Seattle Muslims Demand Teacher Be Canned For Showing Muhammad Cartoons To Teens


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
How about these Muslims go take a hike.

And by the way, why in the fuck are we letting people from Somalia immigrate here ? They'll never assimilate.

A group of Somali immigrants protested outside the Refugee Women’s Alliance in Seattle on Friday to demand the firing of a teacher who had shown students cartoons of Muhammad, the founder of Islam.

The teacher under fire, Deepa Bhandaru, displayed the images for the group of teenage students last month, the day after the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris, The Seattle Globalist reports.

Two radical Muslim immigrants massacred 11 people during the terrorist attack.

Bhandaru, a recent recipient of a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Washington (also in Seattle), had been teaching a free class at the Refugee Women’s Alliance when she showed the cartoons to the kids.

The lesson topic for that day’s workshop was religious pluralism and freedom of speech.

The protest against Bhandaru occurred late Friday afternoon. Perhaps 15 to 20 people attended. A man named Hassan Diis was passing around pre-printed signs in English, according to a journalist on the scene.

Diis, who describes himself as a Somali community activist and a devout Muslim, said he was angered after he heard that the teacher showed cartoon images of Muhammad to Somali teens.

“We don’t want someone to brainwash our children,” he told The Daily Caller. “The prophet is very important for us.”

Diis added that he believes that Bhandaru, who he says is not a Muslim, should no longer instruct Somali students at the Refugee Women’s Alliance.

“We want her to leave this community alone,” the Somali activist told TheDC. “We want the organization to hire someone who understands the culture and values of our immigrant Muslim community.”

Somalia is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim country. Islam is the nation’s official religion.

Bhandaru has apologized profusely for offending anyone. She sent a 2,300-word letter of apology to her colleagues at the Refugee Women’s Alliance and a 500-word apology to the Abu-Bakr Islamic Center, a local mosque that some of her students attend.

The students themselves weren’t upset by the content of her lesson plan, Bhandaru has noted. They tended to agree with the fully American notion that students generally agreeing that “sometimes one person’s freedom might offend another person, but that’s the price we pay to be free,” she told The Stranger, a Seattle alternative weekly.

Protest organizers refuse to be placated, however.

“They’ve been manipulating the fact that the people don’t speak the language,” Bhandaru told The Stranger. “The parents who are upset aren’t the parents of my kids. They’re trying to gain power politically.”

“There’s a political vacuum in their community,” Bhandaru also said. “There aren’t a lot of organizations serving them except for the mosque.”

She suggested that Diis won’t let go of the controversy for his own political reasons.

“For Hassan, maybe this is his Ferguson moment. He wants the spotlight,” she said.

When the protest occurred on Friday, the Refugee Women’s Alliance had shut down for the week due to vandalism and subsequent fears for the safety of the staff.

Protesters said they believe Bhandaru crossed some criminal line when she showed cartoon images of Muhammad.

“I don’t think it’s free speech to talk about somebody’s religion, somebody’s beloved prophet like that,” one protester, Fatma Yessef, told The Seattle Globalist.

An internal investigation by officials at the Refugee Women’s Alliance will determine Bhandaru’s fate as a teacher of free courses.

Seattle Muslims Demand Teacher Be Canned For Showing Muhammad Cartoons To Teens - Yahoo News
How about these Muslims go take a hike.

And by the way, why in the fuck are we letting people from Somalia immigrate here ? They'll never assimilate.

A group of Somali immigrants protested outside the Refugee Women’s Alliance in Seattle on Friday to demand the firing of a teacher who had shown students cartoons of Muhammad, the founder of Islam.

The teacher under fire, Deepa Bhandaru, displayed the images for the group of teenage students last month, the day after the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris, The Seattle Globalist reports.

Two radical Muslim immigrants massacred 11 people during the terrorist attack.

Bhandaru, a recent recipient of a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Washington (also in Seattle), had been teaching a free class at the Refugee Women’s Alliance when she showed the cartoons to the kids.

