San Francisco Restaurant Issues An Apology For Cops Who Were Denied Service.


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2012
East Tennessee
Go here for the story.

To me, cops are still customers like everyone else and for those who are not dirty, they only take out their weapons when those who don't care about the law leave the good cops with no other choice but to spring into whatever action that needs to happen.

God bless you and our men and women in uniform always!!!

"We respect the San Francisco Police Department and are grateful for the work they do. We welcome them into the restaurant when they are off-duty, out of uniform and without their weapons," the statement read.

It's a start.

Dirty Harry must be rolling over in his grave.
Go here for the story.

To me, cops are still customers like everyone else and for those who are not dirty, they only take out their weapons when those who don't care about the law leave the good cops with no other choice but to spring into whatever action that needs to happen.

God bless you and our men and women in uniform always!!!

As well, they should apologize, correct, discipline and dismiss staff as necessary.
Pretty phony apology. Off duty, out of uniform without their weapons translates to we don't want anyone to see we serve police officers. One would think they would appreciate having uniformed armed officers there. It would reduce the chance of robbery. Perhaps now if they are robbed the response time will be about 3 days. It would serve the right.
Pretty phony apology. Off duty, out of uniform without their weapons translates to we don't want anyone to see we serve police officers. One would think they would appreciate having uniformed armed officers there. It would reduce the chance of robbery. Perhaps now if they are robbed the response time will be about 3 days. It would serve the right.
Oops. That's what I get for reading headlines. Doesn't sound like their head and heart are really in it, does it? Pretty much the same thing, only not as blatant, but off duty officer everywhere are permitted and in many cases mandated to be armed, so they are really saying "We don't want your business even when off duty". The restaurant and it's owners suck, big time, but of course, it's San Francisco, CA.
Would have been great if the SFPD issued a public statement that they will disarm themselves before responding to any calls from this place.
"We respect the San Francisco Police Department and are grateful for the work they do. We welcome them into the restaurant when they are off-duty, out of uniform and without their weapons," the statement read.

It's a start.

Dirty Harry must be rolling over in his grave.

Dirty Harry is still alive. :eusa_shhh:
I want cop's around my business. Decent folks don't mind. Keeps the rats away.
Pretty phony apology. Off duty, out of uniform without their weapons translates to we don't want anyone to see we serve police officers. One would think they would appreciate having uniformed armed officers there. It would reduce the chance of robbery. Perhaps now if they are robbed the response time will be about 3 days. It would serve the right.

Well, the next time they get robbed, they should only call off-duty, out-of-uniform, unarmed cops to come help them.
I want cop's around my business. Decent folks don't mind. Keeps the rats away.

I deliver food for UberEats in addition to my day job. I'm out at night, in all areas of town, at all kinds of places. Wanna guess whether I feel safer going to a restaurant or gas station that has uniformed officers stopped there, or one without?
"We respect the San Francisco Police Department and are grateful for the work they do. We welcome them into the restaurant when they are off-duty, out of uniform and without their weapons," the statement read.

It's a start.

Dirty Harry must be rolling over in his grave.

That wasn't the apology. And saying on duty cops can't come in is retarded.
Oops. That's what I get for reading headlines. Doesn't sound like their head and heart are really in it, does it? Pretty much the same thing, only not as blatant, but off duty officer everywhere are permitted and in many cases mandated to be armed, so they are really saying "We don't want your business even when off duty". The restaurant and it's owners suck, big time, but of course, it's San Francisco, CA.

That was the first attempt at deflecting, they issued a 2nd statement later.
That was the first attempt at deflecting, they issued a 2nd statement later.
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. " Your quote was cut off, so I reposted it.
OK. What? The restaurant owners still suck. Eh, you did know I support the police, right? I chose sides a long time ago, like normal people. Are you a California person and this is some kind of California thing?
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. " Your quote was cut off, so I reposted it.
OK. What? The restaurant owners still suck. Eh, you did know I support the police, right? I chose sides a long time ago, like normal people. Are you a California person and this is some kind of California thing?

Just pointing out that they knuckled under later, and I think they were fucking pansies to whine about armed cops in the shop.

that's my sig, not a quote.

and I'm in NYC which is just as bad, but at least they know they can't fuck with the NYPD.
Just pointing out that they knuckled under later, and I think they were fucking pansies to whine about armed cops in the shop.

that's my sig, not a quote.

and I'm in NYC which is just as bad, but at least they know they can't fuck with the NYPD.

From what I've seen people fuck with them all the time.

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