Russia may start releasing damaging information on Trump/RNC


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
I heard them talking about this on MSNBC a few minutes ago. The theory is now that Hillary has been discredited - Russia will now focus on discrediting Trump. That could be interesting...
I heard them talking about this on MSNBC a few minutes ago. The theory is now that Hillary has been discredited - Russia will now focus on discrediting Trump. That could be interesting...
why did putin call him then?...i seen that on MSNBC too....
I heard from a confidential source that hitlery is a re-animated Nazi zombie....and that Libya is going to release intimate details to their propaganda outlet, msnbc.....stay tuned....
What could they release on trump more damaging then what he says?

Quit watching the Clinton network it's damaging your brain

I heard them talking about this on MSNBC a few minutes ago. The theory is now that Hillary has been discredited - Russia will now focus on discrediting Trump. That could be interesting...
why did putin call him then?...i seen that on MSNBC too....

They say that is Putin's game - and he's also doing it to other countries.
BooHOO BOOGER EATING HOOO. Trump has yet to kill anyone, shitbitch and bo plenty have killed thousands. Why would any dumbass vote for a murdering, treasonous piece of shit, that approved the sale of enrichable nuclear material to an enemy. Russia really needs to get on Trump and piss him off, I don't think Putin is that dumb. With shitbitch he had a piece of clay to work, with Trump, he has a stainless steel head that is full of AMERICA FIRST. Liberal dumbasses are digging their graves daily. Laws to MAKE media tell the truth or be barred from the airwaves, after all liberals tried to remove conservatives for telling the truth, so it is their idea. The nuclear option to pass legislation with no participation from the opposition the liberals did that with oshitcare, and opened that door. Executive orders to bypass anything congress finds IFFY, boplenty opened that door. Using the IRS to destroy your political opponents boplenty opened that door, and the use of NASA and the dept of education as a political indoctrination corps. The dept of justice as a blocking organization to prevent laws from being enforced against certain voting blocks, boplenty opened that door. The BATF as an ilicit firearms distributor for Mexican cartels, boplenty opened that door. Execution of civilians who are not minorities for peaceful demonstration, an extension of the former and current liberal DOJ that has done that to non pet unprotected groups AMERICANS hundreds of times continued by boplenty. AND thousands and thousands more. If Trump acted like all the things stupid shallow ignorant lying liberals call him daily the fact will remain, he has not killed a damn soul on earth yet. maybe he will start with all the worthless liberals in the streets violating everyone else's rights.

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