The lesson topic for that day’s workshop was religious pluralism and freedom of speech.

The protest against Bhandaru occurred late Friday afternoon. Perhaps 15 to 20 people attended. A man named Hassan Diis was passing around pre-printed signs in English, according to a journalist on the scene.

Diis, who describes himself as a Somali community activist and a devout Muslim, said he was angered after he heard that the teacher showed cartoon images of Muhammad to Somali teens.

“We don’t want someone to brainwash our children,” he told The Daily Caller. “The prophet is very important for us.”

Diis added that he believes that Bhandaru, who he says is not a Muslim, should no longer instruct Somali students at the Refugee Women’s Alliance.

“We want her to leave this community alone,” the Somali activist told TheDC. “We want the organization to hire someone who understands the culture and values of our immigrant Muslim community.”

Somalia is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim country. Islam is the nation’s official religion.

Bhandaru has apologized profusely for offending anyone. She sent a 2,300-word letter of apology to her colleagues at the Refugee Women’s Alliance and a 500-word apology to the Abu-Bakr Islamic Center, a local mosque that some of her students attend.

The students themselves weren’t upset by the content of her lesson plan, Bhandaru has noted. They tended to agree with the fully American notion that students generally agreeing that “sometimes one person’s freedom might offend another person, but that’s the price we pay to be free,” she told The Stranger, a Seattle alternative weekly.

Protest organizers refuse to be placated, however.

“They’ve been manipulating the fact that the people don’t speak the language,” Bhandaru told The Stranger. “The parents who are upset aren’t the parents of my kids. They’re trying to gain power politically.”

“There’s a political vacuum in their community,” Bhandaru also said. “There aren’t a lot of organizations serving them except for the mosque.”

She suggested that Diis won’t let go of the controversy for his own political reasons.

“For Hassan, maybe this is his Ferguson moment. He wants the spotlight,” she said.

When the protest occurred on Friday, the Refugee Women’s Alliance had shut down for the week due to vandalism and subsequent fears for the safety of the staff.

Protesters said they believe Bhandaru crossed some criminal line when she showed cartoon images of Muhammad.

“I don’t think it’s free speech to talk about somebody’s religion, somebody’s beloved prophet like that,” one protester, Fatma Yessef, told The Seattle Globalist.

An internal investigation by officials at the Refugee Women’s Alliance will determine Bhandaru’s fate as a teacher of free courses.

Seattle Muslims Demand Teacher Be Canned For Showing Muhammad Cartoons To Teens - Yahoo News
They are here because corporations like Tyson's, Cargill's and Simmon's want them here to work in their chicken and turkey plants....Next time you eat chicken or turkey you are helping to support their migration here by corporations looking to profit...
Capitalist do not care about what you a social situation.. They have no nationalism, no pride of race or religions...
Well...Seattle's liberal mecca is VERY tolerant. So surely they'll tell Muslims that we are a free nation and while they may not like it we arent censoring this teacher.
when it comes to any type of immigration into the United States of America, i believe the U.S.A. should go back to the legal immigration rules and laws of the early 1900's !!

quarentine them and learn English and denounce any affiliation to of their former traditions, politics, of their homeland. if muslime deny entry :up:
Well...Seattle's liberal mecca is VERY tolerant. So surely they'll tell Muslims that we are a free nation and while they may not like it we arent censoring this teacher.
We have Somalians here in the Bible belt mecca also...
I saw a Somali woman the other day and she had flies crawling out of her mouth. I can't imagine why anyone would want these people anywhere near food production jobs.
How about these Muslims go take a hike.

And by the way, why in the fuck are we letting people from Somalia immigrate here ? They'll never assimilate.

A group of Somali immigrants protested outside the Refugee Women’s Alliance in Seattle on Friday to demand the firing of a teacher who had shown students cartoons of Muhammad, the founder of Islam.

The teacher under fire, Deepa Bhandaru, displayed the images for the group of teenage students last month, the day after the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris, The Seattle Globalist reports.

