- Apr 15, 2008
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I will give credit to the person responsible for the work. You can draw the lines after you read it if you want. AT the end I have several links to other topics I started that have something to do with this.
This is from Target Earth - Ground Zero: countdown to the final battle.
By LA Heller
Destruction Of The Unions -
The Unions of this country were formed to counter the oppression of the elitist capitalistic corporations of last century. Many people could act as one unit and one voice, like a family, to negotiate better conditions in the workforce.
Recently, the Unions have suffered a considerable blow. Membership has dropped considerably. Unions are not as strong as they used to be. Unions are the enemy of the new one-world order, because they bring many people together to fight for a cause. Other unions could be formed to fight the machine, but the agents of Satan do not want coordinated masses of people together in the same place gathered against them.
Last century, in 1913, Rockefeller authorized the Ludlow massacre and killed all of the people of a mining town; men, women and children were mowed down because they dared to protest against the work conditions. They paid with their lives.
Taxes Prevent People From Protesting-
The continued draining of Americans wealth has created an unhealthy condition with most individuals in the workforce. Because of the punitive taxes in this country, people are living paycheck to paycheck and get maybe two weeks off in a 52 week year. They are kept on the contrived treadmill, which is geared to exhaust each individual. They have no time to protest, like the Muslims do, who are funded by the Jesuits to create world wide distractions. The Muslims pay no taxes and have all sorts of time to go to the streets to create a show for the media.
The Muslims were needed by the new one- world order to attack the U.S., in order to give the government a reason to slam in all of the anti-Constitutional and anti-Bill of Rights laws. The Freemasons in the government needed to eliminate the Constitution and have been actively working to this end since the turn of last century. The Satanic agents in the government have wanted to increase its surveillance on the citizens as well as suspend their rights guaranteed by the Constitution. They were getting impatient and needed to have an incident that would enable them to suspend the Constitution quickly.
The 911 attack provided them with the justification. This has been accomplished by the new Homeland Security and Patriot Acts. The Muslims are the straw man, and the distraction, which allows the government to eliminate our rights, without a fight. The Protestants have bought into this encroachment on our liberties and back Bush up because he purports to be a Protestant, just like them. But he is not. He is a warlock Humanist Gnostic Mason and a member of the Illuminati. He became an initiate at Yale University of the secret societies of Harvard and Yale known as the Skull and Bones and the Scroll and Key, which are secret branches of the Order (Illuminati and also called the Brotherhood of Death). Bush senior was also a member of the Illuminati.
It is important to understand and gain knowledge of your enemies. But you must first identify who they are and what forms and names they take. The Brotherhood is alive and active in Washington. Every President was a Humanist Gnostic Freemason, except for Jefferson.
The New One-World Order -
The humanist Gnostic Roman Catholic agents will unite. The Vatican, Illuminati (the Order), the Freemasons and secret global elitist families are working as one coalition (Latin-coalitionem, coalescere- co-together, alescere-grow; an alliance of statesmen, political parties, for some special purpose) to bring about the New One-World Order (Latin-group; a group of people united in a formal way, a fraternal society), with one purpose - world domination of all people and territories.
The globalist elitists who make up the members of the world order are not loyal to any country, government political party or Constitution. They are neither, socialists nor communists. They are the minions of Satan who are in human form, who will be the ruling elite. The disembodied spirit minions of Satan, who are not in human form, will continue to influence the agents of the world order. Satan and his assistants will come in many forms and will use anything to achieve his goal. They are from that evil galaxy and they are here on Earth. They are loyal only to Satan, the world order and the principles of humanism which endorses all manner of behavioral anarchy,(Latin-anarchia, an-without, archos-ruler; lawlessness) - which will accomplish the goal of a world take over.
Spear of Destiny -
I have told you about the importance of the treasures that the Roman Catholic Church possesses, from the Knights Templar in the 1300's. According to the intelligence community, when the new world order is solidified, the relics will be taken out and will be united with the Spear (paternal male) of Destiny (a predetermined course of events often held to be an irresistible power or agency, something to which a person is destined -to designate assign, or dedicate in advance) and will according to legend give the worlds ruler absolute power.
This may have confirmed Hitlers search during World War II for them. But he didnt know that the Spear of Destiny would be Satan himself - in human form.
From Rome, the Pope will be the dictator and head of this world coalition. The Black Pope or General of the Jesuits will continue to be the head advisor to the Pope. The Pope will die and be resurrected and when he is - Satan will take over his body, as the anti-Christ. Satan will become the new world leader for the new one-world order, put into power by his agent - the Roman Catholic Church and all of their agencies.
He will be the ultimate world dictator. He is the same evil dictator that we encountered on Arcturus, whose agents infiltrated our Federation Council. He will attempt to achieve his goal to take over the Arcturian Federation, when his takeover is complete on Earth. He will attempt to lure my people into a battle when they realize that I have been gone and they come to bring me back. There will be an inter-galactic battle which will ensue. At certain times of the year the Washington Monument points to Arcturus. (The stars - Regulus and Speka can be located on top of Arcturus.)
