Say It Ain't So, Joe!


Gold Member
Oct 16, 2017
It Ain't So, Joe!

Joe Namath has been shilling for Big Insurance's Medicare (dis)Advantage bigtime. About 40% of Medicare recipients have now been misled into signing away their actual advantageous plans, never to return since the fix is in.

Joe Namath should be ashamed of himself. He’s supposed to be avoiding sacks. And instead, he’s sacking millions of seniors.” - Ralph Nader

“We need to expose the fact that the Affordable Care Act cannot be fixed, because inherent in it is this private for-profit insurance rip-off that continues to deny care and keeps us from getting to a system where our money actually goes for care instead of to the insurance companies.” - Kay Tillow, Unions for Single Payer Health Care

“That’s the key point in private health insurance. They make money by denying you care. Other companies make money by selling you stuff. But they make more money by denying you care and pocketing the premiums.”
It Ain't So, Joe!

Joe Namath has been shilling for Big Insurance's Medicare (dis)Advantage bigtime. About 40% of Medicare recipients have now been misled into signing away their actual advantageous plans, never to return since the fix is in.

Joe Namath should be ashamed of himself. He’s supposed to be avoiding sacks. And instead, he’s sacking millions of seniors.” - Ralph Nader

“We need to expose the fact that the Affordable Care Act cannot be fixed, because inherent in it is this private for-profit insurance rip-off that continues to deny care and keeps us from getting to a system where our money actually goes for care instead of to the insurance companies.” - Kay Tillow, Unions for Single Payer Health Care

“That’s the key point in private health insurance. They make money by denying you care. Other companies make money by selling you stuff. But they make more money by denying you care and pocketing the premiums.”

Those ads make me cringe. Namath is peddling government freebies as if he was a recipient, yet his net worth is $18 million.
It's not just Joe though. Read the transcript or (better!) listen to the show. Goddamned AARP, Unions, even nurses peddling this shit now. We've been programmed to do the billionaires' dirty work for them.

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