Scum: The smirking, arrogant price gouging drug CEO; Total hatred.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Ex-CEO Shkreli smirks, pleads Fifth at hearing on drug price hikes | Fox News
You don't see many things that 100% unite the left and right. This shithead is one. The guy....won't even mention his a flat out parasite. He smirked and rolled his eyes at lawmakers. Both left and right scolded him. Democrat Elijah Cummings said there 'something about this that gnaws at me 24/7'. I agree.

This shithead bought live saving drugs....then soared the price. One went from $1700 a bottle to $75,000.

Look...I'm for capitalism. If Apple can charge $700 for a phone or Lexus $75k for a be it.

But I'm for morality too. This is that "middle ground" the right and left can meet at. Capitalism yes. But...some regulation for critical areas like medicine and energy? Yes. These drugs were for cancer and AIDS and other fatal conditions. Drugs which were already on the market and cheap. He bought them and jacked the prices 1000s of %.

It's not often you wish ISIS would kidnap someone. But this guy.....yeah....I'd be ok with it.
The little fucker is hated by the drug companies

He is going to blow all those cushy protections that the drug companies bought from congress
The little fucker is hated by the drug companies

He is going to blow all those cushy protections that the drug companies bought from congress

Don't forget Hillary. She is the biggest recipient of Big Pharma donations of all presidential hopefuls. It helps when you buy the POTUS too you know.

That being said, this guy is worse than a parasite. He's a scumbag of the first order and the sooner he is in prison the better.

Clinton tops 2016 field in drug industry donations

"Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton has received more campaign cash from drug companies than any candidate in either party, even as she proudly declares the industry is one of her biggest enemies.

Clinton accepted $164,315 in the first six months of the campaign from drug companies, far more than the rest of the 2016 field, according to an analysis by Stat News.

Cash from drug companies poured in despite Clinton’s tough public stance on the industry. Last month, she unveiled a plan to combat rising drug prices by clamping down on the rules for pharmaceuticals. In last week’s Democratic debate, she listed off drug companies among the enemies she is most proud to have made in politics."

Clinton tops 2016 field in drug industry donations
The little fucker is hated by the drug companies

He is going to blow all those cushy protections that the drug companies bought from congress

I hope so. Big Pharma is the most corrupt and destructive group in America. We are drugging our kids for every little annoyance. They mix all these chemicals in people for things that EXERCISE AND NUTRITION could fix. But they won't prescribe broccoli and a jog. They will give pills. Why? A) The big titties on the sales rep that comes by are tempting and B) Docs get a cut when the prescribe it.

Makes me sick. Reign these drug companies in.

Weed? Crack? The worst drug dealer in any city is named "Doc".
The little fucker is hated by the drug companies

He is going to blow all those cushy protections that the drug companies bought from congress

Don't forget Hillary. She is the biggest recipient of Big Pharma donations of all presidential hopefuls. It helps when you buy the POTUS too you know.

That being said, this guy is worse than a parasite. He's a scumbag of the first order and the sooner he is in prison the better.

Clinton tops 2016 field in drug industry donations

"Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton has received more campaign cash from drug companies than any candidate in either party, even as she proudly declares the industry is one of her biggest enemies.

Clinton accepted $164,315 in the first six months of the campaign from drug companies, far more than the rest of the 2016 field, according to an analysis by Stat News.

Cash from drug companies poured in despite Clinton’s tough public stance on the industry. Last month, she unveiled a plan to combat rising drug prices by clamping down on the rules for pharmaceuticals. In last week’s Democratic debate, she listed off drug companies among the enemies she is most proud to have made in politics."

Clinton tops 2016 field in drug industry donations

The little fucker is hated by the drug companies

He is going to blow all those cushy protections that the drug companies bought from congress

Don't forget Hillary. She is the biggest recipient of Big Pharma donations of all presidential hopefuls. It helps when you buy the POTUS too you know.

That being said, this guy is worse than a parasite. He's a scumbag of the first order and the sooner he is in prison the better.

Clinton tops 2016 field in drug industry donations

"Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton has received more campaign cash from drug companies than any candidate in either party, even as she proudly declares the industry is one of her biggest enemies.

Clinton accepted $164,315 in the first six months of the campaign from drug companies, far more than the rest of the 2016 field, according to an analysis by Stat News.

