Schumer says he and Feinstein had a ‘serious talk’ after Barrett hearings: report


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Is this type of response to civility and a hug going to endear voters to the belief, "hey, they wouldn't Cancel me if I dared get out of line and disagree with them, would they"?

Quite an odd reaction indeed.

Schumer says he and Feinstein had a ‘serious talk’ after Barrett hearings: report

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday that he has had a “serious talk” with fellow Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein following last week’s Senate confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett.

“I’ve had a long and serious talk with Senator Feinstein. That’s all I’m going to say about it right now,” Schumer told reporters at a news conference, The Washington Post reported.

Feinstein, the 87-year-old senior senator from California, serves as ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the panel before which Barrett appeared.

After the hearings concluded, Feinstein faced a torrent of criticism from Democrats and others on the left over her line of questioning of Barrett – criticism that appeared to intensify last Thursday after Feinstein was seen sharing a hug with her longtime Republican colleague, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who chairs the committee.

Several critics called upon Feinstein to give up her role as the top Democrat on the panel, The Washington Post reported. As ranking member, Feinstein stands to replace Graham as chair if Democrats take control of the Senate in the Nov. 3 elections.
I hope Schumer mansplained Feinstein...either way republicans can't really say much since Christy faced the same backlash after his hug with O'biden.
Is this type of response to civility and a hug going to endear voters to the belief, "hey, they wouldn't Cancel me if I dared get out of line and disagree with them, would they"?

Quite an odd reaction indeed.

Schumer says he and Feinstein had a ‘serious talk’ after Barrett hearings: report

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday that he has had a “serious talk” with fellow Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein following last week’s Senate confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett.

“I’ve had a long and serious talk with Senator Feinstein. That’s all I’m going to say about it right now,” Schumer told reporters at a news conference, The Washington Post reported.

Feinstein, the 87-year-old senior senator from California, serves as ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the panel before which Barrett appeared.

After the hearings concluded, Feinstein faced a torrent of criticism from Democrats and others on the left over her line of questioning of Barrett – criticism that appeared to intensify last Thursday after Feinstein was seen sharing a hug with her longtime Republican colleague, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who chairs the committee.

Several critics called upon Feinstein to give up her role as the top Democrat on the panel, The Washington Post reported. As ranking member, Feinstein stands to replace Graham as chair if Democrats take control of the Senate in the Nov. 3 elections.
Two Jews plotting. Nothing more with both having their own bags on garbage.
Is this type of response to civility and a hug going to endear voters to the belief, "hey, they wouldn't Cancel me if I dared get out of line and disagree with them, would they"?

Quite an odd reaction indeed.

Schumer says he and Feinstein had a ‘serious talk’ after Barrett hearings: report

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday that he has had a “serious talk” with fellow Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein following last week’s Senate confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett.

“I’ve had a long and serious talk with Senator Feinstein. That’s all I’m going to say about it right now,” Schumer told reporters at a news conference, The Washington Post reported.

Feinstein, the 87-year-old senior senator from California, serves as ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the panel before which Barrett appeared.

After the hearings concluded, Feinstein faced a torrent of criticism from Democrats and others on the left over her line of questioning of Barrett – criticism that appeared to intensify last Thursday after Feinstein was seen sharing a hug with her longtime Republican colleague, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who chairs the committee.

Several critics called upon Feinstein to give up her role as the top Democrat on the panel, The Washington Post reported. As ranking member, Feinstein stands to replace Graham as chair if Democrats take control of the Senate in the Nov. 3 elections.
Two Jews plotting. Nothing more with both having their own bags on garbage.

No - not religion related, at all.
The left often attacks their own if they sense weakness, such as straying from a narrative.
If all conservatives are evil, anything but outright hostility is not tolerated. For the progs, hugging a Republican leader would be the equivalent of a Christian seeing someone make out with a demon.
This willingness to not only attack perceived enemies, but also quickly turn on their own, is a sign of a violent, fearful & disturbed pathology.
What we see from them was foreseen quite effectively by Orwell in 1984, where the totalitarian regime kept the masses ignorant of both past & present events. Like the left of today, the cowed citizens in Oceania were only too happy to turn on each other by reporting any perception of anti-authoritarian conduct to Big Brother.
While many are true believers, there are probably others going along from fear of being attacked themselves.
Is this type of response to civility and a hug going to endear voters to the belief, "hey, they wouldn't Cancel me if I dared get out of line and disagree with them, would they"?

