Saw that coming ...


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
So, I've often wondered if Trump and his backers weren't actually working to destroy the Republican party. Is this their endgame? They're going to lose the Senate too if they don't put a lid on their nutjobs.

EDIT: this is more to the point I was trying to make...
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I do not support Marshal Law.

If the fix is in, fine. I just don't want to hear one single bitch when the next election goes down in similar fashion and it's the other side cheating like a 20-year-old fake-tit trophy wife.
So, I've often wondered if Trump and his backers weren't actually working to destroy the Republican party. Is this their endgame? They're going to lose the Senate too if they don't put a lid on their nutjobs.

You assume those nutjobs don't represent a sizeable number of the Trump/GOP base.
I do not support Marshal Law.

If the fix is in, fine. I just don't want to hear one single bitch when the next election goes down in similar fashion and it's the other side cheating like a 20-year-old fake-tit trophy wife.

I was referring more to the video - which is Lin Wood telling Trump supporters to not vote in the GA runoffs.
So, I've often wondered if Trump and his backers weren't actually working to destroy the Republican party. Is this their endgame? They're going to lose the Senate too if they don't put a lid on their nutjobs.

You assume those nutjobs don't represent a sizeable number of the Trump/GOP base.

I'm not assuming anything at this point.
I do not support Marshal Law.

If the fix is in, fine. I just don't want to hear one single bitch when the next election goes down in similar fashion and it's the other side cheating like a 20-year-old fake-tit trophy wife.
So one has proven fraud in a court of law but you are ready to approve of... what, fraud, anarchy, voter intimidation, what?
So, I've often wondered if Trump and his backers weren't actually working to destroy the Republican party. Is this their endgame? They're going to lose the Senate too if they don't put a lid on their nutjobs.

You assume those nutjobs don't represent a sizeable number of the Trump/GOP base.
Yeah. This is a real problem going forward for the party, which will have to find a way to both stay relevant and placate a large percentage of the party that is simply not connected.
So, I've often wondered if Trump and his backers weren't actually working to destroy the Republican party. Is this their endgame? They're going to lose the Senate too if they don't put a lid on their nutjobs.

You assume those nutjobs don't represent a sizeable number of the Trump/GOP base.
Yeah. This is a real problem going forward for the party, which will have to find a way to both stay relevant and placate a large percentage of the party that is simply not connected.
Those deals with the Devil always involve "fine print".
So, I've often wondered if Trump and his backers weren't actually working to destroy the Republican party. Is this their endgame? They're going to lose the Senate too if they don't put a lid on their nutjobs.

I believe I read something earlier today, saying someone from the Trump team told them to chill out on the rhetoric.
So, I've often wondered if Trump and his backers weren't actually working to destroy the Republican party. Is this their endgame? They're going to lose the Senate too if they don't put a lid on their nutjobs.

How is massive Voter Fraud having anything to do with "Trump Destroying The Republican Party"?

We won 27 seats in The House. Trump won 83% of all counties in the US to Biden's 17%.

Trump got more votes than Obama did in both of his elections, and more than Clinton, and increased his votes from 2016-2020 by millions of votes and also got more votes than any sitting president in History.

If a fair & secure election is held in Georgia The GOP will retain The Senate and eliminate the advantage they had in The House.

The Scam & Fraud The Dems ran in these Democrat Cities in 6 states may have stolen and swapped up to 30% of the Vote. Do some simple math on that and you will get the actual vote totals. It was a Trump Landslide.

If this FRAUD can be completely exposed and we petition The Court of Heaven through prayer, Trump will be tapped on The Shoulder by God Himself and appointed President of The United States for 4 more years.
So, I've often wondered if Trump and his backers weren't actually working to destroy the Republican party. Is this their endgame? They're going to lose the Senate too if they don't put a lid on their nutjobs.

Wasn't an endorsement by Flynn.. It was a retweet to make certain that others had seen the ad calling for "martial law".. Very few patriots are gonna support that call..

