Scientists Discover a Self-Replicating Protein Structure, And It Could Have Built The First Life on

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
No, we don't have all the answers, but we're still looking.
We'll never have all the answers as they just generate new questions.

Scientists Discover a Self-Replicating Protein Structure, And It Could Have Built The First Life on Earth
Mike McRae - 4 Mar 2018 -
Scientists Discover a Self-Replicating Protein Structure, And It Could Have Built The First Life on Earth

Roughly 4 billion years ago an assortment of complex organic compounds went from being mere carbon soup to replicating biochemistry – the first steps to life on Earth.

The order of these steps has been a source of debate for decades. Now, a recent discovery about a common protein structure could help tip the balance, bringing us closer to understanding just how we came to be here.

Researchers from Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) in Zürich have demonstrated that short strands of amyloid protein structures can direct the selection of amino acids to build even more amyloids.

If the word amyloid doesn't sound familiar, they're a protein structure that's increasingly being found all over the place in nature.

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Researchers May Have Found the Missing Piece of Evidence that Explains the Origins of Life
Researchers May Have Found the Missing Piece of Evidence that Explains the Origins of Life - Universe Today

The question of how life first emerged here on Earth is a mystery that continues to elude scientists. Despite everything that scientists have learned from the fossil record and geological history, it is still not known how organic life emerged from inorganic elements (a process known as abiogenesis) billions of years ago.

One of the more daunting aspects of the mystery has to do with peptides and enzymes, which fall into something of a “chicken and egg” situation. Addressing this, a team of researchers from the University College London (UCL) recently conducted a study that effectively demonstrated that peptides could have formed in conditions analogus to primordial Earth."...."

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No, we don't have all the answers, but we're still looking.
We'll never have all the answers as they just generate new questions.

Scientists Discover a Self-Replicating Protein Structure, And It Could Have Built The First Life on Earth
Mike McRae - 4 Mar 2018 -
Scientists Discover a Self-Replicating Protein Structure, And It Could Have Built The First Life on Earth

Roughly 4 billion years ago an assortment of complex organic compounds went from being mere carbon soup to replicating biochemistry – the first steps to life on Earth.

The order of these steps has been a source of debate for decades. Now, a recent discovery about a common protein structure could help tip the balance, bringing us closer to understanding just how we came to be here.

Researchers from Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) in Zürich have demonstrated that short strands of amyloid protein structures can direct the selection of amino acids to build even more amyloids.

If the word amyloid doesn't sound familiar, they're a protein structure that's increasingly being found all over the place in nature.

Nonsense because proteins including the ones mentioned are themselves created by DNA so what you propose is quite backwards and impossible
" Convenience Of Likelihood Realms "

* Should It Must In Some Way *
Nonsense because proteins including the ones mentioned are themselves created by DNA so what you propose is quite backwards and impossible
A completeness theory rationalizes that a thing cannot be separate from itself , such that any creator would be intrinsic with its creation , such that creation would be intrinsic with its creator , and such that creation and creator would be one and the same .

Naturalism simply ascribes that nature , though not personified , is the creation and creator .

Amyloid and the origin of life: self-replicating catalytic amyloids as prebiotic informational and protometabolic entities
The cross-β sheet structure of amyloid, in addition to providing remarkable stability, can convey multifunctionality to peptides [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26]. Even very short peptides may express diverse catalytic, replicative, and informational properties when adopting the amyloid conformation. This is in contrast to native peptides, which are easily denatured under harsh conditions, and whose functionality requires longer peptide sequences, the synthesis of which, again, would require an existing metabolic apparatus. Thus, under early Earth conditions, the amyloid fold would, obviously, have provided a substantial advantage for the survival and propagation of prebiotic peptides.
From a prebiotic perspective, the demonstrations of template-assisted ligation of fibrillogenic peptides from two shorter building blocks [23, 24, 25] and of amyloid-directed synthesis of its constituent peptides from amino acids [26] are important.

Anthropic principle - Wikipedia
The strong anthropic principle (SAP), as explained by John D. Barrow and Frank Tipler, states that this is all the case because the universe is in some sense compelled to eventually have conscious and sapient life emerge within it.

The anthropic principle is a philosophical consideration that observations of the universe must be compatible with the conscious and sapient life that observes it.

Some critics of the SAP argue in favor of a weak anthropic principle (WAP) similar to the one defined by Brandon Carter, which states that the universe's ostensible fine tuning is the result of selection bias (specifically survivor bias): i.e., only in a universe capable of eventually supporting life will there be living beings capable of observing and reflecting on the matter.