The Order Structure-
The people who will make up a New One-World Order will make up a council (the one world order Council), under the Pope, which will control the world. They will set up and manage a New One-World Government under a New One-World Religion. Together they will control the world economy, military forces, international banking, all world religions and all branches of witchcraft. They will also control the food (including vitamins) and energy supplies (gas, water, oil, and electricity), the family unit, education, entertainment, the media and all communications networks and mediums. In essence, they will control the Satanic 7 Realms.
The Order Members-
The positions in the Order will be lifetime positions and a guarantee of personal wealth. Citizens will never be able to vote them in.
The New One-World Order will be made up of the Executive Committee, of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). This inner core of intimate associates are members of the Order (Illuminati), and only these members are initiated into the Order of the Quest (also known as the JASON Society), which makes up the executive members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission as well. The executive members of the Council on Foreign Relations are the real power and are devoted to one common purpose - world domination.
The majority of members of the CFR never go through any initiation of any kind and they never serve on the executive committees and they make up the outer circle who, are used by the inner core to gain a consensus of opinion. Anyone in the outer circle who doesnt conform rigorously to the one-world agenda or standard of operation is expelled without delay.
New, replacement members of the world order Council will be recruited without exception from the Gnostic secret societies of Harvard and Yale known as the Skull and Bones and the Scroll and Key. Both societies are secret branches (also called the Brotherhood of Death), of the Illuminati. Members of these two societies are chosen by invitation on an ongoing basis based upon their commendable qualities after they graduate. Initiates are not just taken from these two Ivy League colleges.
These two societies are connected to more established organizations in England called The Group of Oxford University and All Souls College, and in Germany called the Thule Society, also called the Brotherhood of Death.
(Ivy League colleges (ivy-from the prevalence of ivy-covered buildings on the campuses of the older U.S. colleges; group of eight old, and long-established, universities of the northeastern U.S., including Harvard, Yale, and Princeton, widely regarded as high in scholastic and social prestige and characteristic of students marked by conservatism, restraint, and breeding-a line of descendants from a particular parentage. It will be similar to maintaining a line of royalty).
Under the Freemasons are other secret societies called the Order of the Quest and the Knights Templar. To become an initiate of the Illuminati, members take an oath to pledge allegiance only to the New One World Order and to negate any allegiance to any government, king or constitution.
The Trilateral Commission was founded in 1972, by David Rockefeller, a banking magnate and funded by the Bilderberg Group. It is a private agency made up of several hundred people from W Europe, N America and Japan, who are prominent in the business community, and they have influence over political decision making. Their goal is to get political and economic cooperation among those regions for the New One World Order.
The Order Network-
The names of other secret societies under the Jesuits and Freemasons are the original Masons, Russell Trust, the Rosicrucians, the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, the Qabbalah, Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Bilderberg Group, the Brotherhood of the Dragon, Ancient and Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis, the Nazi Party, the Communist Party, The Group, the DeMolay Society (branch of Freemasons), Opus Dei (organization within the Roman Catholic Church located in New York City), and the Roshaniya.
All of these organizations are geared to confuse and obfuscate their true source, which is the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuits and the Freemasons or Illuminati - which has organizations within organizations. Today the Illuminati, is a high degree of Freemasonry within the Knights Templar Order and they are a branch of the Order of the Quest.
Chart of
Rough Sketch Of Order Structure-©
Roman Catholic Church Secret Elitist Families
Vatican- Jesuits
Freemasons (The Free and Accepted Masons)
| |
Order of Quest DeMolay Society
| |
Knights Templar Hollywood
| Disney
Illuminati - World Banks
All of these secret societies have secret information and practice degrees of initiation, which determine how much information each initiate is allowed to have. These organizations are really one society with one purpose. The Roman Catholics international banks will fund the new one-world order machine. Large global corporations will dash all competition and large conglomerate companies will be formed to squeeze out smaller companies.
They have split up the entire Earth into 10 sectors which will be run by regional heads of the New One-World Order under the world order Council - which is under the Pope. These regional heads will direct the world government.
The New One-World Order Government-
The New One-World Government will be the United Nations, set up as a fascist, totalitarian, socialist regime. It will be the enforcement arm of the New One-World Order. The U.N. will coordinate with the Vatican and all of the agents and organizations under it. The governmental hierarchy has already been established - The Brotherhood - the Jesuits, the Freemasons, and the Illuminati, and they will continue to enforce the projects of the world order Council.
There will be no real republican government structure in the USA as we know it. The government will be the UN and the UN military and police agencies. In the USA, all police agencies and military will be turned into UN forces. These units will be mobilized in each city and town, who will brutally carry out the orders of the UN. The USA and other countries will be run by the police.
In the USA, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights will be suspended indefinitely, by an Executive Order. This will happen suddenly after another incident is allowed to happen in this country. Similar incidents will happen in Europe and all around the world within the same time period, and all constitutions in other countries will be suspended indefinitely too. Martial law will be enforced in the USA and around the world. There will be no such thing as individual rights, or courts to enforce this, only police. It will be similar to the fascist state of Hitler, with the SS in uniforms and the block police of the old Soviet Union. You will need permission to leave your neighborhood or be shot.
