Scott Brown running in NH, DCCC in total panic


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
No link, got panicked newsletter begging for more money, honey.

They say that if he wins, we are looking at a republican Senate. I tried really hard to care, but I couldn't. I remember him as a good senator.

What has me confused is this. Is there really only one seat between a D-R flip in the Senate?
Another Taxachusetts carpetbagger coming to corrupt the politics of the Granite State? Just what New Hampshire needs...
I like Scott Brown, but he will lose that race if he runs, and he has made no such declaration. People don't like carpetbaggers, unless they're New Yorkers and the candidate is Hillary Clinton, of course.
Carpetbagging politicians overall actually have a better track record that you'd think, and Scott Brown has owned a house in New Hampshire for a while now, I believe.

But I do think it's unlikely he'll run, and if he does, unlikely he'd win.

...and I hate to be nitpicky, but it would the DSCC that would be "in panic", not the D-trip.
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Carpetbagging politicians overall actually have a better track record that you'd think, and Scott Brown has owned a house in New Hampshire for a while now, I believe.

But I do think it's unlikely he'll run, and if he does, unlikely he'd win.

...and I hate to be nitpicky, but it would the DSCC that would be "in panic", not the D-trip.

The email came from DCCC.

But since I can't find said email, I am going with 'you are correct, sir.'
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Daily Kos: Former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown packing up his carpet bag, moving to New Hampshire

Brown?s Move to New Hampshire Fuels Talk of Senate Race - Bloomberg

Even Bill O'Reilly is not very impressed.

Former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown plans to move to New Hampshire, the latest sign that he’s considering a U.S. Senate bid there, which would complicate Democrats' effort to hold their majority in the chamber.

Brown, 54, has found a buyer for his Wrentham home and is set to close on that deal this week, Andrew I. Glincher, managing partner and chief executive officer at Brown’s employer Nixon Peabody LLP, said in an interview. Brown will continue to work out of the law firm’s Boston office because he isn’t licensed to practice law in New Hampshire, Glincher said.

Brown didn’t respond to an e-mail inquiry.

The move will fuel speculation that Brown intends to challenge New Hampshire’s Democratic U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen, who is seeking re-election next year. Brown lost his Massachusetts Senate seat to Democrat Elizabeth Warren in 2012.

Well, that is not sitting well with all Conservatives in New Hampshire:

NH GOP Lawmaker Proposes Armed Revolt | Right Wing Watch

In an interview with a right-wing talk show Saturday, a New Hampshire Republican lawmaker argued that armed rebellion may be the “next step” for right-wing activists.

J.R. Hoell, a Tea Party-aligned state representative from Dunbarton, has been rallying conservative activists against a possible Senate candidacy by former Massachusetts senator Scott Brown. Hoell was promoting an anti-Brown rally, featuring an AR-15 raffle, cosponsored by Gun Owners of New Hampshire and the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition, when he asserted that violent revolution could be on the table.

"JR Hoell: I’m never going to tell a person not to carry a firearm. I will recommend people carry firearms concealed, tactically it’s a better solution, doesn’t mean you have to be a target. In terms of messaging to the media, if you are carrying concealed versus having an AR-15 or an AR-10 over your back, it’s a lot easier to make the statement we’re not here to threaten anybody. We’re here standing on our soapbox, as opposed to standing with our ammo box in hand, to make a point politically. The message needs to get out that Scott Brown does not represent New Hampshire. If things continue the way they are, there may be a day or a time where firearms and ammo are necessary, happened in the Revolutionary War. I’d like to think we’re not there yet but as things continue to unravel, that may be the next step. Let’s stand on our soap box this time."

This is a 1:26 audio of Hoell at the link.
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No link, got panicked newsletter begging for more money, honey.

They say that if he wins, we are looking at a republican Senate. I tried really hard to care, but I couldn't. I remember him as a good senator.

What has me confused is this. Is there really only one seat between a D-R flip in the Senate?

One seat, no.

Six seats, yes.

But three seats- MT, WV and SD are almost certainly sure fire pickups for the GOP.

Incumbant Dems are also in trouble in Alaska and Arkansas. So a pickup in NH would give them control of the Senate.

This assumes the GOP doesn't screw up in KY, GA or ME by nominating some crazy teabagger who thinks that the word rape needs an adjective in front of it.
No link, got panicked newsletter begging for more money, honey.

They say that if he wins, we are looking at a republican Senate. I tried really hard to care, but I couldn't. I remember him as a good senator.

