Screw Shep Smith


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011

He is a closet Log Cabin neocon. In this video he refers to opposition to gay marriage as being on the wrong side of history.

Where do these ideological ass hats get this idea when gay marriage has been banned in what like 36 states? And *we* are on the wrong side of history?

No, God writes history, not libtard ideologues.

Gay marriage is wrong on so many levels but the biggest one is that it endorses a corrupt, self-destructive and immoral life style.

I have been avoiding Smith since he came out celebrating the end of DADT, but now he totally disgusts me evey time I see him.
That's how I felt about Bill Clinton, but it was shortly after he and his spin room humiliated Jennifer Flowers, so it went on for a long time. He waited 6 or 7 years to blurt it out about him having had an affair with Jennifer Flowers, unexpectedly one day after the blue dress and a young intern in the White House told her story.

You just get over it as best you can. It's a hard thing for some of us, Jim, to keep the sin separate from the sinner. Others have no trouble with it at all.

When it gets down to it, it's only a point of view, and if an issue is a circle, it has 360 degree POVs. One side sees the day, the other sees the night. That's how the system seems to work.

I try to remain respectful of people I really don't understand now and try to think of them in terms of their contributions, not POV. It's part of the package and challenge of interacting in a free society. We can't muzzle free speech, and lately expressions of morality have come to mean free speech in people's minds due to certain judicial reviews at the Supreme Court level.

That said, watch something else until you get over Shep's POV. If that never happens, at least you won't feel bad about it when by accident, the channel falls to his station and your stomach starts churning. Keep the remote handy. :){BDF0FF05-F4F1-4B56-AB4D-1583B0CB78C0}&title=Fox-Shep-Smith-Republicans-On-Wrong-Side

He is a closet Log Cabin neocon. In this video he refers to opposition to gay marriage as being on the wrong side of history.

Where do these ideological ass hats get this idea when gay marriage has been banned in what like 36 states? And *we* are on the wrong side of history?

No, God writes history, not libtard ideologues.

Gay marriage is wrong on so many levels but the biggest one is that it endorses a corrupt, self-destructive and immoral life style.

I have been avoiding Smith since he came out celebrating the end of DADT, but now he totally disgusts me evey time I see him.

Log Cabin Neocon? Does that mean you are accusing Shep of being both gay and a fiscal liberal who is a defense hawk? Why can't you just say you disagree with the guy?

I think the courts will strike down gay marriage bans and will probably get the government out of the marriage business. Then it comes down to the definition of a household.{BDF0FF05-F4F1-4B56-AB4D-1583B0CB78C0}&title=Fox-Shep-Smith-Republicans-On-Wrong-Side

He is a closet Log Cabin neocon. In this video he refers to opposition to gay marriage as being on the wrong side of history.

Where do these ideological ass hats get this idea when gay marriage has been banned in what like 36 states? And *we* are on the wrong side of history?

No, God writes history, not libtard ideologues.

Gay marriage is wrong on so many levels but the biggest one is that it endorses a corrupt, self-destructive and immoral life style.

I have been avoiding Smith since he came out celebrating the end of DADT, but now he totally disgusts me evey time I see him.

Log Cabin Neocon? Does that mean you are accusing Shep of being both gay and a fiscal liberal who is a defense hawk? Why can't you just say you disagree with the guy?

I think the courts will strike down gay marriage bans and will probably get the government out of the marriage business. Then it comes down to the definition of a household.

1. It means I think Smith is a homophile who has kept his true thoughts concealed for all these years and I hope he gets sacked for being a POS.

2. I think he is conservative economically and defense wise, but a totaly loony lefty on social issues.

3. I could say that I just disagree with the guy but then that would be a lie of ommission. I loath and despise the jack ass.

4. The SCOTUS will not strike down gay m arriage laws because they know that the country wont put up with this shit much more.{BDF0FF05-F4F1-4B56-AB4D-1583B0CB78C0}&title=Fox-Shep-Smith-Republicans-On-Wrong-Side

He is a closet Log Cabin neocon. In this video he refers to opposition to gay marriage as being on the wrong side of history.

Where do these ideological ass hats get this idea when gay marriage has been banned in what like 36 states? And *we* are on the wrong side of history?

No, God writes history, not libtard ideologues.

Gay marriage is wrong on so many levels but the biggest one is that it endorses a corrupt, self-destructive and immoral life style.

I have been avoiding Smith since he came out celebrating the end of DADT, but now he totally disgusts me evey time I see him.

what is that link again?
Republicans are on the right side of history. All of history.

Out of all the civilizations and values that humankind has created over the centuries, the normalization of homosexualty has never survived. Out of all of the civilizations that have normalized homosexualty, and many have, not a single one passed it on as a positive value to be preserved. Otherwise, there would be no discussion today. Acceptance of same sex marriage and relationships would have been around for thousands of years.

