Scene: Science Has Spoken So Shut Your Mouth.


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2015
Scene: Science Has Spoken So Shut Your Mouth
October 23, 2021

A high brow cafe near the University of California at Berkeley where political
activist Secular Humanist scientists gather to pontificate, preach, plan, and

John Citizen Goode, sitting nearby sipping soda and listening to the ongoing
conversation, leans over and says to his friend:
"We're hearing slick Sammy Science's subtle sham shell game being propagated
here. Somebody ought to write a book entitled How Slick Sammy Science Slithers
Hither And Thither To Push on The Public His Personal Political Plans By Craftily
Claiming He Has Science On His Side."

The conversations in the cafe drones on and on . . . . .

"I don't agree with your conclusions on this issue", suddenly said John Citizen Goode.

"Shut your mouth. we have the Science on our side and you don't", screamed Professor
Samuel Slicke Hitla, "you will therefore bow down to our authority."

"I totally agree with that", upspoke Professor Badd Bobby Brainy Himla, "the ends justify
the means, and we're out to save humanity from themselves."

"Yes indeed", replied Professor Madd Muse A. Leanie, "we must save humanity with laws
enforced by police with guns."

"Count me in on that too,", muttered Professor A. Stealthy Staalinn, "the masses are
science-ignorant fools, especially religious people, and they must be controlled by force of

John Citizen Goode turns and says to his friend:
"If you dare oppose these science-tyrants and their science-bigotry, they will create an evil
name for you. They'll label you a Science Denier and then use that to do their best to destroy
you, to ruin your reputation, to destroy your influence, even to get you fired from your job if they
can. When you stop and think about it, we have Science Nazis on our trail and they want to hurt
and destroy us because we dare to oppose THEM.

John Citizen Goode, still taking to his friend, concludes the scene . . . . .
"All evil dictators who desire to be your Lord and Master, claim to have Science on their side. Their
message to you is, we know the truth and you don't, so we need to control you because we know
so much more than you do ~ and its in your long term best interest if you obey us for we have the
Science on our side and you don't. Adolph Hitler was able to recruit more followers among educated
Germans by claiming that Science was on his side. Hitler had highly educated scientists with earned
degrees from reputable universities telling the world that Hitler had the Science on his side.
And enough of the world's gullible bowed down to Hitler's scientists and to his other
We-Have-The-Truth-And-You-Don't-Experts ~ resulting in the world giving birth to hideous Nazism
and Nazism giving birth to the evil racist filthy Nazi Eugenics murder machine. John Cornwell wrote
a book on that entitled Hitler's Scientists."



Scene: Science Has Spoken So Shut Your Mouth
October 23, 2021

A high brow cafe near the University of California at Berkeley where political
activist Secular Humanist scientists gather to pontificate, preach, plan, and

John Citizen Goode, sitting nearby sipping soda and listening to the ongoing
conversation, leans over and says to his friend:
"We're hearing slick Sammy Science's subtle sham shell game being propagated
here. Somebody ought to write a book entitled How Slick Sammy Science Slithers
Hither And Thither To Push on The Public His Personal Political Plans By Craftily
Claiming He Has Science On His Side."

The conversations in the cafe drones on and on . . . . .

"I don't agree with your conclusions on this issue", suddenly said John Citizen Goode.

"Shut your mouth. we have the Science on our side and you don't", screamed Professor
Samuel Slicke Hitla, "you will therefore bow down to our authority."

"I totally agree with that", upspoke Professor Badd Bobby Brainy Himla, "the ends justify
the means, and we're out to save humanity from themselves."

"Yes indeed", replied Professor Madd Muse A. Leanie, "we must save humanity with laws
enforced by police with guns."

"Count me in on that too,", muttered Professor A. Stealthy Staalinn, "the masses are
science-ignorant fools, especially religious people, and they must be controlled by force of

John Citizen Goode turns and says to his friend:
"If you dare oppose these science-tyrants and their science-bigotry, they will create an evil
name for you. They'll label you a Science Denier and then use that to do their best to destroy
you, to ruin your reputation, to destroy your influence, even to get you fired from your job if they
can. When you stop and think about it, we have Science Nazis on our trail and they want to hurt
and destroy us because we dare to oppose THEM.

John Citizen Goode, still taking to his friend, concludes the scene . . . . .
"All evil dictators who desire to be your Lord and Master, claim to have Science on their side. Their
message to you is, we know the truth and you don't, so we need to control you because we know
so much more than you do ~ and its in your long term best interest if you obey us for we have the
Science on our side and you don't. Adolph Hitler was able to recruit more followers among educated
Germans by claiming that Science was on his side. Hitler had highly educated scientists with earned
degrees from reputable universities telling the world that Hitler had the Science on his side.
And enough of the world's gullible bowed down to Hitler's scientists and to his other
We-Have-The-Truth-And-You-Don't-Experts ~ resulting in the world giving birth to hideous Nazism
and Nazism giving birth to the evil racist filthy Nazi Eugenics murder machine. John Cornwell wrote
a book on that entitled Hitler's Scientists."



