Seeing religion through new eyes....


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2021
For example, I envision the Holy Ghost ad the engine / the power behind the message. The power itself
How do you see him ?
I see it not much differently than you. For me the Holy Ghost is also the new convenant that God placed in peoples hearts as replacement for the original that was cast in stone.
For me it is not so complicated, but each lifestory is different, we do not encounter the same situations. All paths are different I suppose. I used to have anger, hated some people, and was very emotionally invested in politics, and hated many of those who did not agree with my views on stuff like religion, EU, indirect taxes, roadbuilding, etc. I was an angry liberal. Then my feeds got all bleeped up, from getting hitchens, dawkins, etc, I suddenly got all black pastors and political opinionators only. Algorithms wanted me in constant anger I guess. But the channels was funny, so I watched, and suddenly it made sense. Then I dropped my anger and found peace. I became calm, zen. Then I decided I needed to remove myself from others a bit, and do introspect and study the bible. So I moved into a a vacant house that is haunted. No WIFI, no news, just study, and documentaries. Eyeopening, and I think the calm I got there, was the holy ghost. I lost all fears. I believe God then will claim me, if I pray for forgiveness. I think it is best to be somewhat removed from others when you do pray, and do not have anything stressing you, so your focus is off. Personal.
For me it is not so complicated, but each lifestory is different, we do not encounter the same situations. All paths are different I suppose. I used to have anger, hated some people, and was very emotionally invested in politics, and hated many of those who did not agree with my views on stuff like religion, EU, indirect taxes, roadbuilding, etc. I was an angry liberal. Then my feeds got all bleeped up, from getting hitchens, dawkins, etc, I suddenly got all black pastors and political opinionators only. Algorithms wanted me in constant anger I guess. But the channels was funny, so I watched, and suddenly it made sense. Then I dropped my anger and found peace. I became calm, zen. Then I decided I needed to remove myself from others a bit, and do introspect and study the bible. So I moved into a a vacant house that is haunted. No WIFI, no news, just study, and documentaries. Eyeopening, and I think the calm I got there, was the holy ghost. I lost all fears. I believe God then will claim me, if I pray for forgiveness. I think it is best to be somewhat removed from others when you do pray, and do not have anything stressing you, so your focus is off. Personal.
Best one yet, from the heart, I like that.
For me it is not so complicated, but each lifestory is different, we do not encounter the same situations. All paths are different I suppose. I used to have anger, hated some people, and was very emotionally invested in politics, and hated many of those who did not agree with my views on stuff like religion, EU, indirect taxes, roadbuilding, etc. I was an angry liberal. Then my feeds got all bleeped up, from getting hitchens, dawkins, etc, I suddenly got all black pastors and political opinionators only. Algorithms wanted me in constant anger I guess. But the channels was funny, so I watched, and suddenly it made sense. Then I dropped my anger and found peace. I became calm, zen. Then I decided I needed to remove myself from others a bit, and do introspect and study the bible. So I moved into a a vacant house that is haunted. No WIFI, no news, just study, and documentaries. Eyeopening, and I think the calm I got there, was the holy ghost. I lost all fears. I believe God then will claim me, if I pray for forgiveness. I think it is best to be somewhat removed from others when you do pray, and do not have anything stressing you, so your focus is off. Personal.
If you are sincere about wanting forgiveness, God is quick to forgive. Want claimed by God? The minute you accept that Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins, your name is written in the Book of Life and your place is reserved at our Father's table.
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For example, I envision the Holy Ghost ad the engine / the power behind the message. The power itself
How do you see him ?
So, before the Holy Spirit, how were the disciples so compelled by the message? If Christ is the Word and the Holy Spirit the power of the Word, not only is the Word by itself powerless, but that doesn't make for much diversity in the kingdom.
I think of the Holy Spirit the way Christ described him: the power of forgiveness and spirit of truth (Jn 20:22-23; 14:17). He is the power of a divinely inspired ethical standard that ultimately relegated the apostasy of the Jews and moral relativism of the pagans to the dustbin of history.