The police state will be slammed in quickly, swiftly and brutally. Everything will come to a stop immediately. All air, land and boat travel will be suspended, so relatives cannot get together as a team. The citizens will be disarmed. Families will be split up so they cannot plan a revolt together. Everyone will be quarantined to their cities or town. All phones, cellular and land lines will be jammed and the internet will not work. All banks will freeze everyones accounts. The food and water supplies will be controlled to control the people. They will quickly drug everyone with psycho tropic drugs to anesthesize the people, so that they cannot fight back. Those that resist will be drowned in the underground freeway systems that American taxpayers have already built in each city and town.
All Bibles and dictionaries will be confiscated, burned and made illegal. All history books will be rewritten. All internet traffic will be monitored and censored. All elderly people will be killed by neglect, hospital care or denial of proper nutrition, because they put a drain on the social security system. They will no longer be useful, and they will not be revered for their wisdom. Plus the elderly will be witnesses to the way things used to be when we were free. These witnesses must be eliminated so that new generations will never even know about the freedoms we used to have because they will be written out of the history books.
All marriage contracts will be suspended and children will be taken to re-programing camps. No one except for the elitist core and a select few will be allowed to marry and have children. Many women, who will be deemed, good breeding stock, will be forcibly impregnated to produce stronger slaves for the New One-World Order plantation. Everyone will be micro-chipped to monitor their location at all times. Most people will be permanently drugged by psychiatric drugs, to keep them docile and apathetic, but just barely able to work on the world plantation.
All TV transmissions will be the lies and words of Satan himself. He will tell you to cooperate with your government. He will be viewed as the Savior from this perilous situation.
The New One-World Order Religion-
The New One-World (Shell) Religious Organization will be the Roman Catholic Church. This shell (Old English-scell; outward show, empty pretense) religious organization will continue to be ruled by the Vatican (also called the Open Friendly Secret Society). The Pope, and the Vatican staff and all of the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy are Humanist Gnostic Freemasons and Masons (which were absorbed by the Freemasons). This fact is well hidden from the church members, who would never dream that their beloved church hierarchy, have been initiated witches and warlocks all along. They make secret oaths of allegiance to Satan and swear to uphold his arrangement. During the reign of Satan and his New One-World Order, this hidden fact will be revealed, because they will enforce the following belief system. They want to control all world wide branches of witchcraft and occult information. This religion will guarantee power to the world leaders.
Currently the globalists and the elitists are hiding behind Christianity as a front to fool the real Christians, so the Vatican can continue bringing in acceptance of humanist ideals, through these frauds. In the 1960's America had its first Catholic president - Kennedy. Prior to this, Catholics were kept out of the presidency to preserve the guise that America still represented a Protestant nation. This was OK with the Vatican, because they still had humanist Gnostic Mason Protestants in Washington D.C., who were really working for them.
The globalist elitists need to crush Christianity in order to create the new one-world order machine. Many Christians become humanists by accident or as a result of their education. The school system will continue to get humanistic teachings into widespread use to indoctrinate these Christians and Jews to destroy them.
The Bush administration hides and pretends to be Christian so the humanist agenda can be brought in without a fight, which is geared to destroy them (anti-humanist Christians). The Satanic new one-world order will be the ultimate way to stop Christians.
Humanists have infiltrated Christian sects and they have become humanists by embracing humanist principles of psychiatry, psychology, socialism and a myriad of perversions. Humanists cant infiltrate all of Christianity as a whole because they are not organized as one organization like the Catholics. There are so many different sects. So the best way is for politicians and people in authority to pretend to be Christians in order to promote humanist teachings through schools, and the media, to gain agreement and acceptance to humanist principles - thus will destroy Christians - who are the barrier and the stop to the new one-world order complex.
The Roman Catholic Church will embrace and teach the following religious doctrine or order (condition or state):
* The New One-World Philosophy is Humanism, which embraces a man-centered, anti-God, amoral, pragmatic ideology. Humanism is the philosophy of Earth and Satan is their god.
Satans plan of a one-world order will be done through Humanism as a system of thought, which will be inculcated (Latin- inculcatum-impressed upon, trampled in, in-in, calcem-heel; to impress ideas, opinions, etc., on the mind of another through frequent repetition and teaching these ideas persistently) in the public schools and reinforced by the media. This philosophy has infected all of humanity and all religions in the world today, including the Jews, Jesus movement, and the Protestant Christians.
* The New One-World Religion is Gnosticism- which is the Religion of Humanists - personal salvation through spiritual knowledge (gnosis-knowledge). It is the Church of the Occult - secret knowledge and practices of the supernatural or supernormal powers, outside the laws of the natural world, or detection by clinical methods alone, and not present to the naked eye; magical. It is the head religion for all others.
Gnosticism is the pursuit of all knowledge- scientific and philosophical, the occult and black and white witchcraft, and sorcery, (without acknowledging, consulting or including Yahweh-God).
The practices of witchcraft, wizardry, sorcery, and magic will be promoted as normal but the techniques will not be readily available.
But only the elite new one-world order insiders will know the true occult information. False technology will be taught to the general public, which will cause people to die and they wont know why. The true occult technology will be hidden, controlled and not released.
* The New One-World God will be Satan. Satanism will develop, with direct worship of Lucifer (light bearer) or Satan as God, will be taught and enforced by law. Since he will be operating here on Earth in human form, he will demand, expect and coerce people to worship him.
