Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell
The Antifa Wars between Portland and Seattle continue. Which will establish itself as the Left Coast city rendered most spectacularly dysfunctional by moonbattery? Portland had a big night last night, but then again, so did Seattle:
A mob of about 150 people gathered near the former CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood and spent several hours last night smashing windows, setting fires and looting stores. …

They targeted a store owned by the wife of a Seattle police officer. smashing their way in and looting it to set a fire in the street.
Lest anyone think this is really about protesting nonexistent “systemic racism” rather than imposing Marxism, vandalism against banks included the graffiti “Capitalism kills.”
Where were the police?
The police were trailing the mob throughout the night but didn’t arrest anyone.
We are getting a foretaste of what life will be like if liberals get their way and abolish the police altogether.

Hot Air has plenty of video. This one demonstrates how much good obsequiously pandering to the mob did Whole Foods:

Lovin that banner.......snort

All links highlighted

Invade white progressive suburban enclaves please .all across the country..for justice! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh pretty pretty please
One of the things that truly gives me joy in this life, is the way 'woke' companies like Whole Foods and Starbucks are the first ones to become targets of the very people to whom they kowtow.

It's a real karmic, spiritual kind of symbiosis that make the world just a little bit better in which to live.
Those running Seattle and Portland must be brain dead. Letting these idiots break into stores, loot and then set them on fire while forbidding the police to do their jobs.

To bad the store owners aren't like the Koreans during the LA riots. Those guys were on the roof of their stores shooting anyone who came near. None of their stores were looted or burned to the ground. Good times for good men with guns.
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.

Here is the thing about revolutions. They start out with obvious enemies that people might not really like ... then they move on to make everyone else an enemy.

Revolutions must constantly expand the targets of hate, otherwise, once the obvious villains are gone, they would run out of fuel.

In the worst years of the French Revolution, they went from cutting the heads off the aristocracy to guillotining 2,700 other French men and women, while shooting or starving another 50,000.
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.

Here is the thing about revolutions. They start out with obvious enemies that people might not really like ... then they move on to make everyone else an enemy.

Revolutions must constantly expand the targets of hate, otherwise, once the obvious villains are gone, they would run out of fuel.

In the worst years of the French Revolution, they went from cutting the heads off the aristocracy to guillotining 2,700 other French men and women, while shooting or starving another 50,000.
They are making this move too soon. Unless they really expect Biden to lose. A Biden presidency would give them license to burn the suburbs. That would ease the plans the communists already have. But now.... It looks like desperation to widen the war.
#6: 'Must constantly expand the targets of hate."

Yes, we noticed the paranoia of the Wisconsin grafitti and thought the same thing: "Undercover cops, who exactly are you serving?" Take the traditional symbol for the superego, the police, put them on chill in the background, and the fascist machine grinds it gears and starts up again. On the fascist pole vs the paranoid pole, see Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia.
Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell
The Antifa Wars between Portland and Seattle continue. Which will establish itself as the Left Coast city rendered most spectacularly dysfunctional by moonbattery? Portland had a big night last night, but then again, so did Seattle:
A mob of about 150 people gathered near the former CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood and spent several hours last night smashing windows, setting fires and looting stores. …

They targeted a store owned by the wife of a Seattle police officer. smashing their way in and looting it to set a fire in the street.
Lest anyone think this is really about protesting nonexistent “systemic racism” rather than imposing Marxism, vandalism against banks included the graffiti “Capitalism kills.”
Where were the police?
The police were trailing the mob throughout the night but didn’t arrest anyone.
We are getting a foretaste of what life will be like if liberals get their way and abolish the police altogether.