Quite an odd reaction indeed.

Schumer says he and Feinstein had a ‘serious talk’ after Barrett hearings: report

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday that he has had a “serious talk” with fellow Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein following last week’s Senate confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett.

“I’ve had a long and serious talk with Senator Feinstein. That’s all I’m going to say about it right now,” Schumer told reporters at a news conference, The Washington Post reported.

Feinstein, the 87-year-old senior senator from California, serves as ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the panel before which Barrett appeared.

After the hearings concluded, Feinstein faced a torrent of criticism from Democrats and others on the left over her line of questioning of Barrett – criticism that appeared to intensify last Thursday after Feinstein was seen sharing a hug with her longtime Republican colleague, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who chairs the committee.

Several critics called upon Feinstein to give up her role as the top Democrat on the panel, The Washington Post reported. As ranking member, Feinstein stands to replace Graham as chair if Democrats take control of the Senate in the Nov. 3 elections.
Two Jews plotting. Nothing more with both having their own bags on garbage.
Dude, what's with implied the anti-Semitism there? Plenty of people of the Jewish faith are not complete morons like these two. Inappropriate IMO.
Is this type of response to civility and a hug going to endear voters to the belief, "hey, they wouldn't Cancel me if I dared get out of line and disagree with them, would they"?

Quite an odd reaction indeed.

Schumer says he and Feinstein had a ‘serious talk’ after Barrett hearings: report

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday that he has had a “serious talk” with fellow Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein following last week’s Senate confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett.

“I’ve had a long and serious talk with Senator Feinstein. That’s all I’m going to say about it right now,” Schumer told reporters at a news conference, The Washington Post reported.

Feinstein, the 87-year-old senior senator from California, serves as ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the panel before which Barrett appeared.

After the hearings concluded, Feinstein faced a torrent of criticism from Democrats and others on the left over her line of questioning of Barrett – criticism that appeared to intensify last Thursday after Feinstein was seen sharing a hug with her longtime Republican colleague, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who chairs the committee.

Several critics called upon Feinstein to give up her role as the top Democrat on the panel, The Washington Post reported. As ranking member, Feinstein stands to replace Graham as chair if Democrats take control of the Senate in the Nov. 3 elections.
Two Jews plotting. Nothing more with both having their own bags on garbage.
Your post is full of dogma
Is this type of response to civility and a hug going to endear voters to the belief, "hey, they wouldn't Cancel me if I dared get out of line and disagree with them, would they"?

Quite an odd reaction indeed.

Schumer says he and Feinstein had a ‘serious talk’ after Barrett hearings: report

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday that he has had a “serious talk” with fellow Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein following last week’s Senate confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett.

“I’ve had a long and serious talk with Senator Feinstein. That’s all I’m going to say about it right now,” Schumer told reporters at a news conference, The Washington Post reported.

Feinstein, the 87-year-old senior senator from California, serves as ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the panel before which Barrett appeared.

After the hearings concluded, Feinstein faced a torrent of criticism from Democrats and others on the left over her line of questioning of Barrett – criticism that appeared to intensify last Thursday after Feinstein was seen sharing a hug with her longtime Republican colleague, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who chairs the committee.

Several critics called upon Feinstein to give up her role as the top Democrat on the panel, The Washington Post reported. As ranking member, Feinstein stands to replace Graham as chair if Democrats take control of the Senate in the Nov. 3 elections.
Two Jews plotting. Nothing more with both having their own bags on garbage.
2 self-hating, assimilated Jews who wish they were born Christians.
Is this type of response to civility and a hug going to endear voters to the belief, "hey, they wouldn't Cancel me if I dared get out of line and disagree with them, would they"?

Quite an odd reaction indeed.

Schumer says he and Feinstein had a ‘serious talk’ after Barrett hearings: report

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday that he has had a “serious talk” with fellow Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein following last week’s Senate confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett.

“I’ve had a long and serious talk with Senator Feinstein. That’s all I’m going to say about it right now,” Schumer told reporters at a news conference, The Washington Post reported.

Feinstein, the 87-year-old senior senator from California, serves as ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the panel before which Barrett appeared.

After the hearings concluded, Feinstein faced a torrent of criticism from Democrats and others on the left over her line of questioning of Barrett – criticism that appeared to intensify last Thursday after Feinstein was seen sharing a hug with her longtime Republican colleague, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who chairs the committee.