Because all Bibles and all worship of Yahweh God will be outlawed and forbidden, so the Words of Jesus Christ will be snuffed out. Future generations will never know God or Jesus. This will ensure the easy establishment of the new one-world order. Violators will be killed or sent to re-programming camps. All dictionaries will be confiscated and destroyed. In this case, only censored knowledge will be available. History books will be re-written to reflect Satans humanist perspective.
* Other world cults created by the Jesuits are the Mormons and Christian Science and affiliates. The occult Mormons have secret degrees of initiation and behind the altar of their churches is the pyramid eye of Freemasonry, the Eye of Osiris or the seeing eye, which is on our money. They are humanist Gnostic Freemasons that believe that they are god and that someday they will have their own planet. Their rites are similar to the Roman Catholic Church.
The Christian Science Monitor is an influential magazine in Washington D.C., which forwards humanist perspectives as their gospel.
* The Roman Catholic humanist Gnostic Freemasons have established a great number of Public organizations, societies and affiliates in order to create a network which could forward the new one-world order concept through the principles of humanism.
Humanists and all of their organizations and societies are being used by the Vatican and the global elitists to help them bring in the new one-world order. Ironically at the top, there will be a dialectic struggle for power, (like that stated in the Communist Manifesto), and who will be in control and be the members of this new one-world order. Satanic minions will ultimately be the ruling elite, while those who helped realize the goals of humanism will be the lower class of the new one-world order.
These organizations include the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP founded in 1909), which continue to create tension between the black and white Protestant factions, and the ACLU- legal arm for humanists, defends anyone who forwards the plan for world domination. They contribute to breaking down our Civil Liberties and Constitutional Rights, under the guise of protecting them.
The Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) and National Organization of Women (NOW), the Population Council (1952) and Planned Parenthood (founded by David Rockefeller; head of Manhattan Bank), are busy carrying out the population control program of the Satanic elitist families.
John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937) founded Standard Oil and the family controls Chase Manhattan, National City Bank, Standard Oil (Exxon) and they built and owned the World Trade Towers. David Rockefeller founded the Trilateral Commission (1972) as well. Henry Ford (1863-1947) funded many anti-Jewish campaigns during WWII. (He ran over my grandfathers little bike, and never replaced it).
The real power still lies in the Council on Foreign Relations. These organizations keep forwarding their message through the powerful mediums of TV, the entertainment industry, arts and educational institutes and keep amassing more advocates and members, who will greatly benefit from the new one-world order.
Chart of the Structure of the ©
COUNCIL - Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Executive Enforcement Arm:
Executive Orders Issued
Territory of Earth divided into 10 Sectors
Advised by the Vatican Shell religious organization
Vatican- Jesuits
Legislative Enforcement Arm
Judicial Enforcement Arm
Enforcement Arm: UN Military Forces
INTERNATIONAL 7 REALMS Run by Humanism - Satans Philosophy
which embraces man-centered
International Government - Illuminati Amoral behavior and practices.
Military Freemasons Satan is their god
Paganism- worship of Baal and other gods was for the masses, true humanists
Believe in one god Satan, while promoting atheism to hide the source of
Their power
Gnosticism - Religion of Humanists
Church of the Occult- secret knowledge
Of the supernatural or supernormal Powers
International Banking- Illuminati The pursuit of knowledge without God
International Religion Freemasons Includes occult, witchcraft, science-
stem cell, genetic modification all theories which exclude God.
International Education Jesuits Satan has no religion. He just believes
Schools K-12 in himself and does whatever pleases
Universities him- he steals, kills and destroys.
International Food/Energy/Water Illuminati Satanism- worship of Satan as a god
International Families Jesuits Lucifer, the enlightened one
International Entertainment Freemasons Brotherhood - Freemasons, Illuminati,
International Media Jesuits All secret societies; the network world
Cults - Mormons, Christian Science
Public Orgs/Affiliates - ACLU, Planned Parenthood, etc.
1. Laws: Executive Orders:
New One-World Order Council
2. Agencies of Enforcement:
UN Military Forces- managing:
US Military Forces
IRS Police: City, State, Militia
Post Office Media
Churches Utility Companies
Communications Companies
Auto Companies (GPS)
Tech Companies (software, hardware, Microchip)
Hospitals Banks
DMV Energy Companies
Food Companies
Retail Companies
All Points of Sale
3. Judicial Enforcement Arm
Court System
4. Agents of Enforcement
Psychiatrists Teachers
Medical Doctors
5. Facilities of Enforcement
Mental Hospitals
Internment Camps
Re-programming Camps
Quarantine Areas
Universities (Jesuits)
Loyola Notre Dame (French-our lady)
Yale, etc.
Instruments of Enforcement:
Tracking Devices: Subcutaneous Microchip,
National ID: biometric, checkpoints
Genetic Engineering: humans, food, viruses, bacteria
Disarming Citizens
Psycho Tropic Drugs
Sodium Fluoride
Invented Flu Viruses and Diseases
Sonic Disorientation Devices
Spy Satellites
Heat Censor Devices
Forced Abortions
Sterilizations of Humans
Transportation Cameras
Helicopters Trains
Nuclear Devices: Fission, Fusion, Neutron
Controlled Terrorist Attacks
Hard Core Criminals
Airborne chemicals, viruses, bacteria
ZPG - Zero Population Growth
Bird Flu or similar devices, etc.