Two radical Muslim immigrants massacred 11 people during the terrorist attack.

Bhandaru, a recent recipient of a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Washington (also in Seattle), had been teaching a free class at the Refugee Women’s Alliance when she showed the cartoons to the kids.

The lesson topic for that day’s workshop was religious pluralism and freedom of speech.

The protest against Bhandaru occurred late Friday afternoon. Perhaps 15 to 20 people attended. A man named Hassan Diis was passing around pre-printed signs in English, according to a journalist on the scene.

Diis, who describes himself as a Somali community activist and a devout Muslim, said he was angered after he heard that the teacher showed cartoon images of Muhammad to Somali teens.

“We don’t want someone to brainwash our children,” he told The Daily Caller. “The prophet is very important for us.”

Diis added that he believes that Bhandaru, who he says is not a Muslim, should no longer instruct Somali students at the Refugee Women’s Alliance.

“We want her to leave this community alone,” the Somali activist told TheDC. “We want the organization to hire someone who understands the culture and values of our immigrant Muslim community.”

Somalia is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim country. Islam is the nation’s official religion.

Bhandaru has apologized profusely for offending anyone. She sent a 2,300-word letter of apology to her colleagues at the Refugee Women’s Alliance and a 500-word apology to the Abu-Bakr Islamic Center, a local mosque that some of her students attend.

The students themselves weren’t upset by the content of her lesson plan, Bhandaru has noted. They tended to agree with the fully American notion that students generally agreeing that “sometimes one person’s freedom might offend another person, but that’s the price we pay to be free,” she told The Stranger, a Seattle alternative weekly.

Protest organizers refuse to be placated, however.

“They’ve been manipulating the fact that the people don’t speak the language,” Bhandaru told The Stranger. “The parents who are upset aren’t the parents of my kids. They’re trying to gain power politically.”

“There’s a political vacuum in their community,” Bhandaru also said. “There aren’t a lot of organizations serving them except for the mosque.”

She suggested that Diis won’t let go of the controversy for his own political reasons.

“For Hassan, maybe this is his Ferguson moment. He wants the spotlight,” she said.

When the protest occurred on Friday, the Refugee Women’s Alliance had shut down for the week due to vandalism and subsequent fears for the safety of the staff.

Protesters said they believe Bhandaru crossed some criminal line when she showed cartoon images of Muhammad.

“I don’t think it’s free speech to talk about somebody’s religion, somebody’s beloved prophet like that,” one protester, Fatma Yessef, told The Seattle Globalist.

An internal investigation by officials at the Refugee Women’s Alliance will determine Bhandaru’s fate as a teacher of free courses.

Seattle Muslims Demand Teacher Be Canned For Showing Muhammad Cartoons To Teens - Yahoo News
They are here because corporations like Tyson's, Cargill's and Simmon's want them here to work in their chicken and turkey plants....Next time you eat chicken or turkey you are helping to support their migration here by corporation looking to profit...

Hey thats Bill Clintons buddy! They had some wacky good times back in Arkansas.
All strictly above board of course............
I think churches are bringing them in. It makes them feel better about themselves even though they are destroying our communities.
Well...Seattle's liberal mecca is VERY tolerant. So surely they'll tell Muslims that we are a free nation and while they may not like it we arent censoring this teacher.
We have Somalians here in the Bible belt mecca also...

Yep we sure do. And we arent as tolerant as they are in Seattle. Which is why we tell them to fuck off if they dont like how we live here.
How about these Muslims go take a hike.

And by the way, why in the fuck are we letting people from Somalia immigrate here ? They'll never assimilate.

A group of Somali immigrants protested outside the Refugee Women’s Alliance in Seattle on Friday to demand the firing of a teacher who had shown students cartoons of Muhammad, the founder of Islam.

The teacher under fire, Deepa Bhandaru, displayed the images for the group of teenage students last month, the day after the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris, The Seattle Globalist reports.