Cash from drug companies poured in despite Clinton’s tough public stance on the industry. Last month, she unveiled a plan to combat rising drug prices by clamping down on the rules for pharmaceuticals. In last week’s Democratic debate, she listed off drug companies among the enemies she is most proud to have made in politics."

Clinton tops 2016 field in drug industry donations

Yep she's the worst but they're all in on it. It's the worst domestic thing harming our country in my humble opinion. Our bodies aren't meant for all these chemicals to be mixed in it. It's why mental illness is rampant.

And anytime a doctor or lawmaker starts to question it....two gorgeous ex cheerleader sales reps show up and ask if they can take them out on the town for the night to show the company's appreciation.
I hope this prick rots in prison and then lets see him laugh his fucking face off.
The little fucker is hated by the drug companies

He is going to blow all those cushy protections that the drug companies bought from congress

Don't forget Hillary. She is the biggest recipient of Big Pharma donations of all presidential hopefuls. It helps when you buy the POTUS too you know.

That being said, this guy is worse than a parasite. He's a scumbag of the first order and the sooner he is in prison the better.

Clinton tops 2016 field in drug industry donations

"Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton has received more campaign cash from drug companies than any candidate in either party, even as she proudly declares the industry is one of her biggest enemies.

Clinton accepted $164,315 in the first six months of the campaign from drug companies, far more than the rest of the 2016 field, according to an analysis by Stat News.

Cash from drug companies poured in despite Clinton’s tough public stance on the industry. Last month, she unveiled a plan to combat rising drug prices by clamping down on the rules for pharmaceuticals. In last week’s Democratic debate, she listed off drug companies among the enemies she is most proud to have made in politics."

Clinton tops 2016 field in drug industry donations


Deflect what? That hillary, YOUR candidate, is in the pocket of Big Pharma? Yes, I imagine you hate that information getting out. That's why I am a Sanders supporter.
The little fucker is hated by the drug companies

He is going to blow all those cushy protections that the drug companies bought from congress

I hope so. Big Pharma is the most corrupt and destructive group in America. We are drugging our kids for every little annoyance. They mix all these chemicals in people for things that EXERCISE AND NUTRITION could fix. But they won't prescribe broccoli and a jog. They will give pills. Why? A) The big titties on the sales rep that comes by are tempting and B) Docs get a cut when the prescribe it.

Makes me sick. Reign these drug companies in.

Weed? Crack? The worst drug dealer in any city is named "Doc".
You obviously need a National Health Service.
The little fucker is hated by the drug companies

He is going to blow all those cushy protections that the drug companies bought from congress

I hope so. Big Pharma is the most corrupt and destructive group in America. We are drugging our kids for every little annoyance. They mix all these chemicals in people for things that EXERCISE AND NUTRITION could fix. But they won't prescribe broccoli and a jog. They will give pills. Why? A) The big titties on the sales rep that comes by are tempting and B) Docs get a cut when the prescribe it.

Makes me sick. Reign these drug companies in.

Weed? Crack? The worst drug dealer in any city is named "Doc".
You obviously need a National Health Service.

We need to regulate the system we have. At least when it comes to shit like this.
The little fucker is hated by the drug companies

He is going to blow all those cushy protections that the drug companies bought from congress

I hope so. Big Pharma is the most corrupt and destructive group in America. We are drugging our kids for every little annoyance. They mix all these chemicals in people for things that EXERCISE AND NUTRITION could fix. But they won't prescribe broccoli and a jog. They will give pills. Why? A) The big titties on the sales rep that comes by are tempting and B) Docs get a cut when the prescribe it.

Makes me sick. Reign these drug companies in.

Weed? Crack? The worst drug dealer in any city is named "Doc".
You obviously need a National Health Service.

You might want to look up how that is failing in the UK. It's pretty bad when the ambulances have to drive their patients around for hours because the ER's are flooded. You see, when you hit the ER you have to be seen within a certain time (too many were dying waiting) so now they just cart them around until they expire or they can be seen. Yeppers, the NHS is a disaster of the first order.