A priori and a posteriori - Wikipedia
The phrases "a priori" and "a posteriori" are Latin for "from what comes before" and "from what comes later" (or, less literally, "from first principles, before experience" and "after experience"). They appear in Latin translations of Euclid's Elements, of about 300 BC, a work widely considered during the early European modern period as the model for precise thinking.
A completeness theory rationalizes that a thing cannot be separate from itself , such that any creator would be intrinsic with its creation , such that creation would be intrinsic with its creator , and such that creation and creator would be one and the same .

Naturalism simply ascribes that nature , though not personified , is the creation and creator .

The anthropic principle is expressed in two ways by nature: 1) very slight changes in the laws of nature would have made it impossible for life to exist, and 2) human life would not have been possible were it not for the occurrence in the past of a large number of highly improbable events. The secular or atheist scientist sees such a sequence of occurrences as mere “lucky accidents.” The creationists believe in God. When you got two chances -- slim and none -- go with God.

>>The question of how life first emerged here on Earth is a mystery that continues to elude scientists.<<

The other thing I noticed was the above sentence contradicts what the atheists here claimed already happened. It seems they are wrong again.
" Convenience Of Likelihood Realms "

* Should It Must In Some Way *
Nonsense because proteins including the ones mentioned are themselves created by DNA so what you propose is quite backwards and impossible
A completeness theory rationalizes that a thing cannot be separate from itself , such that any creator would be intrinsic with its creation , such that creation would be intrinsic with its creator , and such that creation and creator would be one and the same .

Naturalism simply ascribes that nature , though not personified , is the creation and creator .

Amyloid and the origin of life: self-replicating catalytic amyloids as prebiotic informational and protometabolic entities
The cross-β sheet structure of amyloid, in addition to providing remarkable stability, can convey multifunctionality to peptides [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26]. Even very short peptides may express diverse catalytic, replicative, and informational properties when adopting the amyloid conformation. This is in contrast to native peptides, which are easily denatured under harsh conditions, and whose functionality requires longer peptide sequences, the synthesis of which, again, would require an existing metabolic apparatus. Thus, under early Earth conditions, the amyloid fold would, obviously, have provided a substantial advantage for the survival and propagation of prebiotic peptides.
From a prebiotic perspective, the demonstrations of template-assisted ligation of fibrillogenic peptides from two shorter building blocks [23, 24, 25] and of amyloid-directed synthesis of its constituent peptides from amino acids [26] are important.

Anthropic principle - Wikipedia
The strong anthropic principle (SAP), as explained by John D. Barrow and Frank Tipler, states that this is all the case because the universe is in some sense compelled to eventually have conscious and sapient life emerge within it.

The anthropic principle is a philosophical consideration that observations of the universe must be compatible with the conscious and sapient life that observes it.

Some critics of the SAP argue in favor of a weak anthropic principle (WAP) similar to the one defined by Brandon Carter, which states that the universe's ostensible fine tuning is the result of selection bias (specifically survivor bias): i.e., only in a universe capable of eventually supporting life will there be living beings capable of observing and reflecting on the matter.

A priori and a posteriori - Wikipedia
The phrases "a priori" and "a posteriori" are Latin for "from what comes before" and "from what comes later" (or, less literally, "from first principles, before experience" and "after experience"). They appear in Latin translations of Euclid's Elements, of about 300 BC, a work widely considered during the early European modern period as the model for precise thinking.

You are the creator by the way as you were created in his image and as such have or will have the power to travel to new places and bring life with you.

How do you feel about the above?
No, we don't have all the answers, but we're still looking.
We'll never have all the answers as they just generate new questions.

Scientists Discover a Self-Replicating Protein Structure, And It Could Have Built The First Life on Earth
Mike McRae - 4 Mar 2018 -
Scientists Discover a Self-Replicating Protein Structure, And It Could Have Built The First Life on Earth

Roughly 4 billion years ago an assortment of complex organic compounds went from being mere carbon soup to replicating biochemistry – the first steps to life on Earth.

The order of these steps has been a source of debate for decades. Now, a recent discovery about a common protein structure could help tip the balance, bringing us closer to understanding just how we came to be here.

Researchers from Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) in Zürich have demonstrated that short strands of amyloid protein structures can direct the selection of amino acids to build even more amyloids.

If the word amyloid doesn't sound familiar, they're a protein structure that's increasingly being found all over the place in nature.

One of many to be discovered, no doubt.
" Definitions Of God Insufficient And Usually Pretentious "

* Chemically Unconscious Anxiety *
The anthropic principle is expressed in two ways by nature: 1) very slight changes in the laws of nature would have made it impossible for life to exist, and 2) human life would not have been possible were it not for the occurrence in the past of a large number of highly improbable events. The secular or atheist scientist sees such a sequence of occurrences as mere “lucky accidents.” The creationists believe in God. When you got two chances -- slim and none -- go with God.
A theory of natural selection for sentient beings would presume that a probability for success in survival improves with ability and opportunity to select more advantageous options .

