Schools must reopen.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Few would argue that children are the future. Fall approaches and many schools across the nation will not reopen which means millions of children will be denied a rite of passage that runs concurrently with brain development. Neurological science has proved time and again that brain plasticity is at its apex during early childhood when learning begins at school and recent advances in MRI imaging support the science that critical windows in childhood brain growth will be missed forever via sensory deprivation if certain criteria are not met on time.

One crucial criterion is entry into a school setting where education is the important software downloaded into the hardware of a childhood brain. That educational software determines the personhood of the child as exposure not just to rote learning but to interactive relationships with others becomes paramount. Children learn to follow rules where respect for authority and consideration for peers are necessary aspects of living and learning.

Delaying this tender-age process has consequences, both interpersonal and societal. Because the neurological hardware of the developing human brain progresses at a fixed rate, it is important to target learning to coincide with the phenomenon. Both white and gray matter form in the early brain and are influenced by early experiences that have permanent outcomes on personality and intelligence.

In addition, there is considerable evidence demonstrating the importance of school breakfast programs on child brain health. Breakfast a child may not get at home provides the fuel that powers cognitive function vital to both short and long-term memory fundamental to learning ability. Any interruption in this time-tested recipe could have vast negative ramifications for a generation of children.

Going out on a limb, one can surmise that teachers are not a monolithic group under the control of public sector unions with an election-year agenda. Many have children of their own and are bright enough to realize what is at stake here if mass hysteria prevails and schools are locked down to hide from a virus that is more political than biological.

If schools do not reopen this year, innocent children will be sacrificed as human shields to unseat an unpopular president perceived as a threat to an economic and ideological corporate machine that has been running out of control for more than half a century. Schools in our state should open their doors.

Thank you to the teachers who gave me the tools to write this.
Few would argue that children are the future. Fall approaches and many schools across the nation will not reopen which means millions of children will be denied a rite of passage that runs concurrently with brain development. Neurological science has proved time and again that brain plasticity is at its apex during early childhood when learning begins at school and recent advances in MRI imaging support the science that critical windows in childhood brain growth will be missed forever via sensory deprivation if certain criteria are not met on time.

One crucial criterion is entry into a school setting where education is the important software downloaded into the hardware of a childhood brain. That educational software determines the personhood of the child as exposure not just to rote learning but to interactive relationships with others becomes paramount. Children learn to follow rules where respect for authority and consideration for peers are necessary aspects of living and learning.

Delaying this tender-age process has consequences, both interpersonal and societal. Because the neurological hardware of the developing human brain progresses at a fixed rate, it is important to target learning to coincide with the phenomenon. Both white and gray matter form in the early brain and are influenced by early experiences that have permanent outcomes on personality and intelligence.

In addition, there is considerable evidence demonstrating the importance of school breakfast programs on child brain health. Breakfast a child may not get at home provides the fuel that powers cognitive function vital to both short and long-term memory fundamental to learning ability. Any interruption in this time-tested recipe could have vast negative ramifications for a generation of children.

Going out on a limb, one can surmise that teachers are not a monolithic group under the control of public sector unions with an election-year agenda. Many have children of their own and are bright enough to realize what is at stake here if mass hysteria prevails and schools are locked down to hide from a virus that is more political than biological.

If schools do not reopen this year, innocent children will be sacrificed as human shields to unseat an unpopular president perceived as a threat to an economic and ideological corporate machine that has been running out of control for more than half a century. Schools in our state should open their doors.

Thank you to the teachers who gave me the tools to write this.
Fantastic post, Ray. Thank you. Your posts are always a joy to read.
Few would argue that children are the future.

A bleak future awaits us all.

Yeah I posted that schools must open also, and was told I was stupid and called a POS for suggesting it, even by people that call themselves conservative.
Oh my, what in the world did humans do before school was free to all? Did they just turn into mush their entire lives according to the "experts"?

Few would argue that children are the future.

A bleak future awaits us all.

View attachment 374849
That kid is really in trouble because the Wii is a very old console he should have gotten a WiiU or a Sling...Why are there so many people that made a lot of dough that dropped out of school?

  • Richard Branson dropped out at 15.
  • David Karp dropped out at 15. ...
  • Aretha Franklin dropped out at 15. ...
  • Joe Lewis dropped out at 15. ...
  • Mike Hudack dropped out at 16. ...
  • Philip Emeagwali dropped out at 13. ...
  • Quentin Tarantino dropped out at 15. ..
Few would argue that children are the future.

A bleak future awaits us all.

View attachment 374849
Is that a boy or a girl? It's getting harder and harder to tell.