Two radical Muslim immigrants massacred 11 people during the terrorist attack.

Bhandaru, a recent recipient of a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Washington (also in Seattle), had been teaching a free class at the Refugee Women’s Alliance when she showed the cartoons to the kids.

The lesson topic for that day’s workshop was religious pluralism and freedom of speech.

The protest against Bhandaru occurred late Friday afternoon. Perhaps 15 to 20 people attended. A man named Hassan Diis was passing around pre-printed signs in English, according to a journalist on the scene.

Diis, who describes himself as a Somali community activist and a devout Muslim, said he was angered after he heard that the teacher showed cartoon images of Muhammad to Somali teens.

“We don’t want someone to brainwash our children,” he told The Daily Caller. “The prophet is very important for us.”

Diis added that he believes that Bhandaru, who he says is not a Muslim, should no longer instruct Somali students at the Refugee Women’s Alliance.

“We want her to leave this community alone,” the Somali activist told TheDC. “We want the organization to hire someone who understands the culture and values of our immigrant Muslim community.”

Somalia is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim country. Islam is the nation’s official religion.

Bhandaru has apologized profusely for offending anyone. She sent a 2,300-word letter of apology to her colleagues at the Refugee Women’s Alliance and a 500-word apology to the Abu-Bakr Islamic Center, a local mosque that some of her students attend.

The students themselves weren’t upset by the content of her lesson plan, Bhandaru has noted. They tended to agree with the fully American notion that students generally agreeing that “sometimes one person’s freedom might offend another person, but that’s the price we pay to be free,” she told The Stranger, a Seattle alternative weekly.

Protest organizers refuse to be placated, however.

“They’ve been manipulating the fact that the people don’t speak the language,” Bhandaru told The Stranger. “The parents who are upset aren’t the parents of my kids. They’re trying to gain power politically.”

“There’s a political vacuum in their community,” Bhandaru also said. “There aren’t a lot of organizations serving them except for the mosque.”

She suggested that Diis won’t let go of the controversy for his own political reasons.

“For Hassan, maybe this is his Ferguson moment. He wants the spotlight,” she said.

When the protest occurred on Friday, the Refugee Women’s Alliance had shut down for the week due to vandalism and subsequent fears for the safety of the staff.

Protesters said they believe Bhandaru crossed some criminal line when she showed cartoon images of Muhammad.

“I don’t think it’s free speech to talk about somebody’s religion, somebody’s beloved prophet like that,” one protester, Fatma Yessef, told The Seattle Globalist.

An internal investigation by officials at the Refugee Women’s Alliance will determine Bhandaru’s fate as a teacher of free courses.

Seattle Muslims Demand Teacher Be Canned For Showing Muhammad Cartoons To Teens - Yahoo News
They are here because corporations like Tyson's, Cargill's and Simmon's want them here to work in their chicken and turkey plants....Next time you eat chicken or turkey you are helping to support their migration here by corporation looking to profit...

Hey thats Bill Clintons buddy! They had some wacky good times back in Arkansas.
All strictly above board of course............
Don Tyson was a coke fiend and alcoholic, but all the parties in NW Arkansas loved him to show up..He treated everyone to a big bash...
Well...Seattle's liberal mecca is VERY tolerant. So surely they'll tell Muslims that we are a free nation and while they may not like it we arent censoring this teacher.
We have Somalians here in the Bible belt mecca also...

Yep we sure do. And we arent as tolerant as they are in Seattle. Which is why we tell them to fuck off if they dont like how we live here.
Not where I live...Tyson's lets them pray at work...5 times during day if necessary....
Well...Seattle's liberal mecca is VERY tolerant. So surely they'll tell Muslims that we are a free nation and while they may not like it we arent censoring this teacher.
We have Somalians here in the Bible belt mecca also...

Yep we sure do. And we arent as tolerant as they are in Seattle. Which is why we tell them to fuck off if they dont like how we live here.
Not where I live...Tyson's lets them pray at work...5 times during day if necessary....

