Sabotage Watch: Tracking Efforts to Undermine the ACA


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
President Trump has said that, politically, the best thing to do would be to let the Affordable Care Act (ACA) “explode.” This timeline tracks Administration actions that would sabotage the ACA by destabilizing private insurance markets or reversing the law’s historic gains in health coverage.
Sabotage Watch: Tracking Efforts to Undermine the ACA
What the Trump admin, and congressional Repubs generally, have been doing is criticizing a car for not going fast enough while letting the air out of its tires and putting water in the gas tank. The GOP has not only refused to make the kinds of corrective adjustments to the ACA all major, disruptive pieces of legislation require, they have actively sought to keep it from working by way of court orders and or legislation. Even more cynically, after 9 years they still have no comprehensive plan to replace it with.
Someone needs to start a website that aggregates all the best ways to game the system.
President Trump has said that, politically, the best thing to do would be to let the Affordable Care Act (ACA) “explode.” This timeline tracks Administration actions that would sabotage the ACA by destabilizing private insurance markets or reversing the law’s historic gains in health coverage.
Sabotage Watch: Tracking Efforts to Undermine the ACA
What the Trump admin, and congressional Repubs generally, have been doing is criticizing a car for not going fast enough while letting the air out of its tires and putting water in the gas tank. The GOP has not only refused to make the kinds of corrective adjustments to the ACA all major, disruptive pieces of legislation require, they have actively sought to keep it from working by way of court orders and or legislation. Even more cynically, after 9 years they still have no comprehensive plan to replace it with.

Why do you expect the GOP to make "corrective adjustments" to the ACA?

They aren't the ones who passed this atrocity. Its really up to the Democrats to make those adjustments.

Remember, the ACA is owned fully and completely by the Leftards. Its their baby.
" Morons All Around "

* Political Nit Wits *
President Trump has said that, politically, the best thing to do would be to let the Affordable Care Act (ACA) “explode.” This timeline tracks Administration actions that would sabotage the ACA by destabilizing private insurance markets or reversing the law’s historic gains in health coverage.
Sabotage Watch: Tracking Efforts to Undermine the ACA
What the Trump admin, and congressional Repubs generally, have been doing is criticizing a car for not going fast enough while letting the air out of its tires and putting water in the gas tank. The GOP has not only refused to make the kinds of corrective adjustments to the ACA all major, disruptive pieces of legislation require, they have actively sought to keep it from working by way of court orders and or legislation. Even more cynically, after 9 years they still have no comprehensive plan to replace it with.
Individuals purchase health insurance for the same reason anyone purchases insurance , which is to stave off catastrophic debts in the event of unforeseen circumstances .

The costs of medicaid represent a significant debt to the federal government that needs to be mitigated .

The government does not take in premiums and offset losses with investments as do insurance companies and if it were to do so , that form of state capitalism is unemphatic socialism .

The intent of the ACA was for the government to shift the responsibility of medicaid onto those inclined to walk into a medical facility and stick the government with medicaid bills .

So the government , as would an employer , negotiated medical plans which were offered through private exchanges and mandated that individuals most inclined to walk into a medical facility and stick the government with medicaid bills to pay a fair share .

The ACA subsidized the premiums of those between 0% and 400% of the poverty line on a graduated scale .

In effect the ACA amounted to the government purchasing medical insurance as would a private citizen for the purpose of staving off the catastrophic debts due to medicaid .

The ACA was a goose for the repugnicans because the bureaucracy involved in medicaid would be reduced as the bureaucracy of negotiations with private health care providers was shifted to private insurance companies , in addition to shifting the debt itself onto the individual citizen .

The problem of the ACA is that if it had been passed under a republican presidency , it would have been melodramatically castigated as an unconscionable burden of financial responsibility thrust upon the " poor " .

Now coming along is the biggest idiot of them all , captain BS himself with universal health care , proposing that the government cut out private insurance providers and establish a bloated bureaucracy that dictates policies and payment schedules to private health care providers , all the while NOT collecting premiums to offset losses through investments .
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Individuals purchase health insurance for the same reason anyone purchases insurance, which is to stave off catastrophic debts in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

In a sane world, that would be the case. Unfortunately, we're deeply invested in the delusion that health insurance can be something different. Most people today think of health insurance as a club you join to score "free" health care.

Despite the sales pitch, health insurance doesn't make health care "affordable". It does the opposite. Until we face that reality, we'll keep chasing our tails, paving the way for our descent into socialism.
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" Bureaucratic Collective Opportunists In The Wings Waiting To Cash In "

* An Example Of Medical Costs Paid From Natural Resource Residuals *
In a sane world, that would be the case. Unfortunately, we're deeply invested in the delusion that health insurance can be something different. Most people today think of health insurance as a club you join to score "free" health care.
Is one to suppose that you are making a comparison with such things as canadian health care where citizens do not receive a bill for medical treatment ?