Don't try to force your hetero-normative stereotypes on children! That chubby, little zygote can be any gender it wants to be, whenever it wants to be.
I asked a question, and you call the kid an "IT" and have a frothing at the mouth melt down proclaiming children shouldn't understand if they're male or female.

Few would argue that children are the future. Fall approaches and many schools across the nation will not reopen which means millions of children will be denied a rite of passage that runs concurrently with brain development. Neurological science has proved time and again that brain plasticity is at its apex during early childhood when learning begins at school and recent advances in MRI imaging support the science that critical windows in childhood brain growth will be missed forever via sensory deprivation if certain criteria are not met on time.

One crucial criterion is entry into a school setting where education is the important software downloaded into the hardware of a childhood brain. That educational software determines the personhood of the child as exposure not just to rote learning but to interactive relationships with others becomes paramount. Children learn to follow rules where respect for authority and consideration for peers are necessary aspects of living and learning.

Delaying this tender-age process has consequences, both interpersonal and societal. Because the neurological hardware of the developing human brain progresses at a fixed rate, it is important to target learning to coincide with the phenomenon. Both white and gray matter form in the early brain and are influenced by early experiences that have permanent outcomes on personality and intelligence.

In addition, there is considerable evidence demonstrating the importance of school breakfast programs on child brain health. Breakfast a child may not get at home provides the fuel that powers cognitive function vital to both short and long-term memory fundamental to learning ability. Any interruption in this time-tested recipe could have vast negative ramifications for a generation of children.

Going out on a limb, one can surmise that teachers are not a monolithic group under the control of public sector unions with an election-year agenda. Many have children of their own and are bright enough to realize what is at stake here if mass hysteria prevails and schools are locked down to hide from a virus that is more political than biological.

If schools do not reopen this year, innocent children will be sacrificed as human shields to unseat an unpopular president perceived as a threat to an economic and ideological corporate machine that has been running out of control for more than half a century. Schools in our state should open their doors.

Thank you to the teachers who gave me the tools to write this.
You are still in school?
Few would argue that children are the future.

A bleak future awaits us all.

View attachment 374849
Is that a boy or a girl? It's getting harder and harder to tell.

Don't try to force your hetero-normative stereotypes on children! That chubby, little zygote can be any gender it wants to be, whenever it wants to be.
I asked a question, and you call the kid an "IT" and have a frothing at the mouth melt down proclaiming children shouldn't understand if they're male or female.


I was being sarcastic. Sorry, I should have been more clear.
  • Thanks
Reactions: 007
Few would argue that children are the future.

A bleak future awaits us all.

View attachment 374849
That kid is really in trouble because the Wii is a very old console he should have gotten a WiiU or a Sling...Why are there so many people that made a lot of dough that dropped out of school?

  • Richard Branson dropped out at 15.
  • David Karp dropped out at 15. ...
  • Aretha Franklin dropped out at 15. ...
  • Joe Lewis dropped out at 15. ...
  • Mike Hudack dropped out at 16. ...
  • Philip Emeagwali dropped out at 13. ...
  • Quentin Tarantino dropped out at 15. ..

Few would argue that children are the future.

A bleak future awaits us all.

View attachment 374849
That kid is really in trouble because the Wii is a very old console he should have gotten a WiiU or a Sling...Why are there so many people that made a lot of dough that dropped out of school?

  • Richard Branson dropped out at 15.
  • David Karp dropped out at 15. ...
  • Aretha Franklin dropped out at 15. ...
  • Joe Lewis dropped out at 15. ...
  • Mike Hudack dropped out at 16. ...
  • Philip Emeagwali dropped out at 13. ...
  • Quentin Tarantino dropped out at 15. ..
Please note that a prudent reading of the piece will reveal it supports basic schooling, kindergarten to middle school where the foundations of learning are laid. It in no way cheerleads for endless state education.

If we didn't have underpaid everyday teachers our society would still be communicating with grunts and hand gestures. Most successful dropouts went to grammar school.
Few would argue that children are the future.

A bleak future awaits us all.

View attachment 374849
That kid is really in trouble because the Wii is a very old console he should have gotten a WiiU or a Sling...Why are there so many people that made a lot of dough that dropped out of school?

  • Richard Branson dropped out at 15.
  • David Karp dropped out at 15. ...
  • Aretha Franklin dropped out at 15. ...
  • Joe Lewis dropped out at 15. ...
  • Mike Hudack dropped out at 16. ...
  • Philip Emeagwali dropped out at 13. ...
  • Quentin Tarantino dropped out at 15. ..
Please note that a prudent reading of the piece stressed the importance of basic schooling, 5-
Few would argue that children are the future.

A bleak future awaits us all.

View attachment 374849
That kid is really in trouble because the Wii is a very old console he should have gotten a WiiU or a Sling...Why are there so many people that made a lot of dough that dropped out of school?