Silly paranoia. A bevy of scare tactics and excuses for not being able to support magical fetishes with evidence in the one arena where evidence is all that matters. Trying to transfer the responsibility for the failure of your deviant, magical beliefs to others, instead of where it belongs: on you.
Scene: Science Has Spoken So Shut Your Mouth
October 23, 2021

A high brow cafe near the University of California at Berkeley where political
activist Secular Humanist scientists gather to pontificate, preach, plan, and

John Citizen Goode, sitting nearby sipping soda and listening to the ongoing
conversation, leans over and says to his friend:
"We're hearing slick Sammy Science's subtle sham shell game being propagated
here. Somebody ought to write a book entitled How Slick Sammy Science Slithers
Hither And Thither To Push on The Public His Personal Political Plans By Craftily
Claiming He Has Science On His Side."

The conversations in the cafe drones on and on . . . . .

"I don't agree with your conclusions on this issue", suddenly said John Citizen Goode.

"Shut your mouth. we have the Science on our side and you don't", screamed Professor
Samuel Slicke Hitla, "you will therefore bow down to our authority."

"I totally agree with that", upspoke Professor Badd Bobby Brainy Himla, "the ends justify
the means, and we're out to save humanity from themselves."

"Yes indeed", replied Professor Madd Muse A. Leanie, "we must save humanity with laws
enforced by police with guns."

"Count me in on that too,", muttered Professor A. Stealthy Staalinn, "the masses are
science-ignorant fools, especially religious people, and they must be controlled by force of

John Citizen Goode turns and says to his friend:
"If you dare oppose these science-tyrants and their science-bigotry, they will create an evil
name for you. They'll label you a Science Denier and then use that to do their best to destroy
you, to ruin your reputation, to destroy your influence, even to get you fired from your job if they
can. When you stop and think about it, we have Science Nazis on our trail and they want to hurt
and destroy us because we dare to oppose THEM.

John Citizen Goode, still taking to his friend, concludes the scene . . . . .
"All evil dictators who desire to be your Lord and Master, claim to have Science on their side. Their
message to you is, we know the truth and you don't, so we need to control you because we know
so much more than you do ~ and its in your long term best interest if you obey us for we have the
Science on our side and you don't. Adolph Hitler was able to recruit more followers among educated
Germans by claiming that Science was on his side. Hitler had highly educated scientists with earned
degrees from reputable universities telling the world that Hitler had the Science on his side.
And enough of the world's gullible bowed down to Hitler's scientists and to his other
We-Have-The-Truth-And-You-Don't-Experts ~ resulting in the world giving birth to hideous Nazism
and Nazism giving birth to the evil racist filthy Nazi Eugenics murder machine. John Cornwell wrote
a book on that entitled Hitler's Scientists."



Eugenics is much older than the Nazis.

Eugenics - HISTORY
Nov 14, 2017 · Eugenics made its first official appearance in American history through marriage laws. In 1896, Connecticut made it illegal for people with epilepsy or who were “feeble-minded” to marry.
The Complicated History of Eugenics in the United States ...

Jun 11, 2021 · The Complicated History of Eugenics in the United States. Most would agree that the future of the human race depends on the capability of its offspring. At the turn of the 20th century, with the rise of the eugenics movement, this premise was taken to a logical yet dismal conclusion: the human race could be improved if only the genetically ...
Silly paranoia. A bevy of scare tactics and excuses for not being able to support magical fetishes with evidence in the one arena where evidence is all that matters. Trying to transfer the responsibility for the failure of your deviant, magical beliefs to others, instead of where it belongs: on you.
deny, deflect, twist to suit=SCUM demonRATS....YOU
Silly paranoia. A bevy of scare tactics and excuses for not being able to support magical fetishes with evidence in the one arena where evidence is all that matters. Trying to transfer the responsibility for the failure of your deviant, magical beliefs to others, instead of where it belongs: on you.
MY OP is much more impressive than your tiny post's sputtering.


Bankers also played a major role in Hitler's success. Without the bankers even his so called scientist would not have gotten anywhere. The love of money being the root of all evil I'd say take the bankers out of it and the eugenicist like Hitler or other elitist have nothing.

Silly paranoia. A bevy of scare tactics and excuses for not being able to support magical fetishes with evidence in the one arena where evidence is all that matters. Trying to transfer the responsibility for the failure of your deviant, magical beliefs to others, instead of where it belongs: on you.
If evidence is all that matters simply prove through a demonstration of evidences that God does not exist and the entirety of creation came from nothing through random chaos and violence. Easy Peasy. Has science ever reproduced life from non living matter as claimed? Has science ever documented the LAW OF EVOLUTION, a theory that is claimed as a fact of science?