* Rigor Of Menus Without Prices *
Despite the sales pitch, health insurance doesn't make health care "affordable". It does the opposite. Until we face that reality, we'll keep chasing our tails, paving the way for our descent into socialism.
Which sales pitch ?

By affordable , are you advocating government price controls such as cost schedules for procedures and treatment ?

It would be a huge benefit simply to require medical facilities to post base costs for procedures as they vary wildly from location to location to the point of being deceptive trade practices and outright fraud , as an excuse is forged with caveats that " it depends " on your insurance and your ability to pay .
" Bureaucratic Collective Opportunists In The Wings Waiting To Cash In "

* An Example Of Medical Costs Paid From Natural Resource Residuals *

What does this mean?
In a sane world, that would be the case. Unfortunately, we're deeply invested in the delusion that health insurance can be something different. Most people today think of health insurance as a club you join to score "free" health care.
Is one to suppose that you are making a comparison with such things as canadian health care where citizens do not receive a bill for medical treatment ?
You can suppose whatever you like. But I'm not making that comparison, no.

* Rigor Of Menus Without Prices *
Despite the sales pitch, health insurance doesn't make health care "affordable". It does the opposite. Until we face that reality, we'll keep chasing our tails, paving the way for our descent into socialism.
Which sales pitch ?

By affordable , are you advocating government price controls such as cost schedules for procedures and treatment ?

Again, no. I'm pointing out that health insurance drives health care inflation. People don't care what their health care costs, because, for the most part, they're not paying for it. Which is why this:

It would be a huge benefit simply to require medical facilities to post base costs for procedures as they vary wildly from location to location to the point of being deceptive trade practices and outright fraud , as an excuse is forged with caveats that " it depends " on your insurance and your ability to pay .

wouldn't really have much of an impact.

Again, no. I'm pointing out that health insurance drives health care inflation. People don't care what their health care costs, because, for the most part, they're not paying for it. Which is why this:

It would be a huge benefit simply to require medical facilities to post base costs for procedures as they vary wildly from location to location to the point of being deceptive trade practices and outright fraud , as an excuse is forged with caveats that " it depends " on your insurance and your ability to pay .

wouldn't really have much of an impact.

The thing about health care bills is that there just isn't "one price". About 15 years ago, I had a valium cardiac stress test done. The bill was for $4500. My insurance pay $570 for the service in full, and the hospital was glad to see the money.
President Trump has said that, politically, the best thing to do would be to let the Affordable Care Act (ACA) “explode.” This timeline tracks Administration actions that would sabotage the ACA by destabilizing private insurance markets or reversing the law’s historic gains in health coverage.
Sabotage Watch: Tracking Efforts to Undermine the ACA
What the Trump admin, and congressional Repubs generally, have been doing is criticizing a car for not going fast enough while letting the air out of its tires and putting water in the gas tank. The GOP has not only refused to make the kinds of corrective adjustments to the ACA all major, disruptive pieces of legislation require, they have actively sought to keep it from working by way of court orders and or legislation. Even more cynically, after 9 years they still have no comprehensive plan to replace it with.

Who says there's never any good news these days? Thanks for brightening up my evening.
" Dining Out Highest Class Where Prices Are Not Listed On The Menu "

* A Legal Contest Of Civil Extortion *
The thing about health care bills is that there just isn't "one price". About 15 years ago, I had a valium cardiac stress test done. The bill was for $4500. My insurance pay $570 for the service in full, and the hospital was glad to see the money.
An xray may cost $35 cash to be brought to a chiropractor for an adjustment , but a fee for a radiologist to issue a diagnosis for treatment for some other issue would be relative per practitioner .

Additional fees may surmount quickly for facilities and procedures and may be highly relative claims for reimbursement .

Is it necessary that claims for fees from treatment collected remain wildly unpredictable and relative ?

It would be expected that a claim for fees from treatment collected through cash would be different from a claim for fees from treatment collected through insurance agencies because additional resources are required and available , just as a claim for fees from treatment collected through social services are different because additional resources are required and available .

Yet , medical facilities collect fees for services where funds are available and debts attributable to a failure in collecting fees from poor resources become shifted onto wealthy resources that are most often insurance providers or social services .

It appears that bartering is part of the process as if an entitlement for medical facilities to collect fees are unrealized claims that must be recovered through negotiation or tort .

A presumptive contract exists as an agreement for treatment , yet the contract is without an absolute consensual agreement of price that can be challenged for its legitimacy .

Perhaps it would interesting to evaluate cost schedules that represent reasonable expectations for medical services as too often the claims for fees appear overly boastful and hyper-inflated .