So much horseshit going down today from everywhere and all sides.. Claims that Biden said he would quit if he disagreed with Harris and invent an disease to blame it on.. And THIS crap by a group that nobody's ever heard of before..

Twitter is a cesspool and public health hazard.. Needs to get nuked.. We'd all be better off...
So, I've often wondered if Trump and his backers weren't actually working to destroy the Republican party. Is this their endgame? They're going to lose the Senate too if they don't put a lid on their nutjobs.

Was that like a "Please, you Republicans. Be nice... Please no more Trumps. Just elect "nice" Republicans so we can be all "Kumbaya" and shit, ok?"?
So, I've often wondered if Trump and his backers weren't actually working to destroy the Republican party. Is this their endgame? They're going to lose the Senate too if they don't put a lid on their nutjobs.

How is massive Voter Fraud having anything to do with "Trump Destroying The Republican Party"?
The link has a video of Lin Wood telling Trump supporters to not vote in the GA runoffs, to punish the party for not supporting Trump.
So, I've often wondered if Trump and his backers weren't actually working to destroy the Republican party. Is this their endgame? They're going to lose the Senate too if they don't put a lid on their nutjobs.

How is massive Voter Fraud having anything to do with "Trump Destroying The Republican Party"?
The link has a video of Lin Wood telling Trump supporters to not vote in the GA runoffs, to punish the party for not supporting Trump.
That is the most idiotic thing anyone can do. You might as well invite Satan to dinner and seat him in The White House, which is exactly what you will get with Harris and Biden and control of Congress.
Trump is the crazy girl the GOP brought home after a night of drinking. She was a lot of fun, but the next day she's texting you every 10 minutes, and telling everyone that you're now a couple.
Don't be shocked if you see him inaugurated on Jan 20th amidst such overwhelming evidence of fraud.

He won more counties 83% than Biden who only won 17%.
He won more votes in presidential history than any sitting president. More votes than Clinton, more than both of Obama's Elections, he increased his vote totals by millions of votes over 2016, and if we do a forensic audit of the election he will have also won more votes than Fraud Biden.
So, I've often wondered if Trump and his backers weren't actually working to destroy the Republican party. Is this their endgame? They're going to lose the Senate too if they don't put a lid on their nutjobs.

How is massive Voter Fraud having anything to do with "Trump Destroying The Republican Party"?
The link has a video of Lin Wood telling Trump supporters to not vote in the GA runoffs, to punish the party for not supporting Trump.

Oh I KNOW about that part of the meltdown.. I was taking aim at the HEADLINE in the link you posted about some "constitutional convention" calling for martial law.. That's just amplified bullshit in terms of impact and NOT "endorsed by Gen Flynn" as your article states..
I think you posted the wrong link then dblack -- or didn't read the article. Because its not REALLY about the dust-up calling for Repubs to "sit out the Georgia run-off"... It's more about screwball calls to SUSPEND THE CONSTITUTION and have Trump declare "martial law".. Which almost NO patriots are in favor of.. Wouldn't want to meet the mental midgets that ARE in favor..

And sliming (once again) Gen Flynn with an ENDORSEMENT of this idiocy is just how bizarre and sketchy our "daily indignation" cycle has become...
I think you posted the wrong link then dblack -- or didn't read the article.

Yeah - I tried to link directly to the video - which, as I said, was Lin Wood calling for Trumpsters to abstain in the GA runoffs. Which seems incredibly stupid to me. But very predictable.

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So, I've often wondered if Trump and his backers weren't actually working to destroy the Republican party. Is this their endgame? They're going to lose the Senate too if they don't put a lid on their nutjobs.

EDIT: this is more to the point I was trying to make...

Not just the Republican Party, but the entire country. Divide one side against the other and bring it all down. It sure would punish those American bankers who wouldn't lend to him, wouldn't it?

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