Russia will lose Crimea in few months


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Just guess where the main Ukrainian attack against Russia coming from?

You betcha, from given away by Putin Kherson.

The breakthrough will be at Kherson, after crossing the Dnepr with a subsequent strike on Genichesk. At the same time a simulated offensive at Orekhov and a diversionary strike at Kharkov.

- Incredible activity of the enemy spies in the mouth of the Dnieper. They fight to the death for the islands opposite Kherson, no worse than in Artemivsk.
- The U.S. supplied the Ukrainian army with a lot of fast river boats.
3- A mass of requests from Ukrainian army units to volunteers for life jackets.

Perhaps most importantly. In Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Nikolayev, Vinnitsa and Kharkov they make room in hospitals. Note that the main traffic is in the south + Kharkov.
There are numerous western tanks, armor vehicles and drones accumulated in the Kherson area, whet does Collective Putin & his twenty doubles?
Nothing, just empty babbling.
After Russia loses Crimea and all 'new liberated areas' are gone Russians shall grasp Russia badly needs a regime change, otherwise it will be indeed split in forty 'independent states'

Anything Putin did in Ukraine since 2000 was wrong.
He is a traitor and hardly works for destroying of Russian & Ukrainian peoples and relocation of Khazarian Asheknazi fake Jews from Israel to their historical home country in Ukraine

Interesting prognostication.

How many months? A few? Or, a few hundred?

What is unlikely in the near future is inevitable in the long run.
Interesting prognostication.

How many months? A few? Or, a few hundred?

What is unlikely in the near future is inevitable in the long run.

Sooner or later, but in this year
Putin, Zelensky, Biden clean up Ukraine ( and parts of Russia ) from native peoples for the Project Khazaria 2.0
All of them are servants of Chabbad Khassidi sect

where the main Ukrainian attack against Russia coming from?

You betcha, from given away by Putin Kherson.
I dont think so , there are many ways to liberate our Crimea, many . Crimea is an island attached to Ukraine , so Its not that difficult task ...

Thanks, but I've already had my minimum daily requirement of crazy Jew hatred today.

Come back tomorrow.

Sorry, but the satanic Chabbad Chassid sect which practically run both Western World and Russia has not much with most of Jews.
90% of Jews have nothing in common with sinister plans of Talmudic satanists from Lybavici Chabbad.
The sect controls not only Putin but Zelensky and Biden, the plans of establishment Khazaria 2.0 exist longer as 50 years ( just google )

Only Projekt Khazaria 2.0 and 'strange' behavior of Putin, Zelensky and Biden can explain the war.

All territorials shall be clean up from Russians and Ukrainians.
Crimea is your
yes, you are in Germany . you can buy a map and you´ll see . look, you are gonna lose not just lands which occupied in Ukraine, YOU ARE GONNA LOSE EVERYTHING, all your colonies , KEEP YOU 16C Moscow ulus and this is it

the Project Khazaria 2.0
Back to some basic research,OP . The nub of the narrative appears to totally escape you .

BTW no motorised vehcles can move off road presently . Explains why the Khazarian tank losses have risen from around 12 to just over15 a day the last few days -- non moving ducks ..
They also lost over 20 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems in March.
Without the ex NATO mercenaries there would be little artillery fodder remaining ..
You are even more idiotic and stupid than usual TitLoser.

You need to tell your office that your standard of posted rubbish is worse than usual and you feel constantly humiliated .
How many thousands of ex NATO bodies have your Nazi friends got at Bakhmut?
It's a slaughter house-- Americans , British , Polish, Romanians etc . No visible Khazarians remaining

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