The insurance companies seem to have sufficient funds to pay the fees , but they collect premiums and offset losses with earnings through investment .

Alternatively , social services seems to not have sufficient funds to pay the fees , because it does not collect premiums to offset losses that has remained a significant concern as a major contributor to the national debt .

It is that social services compensates medical facilities directly from collected taxes , and promotes bureaucratic controls as reduced fee schedules and civil servant volunteering as measures of efficient management .

It can be inferred that affordable care act transitioned management of remittance for fees to medical facilities from civil servants in government to agents in insurance agencies .

The affordable care act implemented bureaucratic controls by negotiating for policies in a preferred insurance plan , that were made available to individual citizens , and the premiums go to private insurance companies that follow traditions of investment to reasonably assure earnings .

The affordable care act includes that government compensate those paying premiums on a regressive scale , meaning that it compensates premiums paid by individuals who are at 100% of the poverty line more than it compensates premiums paid by individuals who are at 400% of the poverty line .

A reasoning as to why insurance companies make money is an expectation that debts paid for those who file claims will be less than premiums collected combined with earnings from investment .

It can be inferred that affordable care act transitioned the costs to socialize citizen health care from direct payment from taxes to indirect payment from taxes , that represents a different statistic .

It has been proposed that if the government were to fashion an insurance plan through negotiation that would be affordable and preferable to individuals over plans offered by employers and that also continued to reduce the necessary costs from government for socialized health care for some sectors in the public , then some semblance of universal health care could exist and the plans would also be consistent with free market indicators .

The absurdity of a bs plan is that health care would still be paid directly through taxes , it would include the labor of civil servants , and no investments to offset losses would occur and gawd help us awl if the bs plan for socialism is state capitalism where government makes investments with taxes as would private insurance companies .

What Is the Main Business Model for Insurance Companies?

* Hyperbole About Non Necessary Costs *

Consider differences between automotive businesses that charges a fee to diagnose a mechanical or electrical problem with a vehicle , versus mechanics that do not charge a fee for a diagnosis .

Consider department stores that offer %30 off the price of retail items even though the retail price is marked up thrice a reasonable cost .
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" Information That May Clear Up Ambiguities *

* Repeating Previous Echos Out Loud *

" Bureaucratic Collective Opportunists In The Wings Waiting To Cash In "
* An Example Of Medical Costs Paid From Natural Resource Residuals *
What does this mean
Individuals who view a bureaucracy as a vehicle to personal success over viewing free enterprise as a vehicle to personal success are opportunists in the wings waiting to cash in on the creation of a bureaucratic collective , where earnings from natural resources and the means of production are nationalized .

The the canadian government distributes residuals to its citizens through earnings collected from its wealth of natural resources in particular oil and that is a great contributor to covering costs for free universal health insurance .

* Managing Goals With Diverse Conditions Feigning Off Communism *

Again, no. I'm pointing out that health insurance drives health care inflation. People don't care what their health care costs, because, for the most part, they're not paying for it.
Health insurance does drive health care inflation and actuarial data needs to be managed closely to ensure that market indicators are reflected and that insurance policies optimize efficiency and minimize costs for medical treatment at a competitive price while also remaining financially solvent .

A bs scheme would begin with nothing of the kind as it would seek to implement universal health care through employment of government civil servants acting as final arbiter of compensation to private health care facilities from taxes .

There has not been any indication in the bs scheme that would implement universal health care by apply a version state capitalism where government collects taxes at volumes commensurate with the volume of premiums that would be paid by the private sector for insurance and as would private insurance companies then invest the collected taxes to offset financial losses with earnings as would a bureaucratic collective .

Bureaucratic collectivism - Wikipedia
A bureaucratic collectivist state owns the means of production, while the surplus or profit is distributed among an elite party bureaucracy (nomenklatura), rather than among the working class. Also, most importantly, it is the bureaucracy—not the workers, or the people in general—which controls the economy and the state. Thus, the system is not truly socialist, but it is not capitalist either.[1]

State capitalism - Wikipedia
State capitalism is an economic system in which the state undertakes commercial (i.e. for-profit) economic activity and where the means of production are organized and managed as state-owned business enterprises (including the processes of capital accumulation, wage labor and centralized management), or where there is otherwise a dominance of corporatized government agencies (agencies organized along business-management practices) or of publicly listed corporations in which the state has controlling shares.[1]

The term 'state capitalism' is also used by some in reference to a private capitalist economy controlled by a state—that is, a private economy that is subject to statist economic planning.

State capitalism has also come to be used (sometimes interchangeably with state monopoly capitalism) to describe a system where the state intervenes in the economy to protect and advance the interests of large-scale businesses.
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