smarter.
IMHO the government needs to stop derivatives, options, and short-selling. They should only allow "investments" that create capital and US jobs. Also, I hope the government keeps track of compensation packages to stop the Ken Lays, etc,. here are just a few that the SEC/FBI should have been watching
Top 7 Convicted CEO's and the Harsh Penalties They Face | Marvquin, LLC

Its not a "free market" when we get ripped-off. Its a free market when everyone follows the rules, including CEOs. I also want regulations preventing corporations from "capturing" a government agency <see Bernie Madoff as SEC head...almost>
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I was thinking today about the $500K ceiling that Democrats want to put on CEOs earnings.

I wonder who's idea this was?

I also wonder why it's confined to only CEOs. Why not Hollywood actors. Why not sports athletes as well.

Some CEOs do make alot of money...but for someone on the "A" List in Hollywood they demand $20 million a picture.

Some basketball players are signing $100 million contracts. It seems that each time we hear about one it's the highest in history.

Why is it that CEOs are the only people being singled out? Why not actors and athletes too?

Do you think Obama is gonna demand that Tim Duncan spread the wealth...give that money to the needy....only earn $500k? Figure the odds on that.

Personally I think it's a sneaky form of racism....but that's just me.

Personally, I don't have any trouble with people earning a zillion dollars a month - provided they pay taxes accordingly with an escalating tax rate directly proportional to income.
What are you talking about? When has anyone suggested capping anyone's salary except for bailed out companies? If a company is so deep in the weeds that they will go bankrupt if not propped up, they sure as hell don't need to be paying their executives 7 figure salaries. I just don't understand how you "conservatives" reconcile that.

First of all...what right do they have to tell anyone what they can make?

Secondly...yes they have proposed that all bank positions maintain a max salary of $500k in Congress.

Personally I don't think you or anyone else has the right to say what anyone can make.
I was thinking today about the $500K ceiling that Democrats want to put on CEOs earnings.

I wonder who's idea this was?

I also wonder why it's confined to only CEOs. Why not Hollywood actors. Why not sports athletes as well.

Some CEOs do make alot of money...but for someone on the "A" List in Hollywood they demand $20 million a picture.

Some basketball players are signing $100 million contracts. It seems that each time we hear about one it's the highest in history.

Why is it that CEOs are the only people being singled out? Why not actors and athletes too?

Do you think Obama is gonna demand that Tim Duncan spread the wealth...give that money to the needy....only earn $500k? Figure the odds on that.

Personally I think it's a sneaky form of racism....but that's just me.

I'm only in favor of capping CEOs in companies that are receiving bailouts.

Do you disagree with that?

I think it's hard to justify paying someone $10 million when the bank is going broke...but I feel the punishment should be cutting them off...not telling them how they can spend their money.

This whole deal was about putting them under Washington's thumb...not fixing the economy.
I was thinking today about the $500K ceiling that Democrats want to put on CEOs earnings.

I wonder who's idea this was?

I also wonder why it's confined to only CEOs. Why not Hollywood actors. Why not sports athletes as well.

Some CEOs do make alot of money...but for someone on the "A" List in Hollywood they demand $20 million a picture.

Some basketball players are signing $100 million contracts. It seems that each time we hear about one it's the highest in history.

Why is it that CEOs are the only people being singled out? Why not actors and athletes too?

Do you think Obama is gonna demand that Tim Duncan spread the wealth...give that money to the needy....only earn $500k? Figure the odds on that.

Personally I think it's a sneaky form of racism....but that's just me.

You would. I suppose you think that only whites are CEO's, huh?

No of course not...but that doesn't stop the left from using that.

I think if you ask Democrats they won't say that is the case...but you can tell by their statements and Obama's speeches that they are trying to infer this. They are implying that CEOs are all Greedy White Men even though they know it's not always the case.

This is just a Marxist trick being pulled on those who don't know any better.

Rich means White to some people....especially so-called minorities.
What are you talking about? When has anyone suggested capping anyone's salary except for bailed out companies? If a company is so deep in the weeds that they will go bankrupt if not propped up, they sure as hell don't need to be paying their executives 7 figure salaries. I just don't understand how you "conservatives" reconcile that.

They should have never been "propped up" to begin with - reconcile that.
Barney Frank and Chris Dodd caused the banking crisis.

Now they control banking in this country.

Unions caused GM and Chrysler to almost go now they control them.

The Democrats now control the Health Insurance industry.

Next is the Big Oil.

After that...everyone else including you and me.

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