Ah well good for them. Its the right of that business to do what it wants. If my business want Mohammed cartoons painted with pig blood hanging on th wall...Muslims will have to accept it.
How about these Muslims go take a hike.

And by the way, why in the fuck are we letting people from Somalia immigrate here ? They'll never assimilate.

A group of Somali immigrants protested outside the Refugee Women’s Alliance in Seattle on Friday to demand the firing of a teacher who had shown students cartoons of Muhammad, the founder of Islam.

The teacher under fire, Deepa Bhandaru, displayed the images for the group of teenage students last month, the day after the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris, The Seattle Globalist reports.

Two radical Muslim immigrants massacred 11 people during the terrorist attack.

Bhandaru, a recent recipient of a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Washington (also in Seattle), had been teaching a free class at the Refugee Women’s Alliance when she showed the cartoons to the kids.

The lesson topic for that day’s workshop was religious pluralism and freedom of speech.

The protest against Bhandaru occurred late Friday afternoon. Perhaps 15 to 20 people attended. A man named Hassan Diis was passing around pre-printed signs in English, according to a journalist on the scene.

Diis, who describes himself as a Somali community activist and a devout Muslim, said he was angered after he heard that the teacher showed cartoon images of Muhammad to Somali teens.

“We don’t want someone to brainwash our children,” he told The Daily Caller. “The prophet is very important for us.”

Diis added that he believes that Bhandaru, who he says is not a Muslim, should no longer instruct Somali students at the Refugee Women’s Alliance.

“We want her to leave this community alone,” the Somali activist told TheDC. “We want the organization to hire someone who understands the culture and values of our immigrant Muslim community.”

Somalia is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim country. Islam is the nation’s official religion.

Bhandaru has apologized profusely for offending anyone. She sent a 2,300-word letter of apology to her colleagues at the Refugee Women’s Alliance and a 500-word apology to the Abu-Bakr Islamic Center, a local mosque that some of her students attend.

The students themselves weren’t upset by the content of her lesson plan, Bhandaru has noted. They tended to agree with the fully American notion that students generally agreeing that “sometimes one person’s freedom might offend another person, but that’s the price we pay to be free,” she told The Stranger, a Seattle alternative weekly.

Protest organizers refuse to be placated, however.

“They’ve been manipulating the fact that the people don’t speak the language,” Bhandaru told The Stranger. “The parents who are upset aren’t the parents of my kids. They’re trying to gain power politically.”

“There’s a political vacuum in their community,” Bhandaru also said. “There aren’t a lot of organizations serving them except for the mosque.”

She suggested that Diis won’t let go of the controversy for his own political reasons.

“For Hassan, maybe this is his Ferguson moment. He wants the spotlight,” she said.

When the protest occurred on Friday, the Refugee Women’s Alliance had shut down for the week due to vandalism and subsequent fears for the safety of the staff.

Protesters said they believe Bhandaru crossed some criminal line when she showed cartoon images of Muhammad.

“I don’t think it’s free speech to talk about somebody’s religion, somebody’s beloved prophet like that,” one protester, Fatma Yessef, told The Seattle Globalist.

An internal investigation by officials at the Refugee Women’s Alliance will determine Bhandaru’s fate as a teacher of free courses.

Seattle Muslims Demand Teacher Be Canned For Showing Muhammad Cartoons To Teens - Yahoo News
They are here because corporations like Tyson's, Cargill's and Simmon's want them here to work in their chicken and turkey plants....Next time you eat chicken or turkey you are helping to support their migration here by corporations looking to profit...
Capitalist do not care about what you a social situation.. They have no nationalism, no pride of race or religions...

Thanks to Clinton:

Major centers of Somali émigrés include, Minneapolis, Minnesota and Columbus, Ohio. This was facilitated in the 1990’s when the Clinton Administration, through the US Office of Refugee Resettlement, decided to vector Somalis and other humanitarian refugees away from major coastal cities and into the interior of the American heartland.