Hot Air has plenty of video. This one demonstrates how much good obsequiously pandering to the mob did Whole Foods:

Lovin that banner.......snort

All links highlighted

Invade white progressive suburban enclaves please .all across the country..for justice! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh pretty pretty please

If they invade the white subs ..they will be good as dead as many white folks own real houses and have real guns
I hope that days comes
Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell
The Antifa Wars between Portland and Seattle continue. Which will establish itself as the Left Coast city rendered most spectacularly dysfunctional by moonbattery? Portland had a big night last night, but then again, so did Seattle:
A mob of about 150 people gathered near the former CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood and spent several hours last night smashing windows, setting fires and looting stores. …

They targeted a store owned by the wife of a Seattle police officer. smashing their way in and looting it to set a fire in the street.
Lest anyone think this is really about protesting nonexistent “systemic racism” rather than imposing Marxism, vandalism against banks included the graffiti “Capitalism kills.”
Where were the police?
The police were trailing the mob throughout the night but didn’t arrest anyone.
We are getting a foretaste of what life will be like if liberals get their way and abolish the police altogether.

Hot Air has plenty of video. This one demonstrates how much good obsequiously pandering to the mob did Whole Foods:

Lovin that banner.......snort

All links highlighted

Invade white progressive suburban enclaves please .all across the country..for justice! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh pretty pretty please

There is no such thing as ANTIFA. But there is such a thing called Fascism and depriving citizens of their constitutional rights by creating chaos by Trump. Another manufactured crisis where no crisis exists other than government over reach and abuse of power. Mehdi Hasan: It’s time we use the F-word: fascism
Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell
The Antifa Wars between Portland and Seattle continue. Which will establish itself as the Left Coast city rendered most spectacularly dysfunctional by moonbattery? Portland had a big night last night, but then again, so did Seattle:
A mob of about 150 people gathered near the former CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood and spent several hours last night smashing windows, setting fires and looting stores. …

They targeted a store owned by the wife of a Seattle police officer. smashing their way in and looting it to set a fire in the street.
Lest anyone think this is really about protesting nonexistent “systemic racism” rather than imposing Marxism, vandalism against banks included the graffiti “Capitalism kills.”
Where were the police?
The police were trailing the mob throughout the night but didn’t arrest anyone.
We are getting a foretaste of what life will be like if liberals get their way and abolish the police altogether.

Hot Air has plenty of video. This one demonstrates how much good obsequiously pandering to the mob did Whole Foods:

Lovin that banner.......snort

All links highlighted

Invade white progressive suburban enclaves please .all across the country..for justice! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh pretty pretty please

There is no such thing as ANTIFA. But there is such a thing called Fascism and depriving citizens of their constitutional rights by creating chaos by Trump. Another manufactured crisis where no crisis exists other than government over reach and abuse of power. Mehdi Hasan: It’s time we use the F-word: fascism

..there is no such thing as police brutality or white racism, you mean
Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell
The Antifa Wars between Portland and Seattle continue. Which will establish itself as the Left Coast city rendered most spectacularly dysfunctional by moonbattery? Portland had a big night last night, but then again, so did Seattle:
A mob of about 150 people gathered near the former CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood and spent several hours last night smashing windows, setting fires and looting stores. …

They targeted a store owned by the wife of a Seattle police officer. smashing their way in and looting it to set a fire in the street.
Lest anyone think this is really about protesting nonexistent “systemic racism” rather than imposing Marxism, vandalism against banks included the graffiti “Capitalism kills.”
Where were the police?
The police were trailing the mob throughout the night but didn’t arrest anyone.
We are getting a foretaste of what life will be like if liberals get their way and abolish the police altogether.

