Saying Asians Are Good at Math Is Racist

Blacks are good at basketball.

Not really.

Sure you'll find 75% of African Americans in the NBA but you won’t find many West Africans or Carribbeans, who are certainly “blacker” and according to your theory basketball and blackness somehow run together.

In that case you'd expect West Africans to dominate the NBA and African teams to dominate Olympic basketball competition.

That don't. Why ?

No majority black nation makes the top 30 basketball rankings.


Even Brazil which has the highest blk population outside of Africa has only a couple of blk ppl in.

Asians are the ""Master Race''''--I love them!!!!!

If you believe this then
  • Asians should be the norm against which everyone else is judged. We should all want to be like Asians and copy them.
  • Asians should design the IQ tests by which the world is measured.
  • Asian governments should overthrow the governments of non-Asian countries for their own good. Asians know best.
  • We should get all of our ideas about other races and the world in general from Asian media.
  • World history and world news should be mainly Asian history and Asian news.
  • Hollywood films, which are seen worldwide, should have mostly Asian heroes. They should be Asian even in cases where the original character was non-Asian, because that is what sells.
  • For the same reason, they should make feel-good Asian Saviour films where a nice Asian person saves helpless White people. It is not racist, it is just business.
  • Fashion models should be mainly Asian.
  • Asian Americans should hold most of the top positions in US society: business, banking, government, media, education. Whites who do not like it can go back to Europe.
  • The Asian quota at top US universities should end, though maybe some non-Asians can be admitted for the sake of “diversity”
  • Non-Asian people should be looked down on, feared, laughed at, stereotyped, if not hated, shot, locked up
  • If Asians should kill or wipe out Whites, it is not a big deal: Whites kill each other all the time. Look at Hitler and Stalin and all those creepy White American serial killers.
But no White person seriously makes this sort of argument

Why ? It follows from the fact you think white people are inferior to Asians.
Asians are the ""Master Race''''--I love them!!!!!

If you believe this then
  • Asians should be the norm against which everyone else is judged. We should all want to be like Asians and copy them.
  • Asians should design the IQ tests by which the world is measured.
  • Asian governments should overthrow the governments of non-Asian countries for their own good. Asians know best.
  • We should get all of our ideas about other races and the world in general from Asian media.
  • World history and world news should be mainly Asian history and Asian news.
  • Hollywood films, which are seen worldwide, should have mostly Asian heroes. They should be Asian even in cases where the original character was non-Asian, because that is what sells.
  • For the same reason, they should make feel-good Asian Saviour films where a nice Asian person saves helpless White people. It is not racist, it is just business.
  • Fashion models should be mainly Asian.
  • Asian Americans should hold most of the top positions in US society: business, banking, government, media, education. Whites who do not like it can go back to Europe.
  • The Asian quota at top US universities should end, though maybe some non-Asians can be admitted for the sake of “diversity”
  • Non-Asian people should be looked down on, feared, laughed at, stereotyped, if not hated, shot, locked up
  • If Asians should kill or wipe out Whites, it is not a big deal: Whites kill each other all the time. Look at Hitler and Stalin and all those creepy White American serial killers.
But no White person seriously makes this sort of argument

Why ? It follows from the fact you think white people are inferior to Asians.
Eastern European Whites seem to be competitive in Basketball. Could be it is a tougher life if it parallels inner city basketball players.
Eastern European Whites seem to be competitive in Basketball. Could be it is a tougher life if it parallels inner city basketball players

Apart from USA who are by far the strongest basketball nation. Other strong nations are Spain, Australia. Argentina, Greece, not so much eastern Euros though Serbia are good.

Putting NBA players in the Olympics is wrong. It's like putting a prime Mike Tyson and Floyd Mayweather in the Olympic amateur boxing tournament.

Previously the USA entered college basketball players at the Olympics and they were still one of the best teams but they weren't winning gold.

That all changed with the dream team of 92 when they allowed the pros to play (Micheal Jordan, Larry Byrd, Magic J, Scottie Pippen, Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing etc) just an AWESOME, AWESOME team.

The USA have gold in all but one Olympic tournament since 92.

But blk ppl generally thrive in sports that feature three things
  1. Modest equipment investment
  2. High social and cultural approval
  3. Fame and wealth as a pro.
That's why young urban black athletes who are strong in sports keep gravitatating to the same five: basketball, football, baseball, track & field and increasingly tennis.

The fundamentals of these sports can be learned at a very young age

Thousands of hours can be spent practicing as a kid in the streets. The rewards for top talent can be scouted and developed from middle school on.

You just don't get the same community support or interest if you're black and happen to have an interest hockey, nascar or cycling

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