Several critics called upon Feinstein to give up her role as the top Democrat on the panel, The Washington Post reported. As ranking member, Feinstein stands to replace Graham as chair if Democrats take control of the Senate in the Nov. 3 elections.

The old, corrupt democrat Party is finished. Schumer and Feinstein will be replace by Marxists in the new, and much smaller, Socialist democrat Party. In a few cycles, they will be reduced to 4 maybe 6 Senators
Is this type of response to civility and a hug going to endear voters to the belief, "hey, they wouldn't Cancel me if I dared get out of line and disagree with them, would they"?

Quite an odd reaction indeed.

Schumer says he and Feinstein had a ‘serious talk’ after Barrett hearings: report

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday that he has had a “serious talk” with fellow Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein following last week’s Senate confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett.

“I’ve had a long and serious talk with Senator Feinstein. That’s all I’m going to say about it right now,” Schumer told reporters at a news conference, The Washington Post reported.

Feinstein, the 87-year-old senior senator from California, serves as ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the panel before which Barrett appeared.

After the hearings concluded, Feinstein faced a torrent of criticism from Democrats and others on the left over her line of questioning of Barrett – criticism that appeared to intensify last Thursday after Feinstein was seen sharing a hug with her longtime Republican colleague, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who chairs the committee.

Several critics called upon Feinstein to give up her role as the top Democrat on the panel, The Washington Post reported. As ranking member, Feinstein stands to replace Graham as chair if Democrats take control of the Senate in the Nov. 3 elections.

Don’t ever listen to Democrats or their lapdog media about calls for civility. When they do this, it is simply a demand that Republicans be civil.

The Hug between Feinstein and Graham is exactly what this Country needs to see.
Is this type of response to civility and a hug going to endear voters to the belief, "hey, they wouldn't Cancel me if I dared get out of line and disagree with them, would they"?

Quite an odd reaction indeed.

Schumer says he and Feinstein had a ‘serious talk’ after Barrett hearings: report

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday that he has had a “serious talk” with fellow Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein following last week’s Senate confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett.

“I’ve had a long and serious talk with Senator Feinstein. That’s all I’m going to say about it right now,” Schumer told reporters at a news conference, The Washington Post reported.

Feinstein, the 87-year-old senior senator from California, serves as ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the panel before which Barrett appeared.

After the hearings concluded, Feinstein faced a torrent of criticism from Democrats and others on the left over her line of questioning of Barrett – criticism that appeared to intensify last Thursday after Feinstein was seen sharing a hug with her longtime Republican colleague, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who chairs the committee.

Several critics called upon Feinstein to give up her role as the top Democrat on the panel, The Washington Post reported. As ranking member, Feinstein stands to replace Graham as chair if Democrats take control of the Senate in the Nov. 3 elections.
Two Jews plotting. Nothing more with both having their own bags on garbage.
2 self-hating, assimilated Jews who wish they were born Christians.

Personally, I'm glad I was born into a RCC household and found my way to Chabad and Kabbalah. I have an affinity and love of the Creator that I might not have had otherwise
Is this type of response to civility and a hug going to endear voters to the belief, "hey, they wouldn't Cancel me if I dared get out of line and disagree with them, would they"?

Quite an odd reaction indeed.

Schumer says he and Feinstein had a ‘serious talk’ after Barrett hearings: report

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday that he has had a “serious talk” with fellow Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein following last week’s Senate confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett.

“I’ve had a long and serious talk with Senator Feinstein. That’s all I’m going to say about it right now,” Schumer told reporters at a news conference, The Washington Post reported.

Feinstein, the 87-year-old senior senator from California, serves as ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the panel before which Barrett appeared.

After the hearings concluded, Feinstein faced a torrent of criticism from Democrats and others on the left over her line of questioning of Barrett – criticism that appeared to intensify last Thursday after Feinstein was seen sharing a hug with her longtime Republican colleague, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who chairs the committee.

Several critics called upon Feinstein to give up her role as the top Democrat on the panel, The Washington Post reported. As ranking member, Feinstein stands to replace Graham as chair if Democrats take control of the Senate in the Nov. 3 elections.

Feinstein is 87?? That old hag should retire. There should be a retirement age for all members of Congress.
Feinstein told Upchuck to shut his fucking mouth or she'll have him buried alive in an unmarked grave.

She's a tough cookie. Upchuck is a furry little kitten that pisses on the rug.

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