Green Peace (Jesuits), etc.
This is from Target Earth - Ground Zero: countdown to the final battle.
By LA Heller
Destruction Of The Unions -
The Unions of this country were formed to counter the oppression of the elitist capitalistic corporations of last century. Many people could act as one unit and one voice, like a family, to negotiate better conditions in the workforce.
Recently, the Unions have suffered a considerable blow. Membership has dropped considerably. Unions are not as strong as they used to be. Unions are the enemy of the new one-world order, because they bring many people together to fight for a cause. Other unions could be formed to fight the machine, but the agents of Satan do not want coordinated masses of people together in the same place gathered against them.
Last century, in 1913, Rockefeller authorized the Ludlow massacre and killed all of the people of a mining town; men, women and children were mowed down because they dared to protest against the work conditions. They paid with their lives.
Taxes Prevent People From Protesting-
The continued draining of Americans wealth has created an unhealthy condition with most individuals in the workforce. Because of the punitive taxes in this country, people are living paycheck to paycheck and get maybe two weeks off in a 52 week year. They are kept on the contrived treadmill, which is geared to exhaust each individual. They have no time to protest, like the Muslims do, who are funded by the Jesuits to create world wide distractions. The Muslims pay no taxes and have all sorts of time to go to the streets to create a show for the media.
The Muslims were needed by the new one- world order to attack the U.S., in order to give the government a reason to slam in all of the anti-Constitutional and anti-Bill of Rights laws. The Freemasons in the government needed to eliminate the Constitution and have been actively working to this end since the turn of last century. The Satanic agents in the government have wanted to increase its surveillance on the citizens as well as suspend their rights guaranteed by the Constitution. They were getting impatient and needed to have an incident that would enable them to suspend the Constitution quickly.
The 911 attack provided them with the justification. This has been accomplished by the new Homeland Security and Patriot Acts. The Muslims are the straw man, and the distraction, which allows the government to eliminate our rights, without a fight. The Protestants have bought into this encroachment on our liberties and back Bush up because he purports to be a Protestant, just like them. But he is not. He is a warlock Humanist Gnostic Mason and a member of the Illuminati. He became an initiate at Yale University of the secret societies of Harvard and Yale known as the Skull and Bones and the Scroll and Key, which are secret branches of the Order (Illuminati and also called the Brotherhood of Death). Bush senior was also a member of the Illuminati.
It is important to understand and gain knowledge of your enemies. But you must first identify who they are and what forms and names they take. The Brotherhood is alive and active in Washington. Every President was a Humanist Gnostic Freemason, except for Jefferson.
The New One-World Order -
The humanist Gnostic Roman Catholic agents will unite. The Vatican, Illuminati (the Order), the Freemasons and secret global elitist families are working as one coalition (Latin-coalitionem, coalescere- co-together, alescere-grow; an alliance of statesmen, political parties, for some special purpose) to bring about the New One-World Order (Latin-group; a group of people united in a formal way, a fraternal society), with one purpose - world domination of all people and territories.
The globalist elitists who make up the members of the world order are not loyal to any country, government political party or Constitution. They are neither, socialists nor communists. They are the minions of Satan who are in human form, who will be the ruling elite. The disembodied spirit minions of Satan, who are not in human form, will continue to influence the agents of the world order. Satan and his assistants will come in many forms and will use anything to achieve his goal. They are from that evil galaxy and they are here on Earth. They are loyal only to Satan, the world order and the principles of humanism which endorses all manner of behavioral anarchy,(Latin-anarchia, an-without, archos-ruler; lawlessness) - which will accomplish the goal of a world take over.
Spear of Destiny -
I have told you about the importance of the treasures that the Roman Catholic Church possesses, from the Knights Templar in the 1300's. According to the intelligence community, when the new world order is solidified, the relics will be taken out and will be united with the Spear (paternal male) of Destiny (a predetermined course of events often held to be an irresistible power or agency, something to which a person is destined -to designate assign, or dedicate in advance) and will according to legend give the worlds ruler absolute power.
This may have confirmed Hitlers search during World War II for them. But he didnt know that the Spear of Destiny would be Satan himself - in human form.
From Rome, the Pope will be the dictator and head of this world coalition. The Black Pope or General of the Jesuits will continue to be the head advisor to the Pope. The Pope will die and be resurrected and when he is - Satan will take over his body, as the anti-Christ. Satan will become the new world leader for the new one-world order, put into power by his agent - the Roman Catholic Church and all of their agencies.
He will be the ultimate world dictator. He is the same evil dictator that we encountered on Arcturus, whose agents infiltrated our Federation Council. He will attempt to achieve his goal to take over the Arcturian Federation, when his takeover is complete on Earth. He will attempt to lure my people into a battle when they realize that I have been gone and they come to bring me back. There will be an inter-galactic battle which will ensue. At certain times of the year the Washington Monument points to Arcturus. (The stars - Regulus and Speka can be located on top of Arcturus.)
The Order Structure-
The people who will make up a New One-World Order will make up a council (the one world order Council), under the Pope, which will control the world. They will set up and manage a New One-World Government under a New One-World Religion. Together they will control the world economy, military forces, international banking, all world religions and all branches of witchcraft. They will also control the food (including vitamins) and energy supplies (gas, water, oil, and electricity), the family unit, education, entertainment, the media and all communications networks and mediums. In essence, they will control the Satanic 7 Realms.