An issue of investigation is whether it is at least possible that a propensity exists within inchoate elements of nature for them to assimilate into sophisticated physical states that eventually includes sentience .

The evidence of self replicating protein structures supports a theory that a propensity exists within inchoate elements of nature for those elements to assimilate into sophisticated physical states .

Amyloid and the origin of life: self-replicating catalytic amyloids as prebiotic informational and protometabolic entities
In the encryption process, environmental information is encoded in the three-dimensional structure of the amyloid conformer [27, 28].
The nucleation-dependent replication system is in-put sensitive, chiroselective, and error correcting.

* Projections And Personification Of Natural Reflex *
>>The question of how life first emerged here on Earth is a mystery that continues to elude scientists.<<
The other thing I noticed was the above sentence contradicts what the atheists here claimed already happened. It seems they are wrong again.
Those offering creation in full form as a valid explanation over natural processes unbounded by time would do well to consider extraterrestrials as their creator .
" Weighing Existential Projection "

* Evaluating Whether Possible Where *
You are the creator by the way as you were created in his image and as such have or will have the power to travel to new places and bring life with you.
How do you feel about the above?
One may observe many images in nature with not all of them male and not all of them hue mammon .

Would to personify that hue mammon is exclusively an image of gawd be by definition a vain self portrait , as would it not necessarily expect that gawd is exclusively an image of hue mammon , or is that interpretation an unintentional assumption ?

* Options Further Out *

Naturalism - Wikipedia
Naturalism (philosophy) is any of several philosophical stances wherein all phenomena or hypotheses commonly labeled as supernatural are either false or not inherently different from natural phenomena or hypotheses.

Those discussions personifying natural reflex as deities exercising will to interact with nature would begin a contest to prove a possibility for existence of a deity from natural facility .

Can a projection of potential through an exercise of will by a microcosm be magnified into a macrocosm and vice versa ?

Potential well - Wikipedia
Particle in a box - Wikipedia
Quantum well - Wikipedia
Quantum nonlocality - Wikipedia
It's kind of annoying when science denying idiots pollute topics in the science section with their ignorance. I don't want to deal with your stupid shit so I stay out of the religion section. It would be real nice of you all to do similarly with the science section.
not true--god used an energizer to beam life onto Earth

A completeness theory rationalizes that a thing cannot be separate from itself , such that any creator would be intrinsic with its creation , such that creation would be intrinsic with its creator , and such that creation and creator would be one and the same .

Naturalism simply ascribes that nature , though not personified , is the creation and creator .

This is just hypothesis. Nothing to do with science except jump to conclusions for evolution.

Instead, we find that there is intelligence behind the complex design in nature and how nature works. Thus, we need a creator who is timeless, spaceless, all-powerful, and intelligent -- God -- instead of regular nature.

A theory of natural selection for sentient beings would presume that a probability for success in survival improves with ability and opportunity to select more advantageous options .

NS would be to explain the variations within a species like humans or wolves. What you are referring to is survival of fittest which includes both favorable and unfavorable traits to a change in environment. It is not an immediate nor necessarily a positive change for all.

An issue of investigation is whether it is at least possible that a propensity exists within inchoate elements of nature for them to assimilate into sophisticated physical states that eventually includes sentience .

The evidence of self replicating protein structures supports a theory that a propensity exists within inchoate elements of nature for those elements to assimilate into sophisticated physical states .

Amyloid and the origin of life: self-replicating catalytic amyloids as prebiotic informational and protometabolic entities
In the encryption process, environmental information is encoded in the three-dimensional structure of the amyloid conformer [27, 28].
The nucleation-dependent replication system is in-put sensitive, chiroselective, and error correcting.

We still have to show amino acids form proteins outside the cell through abiogenesis. Besides that, the odds of forming life is using natural process including self-replicating catalytic amyloids is still virtually nil. Forming life is much more complex than using existing life already to form new life. Many scientists think instead of abiogenesis that panspermia was the method that life arrived on Earth. However, that means our knowledge is even further out into space as we do not know how a meteor, comet, or other space vehicle was able to bring life to Earth.

What you are doing by this piece of news is jumping to conclusions of how evolutionary mechanisms would form life by itself in nature. You still have not shown abiogenesis.
" Does Nature Include A Facility For Intuition "

* Complexities With Simple Beginnings *

This is just hypothesis. Nothing to do with science except jump to conclusions for evolution.
Instead, we find that there is intelligence behind the complex design in nature and how nature works. Thus, we need a creator who is timeless, spaceless, all-powerful, and intelligent -- God -- instead of regular nature.
NS would be to explain the variations within a species like humans or wolves. What you are referring to is survival of fittest which includes both favorable and unfavorable traits to a change in environment. It is not an immediate nor necessarily a positive change for all.
Is it correct to equate timelessness with eternal ?

