Sanders Hasn’t the Strength To Wrest Control Of the U.S. Government From 0.1%


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Sanders Hasn’t the Strength To Wrest Control Of the U.S. Government From 0.1%

The GOP is wholly owned by the 0.1% and the long-serving Democrats are also the hip-pockets of the super-rich. Sanders has been in the Senate long enough he should realize this, and that by the time most politicians reach the U.S. congress, they are financially obligated to do the bidding of the 0.1% and Big Business.

Most Americans do not understand the difference between true socialism and the dictatorial rule of the world’s communist regimes of this and the last century. This particular tidbit of information has been carefully drown out by corporate media, and so, keeps the extremely simple-minded among us fiercely protective of the predatory capitalism operated by the 0.1%, which crushes the (figurative) nuts off average citizens (the 99.9%)

So, while Sanders is enjoying his current position as front-runner for the Democratic nomination, the fat cats are working with DNC leaders to field another yes man like Obama in November, The 0.1% controlled his administration through their man Biden. And, while many tout the Affordable Care Act as Obama’s success, the ACA never put a dent in the massive profits raked in by the 0.1 percent’s predatory capitalism healthcare division.

Sanders is bucking a system that progressives understand is rigged in favor of a handful of billionaires, and savagely protected by the majority of moderates and nearly 100% of right-wingers. Both of these groups measure the economic success of the American people by the financial gains of the 0.1%, and totally ignore the ever-widening wealth gap.

There is no point in debating the issue with the 0.1 percent’s loyal defenders, the low and middle income moderates and conservatives are too far up the a$$es$ of the fat cats to help their own deteriorating situation.

After Bernie Sanders' landslide Nevada win, it's time for Democrats to unite behind him

Fools, protecting forever-war profiteers' predatory capitalism for over one hundred years,

Don't "misunderestimate" the power of the presidency. Pocahontas is already saying that the 60-vote senate filibuster rule would be gone if she wins. Hopefully Mitch keeps his majority. Even then, the president can hire and fire at will to get his people in key cabinet positions. Even Trump, with no party apparatus, used his family to advantage in the early days of his presidency to staff the WH.
Sanders Hasn’t the Strength To Wrest Control Of the U.S. Government From 0.1%

The GOP is wholly owned by the 0.1% and the long-serving Democrats are also the hip-pockets of the super-rich. Sanders has been in the Senate long enough he should realize this, and that by the time most politicians reach the U.S. congress, they are financially obligated to do the bidding of the 0.1% and Big Business.

Most Americans do not understand the difference between true socialism and the dictatorial rule of the world’s communist regimes of this and the last century. This particular tidbit of information has been carefully drown out by corporate media, and so, keeps the extremely simple-minded among us fiercely protective of the predatory capitalism operated by the 0.1%, which crushes the (figurative) nuts off average citizens (the 99.9%)

So, while Sanders is enjoying his current position as front-runner for the Democratic nomination, the fat cats are working with DNC leaders to field another yes man like Obama in November, The 0.1% controlled his administration through their man Biden. And, while many tout the Affordable Care Act as Obama’s success, the ACA never put a dent in the massive profits raked in by the 0.1 percent’s predatory capitalism healthcare division.

Sanders is bucking a system that progressives understand is rigged in favor of a handful of billionaires, and savagely protected by the majority of moderates and nearly 100% of right-wingers. Both of these groups measure the economic success of the American people by the financial gains of the 0.1%, and totally ignore the ever-widening wealth gap.

There is no point in debating the issue with the 0.1 percent’s loyal defenders, the low and middle income moderates and conservatives are too far up the a$$es$ of the fat cats to help their own deteriorating situation.

After Bernie Sanders' landslide Nevada win, it's time for Democrats to unite behind him

Fools, protecting forever-war profiteers' predatory capitalism for over one hundred years,
View attachment 308376


"The GOP is wholly owned by the 0.1% "

and yet 2 of the candidates could buy and sell Trump with pocket change.

Your argument falls flat on it's face.
Sanders Hasn’t the Strength To Wrest Control Of the U.S. Government From 0.1%

The GOP is wholly owned by the 0.1% and the long-serving Democrats are also the hip-pockets of the super-rich. Sanders has been in the Senate long enough he should realize this, and that by the time most politicians reach the U.S. congress, they are financially obligated to do the bidding of the 0.1% and Big Business.