Major employers who require low skilled workers, like Tyson, took advantage of these changes. Tyson was prodded by Federal criminal cases brought against it by the US Department of Justice for hiring illegal aliens

Somalis Shelbyville and Severe Culture Shock Jerry Gordon
How about these Muslims go take a hike.

And by the way, why in the fuck are we letting people from Somalia immigrate here ? They'll never assimilate.

A group of Somali immigrants protested outside the Refugee Women’s Alliance in Seattle on Friday to demand the firing of a teacher who had shown students cartoons of Muhammad, the founder of Islam.

The teacher under fire, Deepa Bhandaru, displayed the images for the group of teenage students last month, the day after the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris, The Seattle Globalist reports.

Two radical Muslim immigrants massacred 11 people during the terrorist attack.

Bhandaru, a recent recipient of a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Washington (also in Seattle), had been teaching a free class at the Refugee Women’s Alliance when she showed the cartoons to the kids.

The lesson topic for that day’s workshop was religious pluralism and freedom of speech.

The protest against Bhandaru occurred late Friday afternoon. Perhaps 15 to 20 people attended. A man named Hassan Diis was passing around pre-printed signs in English, according to a journalist on the scene.

Diis, who describes himself as a Somali community activist and a devout Muslim, said he was angered after he heard that the teacher showed cartoon images of Muhammad to Somali teens.

“We don’t want someone to brainwash our children,” he told The Daily Caller. “The prophet is very important for us.”

Diis added that he believes that Bhandaru, who he says is not a Muslim, should no longer instruct Somali students at the Refugee Women’s Alliance.

“We want her to leave this community alone,” the Somali activist told TheDC. “We want the organization to hire someone who understands the culture and values of our immigrant Muslim community.”

Somalia is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim country. Islam is the nation’s official religion.

Bhandaru has apologized profusely for offending anyone. She sent a 2,300-word letter of apology to her colleagues at the Refugee Women’s Alliance and a 500-word apology to the Abu-Bakr Islamic Center, a local mosque that some of her students attend.

The students themselves weren’t upset by the content of her lesson plan, Bhandaru has noted. They tended to agree with the fully American notion that students generally agreeing that “sometimes one person’s freedom might offend another person, but that’s the price we pay to be free,” she told The Stranger, a Seattle alternative weekly.

Protest organizers refuse to be placated, however.

“They’ve been manipulating the fact that the people don’t speak the language,” Bhandaru told The Stranger. “The parents who are upset aren’t the parents of my kids. They’re trying to gain power politically.”

“There’s a political vacuum in their community,” Bhandaru also said. “There aren’t a lot of organizations serving them except for the mosque.”

She suggested that Diis won’t let go of the controversy for his own political reasons.

“For Hassan, maybe this is his Ferguson moment. He wants the spotlight,” she said.

When the protest occurred on Friday, the Refugee Women’s Alliance had shut down for the week due to vandalism and subsequent fears for the safety of the staff.

Protesters said they believe Bhandaru crossed some criminal line when she showed cartoon images of Muhammad.

“I don’t think it’s free speech to talk about somebody’s religion, somebody’s beloved prophet like that,” one protester, Fatma Yessef, told The Seattle Globalist.

An internal investigation by officials at the Refugee Women’s Alliance will determine Bhandaru’s fate as a teacher of free courses.

Seattle Muslims Demand Teacher Be Canned For Showing Muhammad Cartoons To Teens - Yahoo News
They are here because corporations like Tyson's, Cargill's and Simmon's want them here to work in their chicken and turkey plants....Next time you eat chicken or turkey you are helping to support their migration here by corporations looking to profit...
Capitalist do not care about what you a social situation.. They have no nationalism, no pride of race or religions...

Thanks to Clinton:

Major centers of Somali émigrés include, Minneapolis, Minnesota and Columbus, Ohio. This was facilitated in the 1990’s when the Clinton Administration, through the US Office of Refugee Resettlement, decided to vector Somalis and other humanitarian refugees away from major coastal cities and into the interior of the American heartland.