Indeed EVIDENE is all that matters. :eusa_think: Has science ever proven that all warm blooded life came from cold blooded life? Has science ever demonstrated that all complex life evolved from single cell life? Has science ever proven that biological life that requires both male and female to reproduce evolved from life that reproduces "asexually"?

And while you are "proving things" through science..........use science to falsify the creation model found in scriptures, yet its easy to present the science that falsifies the theory that life came from non living matter, as there has been 1000s of such experiments attempting to reproduce life void of biogenesis....."EVERY" such experiment was and remains "UNSUCCESSFUL" and falsified via the facts that science produces.

Will you attempt to TRANSFER your responsibility to science..........and deflect by offering nothing but more personal ad hominem insults? :dunno: A "Magical Fetish" would be to claim that EVERYTHING came from NOTHING.......that all life evolved from Hydrogen (the major element found in stars). That all order that is found in life.....came about from violent random chaos......
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If evidence is all that matters simply prove through a demonstration of evidences that God does not exist and the entirety of creation came from nothing through random chaos and violence. Easy Peasy. Has science ever reproduced life from non living matter as claimed? Has science ever documented the LAW OF EVOLUTION, a theory that is claimed as a fact of science?

Indeed EVIDENE is all that matters. :eusa_think: Has science ever proven that all warm blooded life came from cold blooded life? Has science ever demonstrated that all complex life evolved from single cell life? Has science ever proven that biological life that requires both male and female to reproduce evolved from life that reproduces "asexually"?

And while you are "proving things" through science..........use science to falsify the creation model found in scriptures, yet its easy to present the science that falsifies the theory that life came from non living matter, as there has been 1000s of such experiments attempting to reproduce life void of biogenesis....."EVERY" such experiment was and remains "UNSUCCESSFUL" and falsified via the facts that science produces.

Will you attempt to TRANSFER your responsibility to science..........and deflect by offering nothing but more personal ad hominem insults? :dunno: A "Magical Fetish" would be to claim that EVERYTHING came from NOTHING.......that all life evolved from Hydrogen (the major element found in stars). That all order that is found in life.....came about from violent random chaos......

Elephant experts working in the park had begun to notice the phenomenon after the war ended in 1992. Field data and analysis of old video footage from the park found that the proportion of tuskless female elephants increased more than threefold between 1972 and the year 2000.

It was a period during which the elephant population plummeted from roughly 2,000 to about 250 individuals, said Ryan Long, an associate professor of wildlife sciences at the University of Idaho.

"During the war, Gorongosa was essentially the geographic center of the conflict," Long said via email. "As a result there were large numbers of soldiers in the area and a lot of associated motivation... to kill elephants and sell the ivory to purchase arms and ammunition. The resulting level of poaching was very intense."

Genetic signature

Scientists now have a better understanding of the genetic basis for this tusklessness and why it only appears to affect female elephants, according to a study that published in the journal Science on Thursday.
The analysis showed that tuskless females were over five times more likely to survive during the 28-year period than their tusked female counterparts, hence the adaptation was very unlikely to be a chance occurrence.

Silly paranoia. A bevy of scare tactics and excuses for not being able to support magical fetishes with evidence in the one arena where evidence is all that matters. Trying to transfer the responsibility for the failure of your deviant, magical beliefs to others, instead of where it belongs: on you.
Sounds familiar. Projection.

Elephant experts working in the park had begun to notice the phenomenon after the war ended in 1992. Field data and analysis of old video footage from the park found that the proportion of tuskless female elephants increased more than threefold between 1972 and the year 2000.

It was a period during which the elephant population plummeted from roughly 2,000 to about 250 individuals, said Ryan Long, an associate professor of wildlife sciences at the University of Idaho.

"During the war, Gorongosa was essentially the geographic center of the conflict," Long said via email. "As a result there were large numbers of soldiers in the area and a lot of associated motivation... to kill elephants and sell the ivory to purchase arms and ammunition. The resulting level of poaching was very intense."

Genetic signature

Scientists now have a better understanding of the genetic basis for this tusklessness and why it only appears to affect female elephants, according to a study that published in the journal Science on Thursday.
The analysis showed that tuskless females were over five times more likely to survive during the 28-year period than their tusked female counterparts, hence the adaptation was very unlikely to be a chance occurrence.