Hot Air has plenty of video. This one demonstrates how much good obsequiously pandering to the mob did Whole Foods:

Lovin that banner.......snort

All links highlighted

Invade white progressive suburban enclaves please .all across the country..for justice! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh pretty pretty please

If they invade the white subs ..they will be good as dead as many white folks own real houses and have real guns
I hope that days comes

Invade? Who is invading? These people are protesting BLM and police brutality. Why would any one go to the suburbs? That's absurd and made up in your head nonsense. Grow up.
Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell
The Antifa Wars between Portland and Seattle continue. Which will establish itself as the Left Coast city rendered most spectacularly dysfunctional by moonbattery? Portland had a big night last night, but then again, so did Seattle:
A mob of about 150 people gathered near the former CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood and spent several hours last night smashing windows, setting fires and looting stores. …

They targeted a store owned by the wife of a Seattle police officer. smashing their way in and looting it to set a fire in the street.
Lest anyone think this is really about protesting nonexistent “systemic racism” rather than imposing Marxism, vandalism against banks included the graffiti “Capitalism kills.”
Where were the police?
The police were trailing the mob throughout the night but didn’t arrest anyone.
We are getting a foretaste of what life will be like if liberals get their way and abolish the police altogether.

Hot Air has plenty of video. This one demonstrates how much good obsequiously pandering to the mob did Whole Foods:

Lovin that banner.......snort

All links highlighted

Invade white progressive suburban enclaves please .all across the country..for justice! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh pretty pretty please

There is no such thing as ANTIFA. But there is such a thing called Fascism and depriving citizens of their constitutional rights by creating chaos by Trump. Another manufactured crisis where no crisis exists other than government over reach and abuse of power. Mehdi Hasan: It’s time we use the F-word: fascism

..there is no such thing as police brutality or white racism, you mean

If you've never read a history book, you will never know. Your ignorance shines like new money.
Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell
The Antifa Wars between Portland and Seattle continue. Which will establish itself as the Left Coast city rendered most spectacularly dysfunctional by moonbattery? Portland had a big night last night, but then again, so did Seattle:
A mob of about 150 people gathered near the former CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood and spent several hours last night smashing windows, setting fires and looting stores. …

They targeted a store owned by the wife of a Seattle police officer. smashing their way in and looting it to set a fire in the street.
Lest anyone think this is really about protesting nonexistent “systemic racism” rather than imposing Marxism, vandalism against banks included the graffiti “Capitalism kills.”
Where were the police?
The police were trailing the mob throughout the night but didn’t arrest anyone.
We are getting a foretaste of what life will be like if liberals get their way and abolish the police altogether.

Hot Air has plenty of video. This one demonstrates how much good obsequiously pandering to the mob did Whole Foods:

Lovin that banner.......snort

All links highlighted

Invade white progressive suburban enclaves please .all across the country..for justice! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh pretty pretty please

There is no such thing as ANTIFA. But there is such a thing called Fascism and depriving citizens of their constitutional rights by creating chaos by Trump. Another manufactured crisis where no crisis exists other than government over reach and abuse of power. Mehdi Hasan: It’s time we use the F-word: fascism

..there is no such thing as police brutality or white racism, you mean

Prove ANTIFA exists? I want to know who their president is, where their offices are located, their official titles, everything. Who backs them financially? You're a proven liar if you can't answer, and all this is made up bs.
Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell
The Antifa Wars between Portland and Seattle continue. Which will establish itself as the Left Coast city rendered most spectacularly dysfunctional by moonbattery? Portland had a big night last night, but then again, so did Seattle:
A mob of about 150 people gathered near the former CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood and spent several hours last night smashing windows, setting fires and looting stores. …

They targeted a store owned by the wife of a Seattle police officer. smashing their way in and looting it to set a fire in the street.
Lest anyone think this is really about protesting nonexistent “systemic racism” rather than imposing Marxism, vandalism against banks included the graffiti “Capitalism kills.”
Where were the police?
The police were trailing the mob throughout the night but didn’t arrest anyone.
We are getting a foretaste of what life will be like if liberals get their way and abolish the police altogether.