A fundamental a priori premise ascribes that constructs of nature be self evident .

For something to be intelligible and form complex systems its subsystems would include a basis for order .

Those theories for monism posit a monad as an identity element , an infinitesimal , an irrational number with a geometry , as a basis for order .

An esoteric allusion for an irrational number is a quality of infinitude as an eternal state of being and becoming through some transition , with all comprised emulating the quality ; progeneration is an example of being and becoming through some transition .

* Implicit Capacity For Projection *
We still have to show amino acids form proteins outside the cell through abiogenesis. Besides that, the odds of forming life is using natural process including self-replicating catalytic amyloids is still virtually nil. Forming life is much more complex than using existing life already to form new life. Many scientists think instead of abiogenesis that panspermia was the method that life arrived on Earth. However, that means our knowledge is even further out into space as we do not know how a meteor, comet, or other space vehicle was able to bring life to Earth.
What you are doing by this piece of news is jumping to conclusions of how evolutionary mechanisms would form life by itself in nature. You still have not shown abiogenesis.
I was impressed with embedded information in amyloid conformer ; because , geometry includes projection that could facilitate the means to introspection .

Amyloid and the origin of life: self-replicating catalytic amyloids as prebiotic informational and protometabolic entities
In the encryption process, environmental information is encoded in the three-dimensional structure of the amyloid conformer [27, 28]. The nucleation-dependent replication system is in-put sensitive, chiroselective, and error correcting.

* Mono The Is Them Arguing Form And Function *

Infinitesimal - Wikipedia
In mathematics, infinitesimals are things so small that there is no way to measure them. The insight with exploiting infinitesimals was that entities could still retain certain specific properties, such as angle or slope, even though these entities were quantitatively small.[1] The word infinitesimal comes from a 17th-century Modern Latin coinage infinitesimus, which originally referred to the "infinity-th" item in a sequence. Infinitesimals are a basic ingredient in the procedures of infinitesimal calculus as developed by Leibniz, including the law of continuity and the transcendental law of homogeneity. In common speech, an infinitesimal object is an object that is smaller than any feasible measurement, but not zero in size—or, so small that it cannot be distinguished from zero by any available means. Hence, when used as an adjective, "infinitesimal" means "extremely small". To give it a meaning, it usually must be compared to another infinitesimal object in the same context (as in a derivative). Infinitely many infinitesimals are summed to produce an integral.

Monism - Wikipedia
Monism attributes oneness or singleness (Greek: μόνος) to a concept e.g., existence. Various kinds of monism can be distinguished:

  • Priority monism states that all existing things go back to a source that is distinct from them; e.g., in Neoplatonism everything is derived from The One.[1] In this view only one thing is ontologically basic or prior to everything else.
  • Existence monism posits that, strictly speaking, there exists only a single thing, the Universe, which can only be artificially and arbitrarily divided into many things.[2]
  • Substance monism asserts that a variety of existing things can be explained in terms of a single reality or substance.[3] Substance monism posits that only one kind of stuff exists, although many things may be made up of this stuff, e.g., matter or mind.

* Infinity Numbers Algebraic And Transcendental *

This video is fantastic .

* Intransigent Even Four Awe Goad *

Golden ratio - Wikipedia
Hyperreal number - Wikipedia

Transcendental number - Wikipedia

Fibonacci number - Wikipedia

Natural logarithm - Wikipedia
By Lindemann–Weierstrass theorem, the natural logarithm of any positive algebraic number other than 1 is a transcendental number.
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People can only validly claim to know how life began on Earth when they are able to duplicate the process by creating life from non living ingredients. Until that happens all is just hand waving.
People can only validly claim to know how life began on Earth when they are able to duplicate the process by creating life from non living ingredients. Until that happens all is just hand waving.
That would be to know HOW abiogenesis worked. How it occured. What is a fact is that it did occur. Once there was no life on Earth. Then, there was. Abiogenesis connects these two states.
People can only validly claim to know how life began on Earth when they are able to duplicate the process by creating life from non living ingredients. Until that happens all is just hand waving.

Creating life from non-living organic precursors cannot be naturally observed, let alone demonstrated/duplicated in the first place. Not now, not ever! Biochemical engineering is not abiogenesis.
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Creating life from non-living organic precursors cannot be naturally observed, let alone demonstrated/duplicated in the first place.
Coming from the guy who insists on magical sky fairies and magical miracle tricks that cannot be observed, this is pretty funny stuff. Make sure to stomp your feet and say it with conviction! Hahahah....

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