Saudi Arabia says it intercepts missile attack over capital

Nasser was firmly in the US influence until the Lavon Affair. Eisenhower was going to finance the Aswan dam. Israel stopped that. When the truth finally came out Eisenhower was incensed.
Eisenhower was "INCENSED" against Egypt because some Israeli
freelancers set off some harmless smoke bombs in a closed library
in Egypt at night??? Gee Suradie-----how things have changed---
eleven people were murdered in the streets of Bnei Brak for the glory
of allah in the past few days and the USA yawned. I have tried to search out how funding a Dam in Egypt had anything at all to do with the "LAVON (non)EVENT" Eisenhower blamed Egypt? Russia was
supporting Nasser and his communist yearnings and imperialistic
designs------one would have thought the RUSSIA would have helped
build the dam. I did find some information in the form of opinion
pieces on the OVERWHELMING importance of the harmless smoke
bombs---but none made sense
Eisenhower was "INCENSED" against Egypt because some Israeli
freelancers set off some harmless smoke bombs in a closed library
in Egypt at night??? Gee Suradie-----how things have changed---
eleven people were murdered in the streets of Bnei Brak for the glory
of allah in the past few days and the USA yawned. I have tried to search out how funding a Dam in Egypt had anything at all to do with the "LAVON (non)EVENT" Eisenhower blamed Egypt? Russia was
supporting Nasser and his communist yearnings and imperialistic
designs------one would have thought the RUSSIA would have helped
build the dam. I did find some information in the form of opinion
pieces on the OVERWHELMING importance of the harmless smoke
bombs---but none made sense
Not until Eisenhower cancelled his financial aid for the Aswan dam. Maybe the Israelis thought setting off smoke bombs and blaming the Arabs was cute.
Not until Eisenhower cancelled his financial aid for the Aswan dam. Maybe the Israelis thought setting off smoke bombs and blaming the Arabs was cute.
Israel blamed the arabs? -----you got a citation----I believe that the
Prime Minister at that time was Ben Gurion -----it is also a fact that
the players who survived that little purim-play lost out politically.
Are you enjoying the ramadan celebration murders in B'nei Brak
Not until Eisenhower cancelled his financial aid for the Aswan dam. Maybe the Israelis thought setting off smoke bombs and blaming the Arabs was cute.
to WHAT does your statement "Not until Eisenhower cancelled his financial aid for the Aswan dam". refer? It is just as senseless
as the assertion that the LAVON PRANK smokebombs fomented
a WAR. I would appreciated it if you would advise your friendly
murderers in B'nei Brak to resort to SMOKE BOMBS in their ramadan
adulations of ALLAH
Israel blamed the arabs? -----you got a citation----I believe that the
Prime Minister at that time was Ben Gurion -----it is also a fact that
the players who survived that little purim-play lost out politically.
Are you enjoying the ramadan celebration murders in B'nei Brak

to WHAT does your statement "Not until Eisenhower cancelled his financial aid for the Aswan dam". refer? It is just as senseless
as the assertion that the LAVON PRANK smokebombs fomented
a WAR. I would appreciated it if you would advise your friendly
murderers in B'nei Brak to resort to SMOKE BOMBS in their ramadan
adulations of ALLAH
How many buildings did the Jews bomb in Egypt?
another outdated political opinion piece. I cannot find the
"LOGIC" Do you think the highly celebrated murder of eleven
Israelis this week in B'nei Brak will have any EFFECT on "the muslims"
other than a spate of ramadan recipes on the net? Lots of people
I have run into over the past 50 years did not even notice the
starvation murders of more than a million christian babies in
Nigeria for the GLORY OF ALLAH
for those out there in cyberspace-----Suradie is citing
critique's of "SAGE" by ---sage. To date I have never
seen a "sage citation" in any serious science or poliltical

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