Russia Ignores Weak Biden - Perpetrates Another Cyber-Warfare Attack On US Food Supply - Biden Again Takes No Action


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Good Grief! We have the weakest - or most compromised - President In US History!

Another Russian Attack on America's Food Supply
— Because Nobody Takes Biden Seriously

Despite repeated warnings from Presidentish Joe Biden against ransomware attacks coming from Vladimir Putin’s Russia, somehow another proscribed target just got hit by the Russians.

"This time Russian hacker group BlackMatter targeted an Iowa grain co-op, demanding nearly six million dollars or else they’d leak the company’s proprietary business data.

The co-op, New Cooperative, manages “supply chains and feeding schedules on track for millions of chickens, hogs and cattle.”

Was this company on the List of 16 'Off Limits' American 'targets' Joe Gave Putin Last time, asking Putin not to attack THOSE US targets?

"After months of rising ransomware attacks, many coming from Russia with Moscow’s implicit go-ahead, Biden met Putin in Washington last June, where he presented the Russian strongman with “a list of 16 critical infrastructure ‘entities’ that must be ‘off-limits’ to cyberattacks and hinted at major retaliation from the United States should Russia allow continued malign activity in the sphere.”

Perhaps Joe out to provide Putin with an UPDATED list?! :p

Like Barak Obama's failed 'Red Line' threat to Syrian President Al-Assad, Biden and Secretary of State issued their own 'Red Line', this time to Putin, by declaring we will respond” if the ransomware attacks continued."

Like Al-Assad, Putin just crossed Biden's / Blinken's 'Red Line'.

Is Biden going to back down in front of the whole world now like Barry did then?

Good Grief! We have the weakest - or most compromised - President In US History!

Another Russian Attack on America's Food Supply
— Because Nobody Takes Biden Seriously

Despite repeated warnings from Presidentish Joe Biden against ransomware attacks coming from Vladimir Putin’s Russia, somehow another proscribed target just got hit by the Russians.

"This time Russian hacker group BlackMatter targeted an Iowa grain co-op, demanding nearly six million dollars or else they’d leak the company’s proprietary business data.

The co-op, New Cooperative, manages “supply chains and feeding schedules on track for millions of chickens, hogs and cattle.”

Was this company on the List of 16 'Off Limits' American 'targets' Joe Gave Putin Last time, asking Putin not to attack THOSE US targets?

"After months of rising ransomware attacks, many coming from Russia with Moscow’s implicit go-ahead, Biden met Putin in Washington last June, where he presented the Russian strongman with “a list of 16 critical infrastructure ‘entities’ that must be ‘off-limits’ to cyberattacks and hinted at major retaliation from the United States should Russia allow continued malign activity in the sphere.”

Perhaps Joe out to provide Putin with an UPDATED list?! :p

Like Barak Obama's failed 'Red Line' threat to Syrian President Al-Assad, Biden and Secretary of State issued their own 'Red Line', this time to Putin, by declaring we will respond” if the ransomware attacks continued."

Like Al-Assad, Putin just crossed Biden's / Blinken's 'Red Line'.

Is Biden going to back down in front of the whole world now like Barry did then?

Putin told his boy Joe to sit down and stay out of the way.
Good Grief! We have the weakest - or most compromised - President In US History!

Another Russian Attack on America's Food Supply
— Because Nobody Takes Biden Seriously

Despite repeated warnings from Presidentish Joe Biden against ransomware attacks coming from Vladimir Putin’s Russia, somehow another proscribed target just got hit by the Russians.

"This time Russian hacker group BlackMatter targeted an Iowa grain co-op, demanding nearly six million dollars or else they’d leak the company’s proprietary business data.

The co-op, New Cooperative, manages “supply chains and feeding schedules on track for millions of chickens, hogs and cattle.”

Was this company on the List of 16 'Off Limits' American 'targets' Joe Gave Putin Last time, asking Putin not to attack THOSE US targets?