Major employers who require low skilled workers, like Tyson, took advantage of these changes. Tyson was prodded by Federal criminal cases brought against it by the US Department of Justice for hiring illegal aliens

Somalis Shelbyville and Severe Culture Shock Jerry Gordon
They were doing it before Clinton was president, but at least when Clinton was president you had raids from INS....That stopped after Tyson's was on trial for immigration hiring violations...
If up to me, I would stop immigration from a shithole like Somalia, and I would definitely close down any business that hires illegals, regardless of where the illegals come from.
You're right though, we condone it every time we purchase their products.
But dont call it islamization..........
Last edited:
So what? Westboro Baptist church makes meaningless demands too.
How about these Muslims go take a hike.

And by the way, why in the fuck are we letting people from Somalia immigrate here ? They'll never assimilate.

A group of Somali immigrants protested outside the Refugee Women’s Alliance in Seattle on Friday to demand the firing of a teacher who had shown students cartoons of Muhammad, the founder of Islam.

The teacher under fire, Deepa Bhandaru, displayed the images for the group of teenage students last month, the day after the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris, The Seattle Globalist reports.

Two radical Muslim immigrants massacred 11 people during the terrorist attack.

Bhandaru, a recent recipient of a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Washington (also in Seattle), had been teaching a free class at the Refugee Women’s Alliance when she showed the cartoons to the kids.

The lesson topic for that day’s workshop was religious pluralism and freedom of speech.

The protest against Bhandaru occurred late Friday afternoon. Perhaps 15 to 20 people attended. A man named Hassan Diis was passing around pre-printed signs in English, according to a journalist on the scene.

Diis, who describes himself as a Somali community activist and a devout Muslim, said he was angered after he heard that the teacher showed cartoon images of Muhammad to Somali teens.

“We don’t want someone to brainwash our children,” he told The Daily Caller. “The prophet is very important for us.”

Diis added that he believes that Bhandaru, who he says is not a Muslim, should no longer instruct Somali students at the Refugee Women’s Alliance.

“We want her to leave this community alone,” the Somali activist told TheDC. “We want the organization to hire someone who understands the culture and values of our immigrant Muslim community.”

Somalia is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim country. Islam is the nation’s official religion.

Bhandaru has apologized profusely for offending anyone. She sent a 2,300-word letter of apology to her colleagues at the Refugee Women’s Alliance and a 500-word apology to the Abu-Bakr Islamic Center, a local mosque that some of her students attend.

The students themselves weren’t upset by the content of her lesson plan, Bhandaru has noted. They tended to agree with the fully American notion that students generally agreeing that “sometimes one person’s freedom might offend another person, but that’s the price we pay to be free,” she told The Stranger, a Seattle alternative weekly.

Protest organizers refuse to be placated, however.

“They’ve been manipulating the fact that the people don’t speak the language,” Bhandaru told The Stranger. “The parents who are upset aren’t the parents of my kids. They’re trying to gain power politically.”

“There’s a political vacuum in their community,” Bhandaru also said. “There aren’t a lot of organizations serving them except for the mosque.”

She suggested that Diis won’t let go of the controversy for his own political reasons.

“For Hassan, maybe this is his Ferguson moment. He wants the spotlight,” she said.

When the protest occurred on Friday, the Refugee Women’s Alliance had shut down for the week due to vandalism and subsequent fears for the safety of the staff.

Protesters said they believe Bhandaru crossed some criminal line when she showed cartoon images of Muhammad.

“I don’t think it’s free speech to talk about somebody’s religion, somebody’s beloved prophet like that,” one protester, Fatma Yessef, told The Seattle Globalist.

An internal investigation by officials at the Refugee Women’s Alliance will determine Bhandaru’s fate as a teacher of free courses.

Seattle Muslims Demand Teacher Be Canned For Showing Muhammad Cartoons To Teens - Yahoo News


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