Santorum compares himself to Mandela


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Because, you know - Obamacare is just like apartheid, I shit you not.

Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison, 18 of them in a small cell on Robben Island, fighting the curse of South African apartheid. Rick Santorum has spent hours in TV studios fighting the curse of millions of poor Americans acquiring healthcare insurance.

The parallels are too obvious to ignore. At least if you are Rick Santorum.

Mandela, he told Fox News within hours of the great man’s death, “was fighting against some great injustice. I would make the argument that we have a great injustice going on right now in this country with an ever-increasing size of government that is taking over and controlling people’s lives — and Obamacare is front and center in that.”

For implicitly comparing his own heroic efforts to block Obamacare to Mandela’s struggle against minority white rule in South Africa, Santorum was granted by Twitter users the award for most tone-deaf response.

Rick Santorum compares Obamacare to apartheid in clumsy Mandela tribute | World news |

I really can't add anything.

Mostly because I'm laughing too hard to type. And the big-assed eyerolls make it difficult to focus.
Frothy is a complete idiot. Hard to believe he was actually the front runner for president for a little while,...
Frothy is a complete idiot. Hard to believe he was actually the front runner for president for a little while,...

Consider who the alternative was.

Now here's the thing. Santorum might be a religous nut who is too full of himself, but he was the only guy on the GOP side who understood real people were hurting in the recession.

But much like Huckabee, the GOP establishment and masters just want to make life better for the rich. They don't want the religous nuts getting into any power.

(*- Romney was the biggest nut of them all- a Mormon - but he kept the nuttiness in the closet.)

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