Hot Air has plenty of video. This one demonstrates how much good obsequiously pandering to the mob did Whole Foods:

Lovin that banner.......snort

All links highlighted

Invade white progressive suburban enclaves please .all across the country..for justice! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh pretty pretty please

There is no such thing as ANTIFA. But there is such a thing called Fascism and depriving citizens of their constitutional rights by creating chaos by Trump. Another manufactured crisis where no crisis exists other than government over reach and abuse of power. Mehdi Hasan: It’s time we use the F-word: fascism

..there is no such thing as police brutality or white racism, you mean

Still waiting! Answer, or you are nothing but a fake, a fraud, and a pos liar. Get busy.
Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell
The Antifa Wars between Portland and Seattle continue. Which will establish itself as the Left Coast city rendered most spectacularly dysfunctional by moonbattery? Portland had a big night last night, but then again, so did Seattle:
A mob of about 150 people gathered near the former CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood and spent several hours last night smashing windows, setting fires and looting stores. …

They targeted a store owned by the wife of a Seattle police officer. smashing their way in and looting it to set a fire in the street.
Lest anyone think this is really about protesting nonexistent “systemic racism” rather than imposing Marxism, vandalism against banks included the graffiti “Capitalism kills.”
Where were the police?
The police were trailing the mob throughout the night but didn’t arrest anyone.
We are getting a foretaste of what life will be like if liberals get their way and abolish the police altogether.

Hot Air has plenty of video. This one demonstrates how much good obsequiously pandering to the mob did Whole Foods:

Lovin that banner.......snort

All links highlighted

Invade white progressive suburban enclaves please .all across the country..for justice! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh pretty pretty please

There is no such thing as ANTIFA. But there is such a thing called Fascism and depriving citizens of their constitutional rights by creating chaos by Trump. Another manufactured crisis where no crisis exists other than government over reach and abuse of power. Mehdi Hasan: It’s time we use the F-word: fascism

..there is no such thing as police brutality or white racism, you mean

If you've never read a history book, you will never know. Your ignorance shines like new money.
like you, this guy THINKS there is racism--but it's not there
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.

Here is the thing about revolutions. They start out with obvious enemies that people might not really like ... then they move on to make everyone else an enemy.

Revolutions must constantly expand the targets of hate, otherwise, once the obvious villains are gone, they would run out of fuel.

In the worst years of the French Revolution, they went from cutting the heads off the aristocracy to guillotining 2,700 other French men and women, while shooting or starving another 50,000.
They are making this move too soon. Unless they really expect Biden to lose. A Biden presidency would give them license to burn the suburbs. That would ease the plans the communists already have. But now.... It looks like desperation to widen the war.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:You don't even know what the fuck Communism is.
Burn Loot Murder has upped the ante. They have a RIGHT to attack white owned businesses by labeling them " gentrifire".

This puts stores and homes on the same level as Christopher Columbus statues. Oh did you think homes can't be owned by gentrifiers? Think again.
That's true and unfortunately, there's nothing that can be done short of armed confrontation to stop these rioters.
Seattle Struggles to Keep Up With Portland in Race to Hell
The Antifa Wars between Portland and Seattle continue. Which will establish itself as the Left Coast city rendered most spectacularly dysfunctional by moonbattery? Portland had a big night last night, but then again, so did Seattle:
A mob of about 150 people gathered near the former CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood and spent several hours last night smashing windows, setting fires and looting stores. …

They targeted a store owned by the wife of a Seattle police officer. smashing their way in and looting it to set a fire in the street.
Lest anyone think this is really about protesting nonexistent “systemic racism” rather than imposing Marxism, vandalism against banks included the graffiti “Capitalism kills.”
Where were the police?
The police were trailing the mob throughout the night but didn’t arrest anyone.
We are getting a foretaste of what life will be like if liberals get their way and abolish the police altogether.

Hot Air has plenty of video. This one demonstrates how much good obsequiously pandering to the mob did Whole Foods:

Lovin that banner.......snort

All links highlighted

Invade white progressive suburban enclaves please .all across the country..for justice! :auiqs.jpg:
Oh pretty pretty please

This is the Democrates hell they create it and Joe Biden and Drunk Nancy Pelosi support it they even tried to get funds to support the Blacks that riot but Leader McConnell in the Senate stopped them

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