Salt Lake Tribune throws support behind Obama


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Salt Lake Tribune throws support behind Obama

Posted by
CNN's Dana Davidsen

(CNN) – The Salt Lake Tribune announced in an editorial published Friday its endorsement of President Barack Obama for the 2012 race, questioning the "pragmatic, inclusive" former Massachusetts governor's change into Republican nominee Mitt Romney.

"The president has earned a second term. Romney, in whatever guise, does not deserve a first," the Utah newspaper said in the editorial.
Salt Lake Tribune throws support behind Obama – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Mormons For Obama Launch Their Own “Missionary Effort”

Harry Reid rallies a minority with in a minority. “I wish Mitt Romney would stop talking about his religion!”

"I haven't had any rocks thrown throw my window, and nobody's scribbled out my bumper sticker, but there are a lot of angry glares, and a lot of feelings of exclusion," said Hannah Wheelwright, president of BYU Democrats and head of the Obama campaign's Mormon outreach in Utah.

Mormons For Obama Launch Their Own "Missionary Effort"
This isn't really consequential at all. Utah will still go to Romney. The Trib is still a hack paper that's always been against a majority of Utahns anyway. Nothing has really changed at all since this began.
Salt Lake Tribune throws support behind Obama

Posted by
CNN's Dana Davidsen

(CNN) – The Salt Lake Tribune announced in an editorial published Friday its endorsement of President Barack Obama for the 2012 race, questioning the "pragmatic, inclusive" former Massachusetts governor's change into Republican nominee Mitt Romney.

"The president has earned a second term. Romney, in whatever guise, does not deserve a first," the Utah newspaper said in the editorial.
Salt Lake Tribune throws support behind Obama – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs


Al Jazeera also endorsed did the


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