Most Americans do not understand the difference between true socialism and the dictatorial rule of the world’s communist regimes of this and the last century. This particular tidbit of information has been carefully drown out by corporate media, and so, keeps the extremely simple-minded among us fiercely protective of the predatory capitalism operated by the 0.1%, which crushes the (figurative) nuts off average citizens (the 99.9%)

So, while Sanders is enjoying his current position as front-runner for the Democratic nomination, the fat cats are working with DNC leaders to field another yes man like Obama in November, The 0.1% controlled his administration through their man Biden. And, while many tout the Affordable Care Act as Obama’s success, the ACA never put a dent in the massive profits raked in by the 0.1 percent’s predatory capitalism healthcare division.

Sanders is bucking a system that progressives understand is rigged in favor of a handful of billionaires, and savagely protected by the majority of moderates and nearly 100% of right-wingers. Both of these groups measure the economic success of the American people by the financial gains of the 0.1%, and totally ignore the ever-widening wealth gap.

There is no point in debating the issue with the 0.1 percent’s loyal defenders, the low and middle income moderates and conservatives are too far up the a$$es$ of the fat cats to help their own deteriorating situation.

After Bernie Sanders' landslide Nevada win, it's time for Democrats to unite behind him

Fools, protecting forever-war profiteers' predatory capitalism for over one hundred years,
View attachment 308376


"Everyone" seems to believe that Bernie Sanders, if elected POTUS, would somehow single-handedly usher in or force some kind of socio-communist change of our American government, almost like a real life reenactment of the Bolshevik Revolution. But the truth is . . . such a thing is and would remain next to impossible without the support of a majority of our military forces. And that's not happening. Even for President Bernie to get to the point where he could fully open our borders or implement universal healthcare or seize firearms on a mass scale, both houses of Congress and the Judicial Branch would have to almost be fully on board with his madness. The likelihood of that happening is very, very low. Most likely a Bernie presidency would look a lot like the Trump presidency in that little real political work would be accomplished for the American People because both democrats and republicans would spend all of their time trying to thwart Bernie's ambitions.

In my opinion a Bernie presidency would amount to a rather boring and not very productive four years. To sum it all up: it's not Bernie whom the truest of American Patriots ought to fear. He is perhaps the least threatening of the democrat presidential candidates this time around. That, and there's little chance in hell he could effectively stand up to, let alone defeat Donald Trump in a fair electoral process.
. .. and he posts an article from the corporate media to support hist POV. :71:
They'll simply kill him.....make it look like heart one can stop this.

Sanders Hasn’t the Strength To Wrest Control Of the U.S. Government From 0.1%

The GOP is wholly owned by the 0.1% and the long-serving Democrats are also the hip-pockets of the super-rich. Sanders has been in the Senate long enough he should realize this, and that by the time most politicians reach the U.S. congress, they are financially obligated to do the bidding of the 0.1% and Big Business.

Most Americans do not understand the difference between true socialism and the dictatorial rule of the world’s communist regimes of this and the last century. This particular tidbit of information has been carefully drown out by corporate media, and so, keeps the extremely simple-minded among us fiercely protective of the predatory capitalism operated by the 0.1%, which crushes the (figurative) nuts off average citizens (the 99.9%)

So, while Sanders is enjoying his current position as front-runner for the Democratic nomination, the fat cats are working with DNC leaders to field another yes man like Obama in November, The 0.1% controlled his administration through their man Biden. And, while many tout the Affordable Care Act as Obama’s success, the ACA never put a dent in the massive profits raked in by the 0.1 percent’s predatory capitalism healthcare division.

Sanders is bucking a system that progressives understand is rigged in favor of a handful of billionaires, and savagely protected by the majority of moderates and nearly 100% of right-wingers. Both of these groups measure the economic success of the American people by the financial gains of the 0.1%, and totally ignore the ever-widening wealth gap.

There is no point in debating the issue with the 0.1 percent’s loyal defenders, the low and middle income moderates and conservatives are too far up the a$$es$ of the fat cats to help their own deteriorating situation.

After Bernie Sanders' landslide Nevada win, it's time for Democrats to unite behind him

Fools, protecting forever-war profiteers' predatory capitalism for over one hundred years,
View attachment 308376


"The GOP is wholly owned by the 0.1% "

and yet 2 of the candidates could buy and sell Trump with pocket change.

Your argument falls flat on it's face.

Liberals on Twitter are bragging that Bloomberg is a “real billionaire” who could, as you said, buy or sell Trump.
LOL, doesn't have the "strength" ?

This clown has been in the Senate for 13 years and has been the primary sponsor on a grand total of SEVEN bills, none of which were of any importance. Comrade Sanders legislative record demonstrates that he doesn't have the gravitas to "wrest control" of a lollipop from a preschooler and yet the delusional fanatics that worship him think he can tear down the entire system and rebuild it into a workers utopia?:lol:

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