Instead of being a worthwhile value, acceptance of homosexuality is part of a series of symptoms indicating the civilization's rot. The breakdown of the family unit, abandonment and exploitation of children, falling away of religion, substance abuse, promiscuity, acceptance of homosexuality, they all go together as symptoms of societal gangarene. That's history. To think that we have somehow evolved and are somehow immune to this kind of cultural disease is laughable. We are just following in the footsteps of every other civiilization crumbled into the dust of history.
katzndogz does not understand that homosexuality is as natural as history itself, being a part of it.

It will survive long after the homophobic part of the GOP has lost this battle.
God certainly has spoken to Liability :lol:

But L is right in that most people think God is Asian.
I love it when cons talk all stupid.

its smells like victory.

You are on the wrong side of history.

Its what being a con is all about.

conservative means you try and conserve the old ways.

All through mans history the old ways have given way to what makes sense instead of the old ways.

Thank you for helping kill the republican party{BDF0FF05-F4F1-4B56-AB4D-1583B0CB78C0}&title=Fox-Shep-Smith-Republicans-On-Wrong-Side

He is a closet Log Cabin neocon. In this video he refers to opposition to gay marriage as being on the wrong side of history.

Where do these ideological ass hats get this idea when gay marriage has been banned in what like 36 states? And *we* are on the wrong side of history?

No, God writes history, not libtard ideologues.

Gay marriage is wrong on so many levels but the biggest one is that it endorses a corrupt, self-destructive and immoral life style.

I have been avoiding Smith since he came out celebrating the end of DADT, but now he totally disgusts me evey time I see him.

Log Cabin Neocon? Does that mean you are accusing Shep of being both gay and a fiscal liberal who is a defense hawk? Why can't you just say you disagree with the guy?

I think the courts will strike down gay marriage bans and will probably get the government out of the marriage business. Then it comes down to the definition of a household.

"Log Cabin Neocon? Does that mean you are accusing Shep of being both gay and a fiscal liberal who is a defense hawk? Why can't you just say you disagree with the guy?"

Well that IS the scuttlebutt on Shep. As well as Anderson Cooper, the son of Gloria Vanderbilt and her 4th husband. I would say they have a vested interest in the affirmative passing of any law that relates to their sexuality, if the rumors are true.

And as far as homosexuality goes, it has always been here and is growing and is here to stay. To quote a succinct and fun poster here, Amelia, "you can't help who you are attracted to."
I love it when cons talk all stupid.

its smells like victory.

You are on the wrong side of history.

Its what being a con is all about.

conservative means you try and conserve the old ways.

All through mans history the old ways have given way to what makes sense instead of the old ways.

Thank you for helping kill the republican party

TDM: You are vastly too stupid, ya little twit, to even recognize stupidity in others.

Also, just to give you a free clue, your post is unattached to any other member's post. You provide no clue as to which person or post you seem to imagine you are replying to.

Who is on the wrong side of what, you fucking unintelligible twit?

God Dayum, you are unintelligible and tragically unintelligent.{BDF0FF05-F4F1-4B56-AB4D-1583B0CB78C0}&title=Fox-Shep-Smith-Republicans-On-Wrong-Side

He is a closet Log Cabin neocon. In this video he refers to opposition to gay marriage as being on the wrong side of history.

Where do these ideological ass hats get this idea when gay marriage has been banned in what like 36 states? And *we* are on the wrong side of history?

No, God writes history, not libtard ideologues.

Gay marriage is wrong on so many levels but the biggest one is that it endorses a corrupt, self-destructive and immoral life style.

I have been avoiding Smith since he came out celebrating the end of DADT, but now he totally disgusts me evey time I see him.

Log Cabin Neocon? Does that mean you are accusing Shep of being both gay and a fiscal liberal who is a defense hawk? Why can't you just say you disagree with the guy?

I think the courts will strike down gay marriage bans and will probably get the government out of the marriage business. Then it comes down to the definition of a household.

1. It means I think Smith is a homophile who has kept his true thoughts concealed for all these years and I hope he gets sacked for being a POS.

2. I think he is conservative economically and defense wise, but a totaly loony lefty on social issues.

3. I could say that I just disagree with the guy but then that would be a lie of ommission. I loath and despise the jack ass.

4. The SCOTUS will not strike down gay m arriage laws because they know that the country wont put up with this shit much more.

I like Shep.
Fact: Being against gay marriage is a necessary component of being a homophobe.
Log Cabin Neocon? Does that mean you are accusing Shep of being both gay and a fiscal liberal who is a defense hawk? Why can't you just say you disagree with the guy?

I think the courts will strike down gay marriage bans and will probably get the government out of the marriage business. Then it comes down to the definition of a household.

1. It means I think Smith is a homophile who has kept his true thoughts concealed for all these years and I hope he gets sacked for being a POS.

2. I think he is conservative economically and defense wise, but a totaly loony lefty on social issues.

3. I could say that I just disagree with the guy but then that would be a lie of ommission. I loath and despise the jack ass.

4. The SCOTUS will not strike down gay m arriage laws because they know that the country wont put up with this shit much more.

I like Shep.

And you have every right to like who you like, and I have every right to dislike whom I dislike.

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