Care Quality Commission: Three in four NHS hospitals are failing, says watchdog
Senior doctors say the failings exposed by the Care Quality Commission report are 'severe and alarming'

Care Quality Commission: Three in four NHS hospitals are failing, says watchdog
The little fucker is hated by the drug companies

He is going to blow all those cushy protections that the drug companies bought from congress

I hope so. Big Pharma is the most corrupt and destructive group in America. We are drugging our kids for every little annoyance. They mix all these chemicals in people for things that EXERCISE AND NUTRITION could fix. But they won't prescribe broccoli and a jog. They will give pills. Why? A) The big titties on the sales rep that comes by are tempting and B) Docs get a cut when the prescribe it.

Makes me sick. Reign these drug companies in.

Weed? Crack? The worst drug dealer in any city is named "Doc".
You obviously need a National Health Service.

You might want to look up how that is failing in the UK. It's pretty bad when the ambulances have to drive their patients around for hours because the ER's are flooded. You see, when you hit the ER you have to be seen within a certain time (too many were dying waiting, so now they just cart them around until they expire or they can be seen. Yeppers, the NHS is a disaster of the first order.

Care Quality Commission: Three in four NHS hospitals are failing, says watchdog
Senior doctors say the failings exposed by the Care Quality Commission report are 'severe and alarming'

Care Quality Commission: Three in four NHS hospitals are failing, says watchdog
The NHS is struggling at the moment due to the fact that the Tories have cut funding. This has been done on ideological grounds. The principle of it still shines bright like a beacon of civilisation.
I don't care about anything more on this than...this motherfucker needs to burn.
The little fucker is hated by the drug companies

He is going to blow all those cushy protections that the drug companies bought from congress

I hope so. Big Pharma is the most corrupt and destructive group in America. We are drugging our kids for every little annoyance. They mix all these chemicals in people for things that EXERCISE AND NUTRITION could fix. But they won't prescribe broccoli and a jog. They will give pills. Why? A) The big titties on the sales rep that comes by are tempting and B) Docs get a cut when the prescribe it.

Makes me sick. Reign these drug companies in.

Weed? Crack? The worst drug dealer in any city is named "Doc".
You obviously need a National Health Service.

You might want to look up how that is failing in the UK. It's pretty bad when the ambulances have to drive their patients around for hours because the ER's are flooded. You see, when you hit the ER you have to be seen within a certain time (too many were dying waiting, so now they just cart them around until they expire or they can be seen. Yeppers, the NHS is a disaster of the first order.

Care Quality Commission: Three in four NHS hospitals are failing, says watchdog
Senior doctors say the failings exposed by the Care Quality Commission report are 'severe and alarming'

Care Quality Commission: Three in four NHS hospitals are failing, says watchdog
The NHS is struggling at the moment due to the fact that the Tories have cut funding. This has been done on ideological grounds. The principle of it still shines bright like a beacon of civilisation.

The NHS has ALWAYS struggled. Show us a time when it wasn't killing people who otherwise would have lived. Socialized medicine is great so long as you don't get sick. Then it comes down to do you have enough money to go get treatment elsewhere.

In the UK, women with breast cancer live less time than here in the USA. That is a fact. In Reno, there is a whole wing devoted to Canadian patients who come down for their surgical procedures. There are two Canadian politicians who fled to the USA to get their procedures done because they wanted to live.

You and your socialized health care are crap.
The little fucker is hated by the drug companies

He is going to blow all those cushy protections that the drug companies bought from congress

I hope so. Big Pharma is the most corrupt and destructive group in America. We are drugging our kids for every little annoyance. They mix all these chemicals in people for things that EXERCISE AND NUTRITION could fix. But they won't prescribe broccoli and a jog. They will give pills. Why? A) The big titties on the sales rep that comes by are tempting and B) Docs get a cut when the prescribe it.

Makes me sick. Reign these drug companies in.

Weed? Crack? The worst drug dealer in any city is named "Doc".
You obviously need a National Health Service.

You might want to look up how that is failing in the UK. It's pretty bad when the ambulances have to drive their patients around for hours because the ER's are flooded. You see, when you hit the ER you have to be seen within a certain time (too many were dying waiting, so now they just cart them around until they expire or they can be seen. Yeppers, the NHS is a disaster of the first order.

