"Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov was shot to death"


VIP Member
Jan 7, 2014
Let's see how this one plays out.

Russian Politician Boris Nemtsov Killed in Moscow Sputnik International
Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov was shot to death in central Moscow late Friday.

The head of the Moscow police department was on the scene, according to TASS news agency. Moscow police sources say there were witnesses to the shooting who are now being questioned.

"Today at approximately 11:15 PM Nemtsov was walking with a female companion along the Bolshoy Kamenniy bridge. A car approached, from which several shots were fired. Four shots hit Nemtsov in the back," Ministry of Internal Affairs spokesperson Elena Alekseeva said.

Video on page.

Boris Nemtsov outspoken Putin critic shot dead in Moscow - CNN.com
Nemtsov's death comes two days before a large opposition rally is set to take place in Moscow. Nemtsov, who was in his mid-50s, had been arrested several times in the past for speaking out against the Kremlin.

The most recent came in 2011 when he protested the results of parliamentary elections and in 2012 when tens of thousands protested against Putin.
"This is my country. The Russian people are in bit of trouble. Russian court doesn't work. Russian education decline every year. I believe that Russia has a chance to be free. Has a chance. It's difficult, but we must do it," he said.

Another one of Nemtsov's criticisms was over the 2014 Winter Olympics held in Sochi. Nemtsov published a report in 2013 describing the Sochi games as one of the most "outrageous swindles" in recent Russian history. He claimed that up to 60% of the final cost -- or $30 billion -- had been embezzled.​
Not shedding a tear for this liberal anti-russian agitator. But there is no evidence Putin was behind this either.
The media stated Putin's approval rating is currently 87%. Amazing what people will says under the threat of a Gulag. Jesus could not even get 87%!!
9 Putin critics who mysteriously died since 2004 - Business Insider
Car used in Boris Nemtsov killing belongs to Russian finance ministry contractor - Business Insider
Pamela Engel. Mar. 4, 2015, 9:05 AM
While the car in question, which reportedly fled the scene of Nemtsov's death, did not belong to the finance ministry directly, the connection to a contractor for the state body raises fresh questions about Kremlin involvement.

The ministry's press office told TASS: "The Ford car we are talking about does not belong to the finance ministry. This is a vehicle of an in-house security service, an independent FSUE providing services to the finance ministry, Goznak, and other bodies."


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