The Order Members-
The positions in the Order will be lifetime positions and a guarantee of personal wealth. Citizens will never be able to vote them in.
The New One-World Order will be made up of the Executive Committee, of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). This inner core of intimate associates are members of the Order (Illuminati), and only these members are initiated into the Order of the Quest (also known as the JASON Society), which makes up the executive members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission as well. The executive members of the Council on Foreign Relations are the real power and are devoted to one common purpose - world domination.
The majority of members of the CFR never go through any initiation of any kind and they never serve on the executive committees and they make up the outer circle who, are used by the inner core to gain a consensus of opinion. Anyone in the outer circle who doesnt conform rigorously to the one-world agenda or standard of operation is expelled without delay.
New, replacement members of the world order Council will be recruited without exception from the Gnostic secret societies of Harvard and Yale known as the Skull and Bones and the Scroll and Key. Both societies are secret branches (also called the Brotherhood of Death), of the Illuminati. Members of these two societies are chosen by invitation on an ongoing basis based upon their commendable qualities after they graduate. Initiates are not just taken from these two Ivy League colleges.
These two societies are connected to more established organizations in England called The Group of Oxford University and All Souls College, and in Germany called the Thule Society, also called the Brotherhood of Death.
(Ivy League colleges (ivy-from the prevalence of ivy-covered buildings on the campuses of the older U.S. colleges; group of eight old, and long-established, universities of the northeastern U.S., including Harvard, Yale, and Princeton, widely regarded as high in scholastic and social prestige and characteristic of students marked by conservatism, restraint, and breeding-a line of descendants from a particular parentage. It will be similar to maintaining a line of royalty).
Under the Freemasons are other secret societies called the Order of the Quest and the Knights Templar. To become an initiate of the Illuminati, members take an oath to pledge allegiance only to the New One World Order and to negate any allegiance to any government, king or constitution.
The Trilateral Commission was founded in 1972, by David Rockefeller, a banking magnate and funded by the Bilderberg Group. It is a private agency made up of several hundred people from W Europe, N America and Japan, who are prominent in the business community, and they have influence over political decision making. Their goal is to get political and economic cooperation among those regions for the New One World Order.
The Order Network-
The names of other secret societies under the Jesuits and Freemasons are the original Masons, Russell Trust, the Rosicrucians, the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, the Qabbalah, Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Bilderberg Group, the Brotherhood of the Dragon, Ancient and Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis, the Nazi Party, the Communist Party, The Group, the DeMolay Society (branch of Freemasons), Opus Dei (organization within the Roman Catholic Church located in New York City), and the Roshaniya.
All of these organizations are geared to confuse and obfuscate their true source, which is the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuits and the Freemasons or Illuminati - which has organizations within organizations. Today the Illuminati, is a high degree of Freemasonry within the Knights Templar Order and they are a branch of the Order of the Quest.
Chart of
Rough Sketch Of Order Structure-©
Roman Catholic Church Secret Elitist Families
Vatican- Jesuits
Freemasons (The Free and Accepted Masons)
| |
Order of Quest DeMolay Society
| |
Knights Templar Hollywood
| Disney
Illuminati - World Banks
All of these secret societies have secret information and practice degrees of initiation, which determine how much information each initiate is allowed to have. These organizations are really one society with one purpose. The Roman Catholics international banks will fund the new one-world order machine. Large global corporations will dash all competition and large conglomerate companies will be formed to squeeze out smaller companies.
They have split up the entire Earth into 10 sectors which will be run by regional heads of the New One-World Order under the world order Council - which is under the Pope. These regional heads will direct the world government.
The New One-World Order Government-
The New One-World Government will be the United Nations, set up as a fascist, totalitarian, socialist regime. It will be the enforcement arm of the New One-World Order. The U.N. will coordinate with the Vatican and all of the agents and organizations under it. The governmental hierarchy has already been established - The Brotherhood - the Jesuits, the Freemasons, and the Illuminati, and they will continue to enforce the projects of the world order Council.
There will be no real republican government structure in the USA as we know it. The government will be the UN and the UN military and police agencies. In the USA, all police agencies and military will be turned into UN forces. These units will be mobilized in each city and town, who will brutally carry out the orders of the UN. The USA and other countries will be run by the police.
In the USA, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights will be suspended indefinitely, by an Executive Order. This will happen suddenly after another incident is allowed to happen in this country. Similar incidents will happen in Europe and all around the world within the same time period, and all constitutions in other countries will be suspended indefinitely too. Martial law will be enforced in the USA and around the world. There will be no such thing as individual rights, or courts to enforce this, only police. It will be similar to the fascist state of Hitler, with the SS in uniforms and the block police of the old Soviet Union. You will need permission to leave your neighborhood or be shot.
The police state will be slammed in quickly, swiftly and brutally. Everything will come to a stop immediately. All air, land and boat travel will be suspended, so relatives cannot get together as a team. The citizens will be disarmed. Families will be split up so they cannot plan a revolt together. Everyone will be quarantined to their cities or town. All phones, cellular and land lines will be jammed and the internet will not work. All banks will freeze everyones accounts. The food and water supplies will be controlled to control the people. They will quickly drug everyone with psycho tropic drugs to anesthesize the people, so that they cannot fight back. Those that resist will be drowned in the underground freeway systems that American taxpayers have already built in each city and town.
