Gold Member
Russia Will Work to 'Normalize' Afghanistan – Putin - The Moscow Times
Russia is working actively to "normalize" the situation in Afghanistan, President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday during a visit to neighboring Tajikistan, evoking Moscow's responsibilities in the area.
https ://
and Putin, sorry, but before i email this to all those newspaper companies and intelligence services and political parties (including the whitehouse) after i do all the digital+paper--work to get the thread posted, i gotta be loyal primarily to my own economies, the middle classes over here. Because i've seen (on Google Images) what Moscow looks like these days, very nice architecture, highrises, very expensive-looking, very beautiful and all that. You and your country's people are rich already, dude.
so.. the question i post later this morning to the people at (and from there in a loop around the human-populated side of this planet, back to a simple link in this facebook thread (post + comments, as the final comment), will be :
how are western investors going to stop the degradation (temporary near-destruction, recession) of Western economies by the now seemingly unstoppable increase in strength of the Russian Rubble and the Chinese currency?
Because the Chinese have the mining equiptment to make electrical batteries out of Afghan soil (earth, ground, chopped up by big machinery), and some human child labor which later turns into Afghan working class people having cancer (but that can be cured by the smoking of Afghan hashish (see my,
and the Russian military will now *assist* the Taliban in maintaining military control over that country (even the Taliban have local enemy combatant groups that want to take over power in Afghanistan).
there. i hope i have been loyal to all the rich, and all of the working classes, East and West, now.
and i will NOT forget to do the (digital) paperwork, i will do it soon.