RUssia collusion story...going, going, gone, emails show truth..


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
the entire lie about Trump colluding with Russia is reaching the "never mind, we knew it wasn't true all along" stage......the actual story is the unmasking of Americans by Susan powers and other Obama officials.......

Collusion gone missing

If you’ve been following the collusion hysteria, you won’t want to miss this story. The story comes in the accustomed form — under the byline of numerous Post heavy hitters (Tom Hamburger, Carol D. Leonnig and Rosalind S. Helderman with the assistance of Adam Entous, Alice Crites, Devlin Barrett, David Filipov, Philip Rucker and Ellen Nakashima), features the usual anonymous sources, and stands at one remove from the original documents — but this is a collusion story with a difference. The collusion has gone missing.

The story is based on “20,000 pages of documents the Trump campaign turned over to congressional committees this month after review by White House and defense lawyers.” The Post reporters haven’t seen the documents themselves, but relevant parts have been read to them “by a person with access to them.” And that’s not all: “Two other people with access to the emails confirmed the general tone of the exchanges and some specific passages within them.” I guess that’s the way the Post heavy hitters were taught to do it in journalism school.

The Post heavy hitters won’t come right out and say it, but those parts of the 20,000 pages that were read to them lack the whiff of collusion.

The emails involving a volunteer campaign policy adviser demonstrate that proposed meetings with the Russians “generated more concern than excitement within the campaign[,]” which of course does not slow down the heavy hitters one bit.

Again, that’s not all. Proposals sent to then campaign manager Paul Manafort were expressly rejected. “We need someone to communicate that DT is not doing these trips [to Russia],” Manafort wrote.

The Post solicited a comment from an unnamed spokesman for Manafort. The unnamed spokesman commented that the email chain provides “concrete evidence that the Russia collusion narrative is fake news.” That seems an entirely reasonable interpretation of the evidence presented in the story.
Get with the times. Trump's not a commie any more. He's a Nazi. :woohoo:
Get with the times. Trump's not a commie any more. He's a Nazi. :woohoo:

It is amazing how easy it is for the media and asshat republicans to turn the narrative to the next attack on Trump......
Get with the times. Trump's not a commie any more. He's a Nazi. :woohoo:

It is amazing how easy it is for the media and asshat republicans to turn the narrative to the next attack on Trump......

That's because every day, in every way, Trump provides them with the ammunition. There is no defence for being a Nazi or a white supremacist. Both are odious, but Trump defends them and calls the alt-right "us". He said in Charlottesville, the left "came at us".

There is no excuse for Trump's behaviour or his actions. Deplorable doesn't begin to cover it.

Then there was his crazy talk to Kim Jong Un. When he talk like a crazy person, you sound just like a crazy person.
Get with the times. Trump's not a commie any more. He's a Nazi. :woohoo:

It is amazing how easy it is for the media and asshat republicans to turn the narrative to the next attack on Trump......

That's because every day, in every way, Trump provides them with the ammunition. There is no defence for being a Nazi or a white supremacist. Both are odious, but Trump defends them and calls the alt-right "us". He said in Charlottesville, the left "came at us".

There is no excuse for Trump's behaviour or his actions. Deplorable doesn't begin to cover it.

Then there was his crazy talk to Kim Jong Un. When he talk like a crazy person, you sound just like a crazy person.
That's his job. To protect the rights of all Americans. Even the ones you don't like. I'd wager better than half of you don't truly believe the tripe your spouting on this board; but rather you do it in an effort to further your political agenda. After all why let a crisis go to waste. And what better soapbox to stand on than a dead girl everyone knows next to nothing about...?
The left is for freedom. Freedom of speech, as long as you say what they want. Freedom of the press, as long as they only print their side. etc, etc, etc.
Get with the times. Trump's not a commie any more. He's a Nazi. :woohoo:
the entire lie about Trump colluding with Russia is reaching the "never mind, we knew it wasn't true all along" stage......the actual story is the unmasking of Americans by Susan powers and other Obama officials.......

Collusion gone missing

If you’ve been following the collusion hysteria, you won’t want to miss this story. The story comes in the accustomed form — under the byline of numerous Post heavy hitters (Tom Hamburger, Carol D. Leonnig and Rosalind S. Helderman with the assistance of Adam Entous, Alice Crites, Devlin Barrett, David Filipov, Philip Rucker and Ellen Nakashima), features the usual anonymous sources, and stands at one remove from the original documents — but this is a collusion story with a difference. The collusion has gone missing.

The story is based on “20,000 pages of documents the Trump campaign turned over to congressional committees this month after review by White House and defense lawyers.” The Post reporters haven’t seen the documents themselves, but relevant parts have been read to them “by a person with access to them.” And that’s not all: “Two other people with access to the emails confirmed the general tone of the exchanges and some specific passages within them.” I guess that’s the way the Post heavy hitters were taught to do it in journalism school.

The Post heavy hitters won’t come right out and say it, but those parts of the 20,000 pages that were read to them lack the whiff of collusion.

The emails involving a volunteer campaign policy adviser demonstrate that proposed meetings with the Russians “generated more concern than excitement within the campaign[,]” which of course does not slow down the heavy hitters one bit.

Again, that’s not all. Proposals sent to then campaign manager Paul Manafort were expressly rejected. “We need someone to communicate that DT is not doing these trips [to Russia],” Manafort wrote.

The Post solicited a comment from an unnamed spokesman for Manafort. The unnamed spokesman commented that the email chain provides “concrete evidence that the Russia collusion narrative is fake news.” That seems an entirely reasonable interpretation of the evidence presented in the story.
You dilusional white mf's are too gotdamned stupid for Trump....the bitch is a money laundering crook and I pray god they put his white ass under the fuckin jail...keep dreamin bitch!!
Get with the times. Trump's not a commie any more. He's a Nazi. :woohoo:

It is amazing how easy it is for the media and asshat republicans to turn the narrative to the next attack on Trump......

That's because every day, in every way, Trump provides them with the ammunition. There is no defence for being a Nazi or a white supremacist. Both are odious, but Trump defends them and calls the alt-right "us". He said in Charlottesville, the left "came at us".

There is no excuse for Trump's behaviour or his actions. Deplorable doesn't begin to cover it.

Then there was his crazy talk to Kim Jong Un. When he talk like a crazy person, you sound just like a crazy person.
There is also no defense for being dumb enough to think Trump is a Nazi.

That is the height of stupidity.
Why not Gramps, we're /all/ Nazi's now anyway. We're evil scum sexist, racist, bigoted deplorables because they don't like what we have to say - no matter how reasonable.

This is what happens when half the political spectrum loses their minds over not breaking glass ceilings... Fucking fruitloops.
If you support white supremacists and racists, you are Nazi scum.

My father and my brothers went to war to fight Nazi scum. To end the Nazi movement. I'm guessing members of your family did too.

That you think this is about Hillary losing the election shows that you're ignorant and not paying attention.
And if you support anti-fa you are fascist scum. If you think this is about race you're ignorant and not paying attention.

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