"After months of rising ransomware attacks, many coming from Russia with Moscow’s implicit go-ahead, Biden met Putin in Washington last June, where he presented the Russian strongman with “a list of 16 critical infrastructure ‘entities’ that must be ‘off-limits’ to cyberattacks and hinted at major retaliation from the United States should Russia allow continued malign activity in the sphere.”

Perhaps Joe out to provide Putin with an UPDATED list?! :p

Like Barak Obama's failed 'Red Line' threat to Syrian President Al-Assad, Biden and Secretary of State issued their own 'Red Line', this time to Putin, by declaring we will respond” if the ransomware attacks continued."

Like Al-Assad, Putin just crossed Biden's / Blinken's 'Red Line'.

Is Biden going to back down in front of the whole world now like Barry did then?

I don't think you understand how the left work. All they expect is that Biden call out Russia on their actions. Biden doesn't actually have to do anything. Strong words are all that matter.
I don't think you understand how the left work. All they expect is that Biden call out Russia on their actions. Biden doesn't actually have to do anything. Strong words are all that matter.
'Strong Words' from a dementia-ravaged puppet mean nothing. Nothing Biden has said has caused the CCP, Russia, Taliban, ISIS, Cartels, Coyotes, and illegals from having their way with him ands this country.
Strange days when the Cons are begging for the Govt to swoop in and save a private company from it own failings.

Also, what did the US do to Russia after the SVR itself hacked our government computers? We must have had another damn weak ass POTUS then as well
Strange days when the Cons are begging for the Govt to swoop in and save a private company from it own failings.

Also, what did the US do to Russia after the SVR itself hacked our government computers? We must have had another damn weak ass POTUS then as well
If Russian aircraft bombed a US refinery, would you expect the government to do do something, or would you blame the company that owned the refinery?
If Russian aircraft bombed a US refinery, would you expect the government to do do something, or would you blame the company that owned the refinery?

We do not expect private companies to provide their own air defense. But we do expect them to provide their own IT and secure their systems.

And again....Also, what did the US do to Russia after the SVR itself hacked our government computers? This was not some group working out of Russia, this was the Russian intelligence service. Did the president at the time do anything about it?
We do not expect private companies to provide their own air defense. But we do expect them to provide their own IT and secure their systems.

And again....Also, what did the US do to Russia after the SVR itself hacked our government computers? This was not some group working out of Russia, this was the Russian intelligence service. Did the president at the time do anything about it?
So, foreign governments hacking the food supply isn't any of Biden's concern?
So, foreign governments hacking the food supply isn't any of Biden's concern?

Sure, if you want the Govt to be responsible for every private companies IT security, then have at it. I am sure they would love to get rid of that expense and just let Big Brother do it to for them...what could possibly go wrong.

So again.....Also, what did the US do to Russia after the SVR itself hacked our government computers? This was not some group working out of Russia, this was the Russian intelligence service. Did the president at the time do anything about it?
Sure, if you want the Govt to be responsible for every private companies IT security, then have at it. I am sure they would love to get rid of that expense and just let Big Brother do it to for them...what could possibly go wrong.

So again.....Also, what did the US do to Russia after the SVR itself hacked our government computers? This was not some group working out of Russia, this was the Russian intelligence service. Did the president at the time do anything about it?
So, another government attacking US infrastructure isn't Bidens concern. Ok, got it,
The US must act against another Government when that Government condones supports and allows the attack.

How when a REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT sides with Russia against 15-U.S. Intelligence Agencies at a presser there Gunny? How when that same 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward salutes a North Korean General Gunny. You seem to love to cherry pick your outrage.
Sure, if you want the Govt to be responsible for every private companies IT security, then have at it. I am sure they would love to get rid of that expense and just let Big Brother do it to for them...what could possibly go wrong.

So again.....Also, what did the US do to Russia after the SVR itself hacked our government computers? This was not some group working out of Russia, this was the Russian intelligence service. Did the president at the time do anything about it?
Good Point.

The answer is of course nothing.
So, another government attacking US infrastructure isn't Bidens concern. Ok, got it,

Could you move the goal post one more time? It is fun as fuck watching you move it with every post.

But hey, all I know is that another government attacking the US government was not any concern to the president at the time. I guess Biden is just following his example

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