What has me confused is this. Is there really only one seat between a D-R flip in the Senate?

One seat, no.

Six seats, yes.

But three seats- MT, WV and SD are almost certainly sure fire pickups for the GOP.

Incumbant Dems are also in trouble in Alaska and Arkansas. So a pickup in NH would give them control of the Senate.

This assumes the GOP doesn't screw up in KY, GA or ME by nominating some crazy teabagger who thinks that the word rape needs an adjective in front of it.

So all that celebrating over the damage they've done to their brand was for naught?!

I may haz a sad. :(
I like Scott Brown, but he will lose that race if he runs, and he has made no such declaration. People don't like carpetbaggers, unless they're New Yorkers and the candidate is Hillary Clinton, of course.

New York elected Robert Kennedy as Senator also
No link, got panicked newsletter begging for more money, honey.

They say that if he wins, we are looking at a republican Senate. I tried really hard to care, but I couldn't. I remember him as a good senator.

What has me confused is this. Is there really only one seat between a D-R flip in the Senate?

One seat, no.

Six seats, yes.

But three seats- MT, WV and SD are almost certainly sure fire pickups for the GOP.

Incumbant Dems are also in trouble in Alaska and Arkansas. So a pickup in NH would give them control of the Senate.

This assumes the GOP doesn't screw up in KY, GA or ME by nominating some crazy teabagger who thinks that the word rape needs an adjective in front of it.

Louisiana and North Carolina are also very vulnerable. That would be Mary Landrieu and Kay Hagan.
No link, got panicked newsletter begging for more money, honey.

They say that if he wins, we are looking at a republican Senate. I tried really hard to care, but I couldn't. I remember him as a good senator.

What has me confused is this. Is there really only one seat between a D-R flip in the Senate?

One seat, no.

Six seats, yes.

But three seats- MT, WV and SD are almost certainly sure fire pickups for the GOP.

Incumbant Dems are also in trouble in Alaska and Arkansas. So a pickup in NH would give them control of the Senate.

This assumes the GOP doesn't screw up in KY, GA or ME by nominating some crazy teabagger who thinks that the word rape needs an adjective in front of it.

Louisiana and North Carolina are also very vulnerable. That would be Mary Landrieu and Kay Hagan.

For some reason everyone is ignoring Michigan. That's an open seat and the Republican has been polling neck and neck with the Democrat. Also can't rule out an Iowa pick up, though at this point I give Braley the edge.
No link, got panicked newsletter begging for more money, honey.

They say that if he wins, we are looking at a republican Senate. I tried really hard to care, but I couldn't. I remember him as a good senator.

What has me confused is this. Is there really only one seat between a D-R flip in the Senate?

One seat, no.

Six seats, yes.

But three seats- MT, WV and SD are almost certainly sure fire pickups for the GOP.

Incumbant Dems are also in trouble in Alaska and Arkansas. So a pickup in NH would give them control of the Senate.

This assumes the GOP doesn't screw up in KY, GA or ME by nominating some crazy teabagger who thinks that the word rape needs an adjective in front of it.

Louisiana and North Carolina are also very vulnerable. That would be Mary Landrieu and Kay Hagan.


But in the last 10 years, Republicans have unseated all of FOUR Democratic incumbants in the Senate. Most of their pickups have been vacancies.

And not to worry, you will find some jerkwads in those races who will talk about how women need to see their rape-babies as gifts from God.
One seat, no.

Six seats, yes.

But three seats- MT, WV and SD are almost certainly sure fire pickups for the GOP.

Incumbant Dems are also in trouble in Alaska and Arkansas. So a pickup in NH would give them control of the Senate.

This assumes the GOP doesn't screw up in KY, GA or ME by nominating some crazy teabagger who thinks that the word rape needs an adjective in front of it.

Louisiana and North Carolina are also very vulnerable. That would be Mary Landrieu and Kay Hagan.

For some reason everyone is ignoring Michigan. That's an open seat and the Republican has been polling neck and neck with the Democrat. Also can't rule out an Iowa pick up, though at this point I give Braley the edge.

Iowa is a possibility if the GOP can find a good candidate, but I really wouldn't rely on Michigan. It's much more blue then people think, most of the time the Democrats win the state legislature popular vote in both chambers but don't get a majority only because all the Democrat voters are all packed into the Detroit and Flint areas. District based elections go well for the GOP in Michigan, state wide elections favor Democrats, especially Senate races.

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