All Bibles and dictionaries will be confiscated, burned and made illegal. All history books will be rewritten. All internet traffic will be monitored and censored. All elderly people will be killed by neglect, hospital care or denial of proper nutrition, because they put a drain on the social security system. They will no longer be useful, and they will not be revered for their wisdom. Plus the elderly will be witnesses to the way things used to be when we were free. These witnesses must be eliminated so that new generations will never even know about the freedoms we used to have because they will be written out of the history books.
All marriage contracts will be suspended and children will be taken to re-programing camps. No one except for the elitist core and a select few will be allowed to marry and have children. Many women, who will be deemed, good breeding stock, will be forcibly impregnated to produce stronger slaves for the New One-World Order plantation. Everyone will be micro-chipped to monitor their location at all times. Most people will be permanently drugged by psychiatric drugs, to keep them docile and apathetic, but just barely able to work on the world plantation.
All TV transmissions will be the lies and words of Satan himself. He will tell you to cooperate with your government. He will be viewed as the Savior from this perilous situation.
The New One-World Order Religion-
The New One-World (Shell) Religious Organization will be the Roman Catholic Church. This shell (Old English-scell; outward show, empty pretense) religious organization will continue to be ruled by the Vatican (also called the Open Friendly Secret Society). The Pope, and the Vatican staff and all of the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy are Humanist Gnostic Freemasons and Masons (which were absorbed by the Freemasons). This fact is well hidden from the church members, who would never dream that their beloved church hierarchy, have been initiated witches and warlocks all along. They make secret oaths of allegiance to Satan and swear to uphold his arrangement. During the reign of Satan and his New One-World Order, this hidden fact will be revealed, because they will enforce the following belief system. They want to control all world wide branches of witchcraft and occult information. This religion will guarantee power to the world leaders.
Currently the globalists and the elitists are hiding behind Christianity as a front to fool the real Christians, so the Vatican can continue bringing in acceptance of humanist ideals, through these frauds. In the 1960's America had its first Catholic president - Kennedy. Prior to this, Catholics were kept out of the presidency to preserve the guise that America still represented a Protestant nation. This was OK with the Vatican, because they still had humanist Gnostic Mason Protestants in Washington D.C., who were really working for them.
The globalist elitists need to crush Christianity in order to create the new one-world order machine. Many Christians become humanists by accident or as a result of their education. The school system will continue to get humanistic teachings into widespread use to indoctrinate these Christians and Jews to destroy them.
The Bush administration hides and pretends to be Christian so the humanist agenda can be brought in without a fight, which is geared to destroy them (anti-humanist Christians). The Satanic new one-world order will be the ultimate way to stop Christians.
Humanists have infiltrated Christian sects and they have become humanists by embracing humanist principles of psychiatry, psychology, socialism and a myriad of perversions. Humanists cant infiltrate all of Christianity as a whole because they are not organized as one organization like the Catholics. There are so many different sects. So the best way is for politicians and people in authority to pretend to be Christians in order to promote humanist teachings through schools, and the media, to gain agreement and acceptance to humanist principles - thus will destroy Christians - who are the barrier and the stop to the new one-world order complex.
The Roman Catholic Church will embrace and teach the following religious doctrine or order (condition or state):
* The New One-World Philosophy is Humanism, which embraces a man-centered, anti-God, amoral, pragmatic ideology. Humanism is the philosophy of Earth and Satan is their god.
Satans plan of a one-world order will be done through Humanism as a system of thought, which will be inculcated (Latin- inculcatum-impressed upon, trampled in, in-in, calcem-heel; to impress ideas, opinions, etc., on the mind of another through frequent repetition and teaching these ideas persistently) in the public schools and reinforced by the media. This philosophy has infected all of humanity and all religions in the world today, including the Jews, Jesus movement, and the Protestant Christians.
* The New One-World Religion is Gnosticism- which is the Religion of Humanists - personal salvation through spiritual knowledge (gnosis-knowledge). It is the Church of the Occult - secret knowledge and practices of the supernatural or supernormal powers, outside the laws of the natural world, or detection by clinical methods alone, and not present to the naked eye; magical. It is the head religion for all others.
Gnosticism is the pursuit of all knowledge- scientific and philosophical, the occult and black and white witchcraft, and sorcery, (without acknowledging, consulting or including Yahweh-God).
The practices of witchcraft, wizardry, sorcery, and magic will be promoted as normal but the techniques will not be readily available.
But only the elite new one-world order insiders will know the true occult information. False technology will be taught to the general public, which will cause people to die and they wont know why. The true occult technology will be hidden, controlled and not released.
* The New One-World God will be Satan. Satanism will develop, with direct worship of Lucifer (light bearer) or Satan as God, will be taught and enforced by law. Since he will be operating here on Earth in human form, he will demand, expect and coerce people to worship him.