He is the power of the new age. This power animated within the human psyche a thirst not for vengeance and prestige but for fraternity and charity. This "Helper" whom Jesus sent would convict the world concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment (Jn 16:8), for the Holy Spirit's transformational influence doesn't stop with the believer. Not at all. That's where it begins.
So, before the Holy Spirit, how were the disciples so compelled by the message? If Christ is the Word and the Holy Spirit the power of the Word, not only is the Word by itself powerless, but that doesn't make for much diversity in the kingdom.
When I talk about God or Christ, I am talking about personages. The God I believe in is the nebulous mass of energy the created the physical universe. We are not separate from this God as many religions would have you believe but components are facets of God.
When I talk about God or Christ, I am talking about personages. The God I believe in is the nebulous mass of energy the created the physical universe. We are not separate from this God as many religions would have you believe but components are facets of God.
At any rate, is the message by itself powerless?
When talking about God (proper name) and Christ (Israel's anointed one), we can be talking only of Israel's sacred texts, which say nothing about the Lord being a nebulous mass of energy.
The Holy Spirit is an important figure throughout the Bible. In Genesis 1:2, we find Him moving about the surface of the waters, and in Revelation 22:17, He and the bride cry with one voice. From beginning to end, the Holy Spirit has always been active: In the beginning, creating, and at the end of the story, tending to us.
Who Is the Holy Spirit? – 5 Things You Need to Know…
At any rate, is the message by itself powerless?
Words matter, the words needed to be facilitated and strengthened by these actions. Actions in a physical universe require energy output. The end game of all of this it's not what you think. Most humans are flying blind, most don't even realize that.
So, before the Holy Spirit, how were the disciples so compelled by the message? If Christ is the Word and the Holy Spirit the power of the Word, not only is the Word by itself powerless, but that doesn't make for much diversity in the kingdom.
The Holy Spirit is just another aspect of God, always been there. You are correct in one way, there is no diversity in heaven, all are one, total Bliss where's gets boring after awhile, that's why the physical universe was created so aspects / facets oh God can take a respite and live life, with all the tactile pleasures and pains, as an individual. Your reality differs greatly from the original plan. God is not perfect, messes up once in a while. Now you know the truth.
Christians are in the habit of reducing the gospel to individual salvation. The Holy Spirit changes hearts and is an assurance of salvation, and that's all they preach.

But that is not the end of it. Not even close. His purpose was to leaven the whole loaf. Since Christ, individuals didn't just change; the whole world changed. That's the power of the Holy Spirit.
Since Christ, individuals didn't just change; the whole world changed. That's the power of the Holy Spirit.
I disagree, but only to some extent. With the Holy Spirit, I changed, and my whole world changed. The entire planet has not. Not yet. The reason I think this is a salient point is that it can be disheartening when viewing the planet as a whole. However, it can be greatly encouraging when viewing one's own world--the community, family, colleagues--immediately around one.
Christians are in the habit of reducing the gospel to individual salvation. The Holy Spirit changes hearts and is an assurance of salvation, and that's all they preach.

But that is not the end of it. Not even close. His purpose was to leaven the whole loaf. Since Christ, individuals didn't just change; the whole world changed. That's the power of the Holy Spirit. Power, you got that right.
Who Is the Holy Spirit?

1 Corinthians 6:19
King James Version
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

Tehillim - Psalms - Chapter 51
13Do not cast me away from before You, and do not take Your holy spirit from me. יגאַל־תַּשְׁלִיכֵ֥נִי מִלְּפָנֶ֑יךָ וְר֥וּחַ קָ֜דְשְׁךָ֗ אַל־תִּקַּ֥ח מִמֶּֽנִּי:
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The Word died to protect your eternal life. He's that powerful.
Death does not exist, except for these physical forms we are able to dwell in for a Time. The " Word " words fell on deaf ears, the last thing he wanted to do where is create yet another religion.

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