Elephants are EVOLVING? You mean adapting to their environment? And adapting via MUTATION......the taking away of DNA information, losing information instead of gaining any new information. Going from Tusks to Tuskless. You have presented no evidence of EVOLUTION (one species evolving into another species. Regardless of how many tusks an elephant may or may not have......its STILL AN ELEPHANT....deriving from one of two subspecies of elephant depending upon geographical location.....Loxodonta Africana if located in Africa or Elephas Maximus if located in Asia.

There is nothing new under the sun. The scriptures totally agree with the Pasteur model that proves biogenesis to be a fact of science. (Genesis 1:24-25)

You have just demonstrated the scriptures to be more in line with Science than your attempt to tell us that mutation withiin species is a sign of evolution. If man had not been given the capacity to adapt to his surroundings he would have became extinct with his first encounter of the common cold virus. There is no evidence that YOUR ELEPHANT evolved from a FISH.....which is the truth being taught if one takes Evolution to its illogical conclusions.

Life can only be reproduced from preexisting life from within the same species.....its a fact of science proven via Louis Pasteur in the 19th century, yet you insist that an elephant that is missing some dna traits, missing, not added unto but missing the perfect DNA that allows elephants to grow tusks proof of evolution? :abgg2q.jpg:

If I were going to PARROT some information........I would parrot information that was in line with whatever argument that I was attempting to present. All life is created with DNA that allows for adaptation .......within species. Why do you assume a male has mammary glands that are useless? Its because the DNA is there....but not activated when there is no need once the sex has been established.

Show me some evidence of a monkey evolving into a man. What? The monkeys that exist in the 21st century were just to stupid to evolve into men? Show me how a Croc has evolved form another life form over the eons of its us how the Peltdown man is evidence of the missing link.........or how the Coelacanth evolved from fish with no legs into ones that have legs...oh yeah that theory was debunked when the living fossil Coelacanth was discovered in the 30s........explain all the LIVING FOSSILS that have existed for eons without evolving into a new species......such as the dragon fly which has only gotten smaller but never evolved into a different species.....or how about a tree that has been dated as living long before any dinosaurs, the Gingko tree......... :eusa_think:

It was a nice attempt at a deflection away from the fact that Science cannot demonstrate where LIFE CAME FROM or how the Universe was created. But, really...........just HOW THINK DO YOU STUPID PEOPLE TO BE? :dunno: You are yet to present the Scientific Experiment that falsifies the creation model presented in Genesis. You still insist that everything came from NOTHING? And you charge others with believing in Dogma? :popcorn:
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Elephants are EVOLVING? You mean adapting to their environment? And adapting via MUTATION......the taking away of DNA information, losing information instead of gaining any new information
Every word of this shows that you know nothing about any of this.

First, adaptation IS evolution.

Second, no, the elephants are not necessarily losing any genetic information. They could in fact be gaining genes. There is no rule of evolution that says all species gain genes over time. That is a fantasy a child might think of, before being corrected by the teacher. Most likely these are just cases of genes being turned.on and off that will still reside in their genetic code. Yes, that is evolution.

And if the mountains of evidence that have convinced the entire global scientific community have not convinced you, that is because there is something wrong with your brain. That is a YOU problem.
Every word of this shows that you know nothing about any of this.

First, adaptation IS evolution.

Second, no, the elephants are not necessarily losing any genetic information. They could in fact be gaining genes. There is no rule of evolution that says all species gain genes over time. That is a fantasy a child might think of, before being corrected by the teacher. Most likely these are just cases of genes being turned.on and off that will still reside in their genetic code. Yes, that is evolution.

And if the mountains of evidence that have convinced the entire global scientific community have not convinced you, that is because there is something wrong with your brain. That is a YOU problem.
First line..........a personal ad hominem attack. Who'd a tunk it, from such a Scientific Mind? Indeed there is no scientific rule that states than any living animal can GAIN DNA information, that is the point. Again.........just how think do you stupid people to be? :abgg2q.jpg:

Show me some scientific evidence of this Elephant having EVOLVED from a different species of animal life. I shall be waiting.....but not impatiently. Adapting to one's environment is not EVOLUTION. Why do all the different races of men upon earth, even though they may have different colored skin.......... all have the SAME BLOOD that can be transfused from one race to another,...........answer: They are all MEN of the same species regardless of a few superficial adaptations. The Scriptures agree, " of all nations on earth have come from ONE BLOOD......" Acts 17:26

Thus far...........not one attempt to answer the questions through an application of science. Where did the energy/matter come from that made the Big Bang? How did life evolve from dead matter? How did warm blooded animals evolve from cold blooded animals? How did reproduction come from a single cell example of life that did not require 2 sexes to reproduce (Asexual) into an example of life that did require a male and a female to reproduce.....and where did the first male/female come from in the first place if all life came from a single celled example of life? :dunno:

Now deflect.......some more and use your ad hominem attacks but refuse to accept your responsibility to SCIENCE and prove the topics requested. Its your choice.
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