Because all Bibles and all worship of Yahweh God will be outlawed and forbidden, so the Words of Jesus Christ will be snuffed out. Future generations will never know God or Jesus. This will ensure the easy establishment of the new one-world order. Violators will be killed or sent to re-programming camps. All dictionaries will be confiscated and destroyed. In this case, only censored knowledge will be available. History books will be re-written to reflect Satans humanist perspective.
* Other world cults created by the Jesuits are the Mormons and Christian Science and affiliates. The occult Mormons have secret degrees of initiation and behind the altar of their churches is the pyramid eye of Freemasonry, the Eye of Osiris or the seeing eye, which is on our money. They are humanist Gnostic Freemasons that believe that they are god and that someday they will have their own planet. Their rites are similar to the Roman Catholic Church.
The Christian Science Monitor is an influential magazine in Washington D.C., which forwards humanist perspectives as their gospel.
* The Roman Catholic humanist Gnostic Freemasons have established a great number of Public organizations, societies and affiliates in order to create a network which could forward the new one-world order concept through the principles of humanism.
Humanists and all of their organizations and societies are being used by the Vatican and the global elitists to help them bring in the new one-world order. Ironically at the top, there will be a dialectic struggle for power, (like that stated in the Communist Manifesto), and who will be in control and be the members of this new one-world order. Satanic minions will ultimately be the ruling elite, while those who helped realize the goals of humanism will be the lower class of the new one-world order.
These organizations include the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP founded in 1909), which continue to create tension between the black and white Protestant factions, and the ACLU- legal arm for humanists, defends anyone who forwards the plan for world domination. They contribute to breaking down our Civil Liberties and Constitutional Rights, under the guise of protecting them.
The Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) and National Organization of Women (NOW), the Population Council (1952) and Planned Parenthood (founded by David Rockefeller; head of Manhattan Bank), are busy carrying out the population control program of the Satanic elitist families.
John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937) founded Standard Oil and the family controls Chase Manhattan, National City Bank, Standard Oil (Exxon) and they built and owned the World Trade Towers. David Rockefeller founded the Trilateral Commission (1972) as well. Henry Ford (1863-1947) funded many anti-Jewish campaigns during WWII. (He ran over my grandfathers little bike, and never replaced it).
The real power still lies in the Council on Foreign Relations. These organizations keep forwarding their message through the powerful mediums of TV, the entertainment industry, arts and educational institutes and keep amassing more advocates and members, who will greatly benefit from the new one-world order.
Chart of the Structure of the ©
COUNCIL - Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Executive Enforcement Arm:
Executive Orders Issued
Territory of Earth divided into 10 Sectors
Advised by the Vatican Shell religious organization
Vatican- Jesuits
Legislative Enforcement Arm
Judicial Enforcement Arm
Enforcement Arm: UN Military Forces
INTERNATIONAL 7 REALMS Run by Humanism - Satans Philosophy
which embraces man-centered
International Government - Illuminati Amoral behavior and practices.
Military Freemasons Satan is their god
Paganism- worship of Baal and other gods was for the masses, true humanists
Believe in one god Satan, while promoting atheism to hide the source of
Their power
Gnosticism - Religion of Humanists
Church of the Occult- secret knowledge
Of the supernatural or supernormal Powers
International Banking- Illuminati The pursuit of knowledge without God
International Religion Freemasons Includes occult, witchcraft, science-
stem cell, genetic modification all theories which exclude God.
International Education Jesuits Satan has no religion. He just believes
Schools K-12 in himself and does whatever pleases
Universities him- he steals, kills and destroys.
International Food/Energy/Water Illuminati Satanism- worship of Satan as a god
International Families Jesuits Lucifer, the enlightened one
International Entertainment Freemasons Brotherhood - Freemasons, Illuminati,
International Media Jesuits All secret societies; the network world
Cults - Mormons, Christian Science
Public Orgs/Affiliates - ACLU, Planned Parenthood, etc.
1. Laws: Executive Orders:
New One-World Order Council
2. Agencies of Enforcement:
UN Military Forces- managing:
US Military Forces
IRS Police: City, State, Militia
Post Office Media
Churches Utility Companies
Communications Companies
Auto Companies (GPS)
Tech Companies (software, hardware, Microchip)
Hospitals Banks
DMV Energy Companies
Food Companies
Retail Companies
All Points of Sale
3. Judicial Enforcement Arm
Court System
4. Agents of Enforcement
Psychiatrists Teachers
Medical Doctors
5. Facilities of Enforcement
Mental Hospitals
Internment Camps
Re-programming Camps
Quarantine Areas
Universities (Jesuits)
Loyola Notre Dame (French-our lady)
Yale, etc.
Instruments of Enforcement:
Tracking Devices: Subcutaneous Microchip,
National ID: biometric, checkpoints
Genetic Engineering: humans, food, viruses, bacteria
Disarming Citizens
Psycho Tropic Drugs
Sodium Fluoride
Invented Flu Viruses and Diseases
Sonic Disorientation Devices
Spy Satellites
Heat Censor Devices
Forced Abortions
Sterilizations of Humans
Transportation Cameras
Helicopters Trains
Nuclear Devices: Fission, Fusion, Neutron
Controlled Terrorist Attacks
Hard Core Criminals
Airborne chemicals, viruses, bacteria
ZPG - Zero Population Growth
Bird Flu or similar devices, etc.
Green Peace (Jesuits), etc.