Care Quality Commission: Three in four NHS hospitals are failing, says watchdog
Senior doctors say the failings exposed by the Care Quality Commission report are 'severe and alarming'

Care Quality Commission: Three in four NHS hospitals are failing, says watchdog
The NHS is struggling at the moment due to the fact that the Tories have cut funding. This has been done on ideological grounds. The principle of it still shines bright like a beacon of civilisation.

The NHS has ALWAYS struggled. Show us a time when it wasn't killing people who otherwise would have lived. Socialized medicine is great so long as you don't get sick. Then it comes down to do you have enough money to go get treatment elsewhere.

In the UK, women with breast cancer live less time than here in the USA. That is a fact. In Reno, there is a whole wing devoted to Canadian patients who come down for their surgical procedures. There are two Canadian politicians who fled to the USA to get their procedures done because they wanted to live.

You and your socialized health care are crap.
You are one thick fucker.

You could have pointed to cervical cancer and skin and lung cancer where the UK figures are better. Heart disease which is better. Alzheimer and dementia survival is also better in the UK.

There are probably other areas that the US is better but in all honesty both countries could do better.

I could go on but the point is you cant pick a couple of random stats to invalidate a system that has served us well in all our lifetimes.

Reno aint the world either.
The NHS is struggling at the moment due to the fact that the Tories have cut funding. This has been done on ideological grounds. The principle of it still shines bright like a beacon of civilisation.
Wow, just like here in the states; always blame the opposition.

Has the funding for the NHS been growing or shrinking in real inflation adjusted numbers?
I hope so. Big Pharma is the most corrupt and destructive group in America. We are drugging our kids for every little annoyance. They mix all these chemicals in people for things that EXERCISE AND NUTRITION could fix. But they won't prescribe broccoli and a jog. They will give pills. Why? A) The big titties on the sales rep that comes by are tempting and B) Docs get a cut when the prescribe it.

Makes me sick. Reign these drug companies in.

Weed? Crack? The worst drug dealer in any city is named "Doc".
You obviously need a National Health Service.

You might want to look up how that is failing in the UK. It's pretty bad when the ambulances have to drive their patients around for hours because the ER's are flooded. You see, when you hit the ER you have to be seen within a certain time (too many were dying waiting, so now they just cart them around until they expire or they can be seen. Yeppers, the NHS is a disaster of the first order.

Care Quality Commission: Three in four NHS hospitals are failing, says watchdog
Senior doctors say the failings exposed by the Care Quality Commission report are 'severe and alarming'

Care Quality Commission: Three in four NHS hospitals are failing, says watchdog
The NHS is struggling at the moment due to the fact that the Tories have cut funding. This has been done on ideological grounds. The principle of it still shines bright like a beacon of civilisation.

The NHS has ALWAYS struggled. Show us a time when it wasn't killing people who otherwise would have lived. Socialized medicine is great so long as you don't get sick. Then it comes down to do you have enough money to go get treatment elsewhere.

In the UK, women with breast cancer live less time than here in the USA. That is a fact. In Reno, there is a whole wing devoted to Canadian patients who come down for their surgical procedures. There are two Canadian politicians who fled to the USA to get their procedures done because they wanted to live.

You and your socialized health care are crap.
You are one thick fucker.

You could have pointed to cervical cancer and skin and lung cancer where the UK figures are better. Heart disease which is better. Alzheimer and dementia survival is also better in the UK.

There are probably other areas that the US is better but in all honesty both countries could do better.

I could go on but the point is you cant pick a couple of random stats to invalidate a system that has served us well in all our lifetimes.

Reno aint the world either.

I think when it comes to thick fuckers you are right there at the top of the heap, sport. I can go toe to toe with you any day of the week on this matter doofus. I am blinder free.

UK cancer survival rates below European average

“Cancer survival in Britain the worst in Europe,” The Daily Telegraph reports.

This and many other similar headlines are prompted by a major new study on cancer survival rates in Europe from 1997 to 2007.

While survival rates have tended to improve, cancer survival still varies widely between European countries. The lowest survival rates for most cancers were found in eastern Europe."
So can we get back to the Scumbag Shkreli hate? That was just getting interesting.

He's an easy target. He is one of those rare nexus points that all reasonable people can point to and say "yep, that there is a heaping big pile of steaming shit, and the faster he is removed from society the better".

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