  • Richard Branson dropped out at 15.
  • David Karp dropped out at 15. ...
  • Aretha Franklin dropped out at 15. ...
  • Joe Lewis dropped out at 15. ...
  • Mike Hudack dropped out at 16. ...
  • Philip Emeagwali dropped out at 13. ...
  • Quentin Tarantino dropped out at 15. ..
Please note that a prudent reading of the piece will reveal it supports basic schooling, kindergarten to middle school where the foundations of learning are laid. It in no way cheerleads for endless state education.

If we didn't have underpaid everyday teachers our society would still be communicating with grunts and hand gestures. Most successful dropouts went to grammar school.
Then do tell me why the Republicans are always so eager to cut funding for education if this is such a priority and so important of a factor in society? The governor of Missouri cut 220 million from the budget from school this year alone and furloughed 500 employees. Seems as though the Republicans do not share you ideology on education.
I somewhat agree with the o.p. However, we have a president who's let the pandemic get totally out of hand. Go Biden in November and let's hope he can undo some of what this trump train wreck has bestowed upon us.
Few would argue that children are the future.

A bleak future awaits us all.

View attachment 374849
That kid is really in trouble because the Wii is a very old console he should have gotten a WiiU or a Sling...Why are there so many people that made a lot of dough that dropped out of school?

  • Richard Branson dropped out at 15.
  • David Karp dropped out at 15. ...
  • Aretha Franklin dropped out at 15. ...
  • Joe Lewis dropped out at 15. ...
  • Mike Hudack dropped out at 16. ...
  • Philip Emeagwali dropped out at 13. ...
  • Quentin Tarantino dropped out at 15. ..
Please note that a prudent reading of the piece stressed the importance of basic schooling, 5-
Few would argue that children are the future.

A bleak future awaits us all.

View attachment 374849
That kid is really in trouble because the Wii is a very old console he should have gotten a WiiU or a Sling...Why are there so many people that made a lot of dough that dropped out of school?

  • Richard Branson dropped out at 15.
  • David Karp dropped out at 15. ...
  • Aretha Franklin dropped out at 15. ...
  • Joe Lewis dropped out at 15. ...
  • Mike Hudack dropped out at 16. ...
  • Philip Emeagwali dropped out at 13. ...
  • Quentin Tarantino dropped out at 15. ..
Please note that a prudent reading of the piece will reveal it supports basic schooling, kindergarten to middle school where the foundations of learning are laid. It in no way cheerleads for endless state education.

If we didn't have underpaid everyday teachers our society would still be communicating with grunts and hand gestures. Most successful dropouts went to grammar school.
Then do tell me why the Republicans are always so eager to cut funding for education if this is such a priority and so important of a factor in society? The governor of Missouri cut 220 million from the budget from school this year alone and furloughed 500 employees. Seems as though the Republicans do not share you ideology on education.
Are you suggesting I am a Republican? If you are it is news to me.
Few would argue that children are the future. Fall approaches and many schools across the nation will not reopen which means millions of children will be denied a rite of passage that runs concurrently with brain development. Neurological science has proved time and again that brain plasticity is at its apex during early childhood when learning begins at school and recent advances in MRI imaging support the science that critical windows in childhood brain growth will be missed forever via sensory deprivation if certain criteria are not met on time.

One crucial criterion is entry into a school setting where education is the important software downloaded into the hardware of a childhood brain. That educational software determines the personhood of the child as exposure not just to rote learning but to interactive relationships with others becomes paramount. Children learn to follow rules where respect for authority and consideration for peers are necessary aspects of living and learning.

Delaying this tender-age process has consequences, both interpersonal and societal. Because the neurological hardware of the developing human brain progresses at a fixed rate, it is important to target learning to coincide with the phenomenon. Both white and gray matter form in the early brain and are influenced by early experiences that have permanent outcomes on personality and intelligence.

In addition, there is considerable evidence demonstrating the importance of school breakfast programs on child brain health. Breakfast a child may not get at home provides the fuel that powers cognitive function vital to both short and long-term memory fundamental to learning ability. Any interruption in this time-tested recipe could have vast negative ramifications for a generation of children.

Going out on a limb, one can surmise that teachers are not a monolithic group under the control of public sector unions with an election-year agenda. Many have children of their own and are bright enough to realize what is at stake here if mass hysteria prevails and schools are locked down to hide from a virus that is more political than biological.

If schools do not reopen this year, innocent children will be sacrificed as human shields to unseat an unpopular president perceived as a threat to an economic and ideological corporate machine that has been running out of control for more than half a century. Schools in our state should open their doors.

Thank you to the teachers who gave me the tools to write this.
the"future" isn't going to be derailed if the start of the school year is delayed

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